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Posts by gumishu  

Joined: 6 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 14 Jan 2025
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Posts: Total: 6228 / In This Archive: 3025
From: Poland, Opole vicinity
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19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

gumishu wants to talk about fire

I am talking about vulnerability of the spruce to fires to prove you wrong and show the world that you actually don't know what you are talking about despite having a diploma in the field - so again how does spruce suppress fires according to you?
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

you haven't addressed the points made in the article at all - I guess you refuse you - because well you know better?

So, to divert attention away from the tripling of logging in Bialowieza

logging in Białowieża outside the strictly protected areas like the National Park took place also in the years 2012-2015 (i.e. during PO rule) - the thing the limits were too low to stop the gradation of the spruce bark beetle - it was a rotten compromise on the side of PO simply - it didn't resolve any issues
19 Sep 2017
Language / Phonetics' Question Regarding the Production of the 'r' sound in Polish. [9]

hi Stanley - Polish r is definitely a trill but quite a short one (with around three not very pronounced taps) - if you are trying to pronounce it the Spanish way (very trilled) it sounds unnatural in Polish - those Poles who can pronounce the trill can pronounce the R's the Spanish way but they don't normally do so in Polish - hope that helps

btw I had problems with the R sound myself as a kid up to about 6 years of age

oh well - and I have trouble getting around to pronounce R as a single tap (which some languages require)
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Why are you posting links to propaganda that is directly controlled by PiS? Of course they're going to justify it.

please point to the untruths in the article if there are any - instead of dismissing it outright as propaganda - and PiS does NOT control Gazeta Polska - Gazeta Polska just happens to support the government - you are yourself spreading anti-PiS propaganda - unashamedly
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

I guess you never read what contradicts your point of view but hey maybe you will try this time - niezalezna.pl/78325-obalamy-mity-ekologow-o-puszczy-bialowieskiej-prawda-jest-calkiem-inna

and again - am I wrong when I say that spruce bark is not even 1cm thick on the biggest species which makes the species vulnerable to fires - your authority is on the scales you know

or please explain how does spruce is able to suppress fires
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]


where do you sea clear cut here - I can see plenty of trees standing

because you are just the useful prompt that is enabling me to put this information out more widely in this debate, to allow other sensible grown ups to make up their own minds about what is happening and why.

and with the spruce somehow promoting fires or being able to suppress fires you are actually making yourself look like a fool - so behold everybody who reads this thread - despite the fact that this guy (CasualObserver) holds a PhD in the general subject of the thread he doesn't actually know what he's talking about
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

felled oak:

how can you tell the felled ok was in Białowieża - does it show in the photos

clear cuttings - where all trees are infested what is there to leave

No, it can suppress fire. It is not vulnerable nor resistant to fire, it is adapted to the risk of fire. Pine promotes fire.

at first you said all conifers promote fires - spruce is a conifer, no - and suddenly it doesn't promote fires but somehow manages to suppress them - how am I supposed to believe you know what you are talking about
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Tell me, gumbo, have you ever been to this forest?

no I haven't been to THIS forest - but I doubt your report to be honest - and even if a couple of oaks were felled it doesn't really matter on the grand scale - and on the grand scale I very much doubt the felling looks like a wholesale one (i.e. everything goes)

No, it can suppress fire

suppress fire - spruce - how - are you able to explain this? even its needles are full of resin and you are talking about suppressing fires
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Never said it was 'resistant', old chum. I pointed that out to you earlier

if it's not resistant then it is vulnerable no? as you would expect from a tree with a half centimeter of bark - now look at Scottish pine aka sosna zwyczajna and how thick it's bark becomes at the bottom of the trunk - no minor undergrowth fire can harm as opposite to spruce
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

so Casual - can you explain how spruce is fire resistant with like half centemeter of bark on the biggest examples?

and your proof that all species are equally felled is hmm anectodal you know - you know the word I guess
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

what they've done to Pride of Poland

what is this thing - never heard of this - I know that PiS managed to hike the value of Orlen by more than 20 per cent during their rule - and this counts in billions - you heard about Orlen haven't you?
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]


btw as far as I know almost pure spruce stands or majority spruce stands only developed in Białowieża forest after an extensive period of logging during the I World War by Germans
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Well, I'm a PhD forest scientist, yes, my young serf.

please explain how in your theory spruce if fire tolerant
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

do you know the typical habitat of spruce - ever heard that it's called Norway spruce in English - do you still think spruce (aka Norway spruce) is fire tolerant
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Thankyou for your learned statement.

oh and you are an authority on the subject - please enlighten me your highness

and a paranoid authority at that - who would have thunk
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

No, I said it was "fire adapted". Like all conifers. Not nearly as fire adapted as Pine, but a lot more than Oak or Hornbeam.

bullshit my friend - spruce is completely vulnerable to wildfires - that it has resin proves nothing - in fact if anything spruce resin makes it even more vulnerable
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

No. I was there, and I saw it. How about you, where do you get your information from?

I doubt you can tell a spruce from an oak - after all you said spruce is a wildfire-resistant tree
15 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

The forest has survived for a long time. Only man can kill it.

first of all these were not pictures from the National Park of Białowieża aka strict reserve
secondly milions of square kilometers of spruce forests were wiped out in Germany by the bark beetle - ESPECIALLY the national parks - they look like a desert at the moment
15 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Tourists pay quite a lot of money to have tours of the forest, I have seen them advertised. It is a jewel in Poland's crown.

will tourists pay to see this?

dead spruce Białowieża

or maybe this

more dead spruce
14 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Did you even know that spruce and pine are fire-adapted trees?

spruce is definitely not a fire-adapted tree- because of it's thin bark it dies in most forest fires and so do its seeds
12 Sep 2017
News / Poland to join anti-ISIS coalition [22]

That statue is quite pathetic

the actual statue has not been mounted there yet - it's only the pedestal topped with an information board
10 Sep 2017
Life / Polish Attitudes toward America [36]

Zero evidence of Germans paying Poles to buy land for them ! It is difficult enough to buy farmland if you are Polish.

it happened in the past before the new restrictions - starting back then when land was first given for sale by Agencja Nieruchomości Rolnych
9 Sep 2017
Life / Polish Attitudes toward America [36]

Anyhow, I heard they are buying property in Poland on a massive scale.

they are buying property or rather already bought swathes of land through Polish "słupy" = people with little money but ready to be willless instruments in the hands of Germans - mostly in previous German territory - they offer much higher prices than local farmers can afford - there was an effort to curb this by current governmet (like dolnoslask said) but it's hardly perfect
8 Sep 2017
Life / Polish Attitudes toward America [36]

Important EU member state

right now Macron and Merkel are diggin up the foundations of the EU - namely the freedom of capital movement and freedom of business operations - I am not sure this is the same EU they are envisioning we agreed upon in 2004 - there is also of course the issue of immigrant quotas - should I also mention that Polish farmers receive 2 times lower subsidies than their German counterparts (not to mention the French farmers) - or that Germany despite loud outcries against Putin is actually essentially in bed with him (see NordStream 2)
8 Sep 2017
Life / Polish Attitudes toward America [36]

Most Germans just repeat what they hear on the news and are not shy about expressing their (uninformed) negative views especially about America,

we need America to be a counter-weight to Germany and protection against Russia - most Poles view Americans favourably - even Trump is not despised in Poland for the most part
7 Sep 2017
Life / What has Poland accomplished in the science and technology field? [22]

The Russians are notorious as crooks and thieves world wide. And then you as a Pole want them to steal yet another piece of your history, a great mathematician??!

Marku, Łobaczewski spent all his life in Russia. He was a child of Russian speaking parents. if he had any Polish ancestry (of which there is no mention in sources) it must have been a couple generations before