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Joined: 21 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Mar 2013
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5 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles. [289]

A couple of years ago I read an article in a Black newspaper (it was aimed at a Black readership) which argued that UK was letting all the migrant workers from EU into the country to re-whiten it.

Ridiculous :D , thanks for sharing this funny story.

But even if this was true, they are immigrant themselves and immigrants shouldn't complain about the country they moved to.

They said it was unfair because UK had no link with these countries in the way it had with it's Asian and African (former) colonies.

It is more unfair that people who have never suffered from colonization claim that they have somehow the right to live in those countries.
4 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles. [289]

To Jarnowa

did i hurt your feelings again? :'(

listen Boy, the last few weeks i met 4 English guys in total.

none of them had problems with Polish people taking their jobs, but all of them complained about the paki's and blacks in their country.

isn't that strange?
2 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

people who can't afford kids shouldn't make them.
it's stupid to make kids first and then find out that they cost too much.

yes, people can lose their jobs, but even in UK that doesn't mean they have to steal and rob for their food and shelter.

and housewives usually don't do serious crime. the robberies and stuff are usually done by youth who want the latest mobiles, money to buy expensive clothes and other blingbling to impress girls.

it's sad to see that you defend those "i am too lazy to work" criminals who don't care about making innocent victims.

but maybe your mild attitude towards these criminals is due to the fact that many of them are nonwhite?
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

agree with that sentiment, and I have every right to say this, because I've been through a lot, and I've been poorer than most of the spoiled brats who keep speak about poverty and minimum wage meatheads in a single breath..

I recognize a lot. I've also been to loads of sh#t. Have been humiliated many times and i've been poor for ages. Yet i've never committed any serious crime (except shoplifting when i was a kid).

Why should i have any understanding for scum who have been through less sh#t but didn't stay on the right path?

In other words, 99% of criminals have no excuse, even if they have been through hard times.

I do have a problem with your simplistic black and white statements.

sometimes the truth can be described in black and white statements.

Jarnowa, of course it's not BS and you have just shown a complete lack of understanding. Social circumstances play a major part in robbing and other crimes in GB. Nobody needs to rob to survive? Is your name Giertych or Thatcher? Want to be rich quick??? Many just want to make ends meet.

To make ends meet? Don't make me laugh! Maybe in UK but certainly not in Belgium or Holland (i lived in both countries). Here they have plenty opportunities to make money in a legal way, but yet they choose to steal and rob because it's quicker. They even don't care about robbing grannies for a few euro's. And i repeat: a big majority of these criminals is nonwhite, if you like it or not
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

ethnic minorities are usually more criminally active

now we agree! :)

due to their social circumstance

sorry, but that's bullsh#t. nobody needs to rob somebody to survive.
they want to be rich quick and they don't care about making innocent (usually white) victims.

Ofcourse this doesn't mean that for example, the Dutch themselves don't commit any violent crimes, but in comparison, yes, the immigrants are more often involved in crimes or being suspected of committing a crime than Dutch people are.

far more often yes, finally someone who doesn't run away for the truth! :)
31 Jan 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

Poland? :)

maybe you're right :)

but i think that's because most 3rd world immigrants to Poland will only have a temporary visa (unlike most immigrants to Belgium, Sweden, etc), so they risk their visa if they commit crimes.

and Wroclaw Boy, it's funny that you keep denying that some ethnic groups are more criminal than others.
31 Jan 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

You'd think that but in my experience it was always the whites that carried out the most violent crimes.

i wonder where you grew up, i can't think of any country where whites are more criminal than nonwhites.

Pretty much all blacks, Pakies, Indians and foreigners in general that ive met and knwon are decent chaps especially when they realise your not racist.

just because you met some nice ones, non-whites can't be more criminal than whites?
31 Jan 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

That UK, Belgium, France, Netherlands and Sweden score high in this list is not very surprising. All of these countries have a lot of immigrants from africa, caribean, turkey and arab world and it's a fact that those immigrants are far more criminal than Europeans.

But it's strange that Poland is in this list, because i feel here much more safe than in Antwerp, Rotterdam or London.
29 Jan 2010
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

PS The Nigerian community claim there are 125,000 Nigerians in Ireland.

What are they doing there?
Nigeria is a safe country and i'm sure Ireland is better off without them, so they should be kicked back to their own country!
26 Jan 2010
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

at least Poland doesn't look like a 3rd world country. :)

in my country you feel like you're in Africa. :(
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Come Friday night, the only people fighting in kebab shops, throwing up outside pubs, sitting crying on the kerb and more were white Brits.

you talk about London?
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

i think you can only understand if you are a white guy who has lived for many years in a Western European city that was flooded by immigrants from africa or arab world.

so from what country are you and what is your ethnic background?
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

In what way? There's already immigration here. And there are no visa restrictions for EU citizens.

Buit visa restrictions apply to 3rd world immigrants and immigration from 3rd world has proven to be very bad for Western Europe.

It would be crazy to sacrifice another European country.
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Aren't you trying to do just that?

the difference is that my ideas are not dangerous.
removing visa restrictions is very dangerous for the wellbeing of many Polish people.

Remember there are several million people with dark skin and from developing couintries who have an absolute right to live in PL, no visas, no requirements, by virtue of being citizens of an EU member state.

unfortunately that's true.

The same right to be here as a Pole, and more right than you, assuming you're from outside the EU (you still won't say).

i already told that i'm from Belgium.
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

And lol at the leftist,hippie opinions on "unity" "Evolution" and "truth"....that's juts too utopic. Keep on dreaming.

i wish they were only dreaming, instead of trying to influence other people. ;)
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

welcoming people from all different faiths and backgrounds.

in western europe we welcomed them, gave them houses, welfare etc. and what did we get in return? loads of sh#t!

and now you want to try the same in central/eastern europe?
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

So I am going to have to ignore you in future.

I was thinking the same about you, i won't waste more time on you.
You simply don't want to hear the ugly truth about multiculturalism, no matter what valid arguments me and others bring in. Let's hope you will never get a position in which you can decide about the future of Poland because then this nice country will soon become Polrabia. [YUCK]
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Can you actually cite an official statistic showing that 80-90% of murders in multicultural countries (with fewer that 80-90% black populations) are committed by black people.

Or are you just being racist about people with (slightly) darker skin than yourself?

You know that they don't registrate skin colour of criminals. Furthermore, statistics are manipulated by authorities. For example, in Belgium non-European immigrants with Belgian passport who commit crime are registrated as "Belgian" criminals.

But ask policemen, look in prisons, ask victims, ask people in the street, everyone knows that the non-European immigrants are far more criminal than others, even though they make up 5-15% of the population.
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Guess who doesn't care what you think.

It's not what i think, i'm talking about facts.

You don't have to believe me, just go to some multicultural countries and talk with some people.

I don't know where you live, Ireland or Poland, but it's obvious you haven't been to Belgium, Holland, France, Germany, UK for many years.
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

@ SeanBM: guess which groups in multicultural countries are responsible for 80-90% of (often violent) street crime, robberies, murders, rapes.
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

You are a racist,

For extreme-left hippies like you, not for normal people. I don't give a f#ck about your stupid definitions.

yes and Poland is not your territory, you are NOT A POLE.

Since internal EU borders are open, all EU citizens can call the whole EU their territory.
Isn't that nice?
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

:D ... seems like ur new here. Or maybe you just have no idea. Well I am a Pole... and with a Polish background. Not an immigrant ... you are one perhaps... congratulations.

my bad, i thought you wrote you were born in USA, but now i see i missed the word 'not'.

I wish you were behind bars. Not for being an immigrant, but for being a pest.

This shows you are on the same low level as SeanBM. Congratulations!

You are the immigrant in Poland and you pretend to talk on behalf of the Majority of polish people? that's a laugh.

I don't talk on behalf of anyone, i just confront you hippy dreamers with the opinion of the majority of Polish people. And you obviously don't like it nor respect this opinion. Poor you. :D

One of the reasons i like Poland is the fact that many Polish people have the courage to be selective what people are welcome in their country (European citizens) and what people are not welcome. Only stupid leftist people think that European immigrants and african/arab etc. immigrants should be treated equally, despite big differences in behaviour/attitude/education/productivity/adaptation etc.

I thank Polish people for welcoming me. I've spoken to many nice Polish people who were very hospitable to me. :)

At the same time i found out many of those are not welcoming arabs and africans. :)

Does that make me a racist? Oh no. Nothing against arabs and africans, as long as they don't come to my territory!
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

The time is there for every country of the world to meet their destiny. And my country will also meet the same...

That's just your opinion. You as an immigrant to Poland should respect that the majority of Polish people don't want multiculturalism.

If you don't respect this opinion, then maybe you should rethink if you really choose the right country to move to. ;)
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]


There are some places in the world where many cultures live together, NYC, London, Brussels.

If that is really your dream, i respect that. But i wonder: why not living in some multicultural city instead of hoping that Poland will also "enjoy" multiculturalism one day?
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

nah i just think its funny given your status on Racial Integration that youre countries are next in line for assimilation, actually if youre nationality is Dutch youre virtually there already, so whats the big deal.

I don't see what assimilation of my country with Netherlands has to do with racial integration, maybe you can explain?

to go ontopic again:

Tell us why you want to have anymore 3rd world people in Poland?

Have a look at Belgium, Netherlands, France, UK, Sweden.
Do you want the same sh#t in Poland too?
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

And I never said backward anything, you keep getting confused.

he comes from some place so backward that he can't even bring himself to say it on here, wow that place must be bad :X

another proof that you are a liar.

ohh right your fcuked then with regard to racial integration.

that's so typical for leftists like you.

You get angry when you only think that someone might insult some blacks.
And at the same time you don't feel ashamed to insult milions of white people.

You hypocrite!
And you was the one talking about

