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Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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15 May 2010
Study / Studia niestacjonarne? (in Polish universities) [8]

Hmm from what I know that's exactly what they are, you study from friday to sunday. This allows people to work and study in the same time. In Poland they are usually easier ( they exclude lots of subjects from the full course ). Many times people who are not able to get into the normal course drop to "studia stacjonarne". Often degrees claimed during such courses are prized much less than the "full" counterpart.
7 May 2010
Off-Topic / I need Polish nationals. Who wants to be a millionaire? [54]

Sell the system to the top, if it works in one school it'll work in all. Poland will go that way in the end as will all educational systems accross the board.

Poland might be a bit too of a backwater country right now to introduce such things into early schooling system. High schooling - universities and polytechenics already use similar systems of remote education. If you're talking about public schools for kids they are full of old teachers who are gonna be hardly convinced to the new technology.

Take a look at healthcare, the NFZ electornic card system has been introduced only in Silesia it worked here several years already - it's better than it was and the project succeeded. Despite that most of Poland is still living by the old rules that allow favourism and bribery. I remember when the electronic patient card system was being introduced it was one big pain for all the medical staff, public and private alike - and it is still backward because of the faulty law in Poland - despite all the databases there's still order to keep all the data on paper, bollocks.

On the other hand it might be high time to start, I'm pretty sure there are single schools somewhere in Poland which have already implemented such system on their own.

It might b
7 May 2010
Language / Is math in Polish different than in English? [59]

minus ('-')
plus ('+')
divide (' / ' or ' : ' )
multiply is usually just a black dot at half a height, sometimes people don't use the multiplay sign at all fi as in z = xy

cross product (' x ') - don't mistake that with multiply...
scalar product is a very small circle

I have some english math books and most of it is fairly the same, things like integrals and differentials too. If it's university math level it usually depends on the professor, some scientists have their own ways of doing things and in Poland they can decrease your marks in your tests if you use idiocrasies and semantics of their rivals.
29 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]


Sorry, but it's not a valid source, it has been written by a Russian, he states different things without citing his sources - in a "my dad told me when I was small" fashion. I don't mind spitting on Poland, just try to come up with something better. Maybe an unbiased neutral third side?
29 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Non of the sorts. This goes about his previous works as well. Why is Davies so well liked? Because he confirms all Polish myths.

You have no idea about Polish myths.

Shall I go on?

Yes please, I'm quite curious. I'd like to see a good article about his mischievious citings.. surely somebody noticed it beside you?
There's a list of federal and administration archives in there, under the link there are 2 archives in Bonn, he could have called one of them federal. Don't get me wrong but it's all a bit too ocluded to cross him out, just because of a citing.
29 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Of course Norman Davies isn't a historian if his point of view doesn't go along yours. Hypocryte bs

Whoever at least slightly agrees with Poland is damned to get caned.
27 Apr 2010
Life / Saw a girl in black openly smoking a spliff on a Katowice street today [49]

So who on earth buys them? Why smoke tobacco in what you call "a joint form"? I've seen them in a couple of kiosks but they seem to be marketed entirely to stoners, and flavoured tobacco to elderly pipe-smokers.

Me and my friends when we were in primary school we smoked some, and I've seen people buying them plenty of times. I smoked them because I liked different flavoures and I didn't like ciggarettes... I think I found it relaxing. Dunno if I could smoke them again I'm not a tobacco smoker anymore...

Even in Poland, the land of fancy cigarettes and weed smokers who use glass pipes because they haven't got the manual dexterity to roll one.

Yeah.. but I always though glass pipes were better because you could inhale more smoke and early on when kids didn't have much money it was more expensive to roll a pure one than stick a few small nuggets into the glass pipe. Hell I remember cutting up plastic bottles of different sizes to make a water - smoking device ;) that was all long before bongos started appearing in Poland..
27 Apr 2010
News / 2010 Polish Presidential Election [39]

German-Polish relationships will go down the drain again when JK get's voted in...

fail fail fail fail fail ; ) I agree. But it's not gonna happen.
27 Apr 2010
Life / Saw a girl in black openly smoking a spliff on a Katowice street today [49]

Those are for teenagers to make fancy joints with. Nobody just uses them for tobacco - and if they do, they should get a good kicking.

Those are there for people who want to buy them same as tobacco - there's a wide choice of tobacco so there are buyers - there's tobacco packages in every newsagents and kiosk. Smoking tobacco in a join form is just as normal as smoking cigs and I have no idea what are you on about being so negative about it. Have a tobacco joint smoker done anything bad to you?

very bad roll-ups or very bad joints.

See, you're admitting that it is indeed possible, so I dunno what's the whole commotion about. Come down or you'll have a vein clogged up especially after those millions of joints you'd smoked. :)
27 Apr 2010
Life / Saw a girl in black openly smoking a spliff on a Katowice street today [49]

So why not smoke cigs.

Don't ask me, I'm not smoking them, but there's lots of such tobbaco shops that sell rolling paper and different tobbaco flavours, you can't deny that.

Just recalled a few things, some people don't like smoking with filters, and there's a bigger variety of flavours.. and some people just like the whole ceremony..

Either you've never smoked joints or you've never smoked roll-ups.

If you don't stuff a great amount of leaves in there and they are not gonna be sticking out it's really gonna be unrecognizable.. you either haven't seen a join or rolled up cig.

At the old Uni we used to roll the Old Holborn quite generously - but not a Hokie :) No point, no gain - just mighty expensive and not logical.

I had a thing for mint tobbaco "anything goes" but now I'm a non smoker ; )
27 Apr 2010
Life / Saw a girl in black openly smoking a spliff on a Katowice street today [49]

Smoking tobbaco joint is exactly the same as smoking cigs, you just buy rolling paper in any tobbaco store just as random flavoured tobbaco - same tobbaco as in cigs.. and just make your own joints... they don't contain marihuana or any other weird drugs ( that is beside tobbaco ), hence I though she might have been smoking a normal self - made fag - they look exactly the same as marihuana joints...
27 Apr 2010
Life / Saw a girl in black openly smoking a spliff on a Katowice street today [49]

You're wrong. Under the EU public order bill it's illegal, and Poland's in the EU. Get your facts straight.

You're wrong, it is legal to smoke a tabacco join... and that's exactly what I've said. Read again and get your facts straight.

Also she had the rebellious air about her, like she was all tooled up :)

Youth nowadays, will burn themselves sooner or later ; )
25 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Why would i when i already have the answer?

sorry I wasn't aiming at you just a general though.
25 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Simple fact is people dont give a $hit about Britian and our losses because we dont talk about it or cry about it..We got on with it and re-built and its was our past. FULL STOP

nope, I heard yanks argueing with brits about who won the war and who helped who and who lost more people plenty of times.
25 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

read about the cities that were flattned by the German

but I did and I don't wanna go about which death toll was bigger and which was smaller and whoose cities were razed to the ground a bit more than others that would be kind of sad, to use such arguments... From people I know there's no one who would undermine GB's major role in the WW2 and its loss - although you can't blame some people who are not into history - I doubt you guys learn anything about polish battles and bombed cities just as we don't learn much about uk - beside the main event which is battle of britain...

ook if you are equating British and Polish loses in the war you are simply wrong!

As in some quote I forgot whose, everyone lost in WW2. As for who lost more - look at the level of wealth and living in those countries now - it's a simple answer.
25 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

I doubt that since you're some Pole who still feels he was screwed over and doesnt really fully understand what other countries suffered because he's in the perpetual state of misery blaming everyone else! .

Where did I blame anyone-, you're living in a dreamworld, wake up. You're adding stuff no one ever said, Self esteem issues ? I'd presume that if I were a farseer such as you. I might be going personal but I'm not taking some drivel from god knows where. Why do you bother to post about Poland and asking about it if you don't care? I guess your sole intention was to troll.

Why do you even bother to post without reading at least "WIKIPEDIA" for your own good, history knowledge.. and I though I'm gonna be getting through as an ignorant.
25 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Well Poland hasn't found another job yet, but it is getting there.

It's kind of far fetched but it was close, I think no one can really understand another nations traits really even after living in the said country.

my mum scavenged in coal bunkers for coal.

at least you guys had coal.. luxury..
25 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

I could add that no one gonna ever forget about history, moreover no one should...
25 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Germany have. So you are wrong.

I think I didn't actually get it can you post it 3 more times? Poles are just so badly spoilt and rotten that it's never going to happen sorry : /
8 Apr 2010
Life / Outdoor Stoves in Poland (Propane?) [9]

hehe 3 people found basically the same stuff, here goes your choice and variety, and just being curious where are you guys heading to?
8 Apr 2010
Life / Outdoor Stoves in Poland (Propane?) [9]

There are shops for campers and travelers like anywhere else, you can find stuff like this:


from this shop:


Though after a short scanning through a several sites I have to say there are not many multi burner camper stoves.. most are single burner propan tanks..

Most run on propan butan and different mixtures of it but some may run on petrol so it's really important to be sure what the fuel you need is.
4 Apr 2010
History / Battle of Arnhem 64th Aniversay - Polish Paratroopers [10]

Talking to a Dutch friend, the subject of the Battle at Arnhem came up. Although he was just a kid at that time, he still remembers a lot from what his Father told him.
My question to him was if he ever hear about any

There's one thread about it already, something about "Heroic drop of Polish parashooters" look for it, no need for another "same" thread..
4 Apr 2010
Food / Cheesecake sernik for Polish Easter? [14]

For sernik z kaszą manną see:

Sorry mate but that's one dodgy sernik right there.. proper sernik doesn't have this kasza manna thingie..