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Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
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2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

As I mention in other thread, more women being educating and dedicating more time to work = less children. Which would mean nation would get replaced by another one, which is faster breeding (see EU issue with blacks and muslims).

The more educated women in society = the less children is being born by them
2 Sep 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

I opt for "Iranian solution":

Any solution to this problem is going to have tradeoffs involved. For example, female dominated European societies have elected to import a bunch of foreigners to make up the demographic shortfall, with results that we've discussed ad nauseum.

Iran has hit upon a solution that could reverse the demographic decline without endangering their unique national character. That solution is sending women back to the kitchen. If they pull it off, they could ensure that in 100 years Iran will still be recognizably Iranian, unlike certain Western countries which will no longer be recognizable due to the influx of foreigner.

I for one applaud Iran for this measure.

One can wonder why these ad hominem attacks are tolerated by mods.
Anyway, the the topic at hand is fertility.
Or, more precisely, sub-replacement fertility, the same problem entire Europe has.

Shrinking the population using this method has some bad side effects.

As the fertility rate drops, less and less children are born. But advances in medicine mean that old people hang on for a longer time.

So under sustained sub replacement fertility, the population ages, dramatically. Take Japan as an example; in 1989 only 11.6% of the population was over 65. By 2005 over 21% of the population was over 65. If current trends continue, then by 2050 over 38% of Japan's population will be over 65.


Today approximately one in four Japanese people is over the age of 65. This creates a high "old age dependency ratio" - few workers and lots of retirees. Currently, Japan's retiree population is 35.1% the size of Japan's labor force. But by 2050, Japan's retiree population will be 73.8% the size of its labor force. IE: Every four workers will be supporting three retirees.


Fewer workers supporting more retirees creates a large burden on the economy of a country. Health care and pension costs increase, but there are fewer workers to pay for them. Harvard Economists David Bloom and David Canning attribute at least one third of a country's economic success (or failure) to the dependency ratio.


Some European countries have tried to avoid this demographic crunch through immigration. Arguably, this hasn't gone so well for reasons we've discussed in many other threads. And the dirty secret is that they can't possibly bring in enough immigrants to solve the problem anyway. Italy would need to bring in 2.2 million immigrants annually just to maintain its worker to retiree ratio.


Another potential way out is to have more children. But it isn't easy to reverse the problem in this way. As each generation reproduces at a sub replacement level, the next generation has a smaller and smaller pool of fertile women. This creates a sort of "reverse compound interest" effect, where the population decline accelerates, even though the fertility level stays at the same sub replacement level.

It's probably too late for Western Europe to reverse the problem by having more children, but it may not be too late for Iran if they act quickly and drastically. Recent fertility rates have been disastrous, but more than half of Iran's population is still under 35.

Educated women have less children, as do career women. They are after all, busy with university and careers during their prime child bearing years. So limiting education for women makes sense from that perspective. But even more important is the issue raised by that horrible British lawyer troll, Shirin Ebadi. This is a big step towards smashing Iran's fledgling feminist movement.

If Iran can keep women in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant for another 100 years or so, it can stave off population decline while many of its rivals succumb to it. This will give it enormous power, both economically and otherwise. Also, it can maintain its national character, instead of importing foreigners to make up for demographic shortfalls.

Maybe, just maybe, the same solution could be used by Poland. It would be much more difficult to introduce such a measures, though. It may be virtually impossible if Poland is still the member of the EU, so regaining our independence should be the first step.
30 Aug 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

What about the "French solution" to the problem?

I remember in the 90's when western nations kept baaaaaaawing that we should treat gypsies better and try to integrate them into society. Flash forward 20 years later and suddenly they aren't so keen about them anymore. What's wrong Western Europe? I thought you were tolerant, evolved and democratic, not like those dirty scum in the east. Why are you so racist now?

I remember a while back France was so fed up with the situation that it ended up giving each gypo 500 just so that they would go home. Our reporters took some interviews asking them if they would go back to France again. They said "Of course, but not right now, maybe in a few months or so. They gave us 500 euros to leave. It wouldn't be nice of us if we went back as soon as we left." :-D
30 Aug 2012
Love / Interracial Polish girls [19]

african rape statistics holy crap

One in four South African men questioned in a survey said they had raped someone and nearly half admitted having attacked more than one victim.


It said practices such as gang rape were common because they were considered a form of male bonding.

weird way to shoot the sh!t with your buddies, that's for sure

The research was conducted in both rural and urban areas and included all racial groups.

Almost half who said they had carried out a rape admitted they had done so more than once.

One in 20 men surveyed said they had raped a woman or girl in the last year.

She added that all the victims in the main survey were said to be women, but participants were also interviewed about male rape.

The study found that one in 10 men said they had been raped by other men.

Some 3% of the men interviewed said they had coerced a man or a boy into sex.


well, wow. I knew the problem was bad, but not THIS bad.

i mean really, those results are astounding. holy crap.

what are your opinions on this?
29 Aug 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Then again, you're a child of immigrants yourself. Perhaps you should be deported, too?

Why do you think that, I a Polish through and through, born and risen in the last bastion of Europe standing against multicult hordes.
For the record, I don't mind limited immigration as long as they are neither black nor muslim, for obvious reasons.


Must invite them to Poland and allow them to live off welfare.

That's the human way.

Or we need the Spanish inquisition asap.
29 Aug 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

If you want to talk about gentics and paleoanthropology, I would suggest suggest making a new thread. We can discuss it there

Hey, you started it.

immigrants who can integrate and make a positive contribution to the country

Is it even possible? In country that is not created by immigrants? In case when immigrants would make up significant % of the population, I mean?

Just because some countries are ready to let themselves to be overrun does not mean everyone must follow the suit. As we speak, in EU this trend is diminishing fast rigt now. Look at the Dutch for example.

Depending on which poll you want to believe the Dutch Socialist Party (a party which has been branded "national socialist" by German liberal media) is either the strongest or second strongest party right now. The competitor for first place is your standard issue globalist plutocracy party (VVD). The infamous PVV (the one with the Brovik Seal of Approval) fights for third place against yet another standard issue globalist plutocracy party (Labour).

The Dutch liberals will survive the upcoming election but they will have to form a really grand grand coalition. I am no expert on Dutch politics so I don't know just how many liberal parties will have to team up to form a viable government. But they are certainly on the road to Weimar there.

The news here is, support for liberalism is collapsing in the country which used to be its poster child.

P.S.: The Dutch SP is not actually Nazi.. at all. In Germany everyone who represents the interests of indigenous workers is considered "basically a Nazi " by the liberal media.

PS2 : Basically we just need a major economical collapse ala 1929 and Europe would revert back to pre-1935 state of politics it seems.
28 Aug 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Blacks are humans too. A humanitarian wouldn't ask such a question. A little bit of fun reading for you:

And here it something for you to think over:


And read as well.



Poland needs immigrants who can integrate and make a positive contribution to the country.

Why Poland "needs" something that would most certainly destroy her? All we need is to increase the birthrate again.
27 Aug 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

I don't understand you. How is it good for humanity to move blacks from Africa to Europe to live under the wing of whites? Can we move all one billion of them? What will happen when whitey is truly overrun and disappears from history due to current demographic trends? Who will help the lower races then (they must be lower since they require help)? Who will be left to make Jesus proud?

From what I've gathered, it's only the whitey who has inter-racial compassion and empathy, so what will happen when whitey is gone? The other races don't, actually, give a damn about egalitarianism, or human rights for that matter. So how do you think the liberal philosophy will survive? And what will have been the use of that philosophy when it won't? Looks like the use of that philosophy was to destroy the white race, just like its talmudist creators intended. But you wouldn't know anything about that, since you get your facts from those same people and never bother with alternative sources.
27 Aug 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Fishing is considered a sport in England

As it is in Poland. Still, angler that return home without a fish for a supper is an object of (friendly) ridicule.

And English anglers pay a license fee also. £27.00 I believe. Our money goes back into fishing mostly. Where does the Polish license fee go?

It is a bit complicated. First thing you need an "Angler's Card" (Karta Wedkarska), you pay for it once in lifetime, but you must pass an exam as well - you must know what fish is protected in what season, size' and amount' limits, and so on.

Having "Angler's Card" you must buy a license for choosen region. All the regions have their own version of the rules and regulations. You may buy the license for one lake, or for the couple of neighboring ones, for angling from the shore, or from the boat, for a day, a week, for a month or a year - and all the combinations of the above.

There are also private owned sites, with its own rules, some of them do not require "Angler's Card".
27 Aug 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Poles angle and take fish home to cook (mostly). Law allows it in Poland because registered anglers pay annual fees for fishing, which start from about 200 PLN

In Poland, someone releasing fish back into the water is usually seen as some kind of weirdo.

It is worth checking, for me it explained some very confusing exchanges I had with British people.
25 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

Kondzior,first of all the picture is #2,298 in random


If you threaten some one screaming and yelling in their face drunk or not you usually get in trouble point blank.

A night in sobering up center would suffice. A 6 month in prison is beyond absurd.

Would you mind answering the questions that I asked you about post #162?

What question?
24 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

What is "random" you keep refering to?
Previously I posted two pictures, that you deleted for some reason. One got ******'ed because it had pus*y in the title, it was the same scene, just from different angle, the other was re-painted Saint Marry portrait.

Not the same type of situation,wouldn't you say.Why did you post my quote under that as I was clearly talking about the protests immediately after Putin's election as anyone can read in what I had posted earlier in this thread

The link to dailymail, because this is the thing that is shocking to me. You cannot jail someone for crazy things we all talk when drunk. It is normal for anyone, who is into heavy drinking. Jailing such a people, I see it as much worse, then arrests of some political activists.
24 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

a lot of people were arrested

Would you like to compare it to the UK?

6 months in prison for a drunken rant?? Ironic that 1984 is compulsory reading, when the British society is gradually becoming an Orwellian nightmare
23 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

they were jailed because they angered Putin,they weren't just protesting the Church,they were also critical of Putin,If the church wasn't so connected to Putin,they never would have gotten so stiff a penalty

I repeat, this is kiddie play compared to actually breaking into a mosque and doing something equivalent to what the PR ******* did at Moscow cathedral. They would be massacred for it. Compared to that the Russian law was very kind. They could have recorded their "punk prayer" 10.000 times in every rhythym known to man and the law would not touch them. Yet they chose to vandalize a religious place and do a public lewd performance in a place of worship. And this was the culmination of a stream of attention seeking acts of sh!tdom, like a public orgy at a museum and one of them masturbating with a chicken leg in a supermarket.

Itt, idjits defending these bimbos are either biased ideologues or anti-russian sissy libruls who like to whine about everything single thing they hear.
23 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

"Separation of church and state"

It is to make a state free of religious persecution (i.e. a state where an individual could not be persecuted for practicing any religion or no religion at all). Yet modern liberalism would have it skewed to mean that no religious practice whatsoever is to be tolerated by the state.
23 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

They do of course or are you suggesting they dont But a "sane" religious person can not expect us to live on a literal interpretation of the bible (or an illiterate one either ;)

"Separation of church and state" isn't about protecting the state from the church, it's about protecting the church from the state, as in, not making an official state religion.

Of course religious people have the right to push and vote for laws congruent with their beliefs....

If this is the case, there is no reason why the State is subsidizing the church in all kinds if ways...Going from helping to build that monstrosity in Wilanów to all kinds of tax exceptions. The Canary Breeders also are not supported.

...especially when it comes to something that is a cultural legacy, especially Poland which has one of the strongest Catholic legacies in the entire world, a government should try to preserve it and protect it.

Obviously people don't want a theocracy, but the government is there to represent the population, and if that population is mostly Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim or whatever, it is only natural that such religion be presented. Reminds of me of that muslim women that wanted Italy to ban crucifixes on public places, or UKies firing those women who wore crosses on their jobs. It is ridiculous.

Freedom of religion does not mean freedom FROM religion. It is a freedom after all, not an edict to ban or promote a certain religious agenda. People who do not get this fail at a basic understanding of human liberty.
23 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

Do you mean to suggest it is acceptable then?

Depending on your idea of separation of church and state.
Sane christians believe in the separation of church and state, not the separation of religion and state. So, no churches or denominations of anykind wielding political power, but religious people should have a say in how their country is ruled, because said religions are part of their ethnics/point of view that form their traditions. Atheists lefists want a magical world where religion is something just done in private, inside a metaphysical little janitor closet away from the rest of society, like its something to be ashamed of.
21 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

People seem to forget that PR were sh!tty, talentless and unknown musicians that did this crap purely for self-promotion, and it got completely blown out of proportion by left-leaning media. It's funny how so-called "freedom fighters" tried to tack on some political agenda to it.

If some punk rock dudes from UK bypassed security, broke into Buckingham Palace, pissed on the floor and shouted stuff like "fvck the Queen!", I doubt they'd get away with it just because they're "petitioning vs. monarchy". They're hooligans, and should be treated as such

PR are shameless attention seekers, I'd call them retarded but that would be an offense to actual mentally challenged people.

What political message they could be trying to put forward is beyond me, if anything they're just giving ammunition to the regime in the way of "watch out people, this kind of inane sh!t is what the opposition stands for".

They are showing extremely bad taste and likely dissillusioning everyone except a few fringe weirdos and already anti Putin people.
I think there is plenty of reason to be upset with Putin and his government but is this really the kind of protest that is going to draw positive attention to their issues?
19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

So if one if not flexible enough to think that debauchery and indecent exposure in public places, vandalism and desecration of religious locations is very "nice", and Obongo the kenyan affirmative action president and Madonna that old plastic attention seeking lady really are fighting for dem freedumz and goodness in the world, one is religious fundamentalist?

Liberals love the decadence. It is what they are about. That these women are "heroes" to them shows it.
19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

That much I got. Define the difference between religious fundamentalist and just a religious guy. Is according to you everyone non-atheist being a fundamentalist?
19 Aug 2012
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Countries don't make better people

Every country has the right to see itself as a cream of the crop. If your countrymen don't, I pitty you.
19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

I suggest you compare Russian reaction to this.

Kondzior,the picture showed something on the street and the church wasn t even in the picture

Why are you lying?
It was inside the church,they re-painted Saint Marry' portraits as well. (adding a ski mask)

You can protest a supermarket without going inside and making a circus without the owner's permission. There is a difference between protesting and trespassing + disruption. Freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want, it does not mean you can do whatever you want as long as you tag politics to it.

But hey, who gives a damn about your butthurt. Pusy Riot will be spending two years in Glorious Mother Russia's underbelly no matter how much you rage on the Internet.
19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

According to wiki Theo Van Gogh was murdered as he was cycling to work in the early morning of 2 November 2004, in front of the Amsterdam East borough office on the corner of the Linnaeusstraat and Tweede Oosterparkstraat.

It's different in the states.

Try Reform Judaism temple in NYC... Attach the signs potesting Jews backing Obamah, knock down the Torah and Mennorah and wait for Clinton, Madonna Merkel and Ashton to defend your freedom of expression ...ERRR.. I mean slam you for Hate Crime, Antisemitism and Xenophobia
19 Aug 2012
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Poles are thinking we are better then everyone because we are from Poland.
19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]


This guy drew a Mohammed cartoon. Desecrating a mosque would be much more direct. Specially if they did a "Punk prayer" involving islamic screeds
19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

What would probably happen if you did your mosque protest, assuming you got out of the building, is nothing at all; it would likely not even be picked up by local news much less extend out to cover the damn planet. It takes a fairly orchestrated media program to cause a circus story. Like the Trayvon Martin thing went up the black grievance press nervous system from Ben Crump getting involved. Remember the story of a couple of white guys murdering a bunch of black people completely at random like a week after the Martin story first broke that disappeared a day later, even with all the juice it got piggybacking off the Martin case? That's what happens when no one with stroke is trying to bake bread with the story.

Also, this is why I roll my eyes when people trot out the idea that the big press is only in it for that filthy lucre, that every decision they make it to maximize profit. Horsesh!t, it sells itself as an entity to the ruling class as a Narrative Manufacturing Plant, and it mostly does it for pats on the heads and scratches behind the ears, not for money.