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Joined: 31 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 11
Posts: Total: 515 / In This Archive: 416
From: Wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: no

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10 Jun 2010
Travel / Driving lights in Poland [25]

i have to change light bulbs more often

And I've heard that it uses about 10% more fuel as well. The new LED-daylights don't. There are big differences per car (the more the car consumes, the less the extra fuel consumption), but I still think the law should go along with modern techniques. It's like the light laws for cyclists, isn't it? The police shouldn't be bothered with what kind of light, but only with the fact that the cyclist has light.

It's about safety, it's about being visible to other people ... so nagging people with using LED-lighting on modern cars, is simply stupid and doesn't reflect the meaning behind the law. These police officers are just frustrated little twurts who want to assert their power. They are too stupid to even talk about.
10 Jun 2010
News / Father Popiełuszko beatified in Warsaw [28]

Of course, you would have to know something about the SB and how it functioned, which clearly you don't.

... which exactly proves delphiandomine's point.
9 Jun 2010

Those are also the ones who dub all the foreign tv shows and films and so on, making it very hard for their citizen to communicate when going abroad.

I have to agree there. In those countries were TV-shows aren't being dubbed, people are exposed to other languages and therefore, these people find it much easier to communicate in another language.

Even those of us who watch "The Bold and the Beautiful" on a daily basis and thus (at the peril of being slaughtered here), aren't the most intelligent under us, are still exposed to English every day and therefore, something is bound to "linger" in their brains.

In practically every country where they dub television shows or movies or where they have a lektor, the general knowledge of languages is poor, to say the least.
8 Jun 2010
Travel / Driving lights in Poland [25]

Jealousy is an attribute seldom found among Polish people.

Oooo come on, who are you kidding? Well, let's put it this way: maybe they aren't jealous (but I seem to remember a lot of threads about stealing women, etc ... :-S), but they grudge eachother the light in their eyes.
2 Jun 2010


I know it's a Dutch website, but you can also visit weerplaza.nl (no www).

Typ "wars" in the line under "Zoek naar het weer in een plaats:" (Look for the weather in a city) on the top left of the page, just above the little map of the Netherlands and select "Warschau" from the list of three.

Go to the bottom of the results page and there you will find a 14-day forecast for the weather in Warsaw.

"Neerslag" means precipitation. The rest you'll understand.

Long-time forecasts are of course not 100% accurate, but it gives you a good idea what to take with you.

When you arrive at Wwa-airport and go through the doors after having picked up your luggage, turn left and walk to the end of the Terminal 1-building. On your left, just behind a bar on your left, the staircase on your right and near the toilets, you will find two ATM's where you can withdraw money from your account. Much simpler and safer than the hassle of the "Kantors".

Here (lotnisko-chopina.pl/files/content/arrival/maps/terminal_pl an_arrival.pdf) is a plan of the airport.

The good thing about that, is that you also avoid irritating people wanting you to get into their taxis. They are a rip-off! Don't be tempted! Take the official taxis just outside the terminal or take the 175-bus.

Good luck.
31 May 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]


Sorry for having lashed out at you like I did, but I can really get mad when someone says that someone has one or two nasty experiences with someone of a certain religion or nationality and then says that that's the reason why he doesn't like people of that certain religion or nationality.

Every once in a while, I come across one or two nasty Poles, or Dutch, or Germans, or French or catholics, or protestants, or Jews, or women, or shopkeepers or whatever; now according to you it would mean that I should hate all Poles, and Dutch and Germans and French and catholics and protestants and Jews and women and shopkeepers. But isn't that a bit short-sighted?

I hate those individuals that were nasty to me, not the group to which they belong.

So ... sorry again. And I am Dutch by the way ... ;)
31 May 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

I hate Jews and just to let you know I am a young Pole living in Canada.

What a well thought through opinion! Wow! I am amazed. That must have taken him days, no even months to come up with.

<If some people become only a little more stupid, you'd have to water them twice a week ... :-S>
29 May 2010
UK, Ireland / The Daily Mail - coverage of the Polish people [161]

a simple 'yes'

Yeah, but would you have believed me ... ;)

the Daily Mail sounds like the typical Pole

Okay ... my words came out wrong. What I meant to say was that -if you read the entries on this forum- people are pretty much against foreigners. And only a few of us protest. Now the Daily Mail has obviously written some articles about swan-eating, fish poaching, raping Poles and then suddenly this whole forum explodes about how badly they are treated. Seems like double standards to me.
29 May 2010
UK, Ireland / The Daily Mail - coverage of the Polish people [161]

Honestly do you live here in Poland?

If you had read my previous entries, you would have seen that I live in Wroclaw from Friday to Monday and in the Netherlands during the rest of the week. I work in the Netherlands, take a plane to Wroclaw on Friday, log on to my "company's" network on Monday morning, work a couple of hours, fly back to the Netherlands and log on again when I am at home.

And this every single week.

Does that count?
29 May 2010
UK, Ireland / The Daily Mail - coverage of the Polish people [161]

The Daily Mail is a rag mag that comes up with rubbish and blames immigrants.

Sounds to me exactly like the average Polish person talks about them. Well, what goes around comes around, I guess. What I read on this forum often resembles the way the Daily Mail writes about the Polish. I guess they shouldn't complain then.

It's just typical isn't it? Giving the most stupid comments about other people but when it concerns the Poles, then everyone cries foul. (yyyaaawwwnnnn).
29 May 2010
History / Miracle of the Vistula 80th anniversary? [56]

under level one needs for discussion with me

You stupid simpleton, it was obvious for the rest you don't know jack sh1t about history. And now you noticed you lost the discussion, you start talking crap like that. Grow up, choir boy!
29 May 2010
History / Miracle of the Vistula 80th anniversary? [56]


Who is Chris?

Well ... if you don't believe there was something like the Brezhnev-doctrine, fine by me. Stay in LaLa-Land and believe what you want to believe to stay a happy citizen.

It's funny you should mention '68, cause if I am not mistaken Poland took a very active part in destroying that movement. I don't want to say other countries don't have their national shame(s), but I guess this one should top the list in PL.

Again ... if you wanna live in your own LaLa-Land, no probs, but don't try to rewrite history. The Wall fell in Berlin, not in Poland. German government had nothing to do with it. East Germans had enough and first fled via Hungary and later the Wall came down. These are the facts, nothing more, nothing less.
29 May 2010
History / Miracle of the Vistula 80th anniversary? [56]

Gorbatchov's myth

Simply not true. It was because of Gorby's abandonment of the Brezhnev doctrine in 1988, which paved the way for Eastern bloc nations to freely determine their internal affairs and which led to all these counter-revolutions in Eastern Europe throughout 1989, without the Soviet-Union interfering. That's why communism could be overthrown.

Of course there were already groups opposing communism (as there were and are groups opposing capitalism), but if it hadn't been for the abandonment of the Brezhnev doctrine, we would still have this wall running through the middle of Europe.

in the post-war fight against communism

What do you mean shameless passiveness? Remember it was the then DDR who suddenly had this wacky idea of building a wall on Aug 13th 1961. They WANTED to be seperated from the west. And what do you want the then BRD should have done at that time?

Please, don't overestimate Poland's role in all this.
28 May 2010
History / Miracle of the Vistula 80th anniversary? [56]

1980-1989 the peaceful overthrow of the Evil Empire

And saying that the Poles "saved" Europe at that time is an exaggeration if I ever read one.
26 May 2010
News / Flood situation worsens in southern Poland [119]


Just a question, but aren't we mistaking beavers (Castor fiber) for beaverrats (Myocastor coypus)? I agree with hunting down the beaverrat and the muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), cause they undermine the dykes (the reason why we Dutch hunt them down as well). But I am not so sure that a beaver is that dangerous.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Please let's not compare apples with pears. The situation in SA is completely different than in the Netherlands. And to imply that all Africans carry guns is just preposterous. It's the same nonsense as when I would say that all Poles are drunk, uneducated rapists only good for picking fruit.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Of those 205K White "Africans", as you suggest they are

I can't remember I did, actually. I said there are about 900.000 immigrants from Africa, i.e. regardless of colour. So ... looking at the stats there were only 512K "black" immigrants from Africa ... even less than the "hordes" nunczka talked about.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

ever had a knife pulled on you? Ever had your home robbed?

Yes, I had. I have been shot at several times, had a couple of knives pulled on me and my home was robbed twice. With regard to the robbery, police was here within 10 minutes. So no complaints there. Here are the crime rates for my country


With regard to the knives ... the guys with the knives lost. If you know how, then it's a piece of cake to disarm suckers like that without pulling a gun. I would suggest some good self-defence classes and you'll see how easy it is. Even people pointing a gun at you are pretty easy to disarm. I'll be happy to teach you if you want.

your source

It's the Home Office in response to Tory parliamentary questions in 2007. And there is a difference between calling someone a liar and telling him or her that what (s)he says is factually untrue. I wasn't inferring you were lying at all ... I just said you were wrong.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

I have a very nice CZ75

This means you just want to brag about it. Doesn't cut it with me, I am afraid. This is what you get when you have firearms at home and are completely irresponsible


If you want to play with guns, join a gun club or the army. I get ample practise with my Diemaco C7 and my Glock 17 without having to keep that crap in my own house. And I am pretty happy about it as well.

are American born

Well ... then your whole statement was flawed from the beginning, wasn't it? Since you said: "Since the 1970 The black population exploded". The African American population already lived in the US. They were brought there as slaves, remember?

The Great Migration of African Americans was between 1910 and 1930, by the way. It was the migration from the South to the North. Since 1965 there is a New Great Migration, where African Americans were going back to South following de-industrialization in Northeastern and Midwestern cities.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

call me liar

Jee, you are easily offended! I just said that what you said was not true. That's not the same as calling you a liar. Please ... chill out! Get a grip!

Yes, 42 and rising ... so? 30.000 and rising disproportionally. I really can't see what you are trying to proof with that statement.

which means we have more officers who are able to use guns

I am afraid that's not true either ... Between 1997 and 2006, the number of authorised firearms officers in England and Wales fell from 6.738 to 6.584, even though there have been increases in overall police numbers and gun crime has been increasing as well.

Where was the degree attained?

In the US.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

The police have guns in the UK

And that's not true either. Only special units (like officers in an Armed Response Vehicle or Special Branch) carry weapons; you need to be licensed as an Authorised Firearms Officer.

In Britain, those selected for training in the use of firearms are usually older, more experienced officers. They have to pass tests in marksmanship and fitness. I guess that's why gun-related crime is still a very small element in British crime statistics. Last year there were about 4,000 armed incidents in England and Wales and 42 people died from gunshot wounds. In the US about 30,000 people each year are killed by guns - and another 90,000 injured.

If my maths don't fail me that's resp. 0,08 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants against 97 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants. Maybe the Brits have a point here.

Since the 1970 The black population exploded. Along with it came crime, drugs,welfare, our cities are in decay because of white flight.

Sir, let me respectfully disagree with you. You should make a difference between the African immigrants (which started around 1965, by the way) and the African-Americans. Obviously you are referring to the African immigrants, so the first group. Let me tell you that the African population in the US is just under 900.000 (out of a total US-population of about 309.350.000 people (census.gov/population/cen2000/stp-159/STP-159-africa.pdf).

Please have a look at the US Census and other sources: 19,4% of all adult African immigrants in the United States held a graduate degree, compared to 8,1% of adult white Americans and 3,8% of adult black Americans in the United States. This would suggest that America has an equally large achievement gap between whites and African/Asian immigrants as it does between white and black Americans.

Of the African-born population in the United States age 25 and older, 86,4% have a high school degree or higher, compared with 78,9% of Asian-born immigrants and 76.5% of European-born immigrants. These figures contrast with 61,8% of the total foreign-born population. Immigrants groups in general tend to have higher high school graduation rates than the native-born general American population.

So I am afraid, what you are saying isn't confirmed by actual, public data.