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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2205 / In This Archive: 654
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

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20 Apr 2009
Life / Should Poles be Polish? [44]

but now back to the topic. what do you think about Poles being polish

This thread brings back terrible memories of examinations for me. You work your way through the paper and then with 45 minutes left you reach the last question which is invariably short and ambiguous. There then follows a panic attack while you try to get into the mind of the devious swine who set it. In this case I can think of a number of possible meanings for your question.

1) Should Poles be polish - This could be a reference to the moving borders of Poland over time. Should in fact some Poles be Ukranian or German or Mongolian. A straight if cunningly contrived history question.

2) Should Poles be polish - is it justifiable for a whole nation to be turned into a product for cleaning my shoes and tatty furniture?

3) Should Poles be polish - should Poland be given a monoply on the manufacture of all forms of Poles as used to fly flags, catch fish, dance around on May Day etc. etc.

4) Should Poles adapt their behaviour in some way to blend in. That was my first (obviously wrong) interpretation so therefore I have just failed abysmally.
20 Apr 2009
Life / Should Poles be Polish? [44]

what on earth do you mean?

How the heck I am supposed to know?

I was merely making the point on the need for people to have empathy for their hosts and to modify some of their behaviour accordingly. For once my mind was not in the gutter. Honest ;)
20 Apr 2009
Life / Should Poles be Polish? [44]

In Poland - Yes

In Mainland Europe - Yes

In the rest of the world exluding the UK - Yes

In the UK - Yes but only in the privacy of their own homes

If your question is should the Polish maintain their unique customs and way of life despite the influences of the rest of the world then I think that they should. Some of the traditional beliefs around the importance of the family, as one example, are quite strange to some of us I guess and are to be welcomed. When abroad, however, I strongly believe that respect to the host country's values is important for any visitor to observe. I'm not a monarchist but I wouldn't dream of upsetting a Thai about their Royal Family.
14 Apr 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

did your poetic licence get revoked?

lol. It was never granted.

Lists seems a good topic. I will muse on it later over a beer.
14 Apr 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Help. I am overdue an Omnibus Edition but have no clue where to start. There are so many fights and insult throwing sessions going on that I can't even begin to write anything. Can someone please tell me what are the hot topics at the moment as I have limited time and my journalistic integrity compels me to read them first (at least a cursory glance or two)
30 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

A change of tack this week. In an unashamedly blatant attempt to keep my insightful observations for posterity, free from the threat of random deletion within the sticky confines of the Omnibus Edition, I have supplied below my own thought on some of the burning threads of the moment. You may not agree with me on all of the observations made. Such is the price of democracy.


Not at all

13 year old boy becomes father!

It’s nice to see a thirteen year old boy not surgically attached to a games console

Yanks VS Brits

I’d call it a draw but the Yanks don’t recognise the concept of a tie do they. So I’ll give it to the away team.

TORONTO OR MONTRÉAL (for a Polish person to live?)

Vancouver, no brainer.

What is the best car to impress a polish girl?

Anyone that does not require her to push start it should do nicely.

Chatting up Polish girls in the street.

No law against it as far as I know.

PF Paint balling Tournament in Krakow is on!!!

Which bar is this taking place in?

Sending a parcel to Poland from UK

Make sure it’s not a clock.

Polish Conditionals

An example being dinner and late night activity is conditional on your fixing that bathroom plug.

I look stupid...

Yes, you do.

Russian rap vs polish rap

That’s like asking me to choose death by firing squad or death by acid bath.

The last flight from Etiuda Terminal..................

Yippee. Turn it into a garden centre.

Foreigners: Please don't buy the Polish Land!

With what shall we buy it, Dear Ola, Dear Ola… with what?

Polish Beer In The UK

An acceptable evolutionary trend in my view.

Domestic abuse towards men

No laughing matter. Only the other day I was forced to go to Ikea rather than watch Liverpool on the TV.

Poland summer BBQ for PF Members?

Good. Some of them might need to be marinated for a while first as they are a bit tough.

Deep Purple in Wroclaw

They’re still alive? Who would have thought it.

Er, that’s it.
27 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

ormer Omnibus contributor

Another pen has been put aside. Sad
26 Mar 2009
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

140 + the times.

You mean the newspaper that is the Sun without the boobs. Now I know you're having a laugh

The Times has gone downhill faster than Klammer
26 Mar 2009
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

what is your IQ?if it's 55 or below then this paper is a good source of information for you.

So what paper should we read if our IQ is above 55 then?
26 Mar 2009
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

Mind you, in Poland soft is anything under 99% proofage.


I think the shopkeeper should be cleared from the original charge... but then sentenced for serving Russians which he freely admits to doing
25 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Ed says "where's the poem then J"

I wrote a poem the other day. It wasn't very good, just a little bit too late to be effective and did not have the desired effect.
23 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

i will try to write a poem and include every pf member in it, so everyone gets a mention

Blimey Justysia, the poem could be longer than The Ancient Mariner. I am looking forwards to it. Could be some tough rhyming though. What rhymes with Osiol for instance ;)
18 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Honey they shrunk my thread.

Still never mind. Most of it was not very good anyway, although what I consider to be my best effort has gone I think.
9 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Nice Scottish Mr Owl

Borrowed from my golfing partner. You should hear him when I miss a three foot putt. I don't think he's saying tough luck old boy ;)
9 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Omnibussin' it

I'm scunnered . Ye'll get yir heid in yir hauns an yir lugs ti pley wi.
9 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

New house rule for the Omnibus. Scottish phrases are not allowed under any circumstances.
9 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

that I have at least made your good self and Szarlotka baby look good;)

Which in my case is no mean feat ;)

Oh sod it. I just have to write another Omnibus Edition. I thought I could fight the addiction but it’s too strong. I know Miranda and SeanBM have taken over and I’ve lost my mandate (which is pretty painful I can tell you) but it’s the only therapy I can afford in these troubled times. Which is a polite way of saying that I don’t give a monkey’s cuss whether anybody reads this or not.

Pistols at Dawn

Looks like the big falling out at the moment is between Sokrates and Randal. They just don’t seem to be hitting it off at all. I’m still trying to figure out which of the forty three levels of disagreement has tipped them over the edge. It could be the Jewish position or the liberals position or even the missionary position. Probably best to leave them to sort it out. If there are any volunteers to be their seconds then drop them a line.

I would post 10,000 times and I would post 10,000 more.

Proclaim it from the rooftops, Seanus (after a suitably theatrical pause on 9,999 which may have been some form of vertigo) has racked up 10,000 active posts. Considering that the monthly purge of the off topic lounge is so draconian these days then this is a stupendous achievement. Some of us choose to see this as an indication that the Sheep should get out to graze more often whilst others have heaped praise upon him.

Semper Filios

Yes he’s back. Filios1, our resident half Greek, half Polish and half cut super hero has returned. Mystery surrounds his allusion to having suffered a near death experience. Perhaps he will tell us more about this in time. For now let us rejoice in his return. Bubbawoo has already made him most welcome in that inimitable style that is all his own. I think it ended in off.

Lurking on a sunny day

Would you Adam and Eve it, Mufasa popped back in briefly to demand to know who had deleted the only useful thread in the whole Forum. Does this mean we have more lurkers out there just waiting for someone, anyone to post anything that is a) informative, b) interesting, c) useful, d) juicy or e) not full of bile? Of course, as a gold member with access to the logged on list I know the lurkers. However, it would be wrong of me to name then, especially when for a small fee you could all become gold members and see for yourselves. Tight fisted they are Master.

Site leaders take Woman’s Day battering.

It seemed a simple message to readvertise the existence of our ‘sister’ site Polishwomen.com. A simple banner headline that told you to check it out of you were one of the unlucky ones not to have received the long stemmed red rose. Some of us objected to that message and launched into long tirades about us turning into yet another exploitive dating site. Must be me but I just found it quite amusing.

Don’t patronise me

This started off with JulietEcho’s plea to avoid Jewish or Zionist businesses (bit of a difference there so some clarity might be in order). It’s now spread to all sorts of things that we should avoid, like Polish girls with tattoos or women that are 24 years younger than their partners. It’s nice to see PF echoing the general gloom and doom out there that can make a case for anything, even in moderation, being bad for you. By the way, I would like to know whether there is going to be a problem with a relationship where the woman looks 24 years younger than her partner.

Shall I compare her to a Summer’s Day

Wyspi has shared some of her writing with us. It was very well received and she has been encouraged to carry on. Now how many of us Brits would have penned our first musings in Polish in such a short space of time? Good on you Wyspi.

Well that’s enough literary therapy for one day. Time for the Guinness therapy now. There were other things going on of course. Like the cocks going back in the US of A and the usual banter between Harry, HB and Cellinski but time is precious as I once said. Take care all.

Ed is on holiday in The Maldives
9 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

because Sokrates is getting on my nerves

I have this recurring nightmare where I log on here and find Sokrates has been joined by Descartes, Plato, Aristotle, Kant and a few others and I can't understand a single word of any post.
9 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

It would not be interesting if we all agreed,

Sorry SeanBM but I disagree with you on that one;)
5 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Spring is sprung, the grass is rising
New prose comes from a source most surprising
Sean has taken the plunge and penned an edition
I just hope Miranda thinks it’s not sedition

Nice one Sean
4 Mar 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

No omnibus from me cos

a) I've had too much to drink
b) I want to go and live in North Korea
c) Nothing's happened
26 Feb 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Lir throws some loose change in Mr.Pies little pile

Gor blimey, thank you milady...
26 Feb 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I sit here on the cold streets of London, homeless and without a job following the Editor’s decision to reduce the overheads of the corporation by replacing me with cheaper Eastern European labour. The rain is falling, my sleeping bag is wet and so far my busking has gotten me all of 57p, 20p of which came from a Big Issue seller that took pity on me. I have not eaten for three days and am waking up sweating following a repeated nightmare where a benefactor gives me a Guinness that I drop before a drop has passed my lips. The wife has left me and the kids explain my disappearance to their friends by claiming I was really a banker all along and that I’ve now been sent to jail.

This is a watershed in my life. I could descend into an alcohol fuelled life of despair or I could rise from this to regain my true status in this world, which is not a lot higher but enough to satisfy my modest requirements. The latter, of course, is the British way. To laugh in the face of adversity, to show the stiff upper lip, to relive the spirit of the Blitz – all of those things that make us great. After contemplating my options I have decided to attempt to make a go of it, mainly because it’s difficult to fall into an alcohol fuelled world of despair when you cannot afford any alcohol. Therefore my friends welcome to……

The Not PF Omnibus Edition

Now this may come as a shock to some of you (no names, no pack drill and no sheep) but there is actually a world outside of this Forum. This world has its own fair share of drama, humour, stupidity and love. It also has idiots, weirdos and mindless psychopaths. Not as many as exist on PF of course but they are out there. As a public service I therefore propose to provide you with a quick update on the real world.

Recession Watch

It may have escaped your attention but the global economy has gone down the pan. The River Credit has dried up, every day the newspapers announce more job losses, homes are repossessed and bankers have had their bonuses reduced. The only people who have escaped unscathed so far appear to be Premiership footballers. I wonder if there is a proper noun for a bubble within a bubble? Whole countries are at risk now. Rumour has it that Ukraine will be filing for Chapter 11. The UK’s National Debt is reported to be the equivalent of £33,000 for every single man, woman and child in the country. But every cloud has a silver lining. In this case it is the enrichment of our already rich language. Yes, the recession has changed the fabric of the language for ever. Dinner parties throughout the length and breadth of Kensington are now dominated by conversations along the lines of “Daaahhhhllling, have you seen that George and Tamara have just moved into a simply divine five bedroom detached toxic asset just off Brompton Road?” Hedge Funds have been renamed cesspits. At the same time though, some words have disappeared from use – mortgage, Porsche, Ferrari and recruitment being some examples.

Games Consoles Rot Your Brain, But Wii Don’t Care

This week saw the publication of yet another report on the potential harmful effects of the youth of today spending too much time on games consoles, the internet and watching the TV here in the UK. Apparently the research seems to indicate that such activity is destroying the ability of teenagers to concentrate and reducing their communication skills to those of a new born baby. Funny that, in my experience even when I was a teenager I used to grunt at the parents. “Szar your lunch is ready” “Ugh” “It’s getting cold” “So”. My Mum used to attribute the symptoms from spending too much time playing with my Action Men (in a military sense of course). On a serious note the research seemed to indicate that the changes to brain function were quite serious. The real issue is whether this will evolve into a rapid evolutionary change such that in three generations people will only be grunting at each other. Come to think of it Billericay could be a control experiment.

Maxximus Power.

One for the petrol heads amongst you. This week saw the unveiling of the most lethal road car yet. The Maxximus G-Force can cover 0-60 miles an hour in 2.134 seconds and 0-100 mph in 4.541 seconds. The previous best equivalent figures for a legal road car were 2.6 and 5.3 seconds. So it is seriously quick with a massive rear spoiler to keep it on the road. The Stig should love it. It should be the perfect vehicle for the rush hour trip around the M25 (note to non UK residents, this is the London orbital motorway where you’re more likely to cover 2.134 miles in 60 hours).

USA in Poodle Shock.

Mrs Obama has announced to the world that to honour her husband’s promise to their children she has selected the dog for the White House. Apparently it’s a Portuguese Water Dog that looks like a bigger version of a Poodle. White House aides were heard to quip that it was the second poodle destined for residence, the first being called Tony Blair.

Israel Bombards English Cathedral City

Well they might well soon. The English city of Worcester (that’s pronounced Wussster Yankees, not War sester) is considering proposals to twin their city with Gaza. I must say the similarities between the two are not immediately obvious. If it goes ahead though you can expect armed patrol boats zooming up the River Severn and tanks in Cathedral Square. Maybe Hamas will open up a local branch. They could set up shop in the old Woolworths.

Talking of Gazza

I refer of course to Mr Paul Gascoigne (aka Gazza) who was at once the best footballer in this country and also the biggest idiot in the country. He has been fighting alcohol addiction and underwent a course of treatment which was a little bit different from the Betty Ford approach. It involved talking to horses. Gazza spent hours working with the animals as part of a pioneering treatment known as Equine Assisted Psychotherapy.

The 41-year-old, who is fighting a well-documented battle against alcoholism and depression, has recently finished an intensive 28-day period of rehabilitation at the Sporting Chance clinic set up by former Arsenal and England captain Tony Adams. He told The Sun newspaper: "The first time we went to work with the horses we were taken into the field and were encouraged to interact with them.

"I was stood near this one particular horse and as I was thinking about it, it came over and started nudging me. It was incredible.

"It is a fairly new type of treatment and some people might think it sounds odd but believe me, it is very powerful."

Gazza and a horse were later spotted down the Dog and Duck having a few beers together, sharing a trough.

You Keep Me Hanging on the Telephone

Well if you were in Bangladesh you would still be hanging on. The government there has closed the mobile networks to stop rebel forces communicating. It could catch on. “Employment figures are bad Prime Minister” “OK, shut down the mobile networks, close down the internet” “What about the papers PM?” “No worries, noone can read in the country anymore”

It is indeed a funny world out here. Got to go now folks. I have to get enough money for a ham sandwich.

Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the Streets of London.

“God bless you guv’nor”
25 Feb 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Boss is a very capitalist concept. Colleague will do......

Nothing wrong with giving the peasants a wash in my book..
25 Feb 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

so what else is new??

I have a new dog. Is that news?
25 Feb 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I am resigning from the writer's post for Omnibus weekly edition.

You must learn to rise above all this Miranda. The journalist's role is to be an impartial observer and to cut through the bunkum. Or failing that summarise the reams of dumb posts in a witty one liner before concentrating on the drinking, gambling, love interest, food and trivia stories.
24 Feb 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I am missing my winter gloves.

Never mind that. Where is the Omnibus Edition?

Poacher turned gamekeeper me;)
20 Feb 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

szarlotka is getting older (senile)


Exactly, the first sign is posting about a free haircut.

That wasn't me. Er, how old are you?

Szarlotka is brilliant and he is not getting senile

Bless you Miranda

How can a Scot rule Britain so badly???

Maybe he's the senile one?
9 Feb 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

when Szarly has written out his Christmas card list

Stop fishing Lir - you're on the list already:) - but you're after Elle Macpherson, sorry:(
9 Feb 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

In every man’s life a little sunshine must peek through

Which in my case means that I can put my feet up, put down the disaster recovery plan which tells me how we are going to cope when a 747 lands on our data centre by mistake, grab a cup of the finest Colombian kawa and read some of the latest enthralling posts on PF.

Half way through the reading I used by finely tuned, executive brain to conclude that the Disaster Recovery plan wasn’t that dull after all. Still, I have to save something to read on the train home so I then decided to carry on reading.

As a result of my intensive scrutiny I have reached a conclusion that nothing of any real interest has occurred. As a brief summary:

• Noimmi has finally been banned for good. Let’s home he can afford the treatment on his meagre student income.
• Property prices in Poland are static or declining or increasing depending upon where we are talking about and what sun spot cycle we are currently in. Actually that must be a pretty good economic indicator. Well better than expert analyst opinion anyway. I think my economic advisor was in actual fact an Orangutan.

• There are even more complexities to the Polish language than I knew about. The discussion on plurals was quite good. Or was it the discussions on plurals. In which case should I use a different ending if there were more than 4 discussions?

• I leave it for others to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of multi-racial relationships. All I would say is that if you are in one be careful who you invite to the wedding. Could be more fights than you would want. Mind you, every wedding deserves one good falling out.

• Talking of fights, I never we had so many boxing fans on here. The debate started with Amir Khan then brought in Joe funny sounding name the Italian Taffy and then moved to cover the heavyweight division. The general consensus would appear to be that we would all rather be outside the ring discussing this rather than moving towards an empirically based comparison.

• Spats have been in plentiful supply once more. The Xmas spirit has well and truly dried up. Would we be arguing so much if Bar Above was still open? Who knows?

Well I must return to the day job now. In Chapter 7 I find out what the arrangements are for a replacement coffee machine for all those not killed by the plunging Jumbo. Deep joy.