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Joined: 27 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 14
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16 Nov 2011
Love / Does your Polish partner suffer from disposophobia [46]

Of course.... but its a Polish forum..and we are talking about Poles...

Exactly, so getting back to the subject of Polish hoarders, we also see this in the case of the Polish need to focus on the past. A classic example of this is the Polish diaspora who frequent Polishforum debating life in Poland circa 2011, when they have not even visited Poland in the last 10 years +. As the English saying goes " In order to grow you must let go "

I will also agree, recycling will become a future necessity and I am 100% behind it. Maybe we could have Wroclaw boy and some IT guy here set up a " barter exchange site" I would certainly become a client. Where theres muck theres brass!
15 Nov 2011
Love / Does your Polish partner suffer from disposophobia [46]

Its a fact of life , that junk expands to fill whatever space there is to be filled...no problem if you live on a farm as i do...but its a bit of a problem in a small flat..

My apartment in Warsaw is 235 m2 not small by Polish standards. We have 6 bicycles for four people this summer I was ready to sell two of them of allegro.pl, but she did not want to because they have sentimental value. We still have cots and playpens and prams from when the kids were young.

That is a typical syndrome of people who survived Auschwitz and other camps. My advice is: give up.

The nearest my wife has been to Austwitz or any camp was the A4.

I mean trolls come to PF and boast of 235 m2 apartments and complain about hoarding magpies that turn out to be their wives.

Pawian, I am not interested in being sucked into one of your little webs, firstly it is not a boast - its a fact. Secondly the hoarding is a real problem and I am very much interested to find out if others have the same problem.
15 Nov 2011
Love / Does your Polish partner suffer from disposophobia [46]

I am not really one for complaining about my life especially my personal life, I would rather get on with it and work to a better end. There is one thing that has always been the bane in our relationship, the need for my Polish wife to hold on to things for the long haul, my wife is a compulsive hoarder to the point we have 200 english woman's magazines sitting in my front lounge. It is so annoying the excuse she gives is that the kids may need them for projects at school. Our cupboards,drawers and storage are bursting at the seams with valueless items. The one that kills my sister is the story of my wife demanding that I go out and buy a new iron 6 months ago because the old one had been dropped on the floor and was dangerous for the kids. We now have a total of three irons in our utility room, the reason she does not want to throw them away is because her father may be able to fix them, thats the logic I live with on a daily basis. I know it is a cultural thing so many Poles I have met just don't know how to let go,

Any other stories out there of Polish disposophobia?
15 Nov 2011
News / Global recession in 2012 and how it affects Poland [17]

In the latest of a now long series of appearances, NBP central bank chief Marek Belka calls on the government to give up on its baby steps policy approach to better capture opportunities offered by the crisis and Poland's relative strength.
15 Nov 2011
News / Global recession in 2012 and how it affects Poland [17]

FLAT currency?

Fiat money/currency is money that has value only because of government regulation or law.

Repositary? what the hell are they?

Used as a means of storing wealth.
14 Nov 2011
News / Global recession in 2012 and how it affects Poland [17]

If the **** hits the fan again get out of gold Gold Is Not A Currency,3 required roles of a currency:

1. Means of Payment
2. Unit of Account
3. Store of Value

Gold only accounts for two of them.

My gut feelings tells me Gold is going for a crash over the next three months.
14 Nov 2011
News / Global recession in 2012 and how it affects Poland [17]

Now it is a foregone conclusion both Europe and The USA will fall into recession in 2012. Even if the Germans find the 1 trillion Euro package to prop up the Euro, it will still be weighted on the negative side. The euro will not be safe until Europe answers some fundamental questions that it has run away from for many years. At their root is how its nations should respond to a world that is rapidly changing around them. What will it do as globalisation strips the West of the monopoly over the technologies that have made it rich, and an ageing Europe starts to look increasingly like the western peninsula of a resurgent Asia?Some Europeans would like to put up carefully designed fences around the EU’s still vast and wealthy market. Others, including a growing number of populist politicians, want to turn their nations inward and shut out not just the world but also the elites’ project of European integration. And a few—from among those same elites, mostly—argue that the only means of paying for Europe’s distinctive way of life is not to evade globalisation but to embrace it wholeheartedly.This is not some abstract philosophical choice. It is a fierce struggle for Europe’s future, being waged in Athens as George Papandreou lost his power to a temporary government of national unity, in derelict factories in France and Belgium and in the wasted lives of millions of unemployed young Spaniards.

One way the euro crisis could affect Poland, is through its banks. Roughly 70% of Poland's banking assets are controlled by Western European banks. Overall, banks in Poland are well-capitalized, liquid and relatively free of bad loans. Poland has private capital that could be used to put a larger share of the country's banking sector into Polish hands.There's nothing unusual for a country Poland's size to think about such an evolution and benefit from market dynamics.Belgium's KBC Group NV and Portugal's Banco Comercial Português are considering sales of their Polish holdings. Others are also considering selling Polish operations. Who will step in to buy the banks?
13 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

I wonder - does paying for Medicover/Luxmed get you to jump the queues in the public hospitals?

Only IMC cover will get you to the front of the queue or knowing the specialist.
9 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

As it stands, Poland is doing what the vast majority of countries do - nothing.


Roma children are arguably discriminated against, foreign children aren't.

Give some examples this is all new to me.

Polish public school teachers are poorly payed. case closed. So going above and beyond the call of duty is not the norm.

Like many other professions in Poland, teaching is for love not for money.
9 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

Polish teachers are poorly paid- so going above and beyond the call of duty is not normal.

All children have the rights to education under the Polish constitution Article 70:
9 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

Unless you are living in the area, its a bit far out though

Poland doesn't help foreigners to assimilate. Survival of the fittest. It can get very lonely as a parent- even going for coffee with an English speaking person who relates to your situation can help.

Juli25, Pip has put across a very real fact regarding life in Poland. Most expats just come to Poland and think about the money. If this is your approach it will be at the cost of your children. Warsaw can be a wonderful stage in your kids development, there is a very good quality of life to be had here if you manage it well. There are so many extras ( affordable) for your kids that would be beyond you in the UK/USA. So you need to have a plan.

You can survive well with your family IF you are smart.

If you put your kids in public school- it will be difficult for the whole family- not to mention stressful for you not being able to communicate the most basic things- you have less of a chance to meet people in your situation.

I would agree with this 100%

15,000 pln per month is a great salary and moving to Poland will give your kids a great learning experience and broaden their worlds- however, the goal is to lessen the amount of stress.

I do not consider 15,000 PLN brutto, a great salary if you have to include the following:

School x 3
Medical insurance

It would be better to negotiate your husbands package inclusive of,

School x3
Medical insurance ( Medicover/ Bupa- full cover ) do not go for the basic package.

and accept a lower Gross salary.

In my opinion a family of 5 would need a minimum of 7,000 PLN netto monthly - not inclusive of( Apartment/house, School x3, Medical insurance, Car) to have an acceptable lifestyle in Warsaw.
8 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

my eldest went here for a year. Not worth the money

Thats a matter of opinion. Zawrat is the oldest and most established private Kindrgarten in Warsaw, no one has ever mentioned to me it is expensive, quite the opposite when the other options are the British school or the American school when it was in limanowskiego. The wonderful thing about IPW is the continuity of teachers and supports Pani Iza is a gem we have known her now for over 11 years and both my children still have fond memories of their kindergarten and international school friends.

gimmicks like Chinese over hiring higher quality Polish teachers.

They are not gimmicks it was at the request of the parents. The school is owned by Bednarska, once again a very established school, they don't need the gimmicks. In 1 to 2 years in will be one of the most sought after mixed private schools in Warsaw.


Its in Ursynów though is it near the metro?

I understand now why Zawrat was not your thing, if you had to d the Pulawska run in the mornings.
8 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

Boy is 9.5 and girl is 7.5 which private schools we should consider? but again, from previous feedbacks I got an impression that no private schools are available under 2,000PLN/month/per child.is that is the minimum rate - our budget will not stand it :-(

This a school you should consider

The prices are here: spchocimska.edu.pl/szkola-podstawowa/cennik/

The school has just recently started its a good location close to all the main parks. Quite a few kids from the British school began there Polish education in this school this year. There will be quite a few bi lingual kids around the same age as your. Most of the parents are professionals, quite a few Lawyers and accountants, they are also very flexible, English is second language and they are introducing Chinese, all language teachers are natives The second link is the price it is not expensive.

There are also two very good private all girls schools within a short distance that are very good.

If I was arriving in Warsaw with two young children today. This would be my school of choice. good luck

he third will require a kindergarten.

Juli25 - do not even bother looking at other Kindergartens put your youngest in here, if they have space: preschool.pl/index.php?pid=12

Both of my children went to this school, many of the children are bi lingual or native English.
8 Nov 2011
Work / Monthly income for family - Warsaw [71]

so I understand that I have to start looking for good public school, if looking realistically on the numbers...private schools we won't be able to cover

First thing first juli25, choose the school then choose the area. How old are your children and are they boys or girls. There are some very good private schools in warsaw your child will get full support.
7 Nov 2011
Life / What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland? [112]

When Munni arrived in this fertile, sugarcane-growing region of north India as a young bride years ago, little did she imagine she would be forced into having sex and bearing children with her husband's two brothers who had failed to find wives.

6 Nov 2011
Life / Trick or treat in Poland [24]

I had no idea it was introduced that long ago in Warsaw.

From my knowledge it all started off with the families of the American embassy staff who live out near Kabaty, I was invited with my children to one in 1999.
4 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles and the English are all the same underneath. Funny really (UK perspective). [8]

people get very hot under the collar very quickly!

It is Polish reality.

I suppose I am in the weird position of having Polish parents and upbringing but born in the UK and grewing up as English too? Double trouble eh? So I try to see both sides of arguments (well hopefully I do?)

Even the foreigners acquire the Polish art of complaining, I don't want to generalize - the Polish art of complaining and being unhappy about all things unimportant is special disability...

oh dear what have I started........ sorry folks I am weeing into the wind.

Enjoy the rest of the day whatever your doing. Be nice ;o)

Stash1, if you keep going left sooner or later you will go round and round in circles.
1 Nov 2011
Life / Trick or treat in Poland [24]

they have been trick or treating for three years straight now in our neighbourhood in Warsaw

Trick or treating has been going on in Warsaw for well over 10 years,especially in one of the enclosed villages in Kabaty/Ursynow were many American and korean families live.
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

This forum is famous for being full of anti-everyone sentiment and sometimes I think that this is what many of these people enjoy most (even if they don't admit to that ;)

It is NOT " anti everyone " more non Poles acquiring the Polish art of complaining - when in rome and all that gubbins.
29 Oct 2011
Love / Advice Please! Meeting my Polish boyfriend's parents!! Gifts, customs... [105]

So we are going to meet my girlfriends parents and family (we have been together 6 months), we booked the flights tonight for the end of january

What to expect.

The weather will be very cold, so when you hire the car make sure they have included snow chains and shovel in the boot, check the car has winter tyres on. Skop is in Mazury so you could expect a ride on horse driven sleigh in the snow or on the frozen lakes, kielbasa ( sausage) cooked on a fire, hot beer with herbs and honey, mulled wine, fantastic home cooked food. If you are visiting a small village everyone will know you are arriving so be on your best behavior and just be yourself. As someone pointed out your girlfriends grand parents are the one to impress. Presents bring an extra suitcase there will be plenty you want to take back to England.

Let us know how you get on.

26 Oct 2011
Life / Lightbulbs in Poland: what was once 1zl now costs... [10]

@Wroclaw: I think you have a street lamp close to your window, you can save money on lightbulbs :)

I only buy wind up light bulbs, based on the same system as the radio. It saves me money on electricity and i no longer have to go to the gym as I get plenty of exercise with my new system. I was going to go with russian night goggles but I would still have had to pay the gym fees. So savings, savings and more savings...
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / The Slavic Tax Thieves Stealing from the UK [29]

shows that Polish migrants are smart and pick up places with more economic opportunities.

It shows that some Poles lack morals by claiming tax relief in both Poland and UK

they go to where the grass is greener and cannot be blamed for that

Poles are one of Europe's most nomadic, as soon as there are Problems at home, they are off in search of a safer domicile. Lets not forget the following fact why Poles deserted Poland:

1. High unemployment rate in Poland ( no jobs)
2. Low salaries.
3. During the PIS government.
4. Possibility to travel funded by work.

The vast majority of Polish emigrates' , did so on the basis that the Poland failed them so they had to look for better countries to raise their brood. Nothing to do with Poles being smart, quite the opposite the smart ones stayed in Poland.
26 Oct 2011
Life / Expats/Immigrants in Poland: Needy, Greedy or contributor. Which one are you? [118]

So we have established that a large number of immigrants/expats are actively giving back to Poland more than they receive. So maybe it is about time Poland started valuing this community, by giving them the same rights as the Polish national receive abroad. Poland can not have it both ways, standing on a pedestal shouting we have our fiscal policy in order, follow the Polish model and asking for EU handouts at the same time. Either the economy is in full swing and does not need support from the EU funds, or the growth is EU subsidized and it has nothing to do with Polish fiscal policy.
24 Oct 2011
Food / Where to find cider in Warsaw [13]

In Poland you have redds... for real cider you have to go to: kuchnieswiata.com.pl/ang/store.html