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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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24 Feb 2014
Love / Polish girls don't go for one night stands, is it true? [56]

am student in Switzerland and thinking of visiting Poland.

Why are you asking about one night stands if you are looking for a girlfriend or wife? Unless you are afraid of your potential girlfriend or wife cheating on you?
11 Jan 2014
News / Ania Lisewska, Polish Woman, Wants To Have Sex With 100,000 Men for Guinness World Records. [55]

It very much is real

Yeah but is it though? I mean she has gained a bit of publicity from announcing it and has a twitter account with about 1,500 followers, because of the hype she has built up for herself, but this story is from a few months ago and she has not started it yet. I'm not sure she will go through with it [or have enough takers to be a part of this with her].
27 Dec 2013
News / British teacher stabbed in Poland [116]

I think you're reading too much into it. It's an expat forum, it's natural they're interested in what happens to their own people.

I might be reading a bit too much in to it, it's true, but given some of the anti Polishness from some of these expats, I saw the title expecting it to try and show us that savage Polish people had attacked a poor civil British man, because he was a foreigner [or because he was British].
27 Dec 2013
News / British teacher stabbed in Poland [116]

Funny that the title of the topic says 'British teacher stabbed in Poland,' as if he might have been stabbed because he was British [it doesn't say it, but it suggests it, like saying 'black woman stabbed in Poland']. In the text it talks about a Polish friend of his dying after being stabbed, so it had nothing to do with nationality.
20 Dec 2013
News / News from the Poland's media front - Drop in sales for Uważam Rze. [15]

f your grasp of polish was better, you would know that all the journalists who worked on Uważam Rze left after the new owner started intefering with the editorial line.

Yes basically this. Uważam Rze is not what it used to be. Do Rzeczy and WSieci are the ones to read now. I personally read WSieci, by the Karnowski brothers.

Uważam Rze used to have a readership in the 130 000's, until ownership changed hands. In the month ownership changed hands [November of last year], the readership suddenly dropped to half that, and now it is lingering in the 14 000's.
9 Dec 2013
History / Are there still communists in Poland? [58]

Yes there are plenty of communist or rather Soviets in Poland. So far they have an upper hand in Poland.

That is mostly down to so many of their kids being in the mainstream media.
1 Dec 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

What makes you say that ? Given the context, this doesn't sound like a phonic tic or copralalia, it sounds more like...............a heckler.

No he had tourettes. The MC [host] even mentioned it at the beginning, that there is somebody with tourettes. So we knew he had it, but it still didn't prevent people from feeling awkward when he was verbally abusing some guy in the audience. It's not a nice thing to have done to you, whether they have an illness or not. I mean, let's be honest, it wouldn't be acceptable to have a mentally ill physically attack somebody, even if we know they are mentally ill, so why is verbal abuse acceptable? Do you follow the old 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me' rule?

Poor guy. Imagine being that person, knowing that there are a load of people tutting under their breath

I wouldn't tut under my breath, I would more likely just leave. Oh and I wouldn't have anything against that person, nor do I think they should be locked up, for you information, since you keep trying to make me out to be some guy that wants to see mentally ill people in prisons.

Because I don't advocate Nazi theories, unlike yourself?

Hahahahahahahahahaha! I can't even bring myself to reply to that one.

Of course I would. I feel sorry for people who have disabilities caused by no fault of their own

So how would you feel sorry for them? Would you sit there sadly, or go over to them and pat them on the back? Would you tell whoever you were with that you should go, because you are too upset to eat, seeing a mentally ill person at another table, or perhaps you continue on with your meal sadly, ignoring all the swearing going on a few yards away from you?

Why is it strange? What's strange about autism, or mental illness?

You are kidding aren't you? Why do you think it is called an illness? It is not normal. People can have illnesses, but it is not part of the norm. People would rather not have them, and if they do, they do what they can do get rid of them. It's the same as, if somebody has a bad cold, they should stay at home, firstly, to get better, but also, not to infect others with it. I think it is unfair of someone to actually come in, when they have a cold, as it puts others at risk. I suppose you will find a way to twist that and make me look selfish.

Oh and delph, regarding your comments on the risk of somebody shouting, what if they are shouting at you, loudly and aggressively? Is that still okay? Look back to my reply at the top of this post.
30 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

What exactly you have in mind?

Shouting, swearing, messing up the table, generally being loud and drawing a lot of attention to himself, making it impossible to ignore.

I'd pity the person.

You are so full of sh*t delph. Yeah sure you'd stop and pity them. Ok right. Stop pretending to be something you are not. Like I said, many people can talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. You act like this person who is better than me because you care about these poor people more than me. To me there is a lot of talk, but I'm sure there is very little following through, from your part. You know, practicing what you preach?

This has nothing to do with my enjoyment. It is about normal people being able to live a normal life without having to sit there, smiling and pretending that nothing strange is going on, when it is. I am not ridiculing anybody, I just know how to acknowledge that some people have got certain issues, rather than pretending they don't exist, so that they can feel normal, just because they do 'normal people stuff.' I suppose mentally ill people who are known to attack others should also be allowed to live in society and feel normal? It's not their fault, they have problems, they can't help it. Oh wait, you'll probably say no, because they are a risk to other people, but if they are shouting and swearing in public or insulting people, that is not as great a risk, so let them be and convince other people that they should be understanding and deal with it.
30 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

No I'd say that people who say it's PC gone mad get unfairly accused, by people like you, of being, hateful nasty people, when they are simply saying the truth.

I think you need to read this thread again.

No I don't. I stand by my view that most people who have replied to me here, don't back up their words with action. I think if they were in a restaurant with a friend or their partner/husband/wife, and a mentally ill person at a table nearby began to behave loudly and in a very disruptive way, they would also not be happy with it, and want to move or have somebody deal with the mentally ill person, by either taking them somewhere else or doing something, so they could enjoy their meal [that they paid for].
28 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

Personally I think most of the responses here are based on the PC culture we have these days. People agree with me and know they feel awkward around some of these people, but feel that it is the correct thing to do, to say it is normal and should be accepted. It's very phony.
28 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

Went to a comedy gig today. Somebody had tourettes. Now it was obvious they were ill, but they did keep shouting out stuff during the gigs. Some people found it funny, others were not as amused. At one stage, a comedian asked someone in the audience if they were here by themselves. At this point the guy with tourettes shouted out 'F off home you 'F ing' loser.' Now again, people know this guy has a problem, but it was still very rude and I could tell other members of the audience were distressed by it. The question is, where do you draw a line with mental illnesses and who gets to make these decisions?
26 Nov 2013
News / Skins vs anarchists in Warsaw [93]

Merged: Warszawski Rainbow

[Didn't find a topic about this. If there is one, please merge].

What are your thoughts on the burning down of the rainbow in Warszawa recently? Do you think that there should be a rainbow there in the first place, that is financed by the mayor. By the way, she had said that they will keep re building it, as many times as it takes. Is this fair on tax payers, that she is going to be using their money to re build it 'as many times as it takes.' Also why is it okay to have a rainbow, but no a 'pomnik' of the plane catastrophe [that was suggested in the past]? Your thoughts?
25 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

You bet your ass. I don't like the term 'kick up a stink' though.

Hey if a baby starts to cry in a public area and the parents just let it cry 'because it's a baby,' then you bet it ****** me off. In Church is the worst. To me, if the parents don't deal with the crying baby, it shows they are just bad parents.
25 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

Right I see, so he has no right to do it and other people who wanted to have a pleasant meal just have to accept that there might be someone there that ruins it by shouting and making a mess at their table, however, they are mentally ill, so they just need to get on with it and eat their food.
25 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

It seems a lot of people hear are saying that it was autistic people I am describing, rather than mentally ill people. I think being an autistic person is similar to being a mentally ill person. Something is screwed up in their head that makes them yell out obscenities. So therefore something is wrong with the mental state?

Let me ask this question. Is it wrong if say, a restaurant owner, refuses to let a mentally ill [or autistic, if you don't consider that mentally ill] person in, because they wouldn't want other customers, who have paid a lot of money to have a pleasant meal, to be disturbed?
24 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

If someone has a family member who is mentally ill, but you can still visit them, then I don't see the issue. A lot of these people probably don't understand that they are segregated anyway [if they are.] Obviously we have different degrees on insanity and I'm not saying that is someone is slightly mentally unstable, they should immediately be locked up, nor am I saying we should be putting these people in prisons or anything resembling prisons. Let them have an entire town if they want, just don't try to force them on the public.

Let me flip the question delph. How would you feel if you were out with members of your family, having a meal, when suddenly a mentally ill person near you started to shout, throw food and generally flip out, to the point where ignoring them and enjoying your meal was not possible. Would you not agree that it would be better if they ate their meal in a different environment? Personally I agree with the Polish way much more than the British approach. Like I said though, there are different degrees of insanity. If somebody just has weird habits and mutters to themselves, that's different, but if they constantly shout at people or randomly yell stuff out in public areas, that is hard to ignore.
24 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

"What if they're dangerous" argument is a cop out. Dangerous ones are supposed to be locked up.

Yeah supposed to be, but very often they are not.

But really, this puzzles me.. why are we so uncomfortable around mentally ill?

Hey I knew this topic was not going to be very 'PC.' If you want to pretend that you are happy be around the mentally ill, and if you see someone that is mentally ill, you don't move away, that's up to you. I prefer to be honest. It is not normal. I am not blaming them, there is not much they can do about it, but there needs to be a much better system than the current on in Britain, that basically says, they're just mentally ill, accept it, ignore it, whatever, they can go where they want.

Anyway my original question was not answered. Is it a normality in Poland for mentally ill people to be around the city. Do you often see them in the streets, in cafe's, in shop etc. I was told, by Polish peeps, that is it not a common occurrence in Poland.

Other Eastern Europeans I know were also shocked by how many mental people are around here in the UK. I am assuming f stop that you live in Poland? So you might not see it as much, that's why you don't mind it and defend it.
24 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

Well with most handicaps it just relates to something that people cannot do, like see, hear, walk etc. They are not insane though, they are just impaired in some way. I just don't like the idea that is is politically incorrect for somebody to find it odd, if they are sitting in a cafe, and a mentally ill person who is sitting with their carer, starts to yell loudly and knocks his bowl of soup or whatever else, on the floor, then starts to swear at his carer. You just have to sit there and be like, ah it's okay, they are insane, and keep eating your food while that person's carer also acts like it's normal, and often ignores it. I mean what kind of a civilized society is this? What if some of these people are dangerous. I have heard of numerous instances when somebody was attacked by a person who was later found to be mentally unstable. Then they don't even get sent to prison, but to a mental institution, where they should have been in the first place.
24 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

This might be a bit controversial but here it goes. So wondering through the streets of Britain, you are likely to see a lot of mentally ill people on the streets. I assume they are allowed to be there, so that they feel more normal, if they are in society, but I do wonder if it would be better to them have somewhere separate. I mean, the amount of times that you see some insane person shouting out or talking to himself in London, is staggering. Most people try to ignore it, but I don't think it is right. I don't think we should have to just pretend it's normal. I understand that some people are ill, but they should have their areas to live in. Is it common in Poland to see a lot of mentally ill people on the street? By common I mean almost all the time [every or every other day even]. Remember I don't mean disabled people, I mean mentally ill people.
10 Nov 2013
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

I think that the former Pope was trying to prevent antisemitism. The fact is, people killed Jesus, and people wanted him crucified. It just so happens that the people who wanted him crucified were Jews, because he was Jewish and said he was the son of God.

In the quotes you posted, it is fairly clear that the previous Pope was just trying to move Christians away from this notion that the Jews are to blame, and concentrate on the fact that we are sinners.
10 Nov 2013
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

No. saying you agree with a death is not the same as killing someone.

Asking for someone to be killed is worse than agreeing with the killing of somebody.

blasphemers were stoned, not crucified.

Jesus said he was the son of God and this enraged many Jews, more than somebody simply using the Lord's name in vein. It's astonishing, that after a couple of thousand years some people [like the usual troublemakers on this forum] are trying to skew what happened. So apparently it wasn't the Jews. Wait for it, soon we'll hear that Jesus was crucified with the other thieves, because he himself was a thief. He did nothing wrong! Even those that don't believe in him, believe he was there and was generally just a good guy trying to preach good. There is no record anywhere, from what I have seen, of him being a criminal or anything of the sort.

This is what we don't know, probably never will and oughtn't to rely on the gospels for.

According to Jon though, he probably did something wrong, but we don't know what, or else the 100% righteous and honest, law abiding Cesar would not have had him crucified. Oh yeah there is no possible way he had him crucified, because the Jewish masses wanted it this way, and he didn't want to have problems with them.
10 Nov 2013
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

To answer your question, no I only blame those Jews that roared for him to be crucified. However if other Jews in other towns [or Jews now for that matter] say they agree with his crucifixion and state that he deserved to die, then they are just a guilty. Having said that, we [Christians] often refer to us [people] having crucified Jesus, so it is not a case of blaming Jews, even if they were. The bottom line is, people crucified him.

As for Jesus not being innocent [as you said]. What exactly was he guilty of that earned him a crucifixion? Disturbing the piece?
10 Nov 2013
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

Oh some of them did now did they? I can't believe you are trying to re-interpret what happened. How do you know they didn't? Of course they demanded he be crucified, the whole anger, on their part, was that he was claiming to he the son of God, that to the Jews, was blasphemous. The didn't did not physically kill him themselves, but that doesn't make them innocent.
10 Nov 2013
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

Jews never had much of any attitude toward Jesus the man or his teachings. We had an attitude toward the christian religion, and anything said about jesus would be an expression of that.

Are you sure? What about that whole crucifixion business? Was that not a particular type of negative attitude to Jesus [unless of course you are referring only to modern day Jews]?
9 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

How strange, because all of those parameters were recorded and published anyway. The presence or otherwise of one box is pretty much meaningless.

Or perhaps some parameters were published without being recorded? Since some data is missing, that would make more sense.

What do you for Poland, other than paying taxes? I pay taxes here in the UK, but I wouldn't say I do anything for the country other than that? Is there something specific that you do for Poland? Something you don't get paid for, but you do it, because you love this country?

you believe what "journalists" write instead of doing your own research

Oh and where do you get your information from delph? You do your own raw research? Do you go out in to the field, talk to people etc? Or do you just read the media that suits you and make your conclusions from that? Let's face it, most of the time, the information we have, is info that has been relayed to us, and we choose to believe it.

It still baffles me that some folks dislike PiS and the Kaczynski's so much, that they ignore all the suspicious goings on around the crash and just want the crash to be swept up and go away. People say that PiS play politics with the crash. I think it is PO who do that. I don't suspect PO of having anything to do with the crash, but I think they have suspicions themselves that the Russians had something to do with it. However, if it ever got out and was proven, that the Russians arranged for the plane to crash, killing, among others, the president and his wife, public opinions in the country would sway violently in the direction of PiS, even for sympathy reasons, and the fact that PiS has never trusted or liked Russia. Just imagine, if it came out that the Russians were responsible for killing our president!? Well, you know the rest. As I said, it is in PO's best interest to just move on from this awkward matter for them ASAP.

Could all posters keep to the topic of the thread please,which is not about the Smolensk accident.