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Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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18 Nov 2011
Travel / What normally people do for New Year in Krakow? [10]

What do people normally do for New Year's eve celebrations in Krakow?

I have not been to Krakow for New Years Eve for som 6 years but the last time I went it was a fantastic night. Live groups on the Rynek and thousands of people having a party. The only problem that night was getting some sfood and drinks, everywhere was booked solid for private party's and most had their doors closed.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

or maybe the landlord genuinely did not know about it (if it's a brand new flat, say, or one in which they've never lived themselves),

If its a brand new flat, maybe the builder forgot to put the insulation under the floor screed?. If there is an empty apartment below, this will also make it feel colder.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

I'm not saying Poland is going to fall. The emerging Europe nation isn't even part of the eurozone.

An interesting read from the "American" perspective. I especially liked:-

Andrzej Jakubiak, chairman of Poland’s Financial Supervision Authority was surprised by the downgrade.

“I don’t see any justification for this decision given the condition of the Polish banking sector,” Jakubiak has said.

President of the National Bank of Poland, Marek Belka, found Moody’s announcement “surprising”.

However, in an interview with the wall Street Journal on Monday, Belka said that as many of Poland’s bank’s have parents in the eurozone the effect on the finance crisis on Polish lenders is of some concern.

“The real unknown is how the European banking sector will survive this. We cannot forget that most of our banks in Poland are subsidiaries of European banking groups,” he said. “We are looking at that with some concern,” he added.

It seems that the banks that were downgraded are not really "Polish" banks as their headquarters are in eurozone countries. Its no wonder that Moody's downgraded them.

As for France being able to survive the coming storm, well, you are a lot more optomistic than me. Since when have you seen a French president running around between France and Germany like a headless chicken.

Austria, Belgium, and the scandinavian countries are all going to be affected by what eventually happens with the euro and the ratings agencies are looking at these countries closely.I would not take their opinion of Poland too seriously.
17 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

There is an endless stream of links MR Thatcher, and BTW, I hate the labour Party as much as the Tories. This is a postmodern world MR. You need your own inbuilt bullsh1t detector.

This link is about Poland?, as you are keen to say, "stay on topic"!!!!. As for Labour or Tory, they are all out for themselves, there is no such thing as an "honest" politician. I was against Maggie selling off thew council houses, they would still have been available now for the really needy, and, I do not mean foriegners.

My question is, did they buy at the height of a property bubble?? what year did they buy?

Assuming a 25 year mortgage, 1985-86

pip: I inherited some money. E

Listen to the bitterness!!!, the fact that the bequestor may have worked hard for the money did not enter your mind? I have already provided for my family, have you?

Ah, so you bought at a good time, pipy haha, so you advise people not to do as you did???

According to you there is never a good time, property will always be too expensive unless its the price that you can afford and nobody is prepared to sell that low.

All these links to Canada, America, Ireland, its no wonder you know so little about property in Poland.
17 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

It says that the rules were laid down by a New Labour (Socialist) government. The same people that Milky extols as being the saviours of the working class, hence why the UK is in so much trouble. Actually, the present governing party is trying to cap the rate at 400 GBP a month but I do not think this has been done yet, nor do I think it will be retrospective, so, these families will be allowed to stay as long as they want, or, until the taxpayers grow a pair of cajones and send them to a council estate , where most of the English with no skills and a poor education have to live. You do not read of the indiginous English being given 2,000,000 GBP houses to live in, these are reserved for asylum seekers who manage to travel through most of Europe to get to Britain, the land of milk(y) and honey.
17 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

There is nothing wrong with living in a 35-40 m2 flat. It is how you make it work for you.

Perhaps he should have moved to the UK and learnt how to play the system.

17 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

The dream of owning a home is possible- but buying beyond ones means is stupid and dangerous.

I agree with you pip. You will notice how Milky "keeps on" referring to Ireland as an example. People committing suicide (no statistics), people losing their houses (no statistics) and yet he fails to metion that they borrowed sums of money, well beyond their ability to prepay or what was sensible. Did anybody force them to do this?

The example I used of my friends is a common one for my generation. No, they did not buy at the high end of the market, they bought on a large new estate which was built just on the outskirts of the city. Unlike the people of today who are having problems with repayments, they and others, like me, were buying our homes when interest rates virtually doubled to 17% overnight, we got through this. Just wait until you see how many people are going to be in trouble in the UK when interest rates start to rise

Milky:- "Same here in Poland, with people who bought between late 2005-08,they are trembling."

pip, have read of mass forclosures in Poland? , you see, with Milky, you never get any facts to back up the statements. He thinks that telling the truth which disagrees with his "theories", is having a "rant". Get used to it because it will always be the same repetative nonsense.
15 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

A friend from the UK came to visit me this Summer for a weeks break as I have not seen him for 7 years. He is 60, has a fairly well paid job and his wife works part time. He has just finished paying off his mortgage and they went on a 2 week cruise to celebrate, they liked it so much they have already booked again for next year. What is the point of this story?, well actually there are two points, 1) is to p*ss off milky, 2) is that they are a "normal couple", two kids who have grown up and left home now and they can look forward to their retirement in 5 years time with no worries.

Milky, this is what you have to do unless you inherit a lot of money, instead of whinging about the cost for the past three years you could of gotten off your ass and found somewhere by now, this is what normal people do. Don't go on about prices and how poor people are, most seem to manage. You are not starving, you have a roof over your head and you can afford internet access, life is what you make it.
15 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

This new mortgage regulation in the banks will apparently reduce the amount of approvals by 25%, so that means there could be a 75(4)% reduction in mortgages next year,,,,,,
will post link later

It will not affect you. You prefer to rent. Double Whammy!!!!
6 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

You are not 'hard working' but a lucky, smug git who was gifted a opportunity by virtue of being born at the right time.

This from a man who braggs about owning a farm (with lots of land), a flat in Poland and another flat in London (worth 300,000 GBP and can be rented for 1,000GBP). I suppose you were not born at the right time, you won these things in a lucky bag. The word "hypocrit" springs to mind.
4 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

No you are confused, why would I say community charge? Property/wealth tax is really an alternative to income tax. With income tax at least you have an income to pay the tax.

The subject being discussed is a "property tax", how the hell has this got anything to do with income tax?. Community charge/council tax is based on the value of your home, it does not matter whether you own it or rent it. The amount you earn each year is not taken into account unless you are on "benefits" or live on your own when a small reduction will be made. The council tax is used to fund "local" services which is the reason it can vary across the country, depending on whether you have a good council or a socialist one.
4 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

Thats a nasty tax. I would prefer to pay income tax, anyday.

Surely you mean "community charge", are you getting confused again?

Unless there is a significant drop in prices,taxes like this will add flesh to the renting argument.

And you don't think that a tax such as this would be "added" to rents?

Seems like the "mail" agrees with you.

Many people may never achieve their dream, with one expert saying renting is 'the new normal'.
To make matters worse, it has never been more expensive to rent, with an average cost of £718 a month, and more than £1,000 in London.

4 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

For ever, they can just jack it up as its a captive market.

People will only put up with it for so long. Look what happened in the States when the banks tried to charge $5 for using an ATM machine, they have just this week "backtracked" and removed this charge.

In the UK, banks are trying to have a monthly account charge as in Poland and people are threatening to close their accounts. They were going to do away with cheques and now they have relented on this. I think you can only push people so far.
4 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

Borrowing set to become more expensive for firms in Poland

3rd November 2011

Companies looking to borrow money in Poland could soon see “another 2009,” when credit was expensive and banks were reluctant to lend, Citi Handlowy CEO SÅ‚awomir Sikora told Puls Biznesu.

According to Mr Sikora, companies have to keep in mind that in the coming months, banks may be reluctant to give them loans, mainly because of a lack of liquidity in the market and because of rising risk.

Both factors will make borrowing for companies more expensive. Moreover, the same will also apply to loans taken by the government.

“It will become increasingly harder to obtain financing and the bonds market will be practically closed,” Mr Sikora said.

In Which case, what is being built at the moment may be the last for some time. But, how long can the banks survive on clients monthy fees for their accounts?
31 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

The tide is falling prices, so he is right.

That is not what he meant. He is insinuating that I am a lone voice against an overwhelmimg majority who think that property prices are crashing down and that there is a "bubble" in Poland, he also thinks that I am trying to talk up the market so that I can offload excess properties that I do not have. He is wrong as usual.

You really need to keep up.
31 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

I'd say . The crash is buildings delivered is startling. -50% from peak?

Quite a few of the posters on this thread have commented that what happens in the USA and the UK will inevitably happen in Poland. The attached link to an artical in the Mail today, might explain to you why prices are not crashing in Poland.

"In 1968, when the first of the Baby-Boomers were beginning to think about settling down, 425,000 homes were built in Britain. Last year, the total was just over 100,000 - fewer than in any year since 1923. With figures like that, of course, the cost of putting a roof over your head rises."


Poland has a population which is 2/3rds that of the UK, but, it has a much older/poorer quality, housing stock. Whilst I disagree with Paxman on much of the artical, his comments on housing and affordability are unfortunately, very truthful.
30 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

history shall expose you.

History will remember what I built and contributed here in Poland. You will be another socialist non-entity, living in rented accomodation, who thinks the world owes him a living.

People live in houses, not dreams.

did you even read the article?

Pip, the OP was about mortgages and the banks not lending. Milky has managed to turn it into his pet theory of a "property bubble", of course he did not read it, he is not interested in anything that does not agree with his views. He is a true socialist, read his previous posts and you can feel in his words, the envy and jealousy for anyone that owns property in Poland. Everybody that disagrees with him is either a "thatcherite", a "developer", a paid "developers lackey" ( good socialist word there, I have not heard it for years) the new one just for you pip, you must be "sleeping" with a developer.

This is the basis for his arguments, this and 3 year old links.
29 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

So I know what I am talking about. What are your qualifications?, none, oh well, people must be flocking to you for advice.
Better to be quite and thougt a fool, than open your mouth and prove it.
29 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

GGGG I must be doing something right so...The same people have been attacking my view that there is a property bubble,

your view!!! and you are unanimous in that view!!! Well done pratt.
29 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

Seriously ask yourselves why lending has fallen? Could it be because the banks know something you don't want to contemplate. Problably!

Or could it be that the banks made some dodgy loans/investments which are causing liquidity problems + the new financial regulations which are insisting on 9% capitol reserves. If banks have been leveraging the debts because of greed, they are going to have a problem lending any more money. Its not a case of "what the banks know", its "what we don't know about the banks". How much toxic debt do they still have on their books?, how much soveriegn debt that will never be repaid?, any more 50% writedowns?
25 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

Hence there is no new building because its unprofitable to do so.

You made a statement which is totally false, there are plenty of new properties being built and more in the pipeline, check the real estate section of the WBJ.

You are very sensitive aren't you? I was simply pointing out that building will can stop if it is not profitable.

I am sensitive to BS. If you bothered to read previous posts you will see that I have been stating that if prices were to fall even by 30%, developers would stop building or do you think that these people do not research their market. If the banks stop lending, it will be more than the property market that suffers, no business expansion, no growth, less jobs, very unhappy people, social unrest.
24 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

Hence there is no new building because its unprofitable to do so.

Would you care to ask the other members if there are buildings going up in their vicinity, I know they are in my town. I seem to remember somebody saying the other day that there was a huge amount of new building works in Wroclaw? Perhaps you live in a quite area? I mean, normally, there is not a lot of development around a farm, and did you not say that they were going to soon put a new road next to your land?

Maybe Avalon can tell you if those sort of terms are normal for what is, effectively, development work.

I actually do the same, use 50% of my money first and then 50% from the bank. Although, it is usual for the bank to take a 100% charge on the land/property.
24 Oct 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

When i started this thread, I complained about the difficulty in doing business in Poland. Some were supportive, many others said that I was making a mountain out of a molehill and that it was not so bad or that it was improving. Perhaps these people would like to explain the following article:-

I may have exaggerated but it seems to be getting worse.
23 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

... interesting.... they reason they sight is that banks will not lend money as a new financial crisis is upon us?

Which I have been explaining to the morons for the past two years. If you check the posts, it was also some 2 years ago that I explained that the developers would produce smaller flats so that they would remain in a price bracket that was acceptable to the banks. The market will always adapt, but, at the end of the day, profit still has to be made.
22 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Demand for apartments low in Poland's main cities [89]

Sounds like the attacks that were thrown at David McWilliams by developers and their brown envelope brigade

So, the world did end yesterday!!! I knew I should not have bought that land!!!