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Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
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18 Sep 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

So I'm reading a news article about how they caught the thief who stole from a unconscious dude lying on the railroad track, then left him there until a train arrived and cut his foot off. It's the usual "immigrant... bla, bla, bla... identified by neighbors... bla, bla, bla", but then I came upon this "can't be charged for leaving a man to die because Sweden doesn't have a law that requires people to save lives (if not endangered themselves), it all comes down to human decency..." I was like...


I still remember that in school here in Poland they wasted 45 minutes explain to us how this works and described some cases as examples. What kind of a sh!thole doesn't have such a basic law? Jesus, Sweden!
14 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

You are SOOOO wrong...the "division" of labor has NOT been as you state throughout pre-history!

This is what liberals actually want you to believe. Once you've forgotten everything about the past, you'll be easy prey for the economic predator. (If that weren't true, why would they be so busy trying to revise the English language if not to raise yet another barrier between new generations and the past?)

Successful propaganda campaigns are easy stuff when you control most of what comes out of Hollywood and the toobs and presses. Most people are too damn stupid to analyze anything rationally. All you need to do is to implant a mental image that's associated with some positive or negative emotion. Two of them and she's finished.

Show a man being repressive and nasty to his wife. Just about every woman in the country watching the tube will think to herself: "Ya knooooww... My John is really like that sometimes. He really is. That tube really knows what it's talking about. I really should get a divorce and find my own destiny!"

Show an independent sexy "has-it-all" career woman smiling away in her exciting freedom and work. The reaction: "Ya knooooowww... That's really what I ought to be doin'! Looks so much more fun than this taking care of children business."

Never mind that both "images" are much closer to fantasy than reality in most cases.

And so the government has doubled its tax animal slave force, the family has been destroyed and we're a step closer to a new worldwide communist utopia with only the obligatory rivers of blood part left for us to wade through.

Wake the **** up.

it sounds nice but there's a reason most people don't live that way anymore. like anything else, it comes down to money

They couldn't defeat retarded hippy and pseudo-communist movements so they simply integrated them into their machine, "freeing" women from household chores and sending them off to work simply provided the average household with an increased wallet to spend on stuff.

Suddenly, every family needed two cars. We all need more TVs, and those families that actually tried to save their money found that prices simply increased since no rich fat cat is going to allow the average family to suddenly save a second source of income.

So now women are doomed to work and slave away at jobs they don't really want to do.
10 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

I think we really oughta to return to a house model where the man works and the woman takes care of the house and the children. Its a simple work division that worked well in the old days, and by the old days, I mean "since pre-history."

Feminists have successfully convinced women that men were cheating them out of their "freedom" by deterring them from their "right" to work and toil and by forcing them into embracing motherly duties, where as the only reason men worked and toiled was to support a family in the first place. No men goes to work because they are trying to seek "self-fulfillment", or whatever.

I mean, why would anyone want to do 8/5/ in office month after month, year after year instead of taking care of children and the house, maybe painting or writing novels in the meanwhile? What would a sane woman choose, assuming that she were capable of making her own decisions based on a rational analysis of the consequences to herself and to others or even just herself? Seriously, what would she choose?
10 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

Yes, European population is totaly not ageing. Not at all. There is absolutly no reason to be concerned.
Are you f-king kidding me?! We are heading stright for disaster!!!
9 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

I was considering for a moment to think you very common to Mussolini's way of thinking. But then, Mussolini was definitely not an antisemitic

Only to set the record straight, I do NOT consider myself antisemitic. Or, for that matter, a Mussolini.

Maybe if many men in Poland think like Knodzior...this could be why the birth rate goes down!!!

Birth rate in Western Europe is much worse..., just saying.
9 Sep 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Oh dear. Where do you read this stuff?


The Dutch Socialist party (SP) is an organisation once known for its Maoist sympathies and habit of throwing tomatoes at political opponents. It now finds itself within touching distance of becoming the biggest parliamentary force, eclipsing its more moderate rivals in the Labour party and on course to gain at least 30 parliamentary seats. Just as the unexpected success of the leftwing Syriza party in beleaguered Greece set alarm bells ringing in Brussels, the SP has become another surprise package of European politics at a time when more centrist politicians seem to lack ideas.

So, support for liberalism IS collapsing in the country which used to be its poster child
8 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

For someone who goes on so much about the Church,

Do I?

one would think that you might have heard of a girl called Eve

And that is relevent how?

I'm anti-feminist.

I think men are superior gender, but that's just a personal belief that I wouldn't use for policies or laws or whatever. But feminists are harpies with no concept of logic and justice, they will always want more and more and they will never stop.

Their business is excusing women all the time while crying about oppression and sexism, while demanding businesses to have a mandatory percentage of women in key positions, willing housewives to stop being housewives to pursue CAREERS, mandatory percentages of women politicians, and so on.

In short they hate liberty and want to dictate to everyone how to behave and who to hire and what to do with your life
8 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

better for a couple to divorce, than to force the children to live with a lazy Tyskie-swilling woman-beater

Do West have one of the worst batches of females in history?

I see a lot of articles floating around the net about mens' problems, the 'demise of guys', etc. But there's never any comment about the modern female.

Is today's female showing a level of narcissism, arrogance and sluttiness unheard of amongst her ancestors? Has there been 'decline of gals'? Are todays young women the kind of young ho's our grandfathers would simply refuse to hook up with?

Is it worth marrying a girl if you're her fifteenth sexual partner, and it's all going to end in expensive divorce anyways?

Or should we just be glad we have a lot easy sexual partners around, but then refuse to get married?
3 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

The people have their responsibilities in what they are going through, or we would also be living under that kind of harsh tyrannies. And to be fair I do hold Europeans responsible for our own pain brought by the multikult through their own apathy, excessive individualism (I've got nothing against individualism in itself but everything sucks when taken in excesses), materialism (as long as they got a TeeVee they are oh so happy and contented. It's as if you couldn't get the white Frenchs to riot as long as they got a Tv, junk food and stupid games.).

We had our fair share of dictatorships in the past. We didn't ask the help of blacks in those times to get rid of them. Why should we get rid of theirs now ?

There is a reason why Asia is widely more successful in building a civilization even if they used to be ridden with poverty in the past. Japan after WW2 was a disaster but they're now a major power. South Korea. Singapore. Taiwan. China is rapidly gaining grounds.

And there is a reason why not a single African country can do anything without being governed by the white man, like Rhodesia and South Africa. Race.
3 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

Nothing wrong with coal, Poland uses it al the time.

jon357: Nuclear energy is a whole different ball game. Much more complicated and risky.
And massively more expensive, nuclear can only exist with government subsidies too cheap to meter was a good slogan but nothing more

Of course there can be private owned nuclear plants. And there is nothing really risky about it, there is only hysteria of dumb people, fuelled by oil producers. Nuclear energy is much more clear and cheap.

As for cars, in Poland about half of the cars uses natural gas.

In the US people would starve if the agricultural sector were not propped up by government

Bull... Your farmers would be unable to compete on the international market, thats all.

No, no, no.

Now, thats what I call an argument.

You may have noticed a certain inequality in the availability of food. The average Biedronka in a mid-sized Polish town is better than the biggest food shop in some countries. The richer parts of the world consume and waste a shocking amount of unnecessary food and commodities like people always follow the money

Third worlders would not be able to afford Biedronka' food just as they cannot afford the food produced locally (India case).
Zimbabwe was successful in producing enough food for itself when it was called "Rhodesia" and in the hands of white men. Since it has been in the hands of blacks, it's actually relying on foreign powers to bring them food on the table. Do we want to encourage this kind of expectations?
3 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

hard enough to get out some of the oil from conventional fields. Getting it from the ocean floor is nigh impossible and fraught with danger. Otherwise the high price of oil would mean we were seriously trying

For now. It will not stay always that way.
Why the fixation with oil, anyway? There is also coal, it can be transformed into fuel. And there is nuclear energy.
You still fail to comprehend that 'natural resources' is a meaningless concept.
Was crude oil a 'resource' in the time of caveman hunter gatherers? Was uranium a 'resource' in the Victorian era?

If we limit them to 'resources' that are known and exploited at a specific time, how do you measure their value?

I just noticed that:

By the way, food production isn't that high. All food production isn't the same. Countries who consume a lot of meat are the villains here. It takes a lot of land for one cow or sheep.

The starvation is only because of the fact that a policy of price supports and subsidies has created a surplus which is no position to be sold.

Price supports in India have created a massive surplus of food stock, and they intended to make it available to the poor at subsidised prices. Except the government has only so much money, and so many bills to pay, that it can only be willing subsidise so many and sell most at above price support levels, at which only few can buy.

Consider furthermore that the costs of storing India's grain are so high that even that prevents them from subsidising it. More is spent on storage than on distribution.

Hunger is not caused by lack of food, it is caused by inability to pay for it. And the government has made food far more expensive in return for having more of it. This is the hard fact of reality; we have surplus food, and people die of hunger
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

If it were so easy to get this mysterious oil you claim exists, they would have gotten it before converting oil sands.

From the ocean floor? From South Pole?
Resources are not finite. Not only is (as we understand it) universe infinite we also have, without need to advance our technology very much, access to our own solar system. Mining just one medium sized asteroid from the belt between Mars and Jupiter could provide more minerals than we have mined in all human history. We can already make fuel out of coal and wood, so we can replace all of our fuel usage with energy plants. Solar power could easily provide all energy we could ever need. Soil enrichment also isn't out of our reach.

Of course there wont be any need to do so. After all developed nations don't have population growth. And people who replace their populations will not care about development.

India has billion people living in 25 states, speaking 19 major languages and over a 100 dialects, practicing over about 6 religions and belonging to thousands of castes and sub-castes. Each state differs so widely in economic and social development that it is difficult to speak of the country as a whole

The only reason more urban development has not taken place in India is because government strictly regulates land use and development, because it just wants a piece of the pie out of every land deal possible, and people in the land department there are always the worst and most corrupt people possible.

They push up land prices by arbitrarily declaring any stretch of land to be reserved for agricultural purposes, and then they try to take as much of the share of big land purchases or sales as possible.

The amount of open space around New Delhi is so much, if all it had been developed in the past fifty years, population density of the national capital region would be one-third of what it is now.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

To Exist? Why it would be a problem?
Even India has a food surplus that is four times what would be ever required in the time of emergency (and that too as of the 1980s, I don't know what the figure would be now). United States has to throw away half of what they don't export.

In fact, food production is so ridiculously high thanks to subsidies and price supports, just to keep people who don't know anything but farming to continue farming, that the granary stocks in so much of the world drain away billions of dollars in just storage. The cost of that itself pushes food prices. And thus it drains away money that could have been used to market and sell all that food itself, and that's why so much of the world is hungry despite surplus stocks.

In some countries, food production is so high, that in Japan, they have to pay people NOT to cultivate more than a certain amount of rice.

Only 5% of the landmass in North America itself is inhabited by human settlement.

It's LESS in the rest of the world's continents.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

Huge oil fields are discovered all the time, it is simply as of now not profitable to develop them. It may change in 20 years or it may not, but oil IS there.

Intensive farming requires energy source to power mechanization. Whether its cheap oil or electric propelled tools doesnt matter. Again, a need to build less oil dependant machines has not yet surfaced.

We can store energy but it is not, again, economical. If there is a need to do so we can find a way.

And most important: technology advance. I am very confident that MANY problems will be solved without us actually doing anything difficult. That may include 'global warming'. 100 years ago feeding 6 billion people seemed impossible, in another 100 years the barrier may well be 50 billion.

I think you need to ask yourself what is "resources".

Bottom line is that decline in population = civilization regressing, in 100/100 cases historically. Birth rate reduction = greater % of non-workers. When 40% of the working population's income goes directly to welfare for non-workers (predicted case of 80s generation in 25 years time), minus maintenance of old infrastructure on top of that, there is not going to be anything left over for new investment.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

World resources ARE more or less unlimited. There is oil under oceans and arctic, we are developing new extraction techniques all the time. Arable area is still v. small and undermechanized, more intensive food production can feed ~20 billion people right now. We can have unlimited energy from sun or geothermal sources.

What is more important we wont reach stars if we are satisfied with Earth. So yes, overpopulation is needed for human race expansion.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

Population was never a problem. The more people of working age -> the more wealth -> the more resources -> the more capability to transform the environment.

It's only "over-"population if you think people are a burden, economically it's the opposite
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

Race is just a construct really

Have you clicked the link I posted above? If race does not exist, then why they need the exact same mixture of... well... races... for a donor?

multiculturalism is suicide, but its supportes welcome this, being self-hating losers. its too bad they're taking everyone else down with them

tribalism or nationalism, you've got to have one, otherwise there is no identity to bind people together. no social cohesion. and the west has rejected nationalism, so it dissolves. that's the core of the decline
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

But Jon, I am questioning your ridicules statement that races does not exist.
This just means there needs to be more Japanese-European-Vietnamese mixing; then there'll be more potential donors ;)

Seriously though, if the mainstream believes race doesn't exist, why is it that there's a place to indicate your race/ancestry on personal information forms? "Ancestry" is just an euphemism for race used sometimes because the original term became associated with certain bad memories. At what point does this backlash take on the unmistakable characteristics of arguing against a straw man?
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

Mixed race children have almost no chance of finding bone marrow or organ donors:

Sarah Gaskins, Luke's mother, has Japanese and European ancestors and his father, Lam Do, is Vietnamese-American. Because bone marrow matches usually are made with a relative or someone with the same racial or ethnic background as the patient, multiracial people rarely have success.

Relative or someone with the same racial or ethnic background. Which really means just someone of the same race. Except race does not exist, so how do they figure?

One of my natural science teachers once told us this important, eternal truth: science is not free of bias.

Up until the 1970s practically all biologists and psychologists agreed that homosexuals were sick. The only debate was whether it was a genetic defect or a personality disorder or both. But then broad wealth led to decadence, which led to an individualist and hedonist culture, feminists and queer activists started their rise to power and scientists changed their professional opinion. Politics often predetermine what scientists are supposed to proof - and then scientists go ahead and do just that. They are not some kind of superhumans standing high above the culture and politics of their time.

The situation in psychology is even more ridiculous, because it isn't a hard (i.e. real) science so you can basically just make **** up. Imagine a hypothetical Mongol psychologist back in their days of "glory" being confronted with the following patient: "I want to drink the fresh blood of my fallen enemies while their hearts are still pumping and rape girls of all races in the world!". Hypothetical answer: "Sounds perfectly sane and healthy to me." Nowadays the same guy would be locked away in a high security mental asylum. Why? Politics!

But let us get back to the actual topic: back when I was in school our biology books still had a section titled "human races" which would be considered utterly offensive nowadays. Because all the "examples" they chose to represent the different races looked horribly ugly - except the way above average looking white dude they chose to represent their race...

2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

kondzior: If race does not exist, what the heck are you mixing ?
The human race,stupid.

What with what? To mix something you need at least two elements, you fool.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

There is one race. the human race.

Lefists often pretend on the teevee that race does not exist. They then go on to say something about "mixed" (what?.) WTF ?
If race does not exist, what the heck are you mixing ?

Get over that and actually go out and achieve something instead of brooding about skin colour.

These superficial skin color differences are used to define someone as being a "race". The reality is far more complex than a mere set of genes that happens to influence outward appearance.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

No. Most emphatically not 'somebody like you' since every sentiment you've expressed here suggests you would not help this mysterious group of others. The world gets by just fine without either help from the type of person who would write the above

99.9999% of mankind are leeching fleas living off the blood and achievements of people like me. Without my kind, you would not have a private bathroom, much less heat and electricity.

And Poland will be here long after the complexions of its inhabitants have darkened.

When a White lady and a Black man mate and produce a child, everything else is dwarfed by the fact that the intelligence of the child will be between the averages of those two races, statistically speaking, on average (not between the IQs of the parents). It's a gamble game you don't want to play, unless you prefer your children to be stupid rather than intelligent.

Genes are everything. A dog won't solve the problem of universals.

Polska B

You tripped off the wrong stone here.

Achievements in humanity have come from illiterate and uneducated people.

Junior school passouts working as bicycle mechanics would create a working plane - this was the Wright Brothers.

A simple farmboy who walked all the way to Detroit to buy groceries would build an entire automobile industry there - that was Henry Ford.

A beggar turned store clerk would later start one of the largest department stores ever known and buy a skyscraper in cash - that was Woolsworth.

Another petty department store clerk would learn its workings top down and then drive all department stores nearly out of business with suburban retail stores - that was Samuel Walton.

Sorry. Your idea that achievements come not from ordinary people is what has been used to justify centralised communistic, globalistic, and insitutionalistic governments throughout the world. Genius is no replacement for the human exchange among millions of independent people making independent decisions among each other - specific knowledge about specific situations comes from the people who deal with their respective situations, not educated ivory tower men like you.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

A Poland with fewer white people would still be Poland. Not the unchanging Poland of rosy-cheeked maidens and gallant hussars squeezing their own twarog in simple (but somehow noble) hovels and singing merry folk songs in the snow after a morning in church. But then again, that doesn't exist now, does it?

Leftists - fail. It's a tyranny of the dysgenics. The kinds of bipeds who rarely lived long enough to reproduce in the past now constitute a numerical majority of astounding proportions. Do you know why there are so many of them? Somebody like me has felt sorry for them and extended medical technology and welfare and social support and preferences to them.

The best and brightest build the civilizations, then the botched and bungled achieve critical mass and break them down. This is why societies last an average of 200 years or less - just divide it right down the middle. The virtuous and noble on the left side with the good genes, the right half of that Bell curve are the leftards who then breed like flies and tear it all apart in an orgy of total insanity. The chromosomal misfires and DNA discharges could never create anything. They can only destroy. It's not any one race or ethnic group, either. It's the unspoken brotherhood of the genetically shabby and sorry that works together as a team on all fronts to rip it all up.

Afterwards the leftards sit around and cry in the smoking ashes as the barbarian multikult invaders puncture their sphincters and wonder what they did wrong. Oh, right ... what with the massive dismantling and destruction of everything ... right ...

It's aways too late to matter at this point. That's the leftard for you.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

Who cares what colour a child is or where their ancestors came from?

It will not be Poland amymore.

Much of Polska B can be described as exactly that

So why the fertility rate is so low?
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

No bad thing really - some people are having smaller families and some are having larger. I don't see a problem.

Taking simplified example:

20 afro-african women have 100 children (50 survived) = than 50 children when grow-up would have 250


20 white and cultural high IQ women have 10 children (10 survive, ok) = than 10 would have 5 children

What would you think would happen next? Wake up, mate. There would be no "society" (EU society with EU principles and EU nations and EU history) that you are talking about when whites die out and get replaced by dumb but fast-breeding
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

You dont understand that society where majority of women has 1 children only would die out? And they will be replaced by those which has 10 children?