Genealogy /
Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]
But see, coinage, money, as well as construction of roads and bridges is regularly attributed to Greeks and Romans. But, they acquired that all from Sarmats. Just for the record, to little bit tackle those myths. What Greeks and Romans did is to destroy Sarmatian urban centers and steal whatever they could. Sure, with time, after previously destroyed real inventors, Greeks and Romans additionally upgraded knowledge. This truth had to be said.
Now, SOLSTICE and knowledge of agriculture. That was achievement equal to the industrial revolution. Then knowladge of BUILDING MEGALITHIC STRUCTURES, such were Dacian temples in Sarmisegetusa and Stonehenge built by populace of Sorviodunum.
Sarmatian (ie Serbian/ie Slavic) Dacian temples in SarmisegetusaStonehenge of SorviodunumWhat about system of `mathematics` and `calculations` needed to build these structures? Such a knowledge precedes and even conditioning knowledge of later Greek, Roman and even Arabic mathematics. What about stone `architectural achievements` in urban Etruria (ie Rasena), Thracia, Dacia, Troia, Sparta? How much was stolen by Greeks and Romans and later continued and promoted as their own? What about beautiful `wooden architectural achievements`?
What about BUDDHISM ? Buddha was white and Scythian, meaning Sarmatian. Buddhism then inspired HINDUISM. Those are entire religious concepts inspired by Sarmatians, while Sarmats already had their own deities and pantheon. Can we even count religious systems discovered by spirit and mind of Sarmatians?
What about best `cavalry military knee to knee doctrine` in the world ever which ultimately was remembered as WINGED CAVALRY that was preserved among Serbians on Balkan, in old Sarmatian European core, and then transferred to Poles? USA `wild west` cavalry was also formed after this cavalry tradition.
So we have unquestionable insight into the great and marvelous achievements of ancient Sarmatians (ie Slavs) and every credit to them will be returned to them and named properly- as Sarmatian (ie Slavic) contribution. Great injustice and insult to ancestors will be corrected.
That Israely PM Netanyahu told to Serbian PM Vucic (now President) >>> Injustice will be corrected >>>
Israely PM Netanyahu: ``The friendship between the Jewish and Serbian peoples goes back to thousands of years, to the time of the Roman Republic (500 BC)``.