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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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26 Mar 2015
Travel / Airline website trick to see flights that go from Poland to the UK in the pound, rather than zloty's? [14]

Hi folks

I remember when somebody was once explaining a method you could use to be able to pay in pounds, even if you were booking a way one flight from Poland to the UK. I think it had something to do with opening the airline website and looking for trips to Poland, then opening it again looking for flights to Poland, or something like that. The problem is I can't remember. Does somebody here know how to do it by any chance, so I can see flights that go from Poland to the UK in the pound, rather than zloty's?
26 Mar 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Okay that's great pam

So it sounds like going from the Chopin one is better as it is much easier to get to the Warsaw train station and then I could go from there to Krakow.

The other option is flying with Ryanair to Katowice that works out cheaper than Krakow, but again the question is, how to get to Krakow from there? Probably by coach I am assuming. I wonder how much it costs.
26 Mar 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Okay another travel question.

My plan is to fly to one of the Warsaw airports and then go by train from there to Krakow [flight to Krakow from London are much more expensive. I can get Ryanair or Wizzair for a much cheaper price to Warsaw].

My question is whether one of the airports in Warsaw has a better connection to the train station? What would you suggest?
12 Mar 2015
News / Is Poland's PO party left or right wing? [15]

PO is a mixed bag, so is probably the closest to the center in Poland. One thing they do have in common is being criminals. It's a party of people who want to make as much money as they can, and being able to make the law helps them bend it in their favour.
26 Feb 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

To be honest my main aim is to find out if it is better to take the train or bus. I am assuming the train, but just wanted to confirm it.
25 Feb 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Okay thanks. I take it this is the cheapest way then?

As for the 'buy ticket' button, I did click it and it did not give me the price, it gave some message about some limit being used up.
25 Feb 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Merged: In Poland soon - Warsaw to Krakow by train or by bus/coach - costs

Hi folks

I'll be in Poland soon and was looking at getting the train from Warsaw to Krakow. I looked at the PKP site but they don't seem to have any prices, only times. Does anyone know how much it costs to get the train from Warsaw to Krakow, or whether it is better to get a bus/coach?
15 Dec 2014
UK, Ireland / Buying something from Polish site using an UK based Santander debit card [3]

Hi folks

I want to buy something from a Polish site using my UK based Santander debit card. Obviously the currency is in zloty so there will need to be a conversion made. Will Santander make the conversion when I make the purchase, because it's 86 zloty with postage and packaging and I don't want them to give away £86 by mistake?

Also, I assume if they to make a conversion they will charge me a fee [I think I remember reading 2.75% of the sum].

I'm a bit apprehensive, I don't remember buying anything in a foreign currency from a website before.
7 Dec 2014
Life / What should a foreigner do when invited to join Christmas dinner with his Polish-friend's family? [21]

Doug, haven't you noticed sales of carp falling in the last ten years or so? There's definitely less of the awful stuff around here, and I live in a conservative part of the country, unlike you sophisticates on the Polish Riviera.

Yes, we don't even have karp at Christmas, because no one likes it. Why force yourself to eat something that is traditional if you don't like it? I mean, it's not a religious rule or anything, so there's no need to have it if you don't like it. We usually have barszcz with uszka, then a different type of fish with salad for the main course. Then there's nuts and pieces of cake around, and a few other bowls depending on the Christmas, it does vary. No meat of course.
11 Nov 2014
Love / Are women from Poland scared of good looking guys? [48]

Man you are kidding me, im here from 1 month in warsaw and I picked up more than 11 girls till now and slept with most of them I think u go the wrong places or u you depend on your look only ?! Inbox me to give u more tips

Little update from me.
My situation has dramaticaly improved. Only last weekend I slept with two new girls.
The secret was to downgrade my looks (shorter hair-cut, hipsterish dressing style - think leather jacket and high-tops instead of tailored jacket and double monk strap shoes)

Wow you went out, did some shopping and got yourself a whole different look just to pull girls.

I find the two of you pathetic. You're either

a) lying about sleeping with girls and incredibly very sad and pathetic


b) you are sleeping with these loose girls, but the fact that you feel the need to go on an internet forum and tell people you don't know about your escapades is also pathetic. Do you not have any real life friends you can brag to? Do you have to resort to talking about it on a Polish forum? Or how about just do whatever you wanna do, but why do we have to hear about it? We don't care about your nightlife.
22 Sep 2014
Love / Are women from Poland scared of good looking guys? [48]

Three months ago I relocated to Warsaw for a job. So far the experience has not been great as I have been getting hardly any attention from Polish girls.

Hah! everything think you've said makes you sound like a gold platted A-hole. So you've been around Europe where the girls were easy, now in Poland girls aren't interested in you because perhaps they don't go for flashy show offs, and you're throwing you toys out of the pram! Boo hoo. You sound like enough of a dick to be on Warsaw shores, you should apply.

I wonder, when you were born, did the doctor hand you to your mother and say 'congratulations, it's an ego.'
28 Aug 2014
Genealogy / Looking for Ania from Pod Jaszczurami Krakow on Saturday night. [5]

I am actually. I just like a bit of honesty and you being desperate enough to go on this forum to ask for her [as unlikely as it is that someone here knows her], because you just want to see her again and be friends, sounds like bullcrap. How about just saying that there is this girl you met and you're head over heels for her and really want to see her again. At least then we start with a true premise and not some silly story about wanting to be her friend.
12 Aug 2014
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

Who are you to judge someone based on their sexuality?

That's the second time that you are trying to turn the subject of this conversation. It's about false accusations.

So a former president who does not like Kaczynski, joked about him bringing his boyfriend, and some gay [who probably does not like Kaczynski and his party for his and their anti gay views] has testified about Kaczynski being gay, as far as we know, since it was only posted on one gay oriented website, and you'd have thought that a story like this would make more mainstream media.
12 Aug 2014
Study / Where I should study journalism(in Poland ) [32]

Anastasia study what you are interested in. I don't like to see people get pressured in to studying a 'realistic' field. Do a degree in something that interests you. Then, if you want it enough, you will have to fight to get the job that you have a degree for. If you want, you could try to take more than once subject, one you like and another that is more realistic to get a job in, as a back up.
12 Aug 2014
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

Case closed on that I'd say.

You what? Are you taking that as proof? The great smurf decides to close the case as it is now confirmed. Get real. The only link provided was from what looks like a New York website called gay city news. That's the most credible site you could find on this issue. Oh, that and a bunch of jokes that have apparently been made about him. Wow, yeah, great work, smurf says case closed so it must be case closed then. What foolishness.
11 Aug 2014
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

Hmmm, false claims being made against a politician you might not like, that never happens. Or even being paid to make false claims about a politician, by that politicians opposition, never.

Have any of these former colleagues and friends revealed their names? I wonder why they are former? Is it because they made up lies about him and he doesn't want to know them anymore? You make a lot of claims I have never heard before, so some sources and links would be nice, otherwise it's just your word.
11 Aug 2014
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

We're not talking about right and wrong. What on earth are you basing your assumption on? It seems to be very in fashion these days to claim people are gay, just because they're not married, or even when two guys are close friends. I don't know if you have heard of Ant and Dec? British guys from Newcastle who have been friends since childhood and have done TV together for a long time. One of them is married, the other had a girlfriend. One of them is a practicing Catholic as well, but, they're close friends, they must be gay!

Jaroslaw Kaczynski has very strong Catholic beliefs too and his own party is against legalizing gay marriage or gay adoption, they are pro Catholicism and supported by most of the Catholic Church. What are you suggesting, that he's just living a lie? You're just trying to be provocative. You know it's an absurd statement.
11 Aug 2014
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

Nope, his 'active' years were back before everybody carried a digital camera around in their pocket.

You know your vicious comments like these ones only support the claims of certain right wing papers that Kaczynski [and his late brother] have been viciously attacked during their time in politics. You're not helping your cause and are only helping them prove their point, that people like you behave in an uncivilized way.

By the way, there is no way Jaroslaw Kaczynski is gay.
11 Aug 2014
Study / Where I should study journalism(in Poland ) [32]

Well it feels great to read that the degree I have is useless, but I can conclude it is difficult to break in to. I have a degree in journalism but if I could do it again, I would have done what was suggested near the top of this thread and got a degree in a subject that interests me, and then tried to use that. A lot of journalists now have degrees in English or Politics. They don't have journalism degree. A journalism degree doesn't actually teach a whole lot of any subject, so for example, my general knowledge has not improved much from it, I just know more about the industry and what qualities you need as a journalist. I have thought about starting my own magazine, that is one way. The question is, can any money be made of it? If nobody reads it, who cares? You might as well just have a website that nobody reads, at least it won't cost as much.
7 Aug 2014
News / Ruch Narodowy politician has cup of drink thrown at him by transvestite during a Polsat debate [9]

Artur Zawisza of Ruch Narodowy, had a cup of drink thrown at him during yesterday's debate with a transvestite, who calls herself Rafalala. After saying he it wasn't normal that he should have to sit in the same studio with this thing that he can't even bring himself to look at [referring to the transvestite], Rafalala stood up and....well, see for yourselves.
19 Jun 2014
Life / Why Polish people are fat ? [81]

The thread, although old, was just made to be provocative. You will see fat people in USA, Germany, Ireland, even a poor country like Mexico. It makes no sense to say why are people in a certain country fat. It is not specific to countries, although statistically I think Texas is supposed to be the fattest place in the world isn't it?
19 Jun 2014
News / Poland's interior minister and the central bank chief recorded [28]

Interesting situation watching the Polish media now. We have the media reporting on wrong doings against....the Polish media! Not hard to work out who's side they will be on. They're right to be angry though.

Or, on the other hand, the traditionally pro-PO side of the media might have come to realise that it's time to move away from PO and get behind Palikot. That would be interesting

Not sure I agree with this. His European parliament results were horrible and his projected support for future parliamentary elections is awful. He has lost a lot of support. Why would they get on his bandwagon? Unless you know something I don't.
19 Jun 2014
News / Poland's interior minister and the central bank chief recorded [28]

However, the worrying thing in this case is this:
"The goal of this well-organized crime was not the public good, but eavesdropping on politicians of the ruling party," Mr. Tusk said. (From the NY Times link above)

Yes basically it's worrying that he has done what he always does, tried to sweep this under the carpet like nothing has happened. For crying out loud they wanted to have more money printed. Then who would pay for it in the long run? Tax payers. The situation is so bad that even the pro PO mainstream media has no option but to criticize them, because what else can they do?
19 Jun 2014
News / Poland's interior minister and the central bank chief recorded [28]

Another scandal. I wonder if this'll do it or it will take something more for people to realize PO are a bunch of crooks.

For quite a while PO's only argument has been 'okay there's been another mess up, but do you want PiS to run the country?.'

Hopefully this won't fly anymore and they get kicked out soon, or at the latest, during elections.
31 May 2014
News / Has the mainstream media in Poland made too much of what 17 year old school girl said to premier Tusk [41]

No your logic is flawed. It's like saying bang or screw is the same as f*ck, because people also use those words to describe having sex. They mean different things though. They are not synonymes of the word f*ck. Anyway to f*ck someone is another way of saying to have sex with them, and there are also other words that can be used for love making.

You might speak it fluently but you're not Polish. I'm sure you speak it with a heavy accent and it's not your first language. You may have no problems speaking and understanding the language in general, but not like a Polish person.