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Joined: 3 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 467 / In This Archive: 387
From: polonia, usa
Speaks Polish?: nada
Interests: everything

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10 Apr 2012
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

^ This is untrue. The Irish were already coming to America in large numbers in the mid-19th Century, before either the Poles or the Italians, nor do ethnic jokes in America switch from one ethnicity to another in the manner claimed. Polish, Italian, Irish, and Mexican jokes exist, and have existed, concurrently here.

Ethnic jokes started with the ethnics who immigrated to America. Polish jokes came from Poles, Italian jokes came from Italians and so on and so forth. Native born Americans don't know enough about Europeans or Asians to create jokes. Americans are ignorant of anything outside of America.

Who are your countrymen? I know several American friends who drink before going out to a bar. It saves them money that way. I don't think it's as much specific to a particular country as it is just something some people do to save money if they plan on getting drunk when going out versus going out to just have fun.

BS, Europeans are much harder drinkers than any American. Beer on the British Isles, Vodka in Northern Europe, wine everywhere else. Growing up in ethnic Chicago it wasn't unusual to see Polish (recent arrivals from post war Europe) drunks literally sleeping in the gutter on a Saturday.

If Poles feel ashamed of their heritage it's because of the baggage they carry from the old country. Most likely due to the European class system than anything here in America. The biggest story is Americans think Poles are stupid because of Nazi propaganda from WWII. Hello! America was fighting the Nazi's in WWII, they wouldn't have believed anything Hitler had to say!

If anyone asks me my ethnic heritage I tell them I'm a polak from Chicago, end of story. But you know what? I have a hard time remembering the last time when someone asked me.
6 Apr 2012
News / US-POLAND special relationship [20]

Watching that same address from Sikorski & Clinton, she and Sikorski made it clear that Poland will not yet be included and that there are more hoops to jump through. I'm interested in where you got that part from, perhaps it's a different source than the ones I follow?

As has been mentioned in previous posts the Polish government is the one who doesn't want Polish emigration to the USofA. It has nothing to do with the US government.
24 Mar 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

grubas: It not that Poles don't want to breed they simply can't afford it in this sad,anti citizen,opressive country..

Moral of the story Poland needs more of a social safety net and higher wages, the babies will follow. But the Polish government doesn't represent the best interests of the Poles, it gets it's marching orders from the European elite. Immigration won't solve their diaspora.
23 Mar 2012
Food / How toxic is industrial salt? (some food factories in Poland used it for sausages) [49]

throw it away if you are cautious - if you are less cautious just gobble it :) - up for a bet? I bet you will be fine (unless the sauerkraut's gone bad)

you could do what my dad does with his jar of sauerkraut, he leaves it in the cupboard all year and brings it out for Christmas dinner. Nobody eats it, so he puts it back in the cupboard for another year. (Sadly after about seven years his wife noticed the sell by date and chucked it)

I think I'll chuck it. Back to American for me as the only other alternative is Bavarian in my neck of the woods. But I do like sauerkraut.
22 Mar 2012
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

If Poles are making as much money as you say than there is no justification for the low salaries that cause people to move.
21 Mar 2012
Life / Struggling young Polish couple - try to solve their problem [176]

I agree with f stop, property ownership is the ideal of yesteryear.

I see you have drank the kool-aid. Renting is for short term living only! Rent is not a long term solution. With home ownership you get equity that you don't get with rent. With ownership you are responsible for the repairs. Rent and try to get your landlord to fix something, lots of luck. Over time housing should appreciate, all you're going to get with rent is ... rising rents. The Middle Class in America gets its wealth from land ownership, make no mistake about that.

What is said for Ireland can be said for Poland. Both countries are not generating their own wealth. All their income is from out of country corporations in search of cheap labor. Internal businesses and innovation is not occuring, both countries are losing their best and brightest to emigration because of lack of opportunity and low wages. Poland and Ireland's futures are still in flux.
17 Mar 2012
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

That's what I meant. The Polish government has to change things via the official channels, not some group/ newspaper somewhere in the US.

Poland or the EU probably requested the US not to grant visas to Poles. They probably wanted the Poles to supply Europe with qualified low cost labor. There is a huge population of Poles in the US so assimilation is relatively easy. If Visas were available, Poles would have gone to America. There's no reason for the US not to grant visas to Poles.
16 Mar 2012
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

It's the duty of the Polish government to solve this issue, and not that of some lobbyist group in the US. This reminds me too much of the AIPAC and how they interfere in local politics over here.

It doesn't make sense that Poland is treated differently by the US. It must originate in Poland by the Polish Government. Poles should be petitioning their government.
15 Mar 2012
Food / Corned Beef in Krakow [7]

I've got few small cans of it if you want to pick it up. Nobody likes the stuff. PM me.

Fresh off the brisket, ohlala!
13 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

Only if you consider *pizza*as food.
In my home pizza is NOT permitted any food status. Period. Shop ordered pizza is not very hygienically prepared, either. Pizza is a *food* served by LAZY mothers.

Mama Mia!!

I love how everyone is benevolently planning my future life Poland. It's very sweet. It's like listening to a large group of friends and family at the dinner table.

Polish dinner table

Actually, while we're at it, why not find me a husband as well. Any takers? :)))

Is that what you want? Post some pictures, we'll give ya our opinion.
12 Mar 2012

It's a shortcut to indicate the total intolerance, gender megalomania and rejection of compromise of the pro-feminsit agenda which often ignores the other 50% of the planet's inhabitants

Total intolerance? gender magalomania? rejection of compromise? Ignores 50% of the planet's inhabitants? Sounds like the Roman Catholic Church.
11 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

Plan, plan, plan, think, think, think...just do it. Quit your job and move back to Poland. You have nothing to lose as I and other people have mentioned, you could always move back. The more you think and plan the less likely that you'll move back and than you'll get the shoulda coulda woulda's.
9 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

The only way to answer that is for you to move back to Poland. If you don't like it you can always move back to the states. The only thing I would add is that from my experience moving, is that traveling as a tourist is not like moving somewhere, they are entirely different experiences.
5 Mar 2012
Love / Bicultural marriage between Mexican and Polish HELP [6]


Try here: bfm.admin.ch/content/bfm/en/home.html and here: sweden.se/eng/Home/Work/ here too: norway.no/temaside/tema.asp?id=101

And another: expatindenmark.com/Documents/Living%20and%20Working%20in%20Denmark.pdf

Above countries listed have the bucks.
28 Feb 2012

The whole thread is an example of the class system in England and how the upper and middle classes treat the working class with absolute contempt. The Polish immigrant is caught in the middle. They were brought in solely to give the finger to the working class. One of the few political outlets that the working class has is going on strike and acting difficult on the job but they even took that away by bringing in the Poles. Your safely ensconced in Florida and far away from this nonsense, count your blessings.
25 Feb 2012

Poles in U.K. or Mexicans in U.S. or Algerians in France is not the problem.

True Marek, but on top of all this England has a crushing class system that sucks out all the vitality of the citizenry. It's no accident that 10% of the English population are expatriated in foreign countries.
24 Feb 2012
News / Becoming non-EUnuch -> giving up your share of handouts. [36]

Countries like Greece and Spain are, geographically, in a better position to export than countries like Germany. They should actually be ahead of the Germans and charging Germany to use their ports. Don't they realize this?

It's the Euro. It's too strong for their economies. Why buy something from Greece when it's so expensive. For instance produce, if I can buy lettuce from Poland when the zloty is 0.30 to the dollar why buy from Greece when the Euro is 1.30 to the dollar. I can buy a lot more Polish lettuce with that exchange rate.

Nonsense! For most (if not all) members of the EU, Germany is either the largest or second largest trading partner for both exports and imports. There is no EU or Euro without Germany, whether you like it or not, and I'm pretty sure they have a different idea of who the parasites really are.

Europe misses a strong England to counter weight Germany.
22 Feb 2012
News / Becoming non-EUnuch -> giving up your share of handouts. [36]

In contrast, Greek GDP has been decreasing for 6-7% a year for the last two years. The forecast for this year, according to the statistics in the new deal, is a decrease of 4.3% – most likely too optimistic – followed by a 0% growth in 2013 and – probably overly optimistic – a growth of 2.3% in 2014.

The point being Greece's GDP has been decreasing due to the fact they have no control over their currency. It's ridiculous that it is as expensive for me to travel to Greece as it was for me to take a couple of days in Frankfurt between connecting flights. Greece should be a lot cheaper and if it was they would be able to grow their economy. The Euro is a cheap Mark and an expensive Drachma.
21 Feb 2012
News / Becoming non-EUnuch -> giving up your share of handouts. [36]

You do realise that countless people in Poland are dependent upon EU cash for their livelihoods? The EU has allowed the insane small peasant farmholdings to be viable, for a start.

Poland should break out the checkbook. Polish welfare is the responsibility of the Polish Government (actually the Polish people). This is bad precedent for Poland as they think they're not responsible for the social conditions in Poland. You can't solve social problems in Poland or Greece from Belgium.

Currency is meaningless, the painful measures (and the point blank refusal to pay for some of what they did) is what helped them. Greece could have perfectly well told the banks to get lost too, but there's a world of difference between owning a few billion and the massive amount that the Greeks owe.

Currency isn't meaningless, it should reflect the goods and services of your country. Iceland was able to devalue the currency. I traveled to Greece within the past year, it was just as expensive as Germany. Ridiculous, it should have been a lot cheaper but the Euro keeps prices artificially high thus the Greeks can't get out of their financial predicament and Germany continues to export to Greece and the rest of the peripherally. The Euro's been a boom for the Germans.

Hardly. Greece is in that situation because they've cheated themselves for years, not because of Germany or anyone else. The Netherlands are a comparable size - are they in trouble? No.

It's not about morals it's all about money.

EU money isn't about handouts/charity: it's strictly business. The monies moved by governments is for infrastructure dependent on private business, corporations and individuals investing in Poland or expected to be invested.

Poland needs to invest in Poland
20 Feb 2012
News / Becoming non-EUnuch -> giving up your share of handouts. [36]

Yes Poland, give it back. Iceland was in the same situation as Greece but had the currency to tell the bankers to go squat, last week they were rated investment grade. Don't give up the zloty, or Germany will make you into another Greece.
17 Feb 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

I want communism back. Now, I have said it.

You want your youth back.
15 Feb 2012
Love / More loveless sex of Poles living in the regained lands [73]

Ho hum, how are we defining love here?

Only if the relationship is outside of marriage.

The Roman Catholic Church is Right Wing. It's not by coincidence that Hitler, Mussolini and Franco were Roman Catholic or that the Catholic monasteries assisted Nazi's in escaping from post WWII Germany. The Republican party has drifted far right due to the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, just this past week at the CPAC convention Huckabee said "we're all Catholic now". Left wing Catholics? No such thing. The fact is the Roman Catholic Church quit being Christian when Constantine took it over in 300 AD, Rome changed the Church the Church didn't change Rome. It's not a Christina religion, it's a political organization.
12 Feb 2012
Love / More loveless sex of Poles living in the regained lands [73]

Course you are. You constantly post about people having sex, it's like some sort of obsession

Very Roman Catholic, always fuming about sex. It's like that guy Skibnewski on another thread who recommended loveless marriage, as of course love is fleeting. Women are to be bred like cattle, that's their role as of course intimate relations between a man and woman is inherently evil. And as science advances we won't need sex at all just breed 'em out of test tubes. How clinical, how moral, how Roman Catholic. Heil Hitler! (oops, I meant the Pope).
