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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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6 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

idiotic title just nicely provoke for the idiotic reply


Ratko Mladic: "Arab mujaheedines are easy and stupid"

Crow ... Ratko is not such a hero. We can have a new beginning without him!

hen a young girls

Read the article ...

A moment long enough to fell in love with an Egiptian macho...

First of all they are no more macho then we are ...

Secondly ... don't fall for these kinds of messages customized to fool people so that they can be just as sticky xenophobic racists like them.

You go Thailand ... and see what sex tourism among british women is like. Just browse in the internet how British and Australian women go to Thailand to hire men for sex tourism.

This is not something only in Poland. Just read the article and you will realize that these are old women, usually alone ... and they find a man who is ready and poor to sell himself for them.

Thats why keep your eyes open on who you love. An educated person, with decency ... is the person to go for. Not a race or a stereotype. The nature you can know by being friends with people first.

The greatest stupidity is the believe in articles such as these ... or to think that anyone is special or any other person is inferior...

REST ... your life ... say what you want believe that you like! ... lol
6 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

Anyone who sets herself loose ... is easy ... stupid too, when lonely. 50 years old women going after 20 year old men and thinking its true love ... its foolish wherever she is. But then, perhaps its an exchange ... of some kind. But quite foolish indeed.
6 Feb 2011
Love / POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable.... [135]

Hearts ache ... anger comes from the brain. You will feel your brain getting heated when its anger playing its role!

Those who break hearts ... it aches for that consequence. Just be careful who you love ... be sure that he loves you. It is always a better thing to go to the person who loves you ... not the person who you love (initially). Eventually you will fall in love with the person who actually loves you truly and responsibly ... who wants a family with you. Its a deep philosophy. Think about it.
6 Feb 2011
Love / POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable.... [135]

but in some contexts it just sounds bonkers!

You need to realize ... that there remains nothing else but this single solution ... and hearts which beat have those solutions. Just we need to let the solutions come ... and not be a stone.
6 Feb 2011
Love / POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable.... [135]

If some women came in men's bodies, there'd be no need for them at all!

Still you would misunderstand and remain heartbroken ... because you know not what you want ... you know not who you are ...

Women and women can fight aswell ... they mistrust each other aswell. Lets not think silly on this.

There is no such thing as a men or mars and women of venus. Its all crap. Its just that confused people love to remain in confusion, and never give that good man who really could love them a chance!
6 Feb 2011
News / Poland building an empire (instead of a nation)? [67]

In some countries the trend appears to be exactly the opposite, and they are seriously
thinking about ways to stop, or at least significantly decrease third world immigration.

There is one world. Lets see what happens in future. :) ...

slavic countries immigrants

They are themselves having a population catastrophe (going down like mad)!
6 Feb 2011
Love / POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable.... [135]

If any man had told the same he would be beaten or slapped at no time unless he were a gay.

Why you think that the regular consequences that follows your existence will follow the existence of other men aswell?

Yes it is.

No it isnt.

Men often don't understand women and women don't often understand men

I think the first step should be to understand yourself ... only then try and understand someone else.

You know my marriage had faced "social, cultural, distance, language, racial, religious" barriers. She is a Korean and I am a Pole! But we gave each other a chance. Talked "openly" without "hiding and playing tricks or testing each other".

Just being who we are ... and eventually trying to adjust! Having patience, and not saying "I cannot wait" ... for anything to make possible, even between two Poles, you need patience.

The matter of keeping things for the right time arises. You need to realize that you need to be in love, but have intimacy after you marry. This makes alot of difference.

At the end of the day ... you must not scare the other person with your silence and doubts. If you think the other person is not right, discuss it with him. If you think he is too party but you also want him to be the perfectly honest man in your life ... you are the one who don't understand yourself, not him!
6 Feb 2011
News / Poland building an empire (instead of a nation)? [67]


Possibly a book. Minimum 300 pages long.

You miss the point. Writing an essay is something logical and practiced by immigration offices in many parts of the world. Read what I wrote... I think you didn't decode it well.

alternatively, we can just refuse to accept immigrants from third world and muslim

We have to know who we let in. Its not about third world or 4th world, or muslim even. Its about humans. IT IS ONE WORLD. You know that during WW2, many Poles were given shelter in Iran and India. I once posted links here ... they still have communities there and have websites of people who remember their past.

Again, even if you don't want to put that into your account. I would like to assure you that in today's world, we cannot do what you suggest. This is highly aggressive and very segregatory. You impose such a law, and I including many people who think like me with rise even much more aggressively :) ... why should we fight against each other?

The best policy is the policy of intelligence ... rationing devices ... as I mentioned ... elaborate there, that is more sensible. Closing doors is never sensible ... and increasingly you will notice that the trend is (and will remain, due to the evolutionary trend) to open gates
6 Feb 2011
News / Poland building an empire (instead of a nation)? [67]

Now we live in the age of nukes.

We live in an age of touch choices ... I appeal for the choice of HEART! ... The choice of love and unity! The choice of positivity! ... The choice of truth! ... The choice of onness! ... The choice with the banners "WELCOME! LET US HELP EACH OTHER FOR A BETTER WORLD ... OUR WORLD!"

By the way ... you know about immigration I've always maintained a stance of allowing three kinds primarily:

1. Children between 6 and 10
2. Undergrad students
3. Grad students

They can be eligible for work and stay if they do satisfactory at the universities, and show responsible behavior in fare manners (anyone will get angry with violence, which is nothing to be blamed for...).

The 4th, which are workers from other nations, should be allowed in and then respectfully let go to their countries. IF they wish to stay, they must agree to take language courses, culture courses, and show a wish to integrate. Perhaps write an essay over it.

Every immigrant must go though HIV/AIDS and other STD tests. Not only that, the immigrants who tend to integrate among the locals, wish to settle in with a local ... and is a valuable human resource ... should (infact) must be welcome and accommodated.

We must only check whether they can bear their expenses for around 6 months (or 1 year maximum) in Poland without having to be in trouble. But usually I've heard that our fools in other countries check their bank accounts. Which is very easily manufactured, plus, the wrong people tend to have no shortage of money. The good people, usually from the middle class, those who we would actually be the better immigrant (and later a respectable citizen with equal rights - I am anti deportation, as I see it stupid if someone now have adopted my country).

So yes, there are laws which need to be repaired. If you see clearly, my suggestions are also in accordance to the psychological terms of the individual. Those ages are the best times for getting them to integrate.

I again say, that married men and women who want to immigrate with their teenage children should be "last of the list". They will never be able to integrate. They can come if they really have no other option with them. This can always be checked.
6 Feb 2011
Australia / Difficult situation with moving (Australia-Poland) [37]

I supported him for 1.5 years

Supported how? financially?

What is his problem?

Maybe now he don't need the support?

Your case is very strange. I don't think any Pole will do something so strange without any legitimate reason ... unless he just wanted your support (if you provided financially). Otherwise, it seems he is not interested in you (pardon me, but thats what it seems after I actually read your post thoroughly) :D... sorry though!
6 Feb 2011
Australia / Difficult situation with moving (Australia-Poland) [37]

Why dont the OP come to Poland! ... We will welcome this person! ... This person can be a part of the Polish family!

What is so special in Australia? ... Economy???

As I said... from the beginning ... its about hearts and souls :)

They need to come to a conclusion. It should've been the right thing to do before marriage. Both the parties have messed it up equally!

What is so different in an Oz that is not in a Polish girl? ... Or a girl anywhere from Europe? Why she thinks she is speciality? If she really wishes to be special, she must come Poland and not force him to shy away from his responsibilities perhaps which is keeping him back home.

Slowly now it seems I am respecting him alot :)
6 Feb 2011
News / Poland building an empire (instead of a nation)? [67]

intergalactic empires will be a thing of the future!

The future of human's you mean?

The future of humans lay in their hearts ... in their souls! ... The days of the swords are gone ... now either you love or your die (the adjective hate is increasingly becoming aligned with death, as the nations of the world increasingly become interdependent regarding issues of environment, economy, health, security and skills).

Unless your home, your neighborhood, your community is at peace and in safety ... no intergalactic expedition will provide prosperity!

Humanity, to me, have just now one goal ... and that is to be one! To love and care for each other ... and to join hands towards a common objective of peace, prosperity, health, economy, security and development. In an increasingly globalized with, with it consistently becoming a global village ... only love is the power which can light the whole planet and pull it out of its unfortunate dark times.

Sounds like I am utopic to some... but believe me I am realistic. Just think once about it from a realistic perspective! Is it not that case nowadays... have the world ever been so integrated before? We are moving towards a period of evolution which will start taking share as fast as the rapid developments of science and technology, knowledge as all that the post 19th century world have witnessed. It is just infront of us to see.

The hearts and minds now need to open ...

My family have been involved in international trade since my great grandparents in Poland! How volumes have increased and trade become simpler, is amazing. How the world of International Business have changed is nothing less than a miracle. How everything in the world is shaping to bring things even closer ... and people so close that they actually end up feeling for each other (something very unthinkable even 50 years ago) is now seen even in countries like Poland when you have a walk in the Universities!

Hearts ... yep ... hearts and souls ... for me, these are the next targets for building true Empires!
6 Feb 2011
Australia / Difficult situation with moving (Australia-Poland) [37]

you'll only hear more b*llshit from Polish men too attached to mummy

Whats wrong in being respectful and caring towards ones parents?

Mothers are with love and respect. While Poles who have both their parents getting old, will like to take care ... are the best men which perhaps are not available everywhere?

Oh no... let me guess ... some people will fall in love with a Pole she got in the bar! ... or a nightclub! In a drunk situation ... BUT NO NEVER the good one who works hard and is caring to his parents, or has a good family background!

I think those men who have it ... should also not go for women who don't know how to value it :)
6 Feb 2011
Love / POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable.... [135]


You are discussing matrimony and its challenges with Professor Southern? ... Congratulations! :D

But a guy who knows how to make money and who would like to teach me this.

Be with a man who is simple, interested in you ... humble ... EDUCATED ... hard working ... who would treasure you. Have the belief that you are worth treasuring ... and the man who treasures you, respects you ... and WISHES TO BE RESPECTED AND LOVED ... go for him. Regardless whether he is a German, Pole, a Jew, a Gypsy, a Persian, India, Egyptian, American or a Greek (note: I do no recommend southern by this).

Have a treasured life ... and be responsible. Is it really so tough? ... or are we the ones who usually make it look so complicated? ... Think about it, maybe you will find an answer yourself :).
6 Feb 2011
Australia / Difficult situation with moving (Australia-Poland) [37]

Its not a visa and passport issue as he doesn't seem to want to leave Poland.

Its another secret issue ... :)

Its the issue of heart ... its the issue of soul ... :)
6 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

of course they do, Lodz lives in the bubble.

I have said they do, and this is a shame. There is nothing to be proud about it ... and I read your sentence as if you were enjoying it.

Why don't you just plain tell him on his face that he is sick and should stay away from you?... You can't? ... I think that is the easiest way out of this sick game of "his". Unless otherwise you an enjoying every moment of this despicable matter.

Lodz lives not in a bubble. I am aware, but I love roses more than trash. Trash makes me feel sick, and rightly so.
6 Feb 2011
Love / POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable.... [135]

your beloved races start

There is no race but one human race ... you and me and the Dr. Congo peasant are of same race. We should all celebrate humanity together :) ... the only difference is personality and realization. You have not realized, thats why you remain away.

My Polki.

There is no such thing. If there is (0.00000000000001% chance) she must be a desparate stupid girl high on drugs. Or just a hooker...
6 Feb 2011
Love / POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable.... [135]

They are just too noble.

Its a crap thread!

Women and men mate ... marry ... give children ... and that's about it. It doesn't matter which race ... and race don't decide hygiene and nobility.

I have to attend a polish wedding to test the ground.

And who do you think will invite you?
6 Feb 2011
Australia / Difficult situation with moving (Australia-Poland) [37]

Too afraid to make a commitment to be with his wife....

What would you say if he was a brown guy. When I read your comment, I immediately looked up the posters topic again and tried to change the "polish" (which is termed as nothing but White to you) into a brown character. After that things started to look so different in the posts below.

Anyways ...

stay safe with English...

Stay safe girl. He might not be interested in you at all. I feel you need to check whether he is completely honest to you back home either.

Its not unheard of, such issues. My friend lives in USA, and he is not the most honest person in America. Some people use others for their purposes, which are not everytime romantic. Also, not always are these purposes for the residency. Sometimes they might even be just for fun.

After reading your topic post, I am surprised that you are still in two minds. While it all seems so clear to me that you are getting cheated.
5 Feb 2011
Love / POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable.... [135]

I don't think the Pakistan guy is proving himself any respectable here.

Polish girls who will behave well, and will think of good for themselves ... will certainly be respectable beyond the need for proof.

I don't really know how this thread fulfills any purpose. I don't know why it is open ...
5 Feb 2011
Polonia / Polish-Chechen relations [19]

I posted a list of their tactics here once.

Those are beliefs ... not tactics

are at often least as happy, healthy, well adjusted, fulfilled as you, if not more so, so why pay all the money, attend the 'meetings' and go away for the 'weekends'?

Its contribution, and believe me people are more than happy to pay it. They do not take a single penny from any one else. And it is every individuals own wish if they want to contribute or not. No one forces. The meetings ... everything ... is free for everyone, without force.

Why are you so animalistic on this? If you don't believe, move aside. But you have no right to hurl stones. Yes Baha'is welcome anyone who likes to join, but we don't pull people in in exchange of money like many missionaries do in the east. Lets not talk about it. There will be too much to say ... and I don't like arguments which insult Religions, beliefs ... that should always be respected.

You should seriously think about getting out before it's too late.


I invite you to rethink your situation ... come ... have a tea with Baha'is in Warsaw. We will talk.

Whatever you are writing is very negative and baseless thing. Baha'is have complete freedom of expression, and like all religions have a set of laws they follow. I don't want this discussion to be blemished by you in bringing off topic matters.

is the life she had a chance of making in Poland so much better than the one she was leaving?

Probably atleast safer then in Grozny. Safety matters, future matters ...
5 Feb 2011
Polonia / Polish-Chechen relations [19]

This from a cult member, part of an extreme sect who allow no deviation from the organisation's official line.

I gave you a link on this distinction between cult and religion. Why are you always after my beliefs? ... Here it is humanity I am talking about, and we should stick to that. You have problems with me on my beliefs, you can PM me about it. To come here and ridicule someone's belief is very stupid thing to do.
5 Feb 2011
Polonia / Polish-Chechen relations [19]

Here comes another extreme view.

You guyz really can't possibly try and see anything from a humane point of view. You are all brainwashed people, toys of politicians ... who divide and rule and loot.
5 Feb 2011
Polonia / Polish-Chechen relations [19]


Have some respect for humanity ... beyond religion and cultures for God's sake even just one time you CREEPS.
5 Feb 2011
Polonia / Polish-Chechen relations [19]

Another sad case of idiots breeding.

What do you mean? ... she lost her children! ...