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Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

Just agree and appease them.

I say give us a part of Scotland and some Northern Ireland, also part of the Isle of Wight ( because of the festival ) and we're settled.
21 Mar 2010
Language / is it stll jeden [33]


Yes. From my knowledge, beside a few phrasals "robić" is more straight forward than the english "do"..

I meant it in a way "Yes you're supposed to omit it"
21 Mar 2010
Language / is it stll jeden [33]

jak się pytać

"Jak się spytać o" - "how to ask for"
"Jak zapytać o" / "Jak się zapytać o" - same..

"Jak się pytać" hence it's imperfect it puts pressure on the sole activity of asking. Not on the subject.

"pytać" is imperfect form and "spytać" is a perfect form.

"Się" should probably be there on all occasions of "pytać"/"spytać"/"zapytać" but it's often omitted..

Anyways you should wait for somebody who's got more recent knowledge of polish grammar then me ; )
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

There were 89 pilots in the Polish RAF squadrons but not all of those pilots were Poles


Strangely, we hear a lot about the few and very little about the thousands.

Isn't it always like that...
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

Radar was employed in WWII

I've read Wikipedia and there's as many Scots in it as there is Germans. And there's many others contributors. You can argue that it was the scottish lad who one day doing his thing in the lavey had the first thought, but be honest it was a collective effort. : p
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

Why is there no commemoration of their feats in a place like Dęblin?

That's what I've read about the reception the had recieved in many cities with military airports and bases nearby. Beside all the war stuff many stories about nicknames they got from their british mates who were unable to pronounce their names or surnames. About how they initially struggled with the language, learning all the pilot banter ( that reminds me of one Monty Python sketch ). So a bit of the lighter side too..
21 Mar 2010
Language / is it stll jeden [33]


how do you say : "jak powiedzieć"

how do you ask : "jak spytać"

in Polish from what I know "how do you" translates to "jak" or "jak się" ( which is straight translation for "how" )
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

This thread could have been interesting, I'm curious about the number of actual Poles who took part in the battle, I've been reading the book "Poles in defence of Great Britain" lots of interesting stories, it's nice to hear about the brotherhood there once was, it all really warms the heart.. but I didn't read about any overall numbers yet... and I really don't know why did you have to add this:

English arrogance aside.

if not with irony and a certain sneer.. and taking it into consideration this thread will change into a barf thread, but it was your choice all along troll.
20 Mar 2010
Classifieds / Warsaw (PL) Tabletop Role Playing Game Group for Expats Only. D&D Fortnightly [87]

So you guys are playing greyhawk.. never tried it, only played Forgotten Realms and a bit of Dragonlance ( after reading the books I got a tad interested in Dragonlance.. ).

Pretty big players number but I guess it makes sense when there's a big players rotation. For me the best number of players is 5 plus GM. If there's more, people usually get a bit bored especially at a time when they are doing something by themselves and not as a team, waiting for their turn is boring and decreases the immersion factor.
19 Mar 2010
Classifieds / Warsaw (PL) Tabletop Role Playing Game Group for Expats Only. D&D Fortnightly [87]

rule-governed structure; outcome unpredicability; and voluntary involvement

Nicely said.

So I cannot see the word commitment when a GM is focussed on the task of addiction.

I'm happy that all of your players have overlapping free time then.

Nice thing to watch that Robot Chicken D&D, but not much roleplaying from the players ... But nicely done taking into consideration they are beginners. Wonder how would they play in a casual city encounter, shopping and talking.
18 Mar 2010
Life / 3G availability with iPhone in Poland ? [4]

I had 3G in most of the big cities and in the major cities I had HSDPA.. I reckon there should be cells providing hsdpa quality in Krakow...
17 Mar 2010
Language / The finer points of Polish grammar - 1 (podróżni) [22]

Weird.. I'd write it: "Wrócił półtora miesiąca temu", "wrócił półtora roku temu"...

1) Wrócił przed półtora miesiącem
2) Wrócił przed półtora rokiem

I think that AdamKadmon is directing these "The finer points of Polish grammar" to foreigners not native Poles.. ; o
17 Mar 2010
History / What would they think of today's Poland...? [16]

They lived for Poland.

And they did a lot of stupid things. I'm sure that history of every country is pretty even some mistakes are just not mentioned in history books. Great heroes are in many cases just myths. Same with Poland, beside wars usually create opportunities for more heroic situations and great people to spawn, we can't sulk over the idea of not being in a state of war can we?
17 Mar 2010
Classifieds / Warsaw (PL) Tabletop Role Playing Game Group for Expats Only. D&D Fortnightly [87]

From my perspective,

So you're agreeing with me? Because I get the notion that you are challenging my point of view somehow.. : o

Anyways I partially agree but it probably depends on the person - maybe you are different but I visit pubs once or twice a month or even more seldomly and if you wanna play campaign it makes sense to meet at least once or even more times a week and if there's somebody missing and you're playing a solid campaign it can break the game.

Anyone who haven't had any experience with playing pen and paper games should be aware of that they are time consuming and based on certain commitment and presance of all the players from the very beginning of the campaign to its end.
17 Mar 2010
Classifieds / Warsaw (PL) Tabletop Role Playing Game Group for Expats Only. D&D Fortnightly [87]

Forgot that they have already released the 4th edition, they are earning some serious money heh all this worthless additional content, special editions..

Before then I was a player of AD&D 1st ed: THAC0 from 1979!

heh I haven't played 1st ed. only in computer games like Baldur's Gate 1, hence my vague knowledge about the whole THAC0 thingie ; )
I played a lot of AD&D 2ed, a bit of Vampire Masquarade, a bit of Earthdawn.. a lot of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and Neuroshima a polish post-apocalyptic rpg...

I'll take an rpg session over a bar crawl anyday, the problem is you need much more time for a session and usually much more time to finish a campaign...
16 Mar 2010
Classifieds / Warsaw (PL) Tabletop Role Playing Game Group for Expats Only. D&D Fortnightly [87]

I thought Eric was too corny.

hehe good one, I'm always having a brainstorm over Tolkienesque names, something that has an apostrophe in the middle and sounds "elvish" ; )

As for the gm sometimes it's hard to find someone who's got enough time to create something truly interesting. I gm'ed several games when I was in primary and had a lot of free time, it was amazing how you could create a great mood with proper "fantasy" themed music or some special sound effects. I especially remember one game where we used "Court of the Crimson King" song by King Crimson as a conundrum for the players to solve to get into the crimson king's castle. Good times :)

We are looking for more players in Warsaw for fortnightly ongoing fun.

Put a laptop somewhere hehe and I'll join you guys via Skype ; D bwaaa why am I living in such a backwater city :(
16 Mar 2010
Classifieds / Warsaw (PL) Tabletop Role Playing Game Group for Expats Only. D&D Fortnightly [87]

Heh I've been playing a bit here and there with some of my friends but never had enought time for longer sessions. But I'd love to play someday again. I'm always up for a game if there's a team with some room :)

The best play I made was polymorphing one of our crew into an orc so that he could enter an orc camp appearing to be one of them.

Sounds awesome, that's what I really like about these games so much room for creativity, different ideas and approaches. Although I sometimes found the amount of rules and dice rolls a bit too much in D&D, a tad overwhelmed by the amount of everything especially during characters creation :) hence my warm feeling towards "storytelling" systems such as for instance Vampire the Masquarade when there's nearly no dice throwing and a lot of talking and acting..

by the way Seanus what realm were you guys playing Forgotten Realms which is probably most popular or maybe something else from D&D?

D&D v3.5

Haven't played the newest one.. I think I stopped somewhere around AD&D.. which if I remember correctly is 2.0..
16 Mar 2010
Language / The finer points of Polish grammar - 1 (podróżni) [22]

...Orzeczenie w liczbie mnogiej towarzyszy słowu oboje tylko wtedy, gdy odnosi się ono do par małżeńskich, np. „Oboje rodzice wyjechali”, ale „Oboje dzieci wyjechało”.

— Mirosław Bańko

That's a bit of insanity in a pill right there... anyways why were you even asking if you know all that..
15 Mar 2010
Life / Złotoryja - information needed [5]

Sorry for being rude there, but it looked so out of the blue ; ) I don't really know much about it beside the stuff they taught in primery - which is Złotoryja being the most important gold mining town in Poland. It has got a medieval history and some medieval monuments.
15 Mar 2010
Work / Is there any opportunity in Poland for CISCO certified person? [8]

Is there any opportunity for CISCO certified person?

I'd say there's rather an opposite tendention of it cisco specialists to leave Poland for better paying jobs abroad.. I'd say it would be better to go a bit further West : )