Love /
Insultive opinions about Polish girls... [139]
most of my Polish girl friends are with Polish boys who are often poorer than them.
They flirting only, probably to gain experience for future serious relations like long term, marriage, etc. There, money speaks and rules the relations when serious relations are considered. Quite acceptable on girl/woman side, but, whenever i have money i don't like them to approach me, i just keep them away cause I feel them like walking coin boxes in such times. I sure about this because at times when i am moneyless those coin boxes walking away from me. Once they find a rich man and marry, then, these coin boxes suddenly become females and they try to approach you, but, i stay away from them too.
Your girl friends can love men from poor Tanzanya? Why mostly moving to England, USA, etc? Whether for marriage or for quick money by sex, they all go to places where they see money. Don't think men are different. They go to companies who offer them better money. They too selling their bodies in some sense.