History /
Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]
Social programs, low crime, no unemployment, free education, free medicare, same standards for all.
only free medical care and low crime are enough to see pros of socialism over capitalism.
title is wrong: true democracy is in socialism. capitalism dont give any freedom, you just think so while you dont.
however, past socialism, especially russian socialism was not a true socialism, was used only as a tool to gain power.
to understand which is better, socialism or capitalism, you need to think whole world with one system only.
capitalism as single system in world has been experienced for centuries and has always failed over and over. So, all should admit this CAPITALISM is A PROBLEM as it doesnt care others, but, only egos.
socialism as single system in world has never been experienced. Fake socialism experienced and partially regionally. Should be improved further... Imagine and think all resources are used by public of world with no border anywhere and free health, etc. Science will have developed highly and cures will easily be found to cureless illnesses such as cancers because humans will not have to worry about incomes, hard living conditions etc and they will focus themselves more on science, art, love, etc. Thinking these, SOCIALISM is A HOPE.
if you dont work for hopes, you live with problems. as its been happening for long time and now.