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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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9 Feb 2012
Work / I Want to offer a Telesales Job to 5 Brit Expats however... [19]

I'd add that there are a lot of people who see the forum but never post and from time to time people ask here about work for English speakers who aren't qualified to teach but have a commercial background.
8 Feb 2012
Love / Living with a Polish man, but he has a drinking problem? [60]

First the nephew then.....?

An acquaintance (also called Anita) was married to a heavy drinker who used to get nasty. She strangled him in self-defence one night. The case was thrown out of court but not until she'd been on remand for several months waiting for a murder trial. Problem drinking affects everyone around the drinker and is usually too big a problem for their partner to endure alone. You admit there's a pretty big problem (after all, you're asking about it from an internet fora) and sadly such problems usually get worse.

You obviously still love him, but standing between you is alcohol, a toxic chemical. You need to give yourself some space. If he sobers upo, fine. There are Polish language AA meetings in the UK, but if not, this problem will not get better.
8 Feb 2012
Love / Living with a Polish man, but he has a drinking problem? [60]

He's with the girl and her parents as far as I know

'With the girl' is the important part of that phrase. Don't be a doormat, walk away from the situation and you'll slowly but surely start to feel better.
8 Feb 2012
Real Estate / Good places to live in Krakow [20]

It's actually not that dangerous and has superb architecture, nice wide streets and cheap places to eat.
8 Feb 2012
Love / Living with a Polish man, but he has a drinking problem? [60]

I can't have a relationship with some one who's culture accepts this kind of behaviour as normal, and I can't believe this is true ?

Get away and stay away, As soon as possible. This situation will not get better, only worse. It is only partly a cultural problem in that toe-rags of different cultures express their worthlessness in different ways. Move on, you will find better.
8 Feb 2012
History / Lwów, Wilno ... kresy - Poland have lost enormoust part of our heritage... [389]

west Ukraine belongs to Ukraine and west Belarus belongs to Belarus

Yes, however so many borders have changed and so many people moved and irredentism has become so discredited that the only sense of a territory in Europe 'belonging' somewhere is a matter for current residents' wishes, regardless of any nationality or historical issues.

in the end we are all one people Slavic

Nonsense and trolling.
7 Feb 2012
Genealogy / What ethnicity would you say a person would be if someone came from kresy Poland [41]

No but one can say that if someone has a German surname that they partially decent from Germans ect

Often without any ethnicity. Their great-great-great-great-great grandfather may have been the last to have had any contact with Germany - everyone else being from elsewhere. English people with Norman surnames may have had no contact with France for 15 generations.

Ethnicity is nothing anyway. Who you are, what you achieve and what you're like as a person is all that matters.
7 Feb 2012
Life / The major religion of Poland? [33]

a non- Catholic Pole I don't think there is such a thing.

There are Polish Orthodox, Anglicans, various types of Protestant, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, a very long-standing Muslim community, Jews, Bahai's and plenty of Atheists.
6 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

the north of Ireland is occupied by 'Brits' not prods.

Sinn Fein standing in free and fair elections doesn't fit any known definition of occupation.

It's quite possible that even without the USSR actually playing a role, Poland would have gone Communist after WW2.

There were certainly always plenty of Polish socialists, then and now.
5 Feb 2012
News / Wisława Szymborska died. [30]

It doesn't need to be uplifting to be poetry - or to rhyme. She (and Milosz) were the two greats of late 20th Century poetry in Poland.
5 Feb 2012
Travel / Any Halal Restaurants in Krakow? [34]

any Halal restaurants in Krakow city centre

There are some Turkish and Arab places - mostly kebabs, and in Kazimierz there are some kosher restaurants.
5 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

Where in my simple question "Do Polish Jews first identify themselves as Polish or Jewish?" do you think I'm really asking about someone's fate in WW2 or "pretending to imagine something worse?

Read the whole thread very carefully.

I ask about why you keep bringing up the murder of the Jews

Look at the thread title.

the innocent Polish taxpayers today who could be on the hook for them.

Why would the 'innocent Polish taxpayers' (of which, by the way, I am one and you are not) be 'on the hook' in the matter of returning property to a community?

When will Poland get reparation for all the land and property it lost which was a result of Berlin and Moscow? Or does that concern you at all?

That is a whole different issue, though you may want to check out the ziemia odzyskana.

Jews or Poles should individually follow the proper procedures in getting restitution for these properties. That is the only fair thing to do.

And nobody is suggesting otherwise. There will be restitution.
5 Feb 2012
Law / Is there a legal requirement for us to support aging parents in Poland? [26]

they are demanding money from adult children unseen for years. Social welfare and the courts are tough: you have to pay.

Yes. There have been some well publicised cases over the years. Including one about a woman living in a small flat with teenage kids who had to send money to her mother who lived in a 300sqm house.
5 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

Hahahaha are you ever so upset

Not in the slightest.

Will you call up Nigel


It is called the golden rule.

Check out the meaning of that phrase.

I decline your invitation now and forever. I have read this thread and many of the posts are from people who were in Poland during the time of Soviet hegemony and thay say that it was an occupation

Why not check out the meaning of occupation. We've already established that compromised though the PRL was, it most definitely wasn't an occupation.

especially since so many of the butchered were dismembered at the behest of his majesty's government.

How many Poles were "dismembered at the behest of his majesty's government".

Now stop trolling and run along.

Again - Western propoganda. The Communist system generally did quite a good job of getting people into liveable accommodation - the huge building projects in the 50's all the way through to the 80's are testament to that.

Plus schools, hospitals, all the stuff they hadn't been good at before or since when profit reared it's ugly head.

Open the history books and you'll see it in black and white - he was regarded as being one of the better Communists - and was seen as someone who was able to do what was best for Poland. Never wondered why martial law was such a shock? Nothing to do with the repression - but everything to do with who was repressing.

A sound point and very much at the heart of it.
5 Feb 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

We already know about Jews being murdered. But what does that have to do with this issue?

I cannot believe you are so naive that in a thread about WW2 in a forum about Poland you have to ask that question.

Also if will they be required to pay for the upkeep and past taxes on the property?

I imagine that could be deducted from a notional back rent.

Do Polish Jews identify themselves first as being Polish or Jewish?

Again, extreme naivete if you imagine (or something worse if you only pretend to imagine) that made the slightest difference to someone's WW2 fate.
4 Feb 2012
Work / Warsaw or Krakow - what is the better place to work in? [19]

There are certainly people like that, however there's at least as many with a bit more free time, disposable income (usually) and joie de vivre. The people you mention are often from outside Warsaw, really feel they've arrived because they have a job there and buy the most expensive flat they can afford. There are plenty with a less frenetic attitude to life.