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Joined: 17 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Oct 2024
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2211 / In This Archive: 458
From: Guess
Speaks Polish?: Sometimes

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8 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

Incidentally, all the American Trump lovers have been going insane online.

No, they're not...sources please or is it more of your fake news again?

They had a 5 min video clip on the nighty news here, that was all.

No facts. No sources. Just more propaganda straight from you.

Typical Liberal Spewage.

Notice every one of his post mentions Russia?
7 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

you figure they must be gay and or a liberal?

Or maybe you didn't bother to read all of the above posts?

Before you start accusing ppl

reports of Macron having a gay lover. This is very plausible given his childless marriage to a woman a quarter of a century older than he is.

7 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

Not much of a happy ending for anyone who can see three moves into the future....

The terrorists will be emboldened to commit even more deadly attacks upon the citizens of France.

Anyhow, let's hope that a Le Pen defeat will signal a further weakening of far-right support throughout Europe, namely in Germany come this Fall.

While you live inside your imaginary safe zone.
7 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

As fast as Europe is crumbling one would have to think that it really makes no difference who gets elected as the EU is doomed anyways.

It has really gone down hill over the past 20 years and they don't even notice it when its right in the own back yards.

Europe is becoming another Islamic State thru Political Correctness. Sad!
7 May 2017
USA, Canada / How difficult is it to get a visa in Poland for an US citizen? [11]

No need to worry about visas for US citizens

I never hear anything about it. However, they sure do complain a lot about visas on this forum thats for sure.

It would not be in interest of European Union to actually implement it.

They would really shoot themselves in the foot if they did that, but let them go ahead with it!

Europe is dangerous, expensive, boring and the US State Dept, has current warnings. You could do much better with less $$$$ traveling somewhere else:)
6 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

You remember how it was before the ACA?

I only need to remember that the DEMOCRATS had 6 years to tweak it as problems arose if they really wanted to keep it but they just let it be. Now they expect the Republicans to fix it and save it. The Rep`s want to save and just rename it, but it`s fatally flawed there is no fix to it. Only about 10% of the new immigrants are self supporting so we get to pay for their healthcare too. We could do a reasonably good job if we were only dealing with US citizens but the Democrats overloaded the system for political purposes.

What do you mean? That I'm a pro-Russian American?

If you don't agree with him, Youre Pro-Russian!
5 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

laugh all the way at you Americans come Sunday night.

It won't affect me one way or another what happens in the French election.

Im always laughing at you!!!

And when Le Pen wins, Ill be laughing even more at all you Liberals Melting down....Hahaha

This is one very sick individual.

You know it:)

"Now the Rothschild is backing Macron
Could there be a "conflict" of interest by any chance ?"

They must have learned from the Clinton Foundation, Soros, all them pond scum libturds
5 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

You've got pre-existing conditions, Joker?

"If you like your Doctor you can keep him"
"If you like your health plan you can keep it"

Lies, Lies, all Libby Lies!

Too bad they didn't keep Obamacare going on life support, I wanted to see it implode in the Dem`s face!

However, I don't want people being kept form getting their medical services.:)
5 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

The Left is going to have a total melt down when LePen wins and have Crooked Hillary bewilderment looks on their faces.

The lefties will accuse the Russians after they are finally done crying about it, could be weeks blaming everyone else but themselves.
The whining and fake news will never end, they are the biggest sore losers on the planet!
3 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

What's disturbing is the way that our American friends here

What`s really disturbing is...... You're posting here about France at 5:00 in the morning....lol

Is this what you do all day long, you must have a very boring life!
3 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

I forgot to mention that it is also the most visited tourist destination in the world.

The US State Department issued a Terrorist warning today for Americans traveling to Europe. I don't know what percentage we are to the European tourism industry, but this surely will have an impact on Americans visiting France this summer.


Not bad, really.

Not good, really.

According to your polls over 40% want her so how can you say that "the French don't want her."

Its the same lefty rhetoric we heard during our election...lol
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

thereand millions of tourists visit yearly.

Until the next terrorist attack puts an end to it....

(as you and the leftist media are making it out to be?)

After she wins, the lefties are going to lose their freaking minds! Lol
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

very healthy tradition of Socialism there.

That allows terrorism to thrive and lets people die. Socialism has never worked, anywhere.

Europe is a mess! Im glad I don't have to live there:)

"The French as a nation are much better educated"

All you pompous Euros think you're soooo superior than everyone else! LoL
1 May 2017
Food / Making American cheeses (Polish and EU ones are terrible!) [100]

Good American cheese (like good American beer a good few years back) doesn't get exported.

I agree, maybe not with the beer part...LoL

That being said, the OP made the claim that cheese in Europe is not as good as the US, based on experiences in Poland, where the cheese selection is poor...at best!

It`s the same claim as DD`s theory about America food, its all contrived upon internet ramblings and not factual.
30 Apr 2017
Food / Making American cheeses (Polish and EU ones are terrible!) [100]

The fact that they mentioned that foul tasteless "American cheese"

Have you even had real American Cheese? Not that crap that you get inside a plastic wrapper either.

Or you just talking out you A$$ as usual, because you haven't got a clue what real American cheese is!

I know this is just another one of your biased attempts to discredit anything American, because you're a dick!
29 Apr 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

And here I though it was only the Americans

All liberals basically cry the same song. They are at their best with conspiracy theories and fake news.

The Muslims killing innocent people in the name of Allah are not imaginary now are they.

He lives in an imaginary utopian fantasy world. Too much time on the internet as well.

You have to admit that Le Pen however is by far the best choice.

She's going to win. The French are sick and tired of these terrorist attacks, I don't blame them at all.

Make France Great Again!

Im going to get the popcorn out and watch the Libby meltdown Part Duex
They are so predictable.....LoL
28 Apr 2017
Food / Making American cheeses (Polish and EU ones are terrible!) [100]

The anti-American cheese crowd is very ignorant of the reality of American cheeses It is like Europeans think American cheeses are inferior just because they aren't from Europe.

I live close to a big Polish supermarket and their deli has a separate cheese section with practically every kind of cheese from Europe.
Although, they have pretty tasty versions nothing compares to Wisconsin cheese. Its Americas Dairyland its what they live for, and Bratwurst! LoL

No way, I love polish cheese! Especially cottage.

I take cottage cheese mix in green peas and bacon bits, sounds weird but try it:)
26 Apr 2017
Food / Making American cheeses (Polish and EU ones are terrible!) [100]

This is a particular foul example of the kind of "cheese" you can find in the US.

Yep, can't disagree with you there.

That stuff is nasty, its in the snack aisle. It shouldn't be considered cheese.:(
26 Apr 2017
Food / Making American cheeses (Polish and EU ones are terrible!) [100]

You can press them a little if you want extra squeaky.

I went on a cheese factory tour once and watched them being made. Free samples of course!

People take great pride in their cheese here!

That plastic stuff gives our good cheese a bad name, mostly kids like that stuff.

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.......Bla!!!
26 Apr 2017
Food / Making American cheeses (Polish and EU ones are terrible!) [100]

I'm pretty amazed by the local cheeses here in Vermont,

Ive heard Vermont cheese is good, but haven't tried any yet.

I love cheese! Its probably my favorite food of all time.

When I travel up North, I stop at the Cheese Castle:)
26 Apr 2017
Food / Making American cheeses (Polish and EU ones are terrible!) [100]

Cheez Wizz

I was a little kid the last time I ate this...lol

And Velveeta,

Be careful that stuff might plug you up:)

I guess, it could appear like we love this stuff, its like McDonalds, its out there, but why:(

If you had fresh Wisconsin cheese curds ( the kind that squeak when you chew them) you would change your minds:)