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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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10 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

nice blondes I saw with ugly arabian gypsies

Yeah sure.... you came, you saw a stupid "one liner" ... left this comment without reading the article of looking at the other posts which tried to seriously analyze the matter. Go ahead look through page 1 and 2 before coming up with this crazy idea of yours.

See this is the problem with the ignorant and the painful. They scream and they jump alot. With less ideas, but alot of madness. This is not the 1900s that the grumpy old men and women will decide what todays men and women would like to do. By the way, stupid and sick women from Europe or hell going for young and poor boys turning to gigolos for survival doesn't make the entire "Polish women" or "European women" easy and stupid. It only makes clear that the brains who cannot think beyond such stereotypes are "easy and stupid".
9 Feb 2011
Love / Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady [96]

Thank you.


Imagine how you have hurt others feelings too ... perhaps some Polish girl who is with any colored man ... came and saw posts like yours, and was disappointed. Will it make her weak? Probably not, just strong in her heart. But yes, a little hurt on how negative some people are.

World have changed, this is the new reality. You cannot tie the Sun down, and expect you have stopped a new day.

Learn to live with the time, the world ... the day you change yourself jarnowa, within a very short time you will find someone very wonderful in your life. From that day nothing will threaten you, infact you will welcome good things in life ... and you will see people as people, not just their skin.

But I've said this before ... now its always and only your decision ... to choose your direction.
9 Feb 2011
Love / Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady [96]

There is no more intimate contact than sex in a loving relationship

Ofcourse ... that intimacy is surely there. My words were of symbolic nature :) ... making a comparison of the two. Those stray mating cannot even match a kiss of true love, let alone the sex of it :D ...
9 Feb 2011
Love / Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady [96]

Bangkok special

That would get him something he can get in Poland or Belgium aswell.

You know, a kiss on the lips from a person you love (and committed, and she loves you) is a trillion time more intoxicating than any other form of mating.
9 Feb 2011
Love / Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady [96]


I think he found already and is happy. So no use in here ... probably thats why I responded a welcome to him.

Anyways ... jarnowa ... grow up.
9 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

I wish those mothers would finally stop brainwashing their kids about expectations from marriage and having children.

No ... she didn't brain wash me by her words just now. This brain washing started when I was born actually :)... my father also supported her alot in this process of brain washing on me and my sisters ... My grandfather (who died when I was young) also gave some brain washing to me.

None of those brainwashing had to be with words. While growing up I've seen the most lovely couple, and no I am not boasting one bit, because you actually need to live that bringing up to able to comprehend how tactful this superb brain washing technique is.

I've seen them have disagreements, and I've seen them smiling and holding each others hands later. I've seen how they treasured what little things they had, with each other and us on the peak of all their contentment ... even when times turned difficult on us. These whole events, the ups and downs of life, and how they handled it with the family and with values - was the greatest brain washing session a son could have. No I cannot recover from this brain washing which my parents have given me. I am hopeless in this case I suppose :)

My eldest sister have been married and I have two most wonderful nephew and niece. A very hard working and respectable brother in law (a very good and sincere choice by her, having the family involved in the decision making process, and keeping patience and confidence in him). They are a beautiful couple, and no, she is not unhappy. My sisters and I are quite close. She has also been subjected to severe brain washing! It actually influences her decisions and choices for life aswell. Maybe she is hopeless too, and I can see that she and her husband are making their children equally hopeless :)

My other sister is also married, and married another wonderful man! They both are heading towards the same hopelessness that my sister grew up amongst! :)

Marriage is hard.

So is making a nice cake. But then you must set your heart to it, must add love, must keep the ingredients proper :). It depends upon the prioritization in a person's life. Family and values being the highest priority, while everything else (even career and ambition) coming second (but much lower, to be second to that highest peak). Climbing a mountain is never easy, but those who wish to reach the peak will die for it :).

holly grail of woman's life.

The seed being sowed ... for the man and womans life ... to combine and germinate into a family :). Proper sun, proper water (care from both the partners, and holding on to love and values) give a proper and growing tree. Otherwise, when there is no reliability, no commitment, no prioritization in life, this plant will change (not the change of growth, but the change on contraction) and die :).

Everything is subjected to change. Anything which is living, and so does a relationship. But you need to administer it in the right way, which will determine whether it change is a positive one, or whether it a negative one. Nothing is static, ofcourse, change is the sign of life, and the sign of death aswell ;)
9 Feb 2011
Love / American woman falls in love with a charming Polish man upon his visit to the U.S. [36]

He might have felt flattered by your attention initially

Yeah sure ... he might've been from Jupiter!

but then he either got into relationship, or was already married and as far as I am concerned he have led you on a little bit

Someone remains silent and doesn't reply, hoping that he/she would not have to hurt anybody and that other person would eventually get tired and leave on its on ... is ACTUALLY LEADING the woman into him! ... whoa what a theory! Wonderful!

Someone talks with respect and a smile on a trip with a foreigner ... infact he is hitting on her!

Wow ... theories I see :D

But I do hope it makes her feel terrific! But then I guess she'll have to keep herself in yet another illusion.

Just my two cents.

:) :P

As I see it, he was blunt accurate in what he wanted to say. He is a true honest individual ... he gave her time to go out of this herself, but eventually have to come out and TELL HER STRONGLY TO "STOP!".

He has a relationship ... he chose this for himself. And there is no confusion in him, only in this woman you can find the oceans of confusion. More interestingly, she wants to remain in confusion with some "theory" which would perhaps save her some illusions.

You seem like a person who has feet planted on the ground

Some grounds are skiddy ... she must plant the feet on meaningful and solid ground. Anyways its her life ... but then as for the man, well I'm really impressed by his integrity. These are the kind of men that make our land proud. Well these men certainly don't deserve women who do not know the value of integrity.

just asking questions because you want to be honest with yourself.

To try and tell herself "No I didn't molest him! I am the good one! He is the cruel one!". Well, you may buy it ... but it doesn't have to be truth.

By the way this is also known as stalking. Usually used by women in their favor to accuse some men who show "extra" interest in them. But when its the other way round "its nothing so wrong dear ... you are just fine!" ... whatever!
9 Feb 2011
Love / American woman falls in love with a charming Polish man upon his visit to the U.S. [36]

Poland we do not usually end our letters to friends with "Yours"

Maybe you dont. English is not Poland's first language by the way :). And hey, he has always been completely clear to her, and thus it is common sense that the "yours truly ... or yours" is nothing but bring friendly and respectful (or warm). It is not rocket science, unless you want to make it that way.


Are you from 1900? ... the Polish girl can have other interests, not the Polish man eh? ... oh by the way ... congrats on your agreement with our forum pride :D (in the most ironical ways).
8 Feb 2011
Love / American woman falls in love with a charming Polish man upon his visit to the U.S. [36]

Love is not rational, or I should say, infatuation is not rational.

Its not love ... its just the common ways of some people going after anything thats shiny. Pardon me but ... you can have a man in your life who fills you with love. But maybe, just maybe, you will never ever let him come close.

This is a situation that is regrettable for many women (and perhaps some men, but the percentage is smaller). But this is what you chose.

You better back off now, perhaps you will. But for how long? ... anyways... good luck.
8 Feb 2011
Love / American woman falls in love with a charming Polish man upon his visit to the U.S. [36]

Hurt and disillusioned

You have irritated him highly. It seems he is a very good man and quite honest in the relationship he is in.

Why do you need to "write him and write him"? ... Imagine some man doing it to you when you are in a relationship and not at all interested in that man. Imagine if you are very close to your love and he sometimes have access to your computer? Imagine if you really want a secure relationship, and you don't want anything to hurt him? ... Now you see?

By writing "yours" it doesn't mean he is taking you so seriously. We end our letters in English like that sometimes to our friends. We are not English people. Sometimes it might seem that some Pole have very good command in English (sometimes some one manages to catch a good accent), but the vocabulary is not perfect every time.

I am in a failed and doomed marriage here in the U.S.

Look I am sorry for you. Perhaps above I might sound harsh, but take that in a spirit of warning that you are not the "victim" here, but infact he might be the "victim of aggressive irritation" from you.

You can find someone who truly would love you. Give a chance to men who would try to please you ... who might not be at first the "men of your attraction" but maybe in time, they will be yours.

By the way, just something curios ... TELL ME WHY ON EARTH WILL HE BE interested in an American girl when in Poland he has the same kind of girl (only different that she is Polish, knows his language, knows his culture, is groomed in his culture, lives in his country!)? Perhaps if you were a Latin girl, if you were Asian, even if you were a black ... then perhaps you were "that" difference which would make him be interested in you. I don't say that Polish men are not interested in white girls from other countries, yes we can but its not about anything else but love happening after knowing someone for some time and discovering something special. IN YOUR CASE, its just a hiking trip. Not such a long time to really fall in love.

^^ the above description depends. Its not strictly a "law" or something. But that is something I wanted to write ...

Just go for someone, who finds something special in you.

Have peace.
8 Feb 2011
Love / Appropriate Wedding Gift for a Polish girlfriend of several months? [37]

My friend lives in Krakow, so is there a 5* hotel

You are really a very generous person. While she is getting married, you want to spend as much as required to please her. This is a true friend, isn't it? ... I hope it is!

If she is also a true friend ... even a "wish" through SMS would suffice. But as you wish to really charm her (and him aswell I hope) ... you can give something very modest, yet very friendly. Don't try to charm too much, that might not be a very welcome thing for her life infront (I wonder if you know what I mean).

Why don't you give just a card and some flowers, to BOTH of them (SOME flowers) ... don't make it too expensive. Don't need to be something very memorable. But try to focus on making is as friendly and uninvolved as possible.

Well its just my opinion. Rest is your wish, which advise you want to select :)
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

How did you meet her if you dont mind me asking?

:) ... It was a beautiful day ... :D ...

Ok I'll keep it short! :) ... They came for study purposes in our University in Lodz. There I met her ... and there we became friends. I was just ... taken by her! A complete dream :D ... innocence all over her face. I mean ... HOT :D ... I cannot describe more, I never get words! Sometimes I hide 80% of my feelings for her when she is infront, otherwise she'll know that I'm just totally mad about her :D ...

Then we became internet and pen friends. I've been Korea a few times ... :)! It was not that easy with my parents, or her parents ... but I wanted the parents to be happy with us ... we had patience and it worked out :) ... and now we are one ;)

Oh man ... well yes its my first true love. I've had a girlfriend before, but she was not really the one, and it was teen life. I didn't even become too intimate with her, just holding hands. I was never really into any woman so much before I met my LIFE :) ... my all :) ... my heart :)

Again life in Lodz the boats world is all rosey like a cartoon where only good things happen.

:) ... whats wrong in it? ... But yes life does have challenges. I've faced dispicable situations when I though I've lost it all. But I kept strong, and never lost confidence. I tried my luck, and put my case of love! ... it worked for me. Maybe sometimes for some it doesn't, but it did for me, so I don't want to think bad now.

in my opinion the greatest strain on a marriage is having a child.

My mother says that the greatest gift for a true and understanding couple is when they have their child.

Maybe you and your wife need some time together in a vacation outside the country ;) ... be free to each other. Treat her like a queen again :) ... kiss her like the first time ... you will see things will look better.

Don't call your child a strain ... its a blessing. Maybe things are not ordered in your life right now for some reason ... but you and your wife together can set things right ... just you need to sit together and plan things starting with a vacation. Begin looking at the most beautiful parts of life, avoid some of the lesser patches of problem ... when you return from your vacation, you will find many problems to have disappeared automatically.

Give it a try man! :)
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]


She loves me man. She left her country South Korea (which is quite a developed land) for me, and came to Poland. She is very happy and my mother now is increasingly fond of her. She is my heart :) ... you have no idea :D ... how much I love her :)...

Its called marriage welcome to the club.

You must tell your wife about the days of your love. Maybe you can go out with her to some destination? Why don't you two plan a nice vacation in Nepal? I am planning to go Nepal myself ... :) ... I heard the scenery is great! It is a wonderful place to have another honeymoon ;).

Another thing ... after a couple of years or 3 maybe... you should plan a child! Children are gifts, and they give new life to a marriage. I makes a relationship more firm ...

Love is much more than lust ... lust is never a threat when you reach the heights of LOVE!
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

maybe she'll throw a big frying pan at your head.

She will never ... :) ... she is ... :) ... :) ... ok I'll go now :D ... c ya ppl enough talk!

I met my turkish husband whilst he was working here in england

Its not sex tourism its about southern ... try and remain on topic. You have a grudge on colored people and turks ... fine! But its another topic ... show some compassion as a human or just go find some other spot to troll. You've got no heart?
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

We are but men with desires regardless of how lovely our wives are.

I'd rather be dead before that. Don't equate everyone on the same scale. Its not my personality

By the way ... the topic is about female sex tourism. The topic poster infact posted links that distort the image of the women, and that arab victim infact is a "victim", nothing else, framed as a stubborn - like many websites try to do to thai bargirls too. Just a plot to brush out the "guilt" and "make the crime look not a crime". Anyways Wroclaw ... as I said, I've told my bit. I only replied you due to this accusation of being a sick CHEATER. I love my wife, and I am content. If I find anyone the way you described, I will inform the police, or perhaps some women aiding organization. If I cannot do anything, atleast I would ask her to look for alternatives, and move away with a "brotherly" attitude. You are not talking to one of those men who you seem to generalize me with.

Asian beauty

Yes I always liked :) ... my wife is a dignified Korean lady, and the most beautiful girl I ever came across :)

I never seen any prostitute man.. Maybe, you are talking about women in men dresses?

Then you have seen nothing ... LOOK AT PAGE 2 ... I've given all the links you can browse to find out. You haven't seen doesn't mean they don't exist. But still if you want to be stubborn thinking its impossible ... its your life (but very crazy really...).

Go check my previous post and see if you discover something.
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

Then, there wouldn't be any prostitute woman.

Do you know what this topic is about? ... not about the prostitute woman, but the PROSTITUTE MAN ... you are on the wrong track. Listen, read whats written here ... don't just make up your mind and write anything. First read the topic post and article (do you know Polish?) ... and then if you find my replies wrong (read all my replies and my links to get an idea of what I am saying ... and if my saying are solidly based and focused) ... and then say something to me. Before that just don't make a mockery of the situation.

Numerous old english women have fallen for the trap in Turkey.

I read in a novel by "Agatha Christie" ... its a Hercule Poirot mystery ... about GREECE being among the destination where the cheats are.

Anyway, I am not talking about cheats here, I am talking about the exploited. I have provided links and write-ups. In your blindness, don't get so lost that you don't know who you are.

Anyways, I've said my bit. Now you all have your own decision, your own direction.
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

True or not, what such women are doing is none of our business.

It is the business of humanity ... it is the business of human rights ... it is a gross violation ... PROSTITUTION WHETHER MALE OR FEMALE IS A DEGRADATION OF HUMANS ... you have no idea of ethics of human rights, otherwise perhaps you would not say something so sick.

could do anything if there was not any men involved.

I am not attacking the prostitute ... my position is against the men and women who exploit.

"men are easy and stupids".. which is a painful truth.

No it is not ... it is a GENERALIZATION ... not all men and women deserve a share of this disgust. There are some people who are reckless and inhumane and immoral enough to feed on others like this.

Look ... we might not agree on it. But I am very much firm on this ... and so are many around the world who are concerned and who value the dignity of humans. Maybe you want to be on the other side ... ofcourse some want, otherwise this curse wouldn't live this long.
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

The primary destinations for female sex tourism are Southern Europe.

Indonesia, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Cuba are exceptional in that both male and female sex tourists use these countries.

Source: /wiki/Female_sex_tourism

Popular plays depicting the ugly face of this: bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2006/08/15/theatre_tanika_gupta_profile_feature.shtml

However the biggest destinations are Thailand, Senegal, Carribean, and increasingly Goa (in India) ... its cheap and they are ready for any fat ugly old sick idiot. Because .... they are poor.

Below is a very important read, a victim of female sex tourism, a young exploited boy:

"I saw quite a few young men there with old, white women. I began to question my morality. What are you doing with this old woman? She could be your mom. You've become a gigolo, someone who doesn't have ambition, someone who is ready to do anything for money," he said.

Years ago at a club in the Gambia, Pape saw a young man gyrating sexily in front of three old white women. One of the women reached out and patted his butt before shaking her head no, like it was a piece of fruit in the market.

"That memory comes back to me often lately," he said, stamping out one cigarette and lighting up another. "Once I find a good job, I will get my dignity back. But for now, I'm a prostitute."

Source: cambodiacalling.blogspot.com/2010/04/female-sex-tourism.html

Do read that link ... there is much to read. A small story including an excerpt from some female sex tourists and their stupid responses. But the fact is very different. People who are exploited are poor ... and they too have emotions, they too have tears. If you really want to know about something, investigate properly ... otherwise to know a bit and coming to a conclusion is the most ignorant thing a human can do.
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]


Read the article and my other posts. The man wanted to make it a racist thread ... instead it is actually the story of exploited young boys from some of the worst spots for female sex tourism. Its pathetic ... just like the male sex tourism, its pathetic. People exploit people ... yes they later pay them when they get back to their country to keep the "romance" on ... and yet not accept them to keep the "scandal" off. You read in details Crow? ... Then read the detail.

Why not be creative and behave in an educated manner ... rather than throw stones on the prostitute, why not throw stones on the evil which created them. Those old women who go to scavenge on the poor as the ones who should be ashamed. The topic should be renamed "Female sex tourism includes Polish women too" ... which is very insulting ... but true.
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

I love my country ... why don't you go? (you don't seem to love your BROWN Greece :) ) ... I think now is time for many Polish Americans to reconsider USA and settle in Poland :)
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

Do you know who are the most sexless men in USA?

How will I know ... I am not American

I guess most Europeans can distinguish a paki from a Chinese.

Yes ... many can ... I mean that East Asians are sometimes mistaken as Chinese totally, in East Asian there are other nationalities. But some of us just go ahead and call all of them as "Chinese".

Pakistan people are often categorized under Arabs and Middle eastern. But that is stupid but Middle East is another region. Pakistan another country, Afghanistan is also another place ... India is actually religiously and culturally different too ... while Nepal (a country I so much want to visit) is again extremely different. Bangladesh being muslim is one of the most moderate places of its kind (with great women participation in politics and job ... its literally a country ruled by women).

Geography, history, tradition ... everything is much more diverse in Asia than it is in Europe. So it is very stupid to categorize them in same list.

By the way, Egypt is NORTH AFRICA!!! ... its Arab by language. Egyptian history and culture is infact very different than many other Arabs.

There are also paki and chinese sex tourists.

I'm not saying there aren't. But its dominated by westerners ... and created mostly by American GIs in the Pacific region ... just do your study.

No one is perfect ... but there are those people who are "just the one" in every culture and country.

Throwing stones on people (men women or children) who got used and abused by sick people is not the act of the respectable of intelligent. Or even the spiritual ...
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

The referred to "European women" in general.

They call us "farangs" in Thailand ... and "butterly" in China ... while other names in other Pacific Islands. Carribeans have special names too ... So have the Cancun people and Sychelles, or Nepalese. Sex tourists come usually from the West! Which is quite unfortunate.

But who are they? ... they are not very one in Europe or Poland. They are elderly people looking for sex slaves. Some are young girls/boys too, but such loosers and sick to the core, they make the whole continent look like perverts. So before you go ahead and say that this is the reality of all people in Europe or all people in Arab or other nations ... get your facts straight.

By the way ... I don't have too many Arab friends myself. Sometimes I am quite surprized at the naivety of some Europeans to name all people who look Eastern as "Arab" and all people who look Asian as "Chinese" ... Its truly silly.
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

because it seems for some reason to be quite stuck.

Its a public forum and I write my own mind. I've got a life, I'm man enough to have my own family and relationship ... by the way, for those who shamelessly curse those women and men being mercilessly and emotionally plundered by some rich, reckless tourists - should actually be subjected to the curse of shame and remorse. They are the ones whose minds are not only stuck but diseased.
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

I've met a couple during my college years,

Eurola and her adventures... "once upon a time ... " :D

Nothing wrong with adventure as long as nobody gets hurt.

Confusing sentence? ... na! ... its Eurola and her adventures :)

Some Egyptians/Arabic can be quite good looking too,

The great observer that is our "experienced hunter"

but the specific smell of their skin is a turn off (for me).

The great shock!

It might be the spices they use?

The keen insight... the "elementary my dear Poles ..." attitude ;)

Perhaps the smell of garlicky polish sausage on the blond's breath would stop the Egyptians' short in their declaration of love! :)

The advice from the mother of all Polish intelligence ... Eurola! The Terrible! :P


nosy fellow ... the grand AYATOLLA of intelligence in PF!

Well said Southern.

The sincere student of smelly arts! ... :)


The intrigued ...

The only new element in this story is that Polish women can afford those fancy vacations now and behaving with equal naivete.

It is an OOOLD woman ... anyway ... very old just looking for that attention. None of your writing of article can stop them :) ... they will be used by Poles, Egyptian, Turks, and people from all parts of the world...

Oh ... my fun part ... the description .. :)

*The enlightened!"

well, its easy to you to talk.

The angry Slav!


Oh ... simply ... the author :P

By the way ... this is an article which actually is supposed to create the opposite effect :D. Its about reckless old women going for sex tourism ... buying the services of poorer young men in those countries ... and proving themselves nothing more than the same kind of trash as those many men who go Thailand from the West in search of female flesh. They pay ... and thats just to dump their guilt for using the other person as a sex slave.


^^ some of the ugliest pictures in their most honest sense. If you really want to know then make an honest study. It cannot get uglier then this. Trying to hide ones own internal animal and "blame it on the prostitute" are the ways of the anti-christ. Usually men who use the services of prostitutes in countries like Thailand complain that the women are always after them for money! (so what else would they be after to sleep with 100 year old men? ... and they are giving those services with alot of pain)!... The same situation is now with those increasingly materialistic and consumerist women!... going out and "blame it on those gigolos" .. not realizing that those men are selling their souls too.

Have some shame for God's sake people ... either open your eyes or rot in your ignorance. Prostitution, sex trade, are curses on mankind.

According to the Tourist Association of Thailand (TAT), Pattaya is Thailand's 'premier beach resort.' Travel brochures depict it as both an 'exotic paradise' of palm trees and white beaches and as a 'single man's playground' of bars and women. Once the site of small fishing villages, Pattaya bay began to develop in the 1960s and 1970s when the US military used it for 'rest and recreation'. Today, nearly one and a half million tourists visit Pattaya each year. According to TAT figures, Germany, the Arab Emirates and Britain supply most tourists, but they also arrive from Japan, Australia, North America, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Hong Kong and even mainland China. Around 70 percent of the tourists are male; the majority coming for one reason--to buy the sexual services of Thai women, men and/or children.

Why do Thais become sex workers? The factors range from kidnapping, to debt bondage to poverty. In a country where the annual per capita income ranges from US$ 235 in the Northeast to $1,000 in Bangkok, there is nothing mysterious about the supply side of the sex industry. But who are the sex tourists and why do they come to Thailand?

Source (do read more): wri-irg.org/node/3725

Sex tourists tend not to differentiate between buying groceries, and going to the brothel to buy sex - both provide someone with economic sustenance.

Source: matadornetwork.com/bnt/2007/11/02/the-shameful-truth-about-sex-tourism/

Another interesting part of the story is: The men who go for sex tourism often use the women, and sometimes intend even to be into a serious relationship, often marriage even! However, the men are vilified by the "so called feminists" who proclaim that they ruin the sanctity of these helpless women. Which I agree, but atleast these old men do tend to find the courage enough to get married to these girls too (look at Sweden ... there are Swedish alleys and communities inside Thailand, who go there and even start families with these girls. Often take them back home to Sweden and give a better life).

However, these old women from the west, who you will find in the articles ... have a much more selfish way of doing things. They will use these men for their fantasies, go back to their country and pay these men. Pay them to be "into this secret adventure" for longer. Its their "little dirty secret". These women usually even have grandchildren, or sons and daughters back in their country infront of whom they "dont want a scandal"!!! ... They want their lives neat and live in the false image of being the "sincere old lady" ... however, keeping their "love pets" in their native lands, and paying them to keep feeling "in love!".

Yes, I usually love to come and open that "OTHER DIMENSION OF REALITY" on the faces of my own friends of family even ... and this is just a forum where I write. Its necessary for some people to realize that there is also another side of the story.

These so called "Polish Women" represent not Poland, but a growing breed of old and idiotic selfish people who feed on helplessness, poverty, and throw their money away to buy their "dirty little secrets". There is nothing "Love" here ... its a story of lust, greed, soul selling and moral catastrophe.

Easy and stupid? ... I would say "rich and reckless".

Those who compare these lustfull tales of animalism with the "true lovers" ... with "compassionate" "caring" "heart warming feeling of togetherness" ... are the ones who are the real "easy and stupid".
6 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

in some new mosque?

No... WHY???!!!???!!!?? ... Why mosque? .. New beginning means a constructive beginning.

We need to keep our heads together. As Slavs ... as people who can bring a positive change in the world by giving a message of peace and love ... not of hatred and war.

Anyways ... signing off ... spent alot of time here today :D ... after a very long time.