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Joined: 31 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 11
Posts: Total: 515 / In This Archive: 416
From: Wroclaw
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2 Aug 2010
Life / POLISH FLAG DAYS...when are they...? [30]

In NL the flag also has to be destroyed if it touches the ground, I believe.

Not anymore.

The rules are as follows:

A flag representing a country (any country) should be raised at sunrise and lowered at sunset (unless there are floodlights on both sides). If the flag touches the ground, it should be washed. If the flag is "abused" (whatever that may mean), it still should be burned.

Suppose I would want to raise the Polish and the Dutch flag, then the Dutch flag should be on the right side. With three flags, the Dutch flag flies in the middle, and the next most important on the right. Unless there is no next important, then one should use the alphabet. But for that you have to follow the names of the countries in French (rule from Napoleontic times).

So in case we'd want to raise the Dutch, Polish and Spanish flag, the Polish flag would fly on the left, then the Dutch flag with the Spanish flag on the right (since Spain is called Espagne in French and hence is alphabetically before the P).
1 Aug 2010
Life / POLISH FLAG DAYS...when are they...? [30]

as it's regarded sth of the older days

I'm sorry, M-G, but I do fly the Dutch flag on Her Majesty's Birthday (April 30th) and 4 (Remembrance) and 5th May (Liberation). Now I'm not really one of the old generation.

One of the differences I noted in PL is that the flag also stays out after sunset, which in the Netherlands, is not allowed.
29 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / What's the rule on 'the UK' but just 'GB'? [60]

Okay ... exceptions to the rule ... ? Like Indonesia ... ?

But in general, island groups have the definite article (The Seychelles, The Marshall Islands, The Cook Islands, etc ... ).

As do the countries which names describe the form of the state.
29 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / What's the rule on 'the UK' but just 'GB'? [60]

I've always been taught that the definite article in countries is used when the name comes from:

- geographic regions (The Netherlands);

- rivers (The Gambia);

- island groups (The Philippines, The Azores, The Canary Islands, The Isle of Man);

- mountain ranges (The Lebanon);

- deserts (The Sudan).

And also when the names of the countries describe the form of the state (The United States, The Czech Republic, The United Kingdom).
28 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

she's outta the house on her ass

Not in Poland she isn't. If two spouses argue and one of the partners claims that he or she can't go anywhere, then the other partner usually lets him or her back in again. At the moment, this situation happens to my wife's family.

Her nephew was married to a woman. They have a daughter. He now has a new girlfriend. The former wife complained she had nowhere to go anymore. Guess what happened: the parents of the nephew had to (or at least felt very much obliged) to take up the ex-wife with her daughter (who obviously is their granddaughter).

Unfortunately, these situations are quite common.
28 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

If he let's himself get beaten it's his fault, be a man, take the initiative lol.

Read the article, please. Women usually abuse psychologically, not physically. And, I repeat to you what I said to Amathyst: obviously you don't have children, or you don't think about the consequences for men IF they decide to hit back. The result will be that the man will not be allowed to see his children anymore. For me that is the ultimate injustice .
28 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

Then you know phuck all.

Aren't we friendly today ... ?

Most women keep quiet about abuse and suffer for years..its a matter of shame

How about "Most victims keep quiet about abuse and suffer for years"? If you had read the article, then you would have noticed that women usually don't abuse men physically but psychologically. And it seems you don't have children or can't put yourself in the shoes of men, cause I for one wouldn't want to leave MY children behind with an abusive wife. But guess what happens if I decide to take them with me when I decide to leave. Then all hell breaks loose and I would be accused of kidnapping the children.
28 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

if you're abused man cause you're not gonna get any support!

How true, unfortunately. Moreover, people usually think that the men involved are physically less strong than the woman, which makes them "double victims". But more often these men just don't dare to do anything, cause they fear the consequences (at least a night in jail, problems with seeing their children, etc ...). Some women, unfortunately, really know how to abuse the system.

Quote of the professor: ... adding that men usually abuse women because they want to achieve a certain goal, whereas women more often abuse men when they want to relieve tension or frustration".

I think it is the other way around ... I believe women abuse because they want to achieve a certain goal and men abuse cause they are frustrated.

@Amathyst: abuse is wrong, no matter who the perpetrator or the victim is. I don't agree with you that "we" cry foul just because the tables have turned. "We", if we are the victim, have the same right to complain as "you" have when "you" are the victim.
28 Jul 2010
History / Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939. [138]

MG why don't ask some elder polish jew how looked life in 30s in Poland?

Probably because they are already dead ...

If they were born in the 1930's, they are (almost) octogenerians now (if Mr. A.H. didn't get to them first, that is).

Another point is that they might not be able to remember: for example, although I was born in 1967, I cannot remember much about my life in the "glorious sixties".
25 Jul 2010
Travel / Sailing in Masuria Poland - boat rental [4]

Thanks Wroclaw!

most people seem to go where the wind takes them

My idea of fun on a sailing boat ... ;). The idea is to "warm up" my wife for sailing. Sailed from NL to UK and back a couple of times and around the Azores for whale and dolphin watching (and swimming). So I guess I can handle a lake ... ;). Sailing "the big pond" is still on my wish list, not to mention sailing around the world. Guess I am too chicken to just give up everything I have and "take the plunge". My wife hasn't been on the water too many times, so I thought I would rent a boat for a couple of days to see whether she could start liking it.

not a good idea to swim in the water these days. too much waste in the water in some places.

You've got to be kidding me ... :-S?! Really?! What a shame!!

there is a bird sanctuary where low speed and no engines must be observed.

That's why I want a sailing boat ... ;). Other reason is no noise from an engine.

If anyone knows some decent rental company, I'd be much obliged.
25 Jul 2010
Travel / Sailing in Masuria Poland - boat rental [4]

Who has experience sailing in Masuria? Has anyone rented a sailing boat there? Any tips on reputable companies? Thanks in advance for your help!
18 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

when the favour gets returned

And, unfortunately, it is mainly those among us who claim to be Catholics/Christians and should therefore be preaching tolerance. But what can one expect, when the Vatican has said last week that the ordination of women priests is on the same par as paedophiles in the Church (see The Independent newspaper) ... :(
13 Jul 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

I have to agree with enkidu here ... .

Or try Numbers chapter 31 ... not really a nice bedtime story to read to the kids just before they go to bed ... :-S
18 Jun 2010
News / Unbelievable but, its truth. Poland is finally happy to share border with Russia [57]

All Slovaks with whom i talked don`t consider Poland as serious state. It is me (Serbian. Naive idiot, obviously) who convincing them how is Poland important

Again, i myself (Serbs in general) convincing Czechs

You convinced the Slovaks and the Czechs ... :O :D?! Hmm hmm, yeah, RIGHT ... ROTFLMAO. Come on man, don't be such a megalomaniac! A little bit of humbleness would suit you.

only Serbs

Suppose, Crow, that everybody says the sun is yellow. And you are the only one who says it is blue ... guess whom I will believe when I want to know the colour of the sun?
18 Jun 2010
News / Decoded talks inside Poland's president's plane are released in Internet [337]

I have never been in a plane, but I know one thing, someone should be at the wheel if your that close to landing.

In that case there IS someone (even two) at the wheel, Patrycja. They just choose to land on autopilot. It happened to me last Monday; the pilot of my plane decided to land on autopilot on EHEH. Not a very comfortable landing, I must say.

But it wasn't that the pilot and co-pilot were sitting in the back with the passengers having a cupper.

Just last week a PAF Mi2 wandered over an airfield close to Wroclaw without making any radio calls at pattern altitude

And I am going to land there today around 1525 ... thanks for the "comforting words" ... ;).
15 Jun 2010
News / UK might have anti-Polish socialist Prime Minister [29]

in 1920

Not that I am in favour of them very much, but are Ed and David to blame for what some faraway forefathers did 90 years ago?

I'll tell you something about my family, father is Dutch, mother is German. My greatgrandfather on father's side was a Dutch collaborator with the Nazis, his son (so my grandfather) was in the resistance, lived the best part of WWII on the run in the woods and did some very nasty things to the Nazis.

My greatuncle from mother's side flew bombing raids for the Luftwaffe over the former Soviet Union, was shot down 4 times and was captured the last time. He was sent to Siberia and only came back home in 1957. My grandfather on mother's side on the other hand was someone high up in SPD-ranks, sent to a concentration camp and perished there.

Am I responsible in any way for what my greatgrandfather or greatuncle did? Or for any of my grandfathers?

Come on ... this thread is really far fetched. If that's all what you worry about ... .
13 Jun 2010
News / Majority of Poland's kids physically unfit, claims PPA. [41]

Zetigrek, I am very sorry to hear that and I do hope you don't have too many problems with your back. No, you are right. Scoliosis has nothing to do with lack of PE, but has most likely to do with genetic factors.

Maybe your assertion explains the high percentage ... it does make very good sense.
12 Jun 2010
News / Majority of Poland's kids physically unfit, claims PPA. [41]

it's just the wrong stuff

I guess you are right. People mostly eat processed foods (look at the colour on the average dinner table - if people take the trouble to sit down and eat together at all - it's all light brown ... can't be right). People say it's quick, and cheaper than healthy food, but I guess it's just "penny wise, pound foolish". In the long run, you just have higher medical bills. And if we as parents give the wrong example to our children, then I think nothing will change.

You can buy 2 hamburgers at the McDonalds for 2 euros. And what can you buy in the supermarket for 2 euros? Nothing that makes us feel "satisfied", i.e. which gives us the feeling we've had enough to eat.

Don't get me wrong ... I'm not some health guru gnawing on salad leaves all day like some deranged rabbit ... there is nothing wrong with some "comfort food" once in a while.

But the scary thing is, that we are in fact killing our kids with a bad diet. Everybody is outraged when they see videos of 4 or even 2-yr olds smoking cigarettes and we question the "parenting skills" <ahum> of these parents. But if we keep feeding all this processed stuff to our kids, which in fact makes them live shorter than us, aren't we in a way just as culpable?

Just a question ... . Any thoughts ... ?
11 Jun 2010
News / Majority of Poland's kids physically unfit, claims PPA. [41]

Why are we so bothered in the UK about Polish kids in Poland?

Well ... I am not in the UK, I am sorry. Maybe cause it's a forum about "POLAND AND POLISH NEWS LIVE" (see the white letters in the red bar at the top of the homepage)? Just an idea ... .
11 Jun 2010
News / Majority of Poland's kids physically unfit, claims PPA. [41]

What are these?

I dunno ... I just copied it from the article

hypochondria by proxi

Would that account for the huge number of ads on Polish tele for medicins? There is always some guy with a headache, or some woman with bowel problems ... :-S
11 Jun 2010
News / Majority of Poland's kids physically unfit, claims PPA. [41]

I've heard that the current generation in the US is the first generation that will live shorter than the generation before ... I do hope Poland won't follow that example. But if it is true what the Polish Paediatric Association says, then it doesn't look well.
11 Jun 2010
News / Majority of Poland's kids physically unfit, claims PPA. [41]

"Over 90% of Polish children suffer from various developmental defects and ailments, almost one-in-four (have) chronic diseases and a majority of kids are physically unfit, according to the Polish Paediatric Association (PPA)."


I know there are some teachers on this forum. Can you confirm this? Any own thoughts about the causes? It sounds pretty alarming. Or is it just a kind of a "Daily Mail"-story ... lots of shouting but nothing behind it?
11 Jun 2010
Life / Anyone else suffering from mosquito bites in Poland? [52]

eat more beans folks

What ... you fart them to death ... ;)?

Garlic keeps them away

Not only them, I'm afraid ... :-S

But I guess if you combine garlic AND beans, then you might have a recipe for success (or for a life in eternal solitude ... :-S)
10 Jun 2010
History / The Pogrom on Jews at Eishyshok (Ejszyszki) in Poland [68]

stupid thing to do in this case if you continue.

So what do you want to do, huh?

our history

Please, don't think Polish history is your history. Polish people have guts, have honour, something which can't be said of you.

Exaclty what M-G says, one Jewish person does something wrong and then all Jews are bad. You wanna know how many Polish people do things wrong in the Netherlands? Or how many drunken a$$holes I encounter every weekend in Wroclaw? So according to the theories of these simple-minds it means that EVERY Pole is a drunken, stealing, cheating, swan eating, fish poaching Neanderthal. It's not me who is saying this ... it's the logical conclusion one has to draw when listening to these suckers like Jolanda.

And Jolanda, please stop pretending you are Polish. It just sounds stupid. It's like I would say I am Polish because I am married to one. You better don't use "us", "our(s)" and "we" ... it's pathetic.
10 Jun 2010
Life / Anyone else suffering from mosquito bites in Poland? [52]

The question is: Have you noticed these little pests and what is your answer to them ?

Absolutely ... !! I live off Grabiszynska in Wroclaw (with no pools or puddles or rivers anywhere) and before I go to sleep I have to do some serious hunting. If it goes on like this, we'll have to paint the walls after the summer is over so the smudges are covered ... :(.
10 Jun 2010
News / Father Popiełuszko beatified in Warsaw [28]

... which exactly proves delphiandomine's point. There's always some conspiracy behind everything. Jee, I guess even the Russians are behind the fact the sun is setting every evening or the grass grows during summer.