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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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2 Feb 2012
News / Warsaw Modlin Airport is finally moving [29]

, the nature lovers put the kibosh on that idea

Quite sensible - the left bank is something of a beauty spot and it makes more sense to upgrade the existing line through Legionowo.

one going through central to Praga and on to Modlin and another going through Dworzec Gdański and on to Modlin.

That's part of the upgrade to Warszawa Torunska and Warszawa Praga Station. Between there and Modlin they follow the same route. The line splits after W-wa Praga - some trains go via Zoo and Gdanski Stations and end up at Kolo and Wola Stations (the back bit of W-wa Zachodnia), the others go (via a quite interesting route) past Elsnerów and Szmulki and go via W-wa Wschodnia and Powisle to Centralny.

They can't afford to run the Metro to Brodno or Tarchomin in the forseeable, so they hope more people will use the tarted up PKP stations at Torunska, Płudy and Praga. It's just a coincidence that this will benefit passengers to Modlin Airport.
2 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

So you're saying the Soviet authorities, who were ever so paranoid and sensitive about major political activities in their territories didn't know a thing about it?

'Knowing a thing' about something isn't the same as orchestrating it. The 1968 Polish pogroms were home-made and part and parcel of issues that had been simmering for decades if not centuries.

Big political rallies in Russian controlled Poland didn't arouse interest in Moscow???? REALLY??

In 1968 the Polish pogroms were the least of their worries.
2 Feb 2012
News / Warsaw Modlin Airport is finally moving [29]

a) Getting from Modlin to central Warsaw by train takes about an hour and a half.
b) There is a grand total of one direct train per day to Warszawa Centralna.

It's dreadful really. If they had any sense they'd run a shuttle to Nowy Dwor, though the train to there goes at walking pace.

It could be a good chance for Lodz airport to pick up some business - it's easy and comfortable to get to from Warsaw and a lot more affordable than a taxi between Nowy Dwor and Modlin.
2 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

How do you know that joke was going around in 1968?

Most people I know a) are Polish, b) were alive then and c) make conversation. Not all of us on here are twenty-something non-Polish speaking basement-dwellers from half way across the world.

Also 1968 is when Moscow controlled Poland with an iron fist.

The anti-Jewish rallies were entirely home-grown.
1 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

surely NOT anti-semitic! After all, Daniel Cohn-Bendit was a French-German Jew himself, don't let's forget either.

In Poland there was a joke doing the rounds during the anti-Jewish rallies and expulsions of 1968. A son returns home with a placard saying 'Zionists go home' and the father says "odd, in my day we used to spell it with a J".
1 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

you couldn't pee during communism without joining

Most people didn't join. Only one in eight.

Just look at what happened with this whole Katastrofa Smoleńska

A tragic and straightforward accident, upon which some nutters have fixated and sought conspiracies that just aren't there. The same sort of people who say the PRL was an 'occupation.'
1 Feb 2012
News / Wisława Szymborska died. [30]

Yes, though I prefer her later works.

'The Three Oddest Words'

When I pronounce the word Future,
the first syllable already belongs to the past.

When I pronounce the word Silence,
I destroy it.

When I pronounce the word Nothing.
I make something no nonbeing can hold.
1 Feb 2012
News / Wisława Szymborska died. [30]

"Niech żyje nam towarzysz Stalin, co usta słodsze ma od malin".

Excellent. This is one of her best ones.

"So suddenly, who could have seen it coming"

"stress and smoking, I kept telling him"

"not bad, thanks, and you"

"these flowers need to be unwrapped"

"his brother's heart gave out too, it runs in the family"

"I'd never know you in that beard"

"he was asking for it, always mixed up in something"

"that new guy was going to make a speech, I don't see him"

"Kazek's in Warsaw, Tadek's gone abroad"

"you were smart, you brought the only umbrella"

"so what if he was more talented than them"

Some details in this poem suggest the setting of this poem to be Kraków's oldest cemetery, Cmentarz Rakowicki (picture above), where some of Poland's major artists and politicians are buried. This is why the casual conversations in the back rows of the funeral crowd contrast with the solemnity of the place as well as of the occasion.

"no, it's a walk-through room, Barbara won't take it"

"of course he was right, but that's no excuse"

"with bodywork and paint, just guess how much"

At this point, the friends of the deceased are discussing the future assignment of the deceased's room in a shared apartment - one of the more common nightmares of living under communism, the many shortages of which included that of housing.

"two egg yolks and a tablespoon of sugar"

"none of his business, what was in it for him"

"only in blue and just small sizes"

"five times and never any answer"

"all right, so I could have, but you could have too"

"good thing that at least she still has a job"

"don't know, relatives, I guess"

A traditional cure for the sore throat.

"that priest looks just like Belmondo"

"I've never been in this part of the grounds"

"I dreamed about him last week, I had a feeling"

"his daughter's not bad looking"

"the way of all flesh"

"give my best to the widow, I've got to run"

Jean-Paul Belmondo, actor, 1960's/70's male sex symbol of the French cinema.

"it all sounded so much more solemn in Latin"

"what's gone is gone"


"I could sure use a drink"

"give me a call"

"which bus goes downtown"

"I'm going this way"

"we re not"

Kraków, 1986
1 Feb 2012
News / Wisława Szymborska died. [30]

Wisława Szymborska died this evening aged 89. She was a great poet - probably the greatest Polish poet of modern times. And a Nobel laureate too. She wrote some wonderful poems which are very worth reading.

Die? One does not do that to a cat.
Because what's a cat to do
in an empty apartment?

Umrzeć - tego się nie robi kotu.
Bo co ma począć kot
w pustym mieszkaniu.
1 Feb 2012
News / Warsaw Modlin Airport is finally moving [29]

It looks like things are finally moving...

Central and Eastern European low-cost carrier Wizz Air has confirmed plans to open a base at the new Warsaw Modlin Airport, which is due to open to commercial air traffic in third quarter of this year. The budget airline is currently bases three aircraft at Chopin Airport, the main gateway into the Polish capital, and will introduce a fourth from April 2012. However, it is to move its entire operation to the new facility, when it opens in July 2012, as part of this new arrangement, launching flights from there on July 18, 2012.

1 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

They were annexed while under occupation.

That doesn't relate to the fact that Poland wasn't occupied. Or annexed.

Until the modern era recognition of a particular entity was dependant solely upon recognition by a larger power in effect Britain or France and to a lesser extent the Ottoman Empire. This was based upon military might, a kind of rule by the law of conkers.

Much as it is now, except the responsibilities are spread more thinly. The effect is the same in Poland's case; either de facto or de jure the PRL wasn't an occupation.

A puppet government,

That's the last thing it was, as amply demonstrated in this thread.
1 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

The USSR exercised their ability to allow dissent, they waved the stick as they saw fit. That's why they all collapsed once that threat was removed.

This does not make the PRL an occupation.

Which is why they never occupied the Baltic states.....a convenient unspoken truth.
They made the rules to suit themselves.

The Baltic States were part of the Soviet Union. The rules, by the way, were there already.
1 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

According to Deutsche Welle Poles work 3rd longest hours

That should more accurately read "in Poland, people work the 3rd longest hours". A significant number of Poles are working elsewhere in the Union and work according to the norms in those countries.
1 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

The satellite states were given as much freedom to manoeuver as the Soviets allowed.

Entirely natural given that they were in the USSR's sphere of influence, though the relationship between the Warsaw Pact countries and the USSR was in part determined by a balance between how keen the various states were to take part (in Poland's case, very) and how able the USSR was to influence factors.

Thankfully the world is not run by teachers or milk monitors.

No. It is run according to the rule of international statesmanship and diplomacy; which clearly, precisely and unambiguously defines 'occupation'. The PRL was not an occupation.
1 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

Jonny that is the same logic that allows one to use the phrase

"Not in an official capacity".

that doesn't really make much sense. The definition of an occupation is very precise. Someone may not like a regime (though there were many in the PRL who liked it very much) but that doesn't make it an occupation.
1 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

It is a definition the British were happy to use for Norway in the second war but interestingly not for Iceland.

Check out the definition of occupation.

I wouldn’t have described British logic as twisted.

Nor would I - the logic in your post however is as twisted as a double helix.

Why would they want to? The presence of foreign troops doesn’t mean occupation, uninvited troops usually does.
Britain invited the US to the UK Poland didn’t invite the Soviets.
The post war Polish governments were imposed by the Soviets i.e. puppet regimes.

Post Bierut, they were very far from being 'puppet regimes' and not an occupation.

Not really the colonial powers that created the UN were not going to cut their own throats surely you are not going to deny the colonial nature of the big 5?

Absolutely. The world has always been organised into spheres of influence - and the United Nations is definitely not any sort of colonialism as you seem to be limply implying.
1 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

No anger ;-)

One problem is that a lot of people slip through the benefits net in two very different ways. One way is those who claim money to which they're not entitled and get away with it, the other is people who are in genuine hardship but aren't entitled to claim for whatever reason. One sad thing is that the system penalises those who have small savings and rewards the feckless. Regardless of nationality.
1 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

Ok, maybe. I don't know that.

Somehow I expected a reply ;-)

He was in fact defrauding the system. Check out the procedure for enforcing repayments - a genuine mistake is not enough. And he did, after all pretend he was single.

No 'proves' and as mentioned before, all information pertaining to the forms and claims procedure are available in Polish. The guy was a benefit cheat.
1 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

I have no idea what are you talking about. Can you provide eny examples of me "trolling"?

There are not enough hours in the day to list even a few.

accusing me of being a troll, only because you was proven to be wrong.

Actually I was proven right.

It's a website of a newspaper which was established in 1940. The newspaper has both Polish and English wikipedia entries

This is not any indication of quality or accuracy. And you are going off topic.

I mean how difficult it is to force someone to repay benefit, as I earlier (very clearly) stated. The procedure is enforced through legal process. The Polish guy tried to defraud the system and steal from the taxpayer and fell foul of the law. You have been proved wrong, so stop floundering and admit the guy was, as the thread title says, 'milking the system'.