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Posts by frd  

Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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3 Apr 2010
Food / Cheesecake sernik for Polish Easter? [14]

sernik is not an easter thing.. x-mas, sure.

naaah sernik is all around, all year king of the table for me ; P

kaszka manna just as just kaszka is a common name for milk soup in Poland : o
3 Apr 2010
Love / How could I change her opinion about me? [60]

But of course it's in common with all women,

I noticed that it changes with age, younger girls tend to "hope" you're gonna deduce what is actually wrong. After age of around 25 ( may vary ) the idea of conversation about the problem starts to kick in ; )
3 Apr 2010
Food / Cheesecake sernik for Polish Easter? [14]

I don't know what semolina is. But yeah we receive a sernik every easter and christmas from our next door neighbour, I'm pretty confident that it's the cream of the crop of all serniks ;) the very creme de la creme of "serniksecity"...
1 Apr 2010
Language / Having trouble pronouncing Polish words? [35]

Try ivona: ivona.com

Choose the voice of "Maja" enter "dzięki" in the text window and press play. Maja has the most accurate pronunciation of that word.
31 Mar 2010
Language / Optimal word order in: Czy dobrze się wczoraj bawiłaś? [22]

The first option is the one you're most likely to stumble upon but I can imagine situations where you can hear one of the latter or slight variations like:

Hej, a wczoraj się dobrze bawiłaś?

Czy bawiłaś się dobrze wczoraj?

It sounds kind of strange... but not thaaat strange.. it could be used by some people on rare occasions... but you're safe with the first one..
29 Mar 2010
History / The heroic jump of the 1st Polish Independent Paratrooper Brigade [81]

they were actually ordered to return to base

Interesting read Harry, but I can find no information about such order in the link you've pasted. Tried to look elsewhere through google and couldn't find anything about retreat orders ignored by Poles.

They were dropped in a particularly hot region and were ordered to cross the river Rhine which under the circumstances at hand proved really hard or nearly impossible as the link you've posted suggests.

Were you talking about this ( as the supposed not following orders to retreat ):

Major-General Sosabowski had surveyed the scene prior to the British arrival, and he correctly believed that, although the German strength was considerable on the far bank, it was mostly concentrated in the immediate area occupied by the 1st Airborne. He therefore proposed a major crossing, involving the whole of the...

or this

Major-General Thomas had a plan of his own. He proposed that one of his own units, the 4th Battalion The Dorsetshire Regiment, should cross directly opposite the high ground of the Westerbouwing Restaurant at the south-western end of the Oosterbeek Perimeter; an area that was now firmly under German control.

or this

The 1st Polish Parachute Brigade Group had performed as well as circumstances had allowed them in Operation Market Garden, but in its aftermath the British commanders conspired to make them a scapegoat for the failure. Montgomery wrote to the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, reporting "Polish Para Brigade fought...

Anyways, all at all it seems the whole market garden operation was badly planned. I can't see anything "heroic" about the jump of Polish paratroopers, they did the jump and were pretty much pinned down through the whole battle beside loosing soldiers while crossing the river and parashooting down into the drop point. I'm kind of sad because of Sosabowski who I think was a good soldier and a good general and got treated like that after coming back to his country when for instance American generals got all the glamour and admiration.

I've also found this link:
it has got pretty interesting maps of the operation, unit movements and so on.
28 Mar 2010
History / The heroic jump of the 1st Polish Independent Paratrooper Brigade [81]

time means: What barn is he on about jonni?

Jedwabne's barn in which my lovely Polish people burnt alive many Jews. There's a big commotion once a year about it because of somebody's releasing a book, or somebody's else protesting.

Anyways the whole "yet another ww2 Poland betrayed" thread is pointless. No foreigner will ever agree and will boldly and ironicly comment about how we are supposed to move on adding sarcastic remarks and defending his own "land". And no Pole will ever admit to living in the past with his point of view on that topic, he'll stubornly defend his country's deeds. Sweeping aside those few who won't fit in that bracket.
28 Mar 2010

wildrover: .but i guess it will be right again when the clocks go back again in the winter....

that's my tactic, I just leave all these wall clocks alone ; )
27 Mar 2010
Language / The usage of "dwoje" [11]

dwie dziewczynki
dwóch chłopców
dwoje dzieci

genders ; o
And when you have mixed genders like

chłopiec i dziewczynka robili coś we dwoje.

And so on..
27 Mar 2010
Language / Optimal word order in: Czy dobrze się wczoraj bawiłaś? [22]

SzwedwPolsce: Czy dobrze się wczoraj bawiłaś?

Yeah both correct. It sounds like something the mother could ask her daughter. In casual conversation with friends you would probably say something more like "jak było wczoraj?" "jak się wczoraj bawiłaś?" than asking "Czy dobrze.." And I have to say I heard "dobrze się wczoraj bawiłaś?" more often than the version with "czy" :)
27 Mar 2010
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Royaltramp: I quite like the Polish language, but I never learnt to read/write in Polish, so this is something I'm now trying to learn. Hopefully GaduGadu will help there :P

Good luck with the learning and welcome to the forums : o
27 Mar 2010
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Seanus: English is a much more evolving language, period!!

is there even anyone trying to counter this statement? More speakers of the language = more words being created daily = evolving... it's not rocket science really.. and there's no magic to it..
25 Mar 2010
Language / Łejterka dostaje duże typy? [16]

'skifowało się'

It might also come from a semi-popular polish slang word "skifa" ( failure, shambles). So it's is possible that somebody in Poland could understand the meaning. I would.. get the negative connotation..
25 Mar 2010
Language / Łejterka dostaje duże typy? [16]


Alright, it seems possible. I just barely pointed out the basement thingie. As for the rest it all seems possible. You mentioned " "dom" never "hauza" " funny thing is that where I live ( Silesia ) there are people who say "idziemy na hauze" this time borrowing it from German pronunciation of house word.. ; )

Some of my mates while joking insert a word or two in english from time to time, "hajłej" or "drajwer" wouldn't baffle me at all.. some of these words though sound pretty peculiar..
25 Mar 2010
News / Polish Mom claims daughter got pregnant from swimming in pool! [162]

I remember that during my civil defence subject lessons in primary school teacher told the girls they should be careful while using the bathtub and sitting on the toilet after somebody, I think he mentioned swimming pools too..
24 Mar 2010
Language / Learning Polish, good for beginners? [29]

I do not understand where from comes this resistance to Polish teachers.

What resistance :) ?
Szwed just casually commented on what you've said, that in his opinion it's possible to learn without help of professionals. Simple as that. Can't really see anything that would clearly state "teachers are bad"... you're just adding stuff which isn't really there.
24 Mar 2010
Language / Łejterka dostaje duże typy? [16]

Sounds kind of far-fatched. Perfectly understandable thought I've got a few comments.. it just can't be "bezjmencie " natural order of things would change the word "basement" to "bejzment" not "bezjment" hence these are probably just examples forged by you polonius.. there are probably people who speak like that in US. Sometimes when I'm playing computer games with voice chat I can hear polish people mixing languages fi:

"szybko bakuj!!" ( retreat / go back )
"stanuj go!!" ( stun him )

It happens especially inside multiplayer computer games communities because of these games having certain word sets that allow you to communicate with other nationalities, in the same time polish people use "polish" version of these words. Sometimes it really leads to bizzare clumps of words and letter like:

"depeesuj go!!!" ( from dps - damage per second - it means "casting a spell that deals damage per second" ;) )

On the other hand the truth is that even english players can stay incomprehensible for their own folk while using these in-game "slangs", and each internet game community produces a new set of words..

Many polish people use english internet abbrevs while communicating with others daily like (literally) "wu te ef" ( wtf )
22 Mar 2010
Classifieds / Warsaw (PL) Tabletop Role Playing Game Group for Expats Only. D&D Fortnightly [87]

We want to be playing in April.

As I've already said I would be but unfortunately I live to far away from Warsaw ;)

Anyways, if you'll have some time please write something about how it is going, characters and first impressions of the rpg by the newcomers, I'm quite curious.

Have fun.
22 Mar 2010
Life / Wojewódzki moral authority for people in Poland? [7]

I don't think he is, he was in the limelight when he was one of the judges in Polish Got Talent. Now he is pretty much absent from the public eye, I read his sarcastic bantering column in "Polityka" from time to time. I can hardly think of why would he be thought of as being any kind of authority, not mentioning the "moral" part. And from what I've read about him it seems he thinks he is a bigger star than he really is.
21 Mar 2010
Language / is it stll jeden [33]

' jak czy pan pytać'

I would have no idea what you're trying to say. Sorry :)
21 Mar 2010
Language / is it stll jeden [33]

right about what exactly? Have I missed something : o