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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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4 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]


Oh dear; a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I invite you to Poland to meet some of the people who live there, to discuss with them if they think they laboured under the brutal yoke of occupation. The souls of those butchered in occupied territories throughout history would laugh to hear you describe the PRL as an occupation.
4 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

So what? Judaism

Now look carefully at the thread title. It doesn't mention Judaism at all. We are discussing Polish Jews, a cohesive community and distinct ethnicity. Jews were murdered because of their ethnicity - their race, according to those who killed them - and that ethnicity (including people who practise Judaism and people who don't) forms a distinct community who are perfectly entitled to file a claim.
4 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]


The what??

Your post doesn't actually add anything to the discussion - but then again, your experience of Poland could be written on the back of a postage stamp. One thing you might like to do is to come here and actually speak with people who served in the administration during the PRL, who were party members, who got on with their lives and did what they could for Poland - they would be very offended indeed if you suggested they were collaborating with a foreign occupier.
4 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

Well, ask Jews in Poland to sign a document stating that Poland wasn't and isn't anti-Semitic. Those who refuse should be moved to a country of their choosing, can't live any longer in such hostile environment can they ?

If somewhere's your home, why move?

anti-Semitism should be defined precisely

It is.
4 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

it’s an opinion

In this forum there seem to be two polarised opinions on this. I suspect (and everything anybody over about 65 has ever said to me about it points that way) the reality of the situation was not at all black and white.

I view it (Tibet) as an occupation and many countries have a convenient unspoken policy ignoring the reality.

In many ways it is. Legally China are in the right - the only real argument against that is that the aboriginal nature and unique way of life of Tibetan society created a situation where they didn't assert statehood, and as the first nation inhabitants they should be treated as a special case as regards self-determination. India got it right with Bhutan and Sikkim.

The guy with the biggest gun wins. I don’t like kow towing to the school yard bully which is what international relations is all about.

Very true.

Legally no, in practice yes, at least in 1944-56, later "partly".

Quite a good answer.
4 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

Tibet part of China controlled or occupied?

Legally part of China and recognised as such. Even prior to 1959 nobody (including the Tibetans) claimed it had full independance.

The legal argument crashes there as does the recognition argument.

Both still hold.

depends on which part of non existent international law you decide to agree with.

International law exists and the majority view holds. The PRL was not an occupation. Case still closed.
3 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

You, while possibly very talented, likely have no idea whether or not Mel knew what he said in his drunken ramblings would be broadcasted around the world. I will go out on a limb and say it not very likely.

Undoubtedly very talented, however what Mel Gibson is responsible for his behaviour, and has a duty to behave decently whether drunk or sober. Hate speech should be addressed by prosecutors. Same as Galliano. Somebody media-sensitive should know better than to shoot their mouth off, alcohol or not. You seem to be justifying his behaviour...

There's hate speech about everyone these days, quit yer crying.

And hate speech needs to be stamped out.

What pogroms? Are you claiming that pogroms originated in Poland?

Read the post.

You are kidding right ?

Plenty of it documented.
3 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

You've got the wrong end of the stick. He said it in the first place; everything newsworthy he says is likely to be reported, and he knew that. He cared not one little bit that it was adding to the already seamy store of hate speech about the particular people he chose to malign.

What is racist about the thread title?

Read it.

If it read the same but with a different nationality e.g. Russians, Germans, Americans would it still be racist?

Are any of those a race?
3 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

No. I'd probably need to be as drunk as Mel was just to figure out how you think that's anything but ridiculous.

Bigoted drunk talk from Joe Bloggs, Foreigner4 or Uncle Tom Cobbley is one thing - bigoted drunk talk by a very high profile A list Hollywood Royal that's reported round the world and goes unpunished is quite another.

And it adds to the vile racist sentiment that is reflected in the title of this thread.

o my God, you are ...Harry nobody should talk to you anymore, cos you pretend to be an idiot all the time. You are not welcome in my country.

Fortunately you have absolutely no say about who is or is not 'welcome' in 'your' country.
3 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

Yes and I’m sure the nation which controlled Poland at the time which used Poland as a “dumping place” for its Jews didn’t have a single thing to do with it. LOL

Not a single thing.

You're right. Russia's historical anti-semitism had absolutely NO influence on Russian dominated Poland LOL!

Yeas I am right. Historical anti-semitism in Poland was the background to the 1968 Polish pogrom.

Its also funny how that is only a small fraction of the amount of Jews that used to be in Russia before Russia forced them out into the Pale Settlment.

The holocaust and post-war emigration might have has just a little to do with that.

Wouldn't you agree?

No. Put the tin-foil helmet back on.
3 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

What countries in the world did not see Poland being occupied by the Soviets from 1950 to 1990?

All of them: the PRL was recognised by every country who recognised the Second Republic. The Vatican (until 1959), General Franco's Spain and the Irish Republic (until 1979) were the last stragglers. The US recognised them from the start.

Betrayed? At least in my mind one can only be betrayed by those who own one loyalty and who one trusts. I don't think that either of those apply to the Soviets and Mikolajczyk.

A very good point.
3 Feb 2012
USA, Canada / Compulsory military service for Polish-Canadian returning to Poland? [11]

You do realise that there's about a million Polish citizens in the UK and Ireland - a great chunk of whom are the right age to have done military service when it still happened. If you keep getting letters from a prosecutor perhaps you should try replying to one and telling them you're outside Poland.
2 Feb 2012
News / Warsaw Modlin Airport is finally moving [29]

I could not even begin to compare Warsaw to London.
Maybe Manchester or Birmingham in size of population.

Manchester's second airport is in some ways Liverpool. Like most smaller British ones built in the last few years it is almost identical to others - virtually a prefab. This would be a good idea for Modlin. What surprises me is that it's been planned so long, but the rail link won't be in place from day one.