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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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27 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

Human nature never changes. It's animal side -- defence of turf, food and mating -- has always existred in the human race. The difference is the ethical context in which it develops. The existence or absence of a moral compass does make a difference.
27 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

Hey, if you want to believe that altruism best reflects today's prevailing attitude, feel free. There's no law against thinking that.
27 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

Except the other side of the story was Jews victimising Poles. That's the narrative that still needs to be told. Except that to the free-speech-suppressing PC dictatorship that is a taboo.
27 Apr 2015
Life / One advantage of living in Poland: less commerpop nonsense [19]

The commercial commerpop crap with its carpe diem hedonism is merely accelerating the Muslim takeover. The West has long been in a state of creeping moral decline and the advocates of the "anything goes" mentality, whether for philosophical or commercial reasons (mostly the latter), are simply speeding up the eventual collapse. Throughout history this has always been the case. The fat, flabby and decadent are always overtaken and overthrown by lean and mean barbarians.
27 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

An example can be found to prove every point. There are altruists and dedicated self-sacrificial people about today, but it is not they who set the tone for todays' Zeitgeist. The overriding, predominant and ubiquitous theme is EGOISM: it's my life, my interests, my concerns, my sensitivity, my gain, my profit, my satisfaction and to hell with the rest. Self-restraint, self-control and self-denial have fallen by the wayside, displaced by self-fulfillment, self-satisfaction, self-indulgence and self-adulation.
27 Apr 2015
Life / One advantage of living in Poland: less commerpop nonsense [19]

That was precisely the point of this thread: too much nonsense and trivia from America. In Poland cakes are cakes to be eaten and enjoyed, but in the States all manner of off-the-wall fringe groups try to turn everything into an ideology, a cause, a boycott, a parade, a PR extravaganza and God knows what all!

And the compliant media hyenas are there ready to whip it all up into a hysterical frenzy. Very un-European, but you know what? -- Europeans are increasingly trying to ape all the nonsense seeping over from the States!
27 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

All these things have occurred. Polish real or alleged anti-Semitism, take-over of presumably abandoned Jewish property (at that point no-one knew Germany would lose the war!), reporting hiding Jews to the Gestapo and similar Polish misdeeds have been talked about, written about, lectured about, documentaries have been made and in general the topic has been ridden and beaten to death.

What about the other side of the story? As I have pointed out, in Jedwabne during 22 months of Soviet occupation (1939-1941) Poles were hunted, persecuted and reported to the NKVD by Jews, and when Germany took over many Poles got even. Fair enough, except the Soviet period is clearly underreported. As is Jewish anti-Polonism and anti-Goyism in general. Why? Another example of censorship by the PC dictatorship? Under PC subjugation Orwell's words unfortunately ring painfully true : Everybody is equal but some are more equal than others!
26 Apr 2015
Life / One advantage of living in Poland: less commerpop nonsense [19]

One advantage of living in Poland is the cultural lag, or maybe Poles are a bit smarter than their Stateside cousins? Lot of the nonsense is seeping over but it's nowhere as bad as in the US. Take the current anti-police hysteria or the gay-cake nonsense. All these oddities are inflated out of all proportion by the tabloidised, sensation-seeking media cluttering public space and human brains with loads of useless and needless garbage and trivia. One example:

Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, And Is Denied Service By All Of Them

Say that "Bestiality Is Wrong" or "Polygamy Is Wrong" and it's not considered hate speech, but if you have the opinion that "Gay Marriage Is Wrong" the whole world jumps up and down screaming "racism" "bigotry" and "hatred".

This is becoming the politically-correct norm, but no matter what one argues, this is suppressing free speech.

No one targeted pro-gay bakeries, but gay activists target Christian bakeries. "Support Gay Marriage" is one Christian bakery was sued for refusing to put that slogan on a cake for an event to support the gay agenda.

26 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

Many Poles concur that Bartoszewski's generation, which was raised in the Second Republic, was a case apart. They knew the meaning and value of patriotism, loyalty, dedication and sacrifice for the common good. All that was lost in the decades that followed when the "me, myself and I" mentality took hold. It continues to this day and lies at the root of many contemporary problems. Instead of dedication and sacrifice we live amid such buzz-words as "it's my life", "anything goes", "diversity", "whatever rocks your boat!" What ever happened to consensus?
26 Apr 2015
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

It's all about opportunity and survival. Amid the horrors of war and other disasters, survival is the overriding goal -- survival of oneself and one's family, in third place maybe at least a few possessions. All nationalities subjected to such circumstances behave similarly, and victims can easily become victimisers when the opportunity presents itself.

Take Jedwabne or, in an extended sense, all of the eastern half of Poland annexed by Uncle Joe in collusion with Uncle Adolf. Bolshevised young Jews (naturally constituting only a fraction of the Jewish population) were amongst the more visible locals welcoming the invading Red Army in 1939. Belarusians and some ethnic Poles were amongst the welcomers, but they were less visible in terms of dress, physiognomy, speech, etc. Some of these young radical pro-Soviet Jews immediately donned red arm-bands, declared themselves to be a "workers' militia" and reported prominent Polish officials, politicians, policemen and other associated with free Poland to the NKVD. In Nowogródek Jewish militia shot Polish soldiers in the back during the Soviet invasion of 1939 and its immediate aftermath. Does that make them evil? From an objective point of you - of course not. They were simply taking advantage of an historical opportunity in their quest for survival and advancement. After all, Stalin had claimed that communism was the wave of the future, so they felt safe to do what they did. After all, weren't they on the progressive side of history?

Comes June 1941 and the tables turn. Komsomol members, including many young Jews, are now hunted down by local Poles for the 22 months of Stalin's Soviet hell to which they had been subjected. Many of their loved ones had been shipped off to Siberia and Central Asia in cattle trucks after being fingered by the young Jewish radicals. (The NKVD couldn't have known who is who without their willing assistance.) Some Polish Jedwabians agree to do the barn-burning thing or otherwise persecute and rob Jews. Probably they had all heard of the 1,000-year Reich predicted by the moustache bloke, so they felt a sense of impunity as had the Jews under Soviet occupation. The thing is no-one ever really knows how things will turn out until they become history. And only one thing is certain: war brutalises everyone regardless of nationality, race, creed and ideology.
26 Apr 2015
Life / Where can I get a good American Haircut in Poznan? [18]

Just curious, are you asking about a barber who holds US citizenship or any barber that barbers the American way? Is there even such a thing as an American-style haircut? If so, what is it?
26 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Help in finding ancestry - Hermanowski/Czajkowski [3]

HERMANOWSKI: originated as toponymic tag to identify an inhabiatnat of Hermanów or Hermanowo; 4 different coats of arms; check out:

CZAJKOWSKI: ditto except it is traceable to such places as Czajki, Czajków or Czajkowo; a czajka is a peewit aka lapwing (bird species); 5 different coats of arms.

For more info please contact. research60@gmail.
26 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

To what extent is the Polish language/culture still present in Israel? From what little I know on the subject, the Polish-speaking segment of society is dwindling as they age and go on ot their eternal reward. Are there still any Polish-langauge newspapers, bookshops, clubs, performing groups, Polish-language signs (Polska Kawiarnia, Polski Sklep, etc.)? Do the older Polish Jews who learnt modern Hebrew as adults speak it with an accent younger Israelis can notice?
25 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

But not all the loose ends have been conclusively resolved. His detractors resented him being called "Professor Bartoszewski" when he didn't even hold a master's degree. But his supporters would spring to his defense, claiming his achievements for Poland and hands-on contributions to historical scholarship had fully earned him that honorary title. In a word, Bartoszewski has joined the pantheon of distinguished historical figures, political leaders and cultural personalities who have risen above run-of-the-mill reality to make an imprint of one kind or another on their country or world. Such people by their very nature and their diverse forms of involvement have nearly always been controversial, evoking admiration from their followers and criticism from their opponents.
25 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

But he was also somewhat controversial with some unexplained aspects to his murky past. He was sent to Auschwitz with Pilecki but was released six months later while Pilecki had to escape much later. Bartoszewski's sister (allegedly married to a German SS-man) was was said to have been instrumental in his release. He was also linked to a "Guard of Free Jews", a covert Nazi-created organisation of collaborationist Jews that pretended to engage in smuggling goods into the Warsaw Ghetto, but actually ferreted out Jews hiding on the Arian side. Considering his record, this may have been only a ploy to win Nazi confidence and facilitate his underground activity. Maybe we'll never know because none of the witnesses of those events are around.
24 Apr 2015
News / French chopper - a good choice for Poland? [8]


The thing is that spares, accessories, rotuine maintenace, repairs and upgrades would probably be more readily accessible, more convenient, less costly and more efficient at a local factory (Mielec or Świdnik) than sending away to France. Just a thought...
24 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

Poland differed form Hungary in many ways. An independent Hungary freely entered World War Two on the sides of the Axis powers. Its Arrow Cross Party was patterned on Germany's NSDAP. The Hungarian SS unit attracted more than 40,000 volunteers. And Hungary shipped its Jews to Auschwitz.... Hungary failed ot generate a significant anti-Nazi resistance movement coaparable to Poland's AK and did not establish anything akin to Żegota to aid and rescue Jews.
23 Apr 2015
News / French chopper - a good choice for Poland? [8]

Poland hasve accepted a French offer to supply the Polish aroces with helicopters, bypassing the Americans in the tender. On the one hand the French offer fulfilled more of Poland's requirements, but on the other -- helicopter factories in Świdnik and Mielec will lose an opportunity to develop and create new Polish jobs? What's your take on this?
23 Apr 2015
Po polsku / Żenić się czy wychodzić za mąż? [5]

Portal plotkarski dał headline "Maciej Zień się żeni", ale on zaprzeczył i powiedział, że wychodzi za mąż.
Po angielsku nie ma problemu bo tak czy siak mówi się "to get married". Po polsku, czy wybór tego wariantu oznacza, że one przyjmie bierną (jakby kobiecą) rolę w tym związku?. Oto material:

Maciej Zień jest już na finiszu przygotowań do swojego wielkiego dnia. Projektant będzie ślubował miłość swojemu ukochanemu, którym jest cudzoziemiec, południowiec o imieniu Antonio. Ceremonia odbędzie się we wtorek 5 maja w Ameryce Południowej. Dlaczego Maciej Zień wybrał na miejsce zaślubin Brazylię? Być może dlatego, że ma tam swoją posiadłość, która zapewni mu prywatność, jakiej nie miałby w kraju. Na pytanie Plejady czy się żeni, projektant odpowiedział: - Nie, ja wychodzę za mąż!
23 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

Henry Ford was a great admirer of Hitler and supporter of Nazi eugenics.


At a meeting in March 1960 at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion exchanged pledges of mutual cooperation. Their pledges included taking the heat off Germany in Israeli media reports and propaganda (blaming the Nazis, not Germans, for the Holocaust) in exchange for Bonn bankrolling Israel. Following that meeting there was more and more talk of Polish complicity in the Holocaust and only rare mentions of Germany or Germans. Some mythical "Nazis" were to blame and it is rarely mentioned that Hitler had the support of 95% of all Germans (even more than Putin - 86%).

The point is that the German-Israeli backroom deal does not bind Poles or Polonians in any way. It is strongly advisable for us to constantly use the words "German, Germans and Germany" when speaking of the Holocaust and the German-conceived, German-designed, German-built and German-run death camps, gas chambers, crematoria, etc.

This is not to suggest that there were no individual Poles who collaborated with the Germans. But people of every nationality collaborated, even the Jews. The collaborationist Jewish ghetto police was often more brutal towards fellow-Jews than the Germans were. The Judenräte (councils of Jewish elders serving the Nazis) actually drew up name and address lists of Jews for the Gestapo which greatly facilitated their rounding-up and transport to Auschwitz. And the German-American Bund actually held swastika parades in New York City, and Henry ford was a great admirer of Hitler.

To Poland's credit was the fact that were no Polish SS units. There was no Quisling, Tiso or Pétain-style Nazi puppet regime. Poland raised the fourth largest Allied anti-German fighting force and fought on all the fronts of the war's European theatre till the last day of hostilities and beyond. Some courageous souls also fought against Poland's Sovietization and the last anti-communist partisan was captured in the 1960s. We should add that for its effort, sacrifice, loyalty and dedication Poland got treated rather shabbily by the US and Britain after it was all over.
21 Apr 2015
Life / Things getting cheaper in Poland? [6]

There is talk about deflation, but in your daily life and shopping trips can you actually feel you are spending less money on necessities than previously ? Could you venture a percentage compared to, let's say, a year ago?
21 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

No there were no Polish SS units. There was no Quisling, Tiso or Pétain Nazi puppet regime, but individual Poles did turn Jews over to the Gestapo. People of every nationality in Nazi-occupied Europe collaborated with the Nazis. The collaborationist Jewish ghetto police was often more brutal towards fellow-Jews than the Germans were. And the Judenräte (councils of Jewish elders serving the Nazis) actually drew up name and address lists of Jews which greatly facilitated their transport of Auschwitz and other "holiday resorts". The point is that in extreme conditions, when one'a utter survival and that of one's family's is at stake, people do drastic, inhuman and unspeakable things. War brutalises everyone -- victim and victimiser, soldier and civilian, peasant and intellectual, Jew and Goy, Catholic and atheist....
21 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

The Polish Mission of Orchard Lake, Michigan, a pro-Polish think-tank, is asking:

Can anybody tell me why we're subjected to this kind of slander? I'm calling on the United States government to take responsibility BEYOND paper-thin apologies, and for James Comey to be held accountable.

If you weren't already aware, just Google "Comey Poland" to find out how our FBI director bulldozed through decades of work on behalf of historians and diplomats. Yes, Poles and Polish-Americans have once again been forced to shrug off yet another slap in the face by the United States.

Another slap in the face for Polish people.

16 Apr 2015
News / How Polish diaspora see future of Poland? as ethnic Polish state or just Polish in origin? [120]

What kind of Poland do Polish Americans want to see? First of all, the truth of the matter is that 85-90% people calling themselves Polish Americans or often saying things like "my grandparents were Polish" (suggesting that DNA notwithstanding they no longer are) have little if any interest in Old Country developments, news, concerns or whatever and live lives similar to those of the de-ethnicised Petronellis, Schultzes, Dubois, Svenesens*, etc.

The 10-15% that are interested in their cultural heritage (roots, ancestry, whatever) generally want Poland to remain a predominantly Catholic country and would not advocate large-scale immigration by Third World types. American Poles with Polish citizenship overwhelmingly back PiS (60-65% support). Deep down they know PiS are a bunch of crooks just like PO, SLD or whatever, but they prefer to back crooks that at least spout the slogans they feel comfortable with: conservative, pro-Catholic, pro-family, pro-tradition. That in a nutshell is more or less the way it is.


* I have purposely left out the Gonzalezes, Al-Rashids and Shapiros because those are separate cases of groups displaying a higher level of ethnic identification and awareness.