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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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27 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

Only someone with the limited mentality of a 'bezduszny służbista' (heartless letter-of-the-law clerk) would split hairs over what paperwork Chopin had completed or failed to complete without reocgnising the unquestionable Polish soul reverberaitng throughout his works and his life. It's like the little boy who couldn't see the forest becuase the trees got in the way.
26 Aug 2013
Life / Polish disco-polo music makes comeback in Poland [20]

They have no taste

Dico polo may not be the epitome of good tatse but it's a hell of a lot more tasteful and entertaining than than the monotonous, monosyllabic grunts of slum-rooted rap crap!
26 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

Bielskis were in Stara Huta on the day of that massacre

The Bielskis did not sit on their haunches at their camp or they'd all starve. They were known for making forays far afield up to 100 and more during whiuch they mercilessly pillaged innocent Polish peasants. That is the side of the story you have to deny or try to whitewash. After all, Jews are perfect, they never did or do anything wrong, right?
26 Aug 2013
Life / Polish disco-polo music makes comeback in Poland [20]

I totally forget that a few books written about 200

So the Four Evangelists lived to be close to 250 and still have enough energy to write books? Interesting!
26 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

The Bielski partisans were accused of war crimes on the neighboring population; particularly for involvement in the massacre of 128 people in the Polish village of Naliboki. They were also charged by Polish officials of numerous cases of armed robbery and looting.


The film-makers were not interested in the evidence collected by the IPN showing that Jeiwsh bands aided Soviet partisans in the slaughter of the Naliboki Poles.

The film is based on Nechama Tec book "Defiance. The Bielski Partisans ". This has to be the black and white story, that contains "good partisans" in a sea of evil. To accomplish this, all of the traces that could throw a shadow on their activity should be cleaned. In the film we will not see the most important thing. "The partisans" Tevye Bielski and Simcha Zorin are in fact accused of complicity in the pacification of Naliboki, made in May 8, 1943. By Soviet grouping. On this subject we have had enough of a large literature (documents, memories, relationships). For years lasts also an investigation in the Institute of National Remembrance. The creators of this film, however, are not interested, so we will not see the greatest "military operation", and it's a shame, because it ceases to be history, and becomes the creation of harmful myths now.


BTW the well-bankrolled AIPAC and ADL are doing a tremendous job higlighting the slightest whiff of anything that doesn't serve Jewish interests and the Jewish agenda. I doubt if they need the additional assistance of self-appoitned amateurs.

But Poles, Polonians and Catholics are constantly being bashed on PF and the same self-styled Jew-lovers somehow fail to spring to their defence. Could it be that they're biased, horse-blinkered and one-sided? Or maybe even Polonophobic?!
26 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

We could do that, or we could turn it around again and as how Jews were treated in Poland from 1918 to 1939.

They were treated a hell of a lot better than in other countries. Poadn accepts thousands of Jews feeling Nazi Germany. By the late 1930s many Poles were fed up with the Jews' unscrupulous economic practices like forcing Poles out of busienss and that triggered a Polish backlash. But on balance, Jews were thrown out of one country after another and the largest number ended up in Poland. Were they all masochists?
26 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

Chopin was born to French parents

His motehr was Justyna Krzyżanowska, or maybe it was really Christine Crisané? His father was a 'naturalised' Pole, a Frenchman by blood but a Pole by choice.

Since some people attach importance to bureaucracy and paperwork, one could say that
both Chopin's parents were Polish.
26 Aug 2013
Life / Polish disco-polo music makes comeback in Poland [20]

a synonym for scumbag; knacker

'Slat of the earth' is what Jesus called the decent common folk, unlike the hypocritcal Pharisees and other cityslickers and pseudo-humans.
26 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

would not qualify for Polish citizenship

Just another pooof that citizenship is yet another bureaucratic invnetion like the sick and skewed EU. The clerks have to have their paperwork to do otherwise they'd be totally usesless. But Chopin's music is so permeated with his Poland's ancestral heritage, they evoke the green meadows of Masovia, the quaint wayside shrines eternally festooned with flowers and the inimitable folk melodies of the Polish people, and that is soemthing no scrap of paper could change.

Besides, Chopin would not have qualified for Polish citizenship because there was no free Poland at that time, only an earlier verison of PRL -- the tsarist-ruled Congress Kingdom. Back to Polish History 101!
26 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

That's just meaningless

Agreed, To those steeped in hedonist-commercialist values, devoid of spiritual and cultural depth, what else is there but the latest consumer hit, trend or market craze that comes along. A person aware of and appreciative of a broader ancestral, spiritual and cultural framework is largely innoculated agaisnt and wary of all the avdertisers triyng to sell him a load of bollocks and empty his bank account.
26 Aug 2013
Life / Polish disco-polo music makes comeback in Poland [20]

They have no taste

Maybe the wannabe snobs are basically decent salt-of-the-earth types, brainwashed by others into believing that glittery big-city snootiness, arrogance and looking down on others are somehow 'cool' and 'trendy'.
26 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

whether they look to their past or their future.

One does not rule out the other. An appreciation of one's heritage can make life fuller, richer and more meaingful. Rootlessness can turn a person into a bit of flotsam, batterred by the winds of life and defenceless against fly-by-night commercial and ideological brainwashing.
26 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

with anti-Semitism

So even asking a simple quesiton as to the attiude of Jews in Soviet-occupied eastern Poland towards Poles in 1939-41 is anti-Semtiism. If someone feels the Palestinians are being oppressed or dislikes gefilte fish, that does make also him na anti-Semite?

BTW that is germaine to this thread, because the Polonian and Polish protest against the series had to do with ascribing anti-Semitism to the AK.
25 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

most Poles neither helped nor harmed Jews.

Let's turn things around and ask how Jews related to Poles in the one-half of Poland annexed by Stalin in 1939? Did they help, harm or ingore the Poels captured by the Soviets during the nearly two-year 1939-1941 period? And Jews there in that period were in a much better position than Poles in the General Governorship? Many of them joiend the Soviet occupation authorities, NKVD, Red Army, people's guard, etc.
25 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

participation of people aged 18-25

Niepraktykujący są częściej mężczyźni (5,3%), ludzie młodzi (18 - 25 lat - 5,2%), z wykształceniem wyższym (10%) i mieszkający w miastach powyżej 100 tys.

Non-practising are most often males (5.3%), young people (aged 18-25 - 5.2%), those with higher educaiton (10%) and those reisdng in cities of over 100,000 population

25 Aug 2013
History / TV - Naliboki massacre of Poles [6]

TVN7 is screening the feature film 'Opór' Sunday at 8 PM. It deals with the wartime Naliboki massacre of Poles by Soviet-Jewish partisans but it's unknown whether and how that theme will be developed in the film.

Anyone wanting to bone up on the Naliboki massacre may visit:

The Naliboki massacre of 128 Poles by Jewish partisans was overlooked in the film 'Opór'. It's purpose, like highlighting the Warsaw ghetto uprising, was meant to show that Jews were capable of physically resisting the Nazis. It was a long film (2.5 hours), so adding another motif would have been rather difficult. All in all, it is a good, hard-hitting and well-made war drama.
25 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

but they are not Polish

Think Shakespeare's sweet-smelling rose! You can call them Poles, Polish, Polonians, AmPols, AmPolonians, PolAms, Polish Americans, Americans (or Canadians or Brits or whatever) of Polish descent, ancestry, heritage, background, etc. That makes absolutely no difference. But if they feel Polish then they do. And id they don't, they don't. It's as simple as that.
25 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

How is it anti-AK to tell the truth about them? Most of them weren't virulently anti-semitic

You've answered your one leading question. If most were not virulatnetly anti-Semitic, then why highlight only that one minority view as the one thing the unseasoned viewer will come away with?

The AK also executed szmalcownicy who extorted Jewish porperty, but somehow that is conveniently absent from the scenario.
25 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

the man who can't get over the fact that GW have rejected all his requests to write for them

Indeed, what does this have to do with the British Polonia or the anti-AK film? But if you know whose applcations the GW has rejected, you must be really well-connected with the post-judaeo-commie Michnik clique.

And rmemeber, in 'Między panem a plebanem' Michnik openly spoke of his żydokomunistyczne roots.

what's the problem with portraying some AK as that?

The point is the only reference to the AK in the entire film was in part 3, and there the anti-Semitic connection was the main identifying factor. The railway scene was the most powerful: the AK wanted to free prisoners locked in cattle trucks but when they saw they were Jews they relocked the doors. What impression will someone hearing about the AK for the first time come away with? O yeah, that band of Polsih anti-Semites! That's like saying all Jews were commies. Quite of few of them were, BUT NOT ALL!
25 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

I don't consider myself in any way whatsoever to be Polish.

No-one is saying you ARE Polish. But if someone feels they are Polish through and through, the way you think about being Enlgish, then that's what they are.

There are Polish-born individuals who espouse the cosmopolitan philosophy 'My homeland is where they pay me better' and feel no affinity for their country, and there are foreign-born Polonians who are greatly attached to and proud of their ancestral heritage and are always ready to defend it against detractors.

BTW, is that how you feel about Britain?
25 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

mentioned Mr Cohen's sexuality?

Allegations of anti-Semitism and a Jewish-surnamed TV boss could have something in common. If he was a transvestite, paedophile or other devitate that would not be germaine to the topic at hand.

how does the viewer know those resistance members are AK?

Arms-bands with the letters AK predominantly display would have made that allegation clear even to a retarded ape.

who they never asked to write even a word for it).

Who pray tell are you referring to?
25 Aug 2013
Life / Polish disco-polo music makes comeback in Poland [20]

Disco-polo has left the rural firehouse and entered big-city salons, writes Gazeta Wyborcza. Once reviled and ridiculed by urban snobs, it has turned out to be the favourite of broad sections of society and a big money-maker to boot..

Many of us remember the early 90s and Sunday mornings from polsatowskimi programs " Disco Relax" and " Disco Polo Live" . Enjoyed considerable popularity . Another thing that there was no such a wide selection of music television as it is today .

Then disco music (including and disco polo ) disappeared from the mainstream. You could hear it in the rural fire stations , at weddings or in specific clubs. Listen to disco was a symbol of embarrassment and lack of any musical taste . Today looks completely different . According to a survey by TNS Poland in 2011 that Poles prefer to reach for pop and disco in this statement is honorable second place.

25 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

you're Polish (or anyone else for that matter) as long as you feel Polish. and no laws, definitions or rules will ever change it

That is about the best evaluation of Polishness that has appeared on PF so far. It is an intimate, highly personal, purely subjective thing that has nothing to do with brueacracy, scraps of paper or geography. Although memerbship of a ethno-linguisitc community is obviously an important inegrating factor, there are those who speak little if any Polish but feel more Polish than others who are 100% fluent. Also, the intensity of different individuals' attachment to things Polish varies, and again that is a question of personal preference. In otehr words, you are what you say your are. If you spell your name Smythe and say it is pronounced Jones, then Jones it is!
25 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

For what it's worth, the right wing obsession with Gazeta Wyborcza

Not an obsession but a reaction to reality. As I have poitned out GW:
--In any Polish-something row chances are GW will support the other side;
--GW is anti-Cahtolic and will play up any reneagde priest or anythign else that makes the Church look bad;
--GW is blatantly pro-KOR-ite, idealising their cronies from the so-called 'democratic oppositon' to the exlcusion of the truly Polish indepedence-seeking opposition (ROPCiO, KPN)
--GW is blatantly pro-Semitic;
--GW is blatantly pro-deviationist;
--GW is blatantly anti-PiS and pro-PO;
--GW is blatantłly pro-Jaruzelski and you can't get redder than that!
Enough reasons or do you need more?

Redoubt Good Name was established in March of this year under the auspices of the Patriotic Society Jan Pietrzak . It is headed by Maciej Świrski , a member of the expert group of prof. Piotr Glinski , former candidate for Prime Minister of Law and Justice technical government .

In a letter published on the Redoubt Good Name calls for protest against emissions in the BBC production of the German film " Our mothers , our fathers " . Urges that the letter of the same content send forth to the BBC . On the RDI says: " In the event that the BBC blocked receiving emails from our server please also send emails individually with the copied contents of the letter in the English language ."

The Jan Petrzak Patriotic Society is appealing to the Beeb not to broadcast the anti-Polish 'Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter' film. They have addressed the appeal to BBC TV boss Danny Cohen. It'll be interesting to see how somrone with such a surname reacts.