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Posts by Antek_Stalich  

Joined: 6 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 997 / In This Archive: 862
From: Poland, Brwinów
Speaks Polish?: Native speaker
Interests: Making music, photography

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9 Jun 2011
History / The Greatest King of Poland? [117]

Perhaps not the greatest and not of Poland but let us mention Władysław II Jagiellończyk, (English: Vladislas II of Hungary), and in Hungarian II. Ulászló or Dobrze (Dobzse) László.

That Polish guy was just amazing. Being a totally chilled-out and laid-back man, he typically waved his hand when asked for a decision and was answering "Dobrze.." (Good...). This is why Hungarian call him Dobrze until this day ;-)

Interesting reading in Polish:
9 Jun 2011
Travel / Attractions in Wrocław: a Must-See List [117]

or rent a city bike. They just started using it in Wroclaw.Here is a map of stations:

I'm not sure if this works at all? The station at the Politechnika Wrocławska was always empty and I can remember Wrocław saying the system does not work. If that worked, I wouldn't be fighting to park my car in the University campus.
9 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

There are rich people in Hungary as there are poor, more than likely the same percentage as in Poland.

By my understanding many Hungarian people took loans to buy real estate in hope for growth in the value of houses. With the crisis, the value of real estate fell down well below the purchase cost; this made people unable to pay the interest rate, making them effectively bankrupt.

On side note, I'm shocked with Havok being so young; I regarded him as a greybeard, rambling his frustration out. So pity that so young and handsome man behaves as aged grumbler so early.
9 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Antek_Stalich: I personally knew a Hungarian man -- I had known him for many years

That's right, DE, although I had known Istvan for 14 years and he always looked a happy person to me.
Visiting Balaton for wine in April this year, I could not help seeing most of houses there marked "FOR SALE" in Hungarian - Eladó. I know that a big number of people there had speculated in the real estate market and failed when the crisis began. yes, Budapest is lovely, yet Budapest does not make Hungary.

Havok, what year was your photo taken?
9 Jun 2011
News / Polish robots in race for Mars [24]

I have shown a picture of a computer lab at PWr in one of threads. A graduate of UPenn jeered the class reminded him the looks of similar lab at his Uni in '95 (regardless the flatscreens were not available at that time except notebooks, which he didn't mention). With great pleasure, I notice the fourth place of PWr in the URC contest and fail to see any presence of UPenn there.

Maybe UPenn cannot in space.
9 Jun 2011
News / Polish robots in race for Mars [24]

Boletus, as I read in another thread, the 4th of the universities in your list looks like UPenn in '95. I can only not find UPenn in that list ;-)
8 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

The point I'm making, wielki pan, some people make many statements not having any practical experience in what they are talking about, get me now? My Honorable Preceeding Speaker said -- without any proof or experience -- that Czech Republic or Hungary were doing better than Poland. I've just suggested he practically proved and tried the truth of his information. Because I have probably been 150 times in Hungary and Czech Republic over last 20 years and basically know the reality of life. He does not.

I personally knew a Hungarian man -- I had known him for many years and once he drove me from Brno to Budapest when I was very ill -- who committed suicide by jumping from the high-tower when the last crisis began. And I know those Balaton areas where most of houses are for sale.
8 Jun 2011
Po polsku / W co inwestowac w Polsce? [34]

Pozwiliłbym sobie na uwagę, że niemało polaczków mieszka i w Polsce.

Jak to było z tym polskim piekłem, że jeden Polak drugiego do kotła wciąga?
8 Jun 2011
Po polsku / W co inwestowac w Polsce? [34]

Torg, nie wariuj, Wyluzuj poślady bo Ci żyłka pęknie.

I wypierniczyli ekscytującą historię o początkach grupy Saxon. Ja pierniczę.
8 Jun 2011
Po polsku / W co inwestowac w Polsce? [34]

8 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

There's no "after work" in my work, because:
1. I have a work (you don't work)
2. The dollar is too low so I have to work more to get my zloties.

If I ever have spare time, I play my Sandberg bass through my Gallien-Krueger amp/cab, play my Pearl guitar through my Brunetti all-tube amp and sing using my Audix mic, recording all through my TASCAM studio and also using Line6 POD XT Live. If still more time, I take pictures with my Pentax K-5. because I work. In Poland.
8 Jun 2011
Po polsku / W co inwestowac w Polsce? [34]


Ja tam lubię zarówno Siouxsie jak i Iggy'ego. "Horse Song" Iggy'ego jest nie do podrobienia. Natomiast Siouxsie to np. Nicotine Stain czy Voices.

Wybaczamy ci, (choć Alex akurat świetnie po polsku rozumie;)

(Ale Wildie nie).
8 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

Yes, boletus, you remember and know a lot. I admit I read your tourist story with excitement; I often used to think what would happen if I crossed the same border and got stuck there, now you've told me ;)

Have you been to Poland during the martial law yet? Still no problems at the Polish side of the Czechoslovak border, only you would be approached by a soldier, asked for papers and where you were going next. On the other hand... Already in mid-1990's I got unfair treatment from Czech border officers... later same from Slovak border Captain in 2000's... Good the borders have been abolished!
8 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Historia kołem się toczy po prostu. Ja to widzę jeszcze prościej - ledwie minęło nieco ponad 20 lat od upadku komuny, a widzę te same idee w ustach młodych ludzi: rozstrzeliwanie, wrogowie narodu, zdrajcy, złodzieje co trzeba im odebrać własność... Kłopot w tym, że pamiętam i jakoś "reinventing" tych samych idei w innym opakowaniu mnie się nie podoba.

Książkę Miłosza można streścić: 'Jak to możliwe, ze normalnym ludziom nagle pała odwala?" I to jest aktualne.
8 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Ale obejrzyj też fragmenty filmu Adama Curtisa "The Century of Self", które wcześniej przesłałem.

Szczerze mówiąc, niczego nie zrozumiałem. Mowa o konsumeryzmie? Czy możesz wyjaśnić po prostu słowami?
8 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Dobra książka jest dobra zawsze. Gorzej, że interpretacja jest różna, szczególnie w oderwaniu od kontekstu powstania. Stąd na przykład wojny religijne w oparciu o różną interpretację Biblii.

Adamie, Miłosz napisał Zniewolony umysł w 1953 r, na emigracji, kiedy w bloku wschodnim panowała noc stalinizmu. Od tego kontekstu oderwać książki nie można.

Co sądzisz o poglądach Miłosza -- Litwina -- popierającego ideę multi-kulturowej wspólnoty w której spokojnie i harmonijnie rozwijały się wszelakie narodowości i religie? Polacy, Litwini, Żydzi, Białorusini, katolicy, ortodoksi, wyznanie mojżeszowe? Mnie ta część spuścizny Miłosza porusza najbardziej -- ponieważ pozostała aktualna do dzisiaj, a jest przez wielu kontestowana?

Co powiedziałbyś o twórczości Leopolda Tyrmanda?
8 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Nie tylko zgadzam się ze strzygą, ale podam kolejne argumenty:

1. Niemcy wschodni nie rozliczali się sami - rozliczali ich Niemcy Zachodni.
2, Niemcom wschodnim wręczono 1 DEM za jedną wschodnią markę. Nie wiem kto miałby zamieniać Polakom ich bezwartościowe miliony złotych na twardą walutę i za co*

3. U Wschodnich Niemców nie było już oddziałów radzieckich, a jakby co, mieli jeszcze całą Polskę jako bufor. W 1989 r w Polsce stacjonowały wojska radzieckie.

4. Pamiętam jak to było - nikomu w Polsce nie chciało się umierać za ideały -- już nie -- więc lepiej było rozwiązać problem na spokojnie.

*) W 1990 pracowałem na zaproszenie Niemców w ich przemysłowym instytucie R&D. Zapraszający profesor niemiecki, zresztą wielki niemiecki patriota (to on skłonił mnie do próby posługiwania się niemieckim, za co do dziś jestem mu wdzięczny) powiedział tak: "Panie. Zapraszaliśmy tutaj tak jak Was Polaków Niemców ze Wschodu. Różnica taka, że wy siedzicie w pracy, zasuwacie jak norki i robicie więcej niż do Was należy. A Ossies? Od razu wychodzą na miasto na cały dzień, w ogóle nie chce im się pracować... to ja już wolę Polaków".

Co do Umysłu zniewolonego, to tak, mam podziemne wydanie na półce. Teksty Miłosza świetnie pasowały do tamtych czasów. Do tamtych czasów.

Czy ktoś z Was posłuchał jakie są ostatnie słowa pieśni "Mury" Llacha w wykonaniu Kaczmarskiego?

Aż zobaczyli ilu ich poczuli siłę i czas
I z pieśnią że już blisko świt szli ulicami miast
Zwalali pomniki i rwali bruk - Ten z nami! Ten przeciw nam!
Kto sam ten nasz największy wróg!

A śpiewak także był sam
Patrzył na równy tłumów marsz
Milczał wsłuchany w kroków huk
A mury rosły rosły rosły
£ańcuch kołysał się u nóg...

Ludzie jak Iron nie rozumieją, że sami zakładają kajdany...
8 Jun 2011
Travel / Attractions in Wrocław: a Must-See List [117]

Wroclaw: zoo: oldest in Poland and in places it shows Are there any llamas in this zoo? *ducks*

Sure. (Llama in Wrocław Zoo).

Sheesh... 4 times since May this year in Wrocław and nobody there cared to have a drink with me :(
8 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]


After 1971, the removal of the visa between Poland and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) has enabled a development of the cross-border area. In 1981, the GDR closes unilaterally the border which will be hermetic till the German reunification (1990).

"Something was ringing, I only was unsure in what church" ;-)


I have found some picture: Army Cabaret 1987

Army cabaret in the military training range, Masuria. Me in the center with AK-47, and issue glasses cause I broke mine and had no money to afford better ones ;-)

It was June 1987, 2 years before the fall of communism in Poland. My situation was -- as always with me -- quite untypical. Yes, I managed registering my diploma work at the University and went to the Reserve Cadet School (SPR) in Kraków on the very same day. Meaning delay in arrival to the unit, yet due to my luck, I was not punished. It's necessary to say I left pregnant wife at home -- there were no excuses not to join the Army. Luckily, nobody asked if I had graduated or not. I could only graduate in late Autumn the same year, on a leave in Warsaw.

The people at the school were a mix of chemical engineers, painters and graphics artists from the Academy of Fine Arts (Kraków), and therapists from another Cracow University (AWF?). May 2007 was the "unitary term" in Kraków, ending with military oath ceremony (I could meet my wife twice during that month, her coming to Cracow). June was field range training in Masuria, where I got the news about my daughter's birth. I had to wait another week until the unit returned to Cracow but in all honesty, I got far longer leave than expected for my patience.

Yes, just two years before the fall of communism, yet I can assure you nobody even dreamed that might ever happen. I was quite frustrated, feeling the time was invariably lost, attending obligatory political lectures explaining why the Nazi Germany covered under NATO disguise were danger to Poland, how the American airplanes would spread chemical weapon, and how to fight against American helicopters armed only with Kalashnikov assault rifles... Political officers nagged to join the Party, and later the Army was promising brilliant career including a flat to live.

Only two years had passed and Free Poland occurred. The Kraków military academy was dissolved very soon...

This picture, just to infuriate some of my Honorable Disputants:
Adam Michnik Dec 1981

Do you recognize that guy? Adam Michnik was together with us, Warsaw Technical University students, at the strike of the Independent Students' Association (NZS) in December 1981, just couple of days before the martial law was announced. I fail seeing Kaczyński Brothers there, at that strike.

Hanging posters, December 1981

That's to complete the story of one cold December 1981 day-break, during which we've been yelled out by scared queue-waiters at the closed butcher's shop.

Seargeants leaving the Army, May 1988
8 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Only in the case you will notice the pictures from Technical University of Wrocław and stop repeating the matter of my political poster in which my fridge served as the background. Because it would only make your association to the vid even stronger.
8 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

ok, she is dumb, what's your point?

Watching the vid and reading Havok thinking 140 km/h was 60 mph I can only draw one conclusion.
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

It's nice someone has finally spotted the irony in my suggestion of leaving "poor Poland" for "Country of Great Opportunities", Belarus ;-)
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Avalon: why not tell us something constructive,
I say it as it is,that's all.'constructive', Poland is in a bad way and I'm just reflecting what I see.

No, constructive means you are showing your vision how the situation could be moved into positive direction.

Most of populists can only complain but are unable to present a consistent plan.
7 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

To, że dla Ciebie Adaś jest "zdrajcą".
Chopie, co dla mnie byłby za interes dać się wsadzić, a potem słuchać jeszcze od młokosów obelg? To ja już wolałem te ulotki rozrzucać, a literaturę rozprowadzać tak, żeby nie zamknęli.

Powiem jeszcze tak: Wiem co jestem wart, a Ty się weź lepiej do jakiejś uczciwej pracy, bo kaska sama nie przyjdzie.