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2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]
And believe me - after years in power PiS will be no exception. Każda władza deprawuje, a władza absolutna deprawuje absolutnie!
the point is that at the very moment PiS is voicing the concerns of a big chunk of the society, plenty of people have awakened to the fact that contrary to narratives some people don't mean good to the society at large but only a small elite of which they are/want to be a part - these people will not support PIS forever unconditionally - if it degenerates it will lose their support - I count myself among these people
And I will repeat myself for the umpteenth time - the judiciary in Poland was without any democratic control which led to many scandals - my ideal is democratic election of judges of all levels - but to be a practical realist I for now accept the idea that our democratic representatives hold the controlling power for us
people are getting awakened to the reality that they are suppressed, exploited, manipulated and controlled by the elites - and I guess this process is irreversible