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Joined: 27 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 574 / In This Archive: 478

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18 Sep 2011
Language / What to talk about when learning the Polish language? [6]

What are good topics of conversation if we are practicing conversation over the internet?

For example two people on skype from different countries, different ages and nothing in common?
She is about 50 and I am a good bit younger.
18 Sep 2011
Language / Uwolnić-uwolnić się- uwolnienie are there any words similair and how you use it? [5]

I have to know how use it

Jak uwolnić się z krzesła? Which means how to free yourself from a chair. Uwolnić się: to free yourself.

Uwolnić orkę which is the name of the film "Free Willy" in Polish, literally meaning free the whale. Uwolnić means to free.

Searching the internet nearly always gives usage of a word.
18 Sep 2011
Language / Uwolnić-uwolnić się- uwolnienie are there any words similair and how you use it? [5]

If you are learning Polish the best thing to do would be to buy a dictionary that gives examples of the words. It would be faster than asking on the internet and then trying to figure out whose answer is correct. For slang you would have to ask someone alright as the meanings are a lot harder to find.
18 Sep 2011
Language / Do you know what "farfocle" means? [11]

The word is "farfoclak".

It probably comes from the word farfocel which is slang. Farfocel has a few meanings, scrap, bit of stuff, strands(of thread)/wisps, fluff, fuzz, bits of stuff(in soup). I think it is either slang for a woman like laska or referring to sex or some part of her anatomy.
18 Sep 2011
Language / Word usage: wybierać and wykręcić [12]

wybierać and wykręcić

Zdjąłem słuchawkę, wykręciłem 2225886158986. I took the ear piece and dialled 2225886158986. To me wykręcić is the verb for the actual act of dialling the number. You dial a number.

Wybrałem numer centrali, poprosiłem z sekretariatem. I rang the main number etc. This isn't about the phone but about the act of ringing a person or institution. You wouldn't say that you dialled the office to tell them you were sick.

Wybraliśmy Ritz. We rang the Ritz.

Jeśli chciałbyś wybrać Ritz wykręcić number 5534786132. If you would like to ring the Ritz dial number 5534786132.
18 Sep 2011
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

One thing that has always struck me as rather odd there is the abundance of beautifully attractive Polish young women in relationships with, let's be honest, quite horrifying men.

Maybe the answer is the same as why this good looking Chinese woman is with this not so good looking Chinese guy.
17 Sep 2011
Language / Chcę and chce [21]

Both are pronounced same, right? How can we distinguish?

In theory both are not pronounced the same but in practice they are. In theory you should pronounce ę which has a different pronunciation to e.

Chcę, you say it wihout ja and people will understand that it is you who wants something.

If a you are saying that he or she wants something you put on or ona or ono before chce and then everyone knows that he or she or it wants something. You use ono for neutral nouns like dziecko etc.

By the way, why is your name Zoe? In English that is a girls name as far as I know.
14 Sep 2011
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

4th Polish Republic may re-emerge

What would a 4th Polish Republic be?

Is it a political idea?
14 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish clubs / pubs in Dublin? [17]

I looked up this pub on the internet and it seems that it is closed, maybe someone could tell us for definite?

14 Sep 2011
Language / dziękuję za lekcji/dziękuję za lekcję? za takes dopełniacz/biernik/celownik? [20]

czy możesz jej...czy możesz jemu/mu...czy możesz nam...czy mogę wam...czy możesz im...all above forms are the pronouns in the celownik case.

czy możesz mi podać cukier?czy mogę ci coś powiedzieć w tajemnicy?czy możesz jemu powiedzieć żeby więcej tu nie parkował?czy możesz jej tego zabronić?

Thanks a.k and peter
14 Sep 2011
Language / dziękuję za lekcji/dziękuję za lekcję? za takes dopełniacz/biernik/celownik? [20]

Maybe someone can help me?

dziękuję za lekcji/dziękuję za lekcję? za takes dopełniacz/biernik? It probably takes a lot of things but in this instance what would it take?

Another question:

czy możesz mi (short for mnie I think)
czy możesz ci (short for tobie I think)
czy możesz ?

Are there short versions for the 3rd person, masculine, feminine and neuter etc. 1st person plural, 2nd person plural and 3rd person plural?

Thanks in advance.

I found this link also: wykop.pl/link/82825/tobie-czy-ci/

It surprises me that people debate the grammar usage in Polish. Maybe it is the same in English, I don't know.
8 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish clubs / pubs in Dublin? [17]

I could be wrong but many Polish people spend the weekends at friends houses, having a drink and a laugh. There was no tradtion of going to the pub in Poland.
5 Sep 2011
Food / "Modern" Polish cooking (funny video clip) [21]

I thought the Spanish in the background was a nice touch

They must be learning Spanish, fair play to them, a pity they didn't show the chicken at the end.
31 Aug 2011
Language / Wedding day talk - common sayings or interesting phrases? [11]

Myślałem, że cały ślubny dzień jest zrujnowany - I thought the whole wedding day was ruined. Any others?

e instead of a because you are a man and not a woman, if you are going to have a laugh better to get your grammar correct at least. I only saw this error but others better than I may see more.
31 Aug 2011
Language / Wedding day talk - common sayings or interesting phrases? [11]

Well spotted Catsoldier! I sounded very bitter!

You were probably having a bad day. I wish you the best. Wszystkiego najlepszego.

Are there any sayings about mother in laws to bring them down a peg or two?

You have to be joking!
29 Aug 2011
Language / Wedding day talk - common sayings or interesting phrases? [11]

I shall be getting married shortly in Poland.


Unless you are taking those pills that your man was taking in "Limitless", the film, forget about wedding conversation, just some simple things and you will keep everyone entertained for hours, they won't have laughed so much in their whole lives.

What happened to change your mind?

basically, in my experience, they're a total pain in the a ss. Expect to say goodbye to your freedom, friends and hobbies, expect children any time soon and a rushed through marriage. Get out while you still can!

28 Aug 2011
Travel / What do you look for when planning a trip to Poland? [6]

I rent a apartment for the month that I will be there, in the city.

Do they have a website? Would you be able to give us a link? Do they rent for stays shorter than a month? Like 2 weeks.
28 Aug 2011
Po polsku / Patrz, pies w studio [9]

Dziękuję(Rozmowy po polsku!).
28 Aug 2011
Po polsku / Patrz, pies w studio [9]

You might break down if I do....

Go on, tell me where I am wrong, I am used to it at this stage. Being wrong is normal when "learning" Polish. Being right/correct is the exception.