History /
Can Poland allow itself to refuse Slavija? [32]
Slavija without Russia but with Scotland and Wales??? I'm not sure it's that what Crowie has in mind! :)
Crow analyze all options and is opened for all options
Historically and metaphysically, Russia is last core of that what was Scythia and Poland is last core of that what was Sarmatia. Scytians and Sarmatians were considered to be kind (all were Proto-Slavs) of common origin and they had periods of alliances and coordination. But, throughout history, Scythia and Sarmatia were two different systems often in mutual competition.
If Sarmatians have no interest to form some kind of unity with Scythia then, at least, i suggest mutual respect.
So, in other words, Russia can exist as separate system, while other Slavs could be free to form /let`s say/ Slavic Confederation around Poland, with Warsaw as capital and political center.
Russia is too big and powerful, and she would certainly wish to dominate Poland and the rest of company in such a confederation
you could be right here
but listen, by definition, members of Confederation preserving great deal of their sovereignty. Then, there is constitution, democratic parliament. Also, with or without Russia as member of Slavic Confederation, Warsaw still can be capital.
Have in mind that Serbian intelligentsia already opened discussion in case with `Slavic rights on Siberian resources`. It is said that ``all Slavs has right to share Siberian wealth among themselves`` and that Russia should provide beneficial access to Siberia, to all Slavic countries. Serbs see Siberia as resource vault for all the Slavs, considering that Russia wouldn`t even exist if other Slavs didn`t defend Russian western and southern borders. Not to mention sins of Russian Tzars on Russian and other Slavs
Never underestimate Serbian ideas. For salvation of Slavic civilization Serbs are ready take in consideration all options. I mean ALL
The majority of Poles have such a strong sense of their own that they don't identify with other Slavs.
this comment is OUT because based on antagonisms that foreigners imposed on us Slavs. I refuse to behave according to clishe
that all depends on whether or not one believes the people of a nation should choose alliances based on genetic and cultural heritage alone.
too simplistic approach
Slavic world is much more then genetic or culturally based ethos. Slavic world is unique civilization.
For example, i had discussion with one Hungarian about origin of Hungarians. We concluded that Hungarians aren`t Slavs necessarily but, that they for sure belong to Slavic cultural area and can`t be understand without that component of their national being.
Think of a brighter future for yourselves and your children".
i strongly support this way of thinking.
I can`t imagine united Sarmatia without sending invitation to Ireland, Scotland and Wells. Also, from currently so called non-Slavic countries, i see also Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Letonia and Estonia as part of Slavic (Sarmatian) Confederation.
See, to strengthen emotional component of integration, to underline common origin (in genetical and cultural sense) we all must return to our common Sarmatian (Proto-Slavic) roots. Then, i don`t see Our limits. Only almighty God could be limit to Our power