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Posts by frd  

Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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24 May 2010
Life / Apple v IBM computers in Poland [37]

The truth is Mac users are using Windows emulator on Mac for certain applications.. that clrearly says something about Mac platform..
24 May 2010
Life / Apple v IBM computers in Poland [37]

IBM computers

IBM computer is any desktop pc out there beside Apple, IBM released the architecture prints for free for everyone hence making IT powerful as it is now. Lucky us ; )
23 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

hehe they were public officials so I guess it all works along what I've said earlier :)
I'm happy you're agreeing with me. I can say the same about you knowing the basics after looking at what you're saying here. I can see we can't convince each other about anything so it's worthless to continue this off-topic. Fullstop.

I'm happy it all went through without insults so common on these forums. See you in another thead.
23 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

If you're really opposed welfare, you need to study a little more and then you'll understand that in regards to the working man it's just a slogan.

I never said I'm opposed to welfare, but I won't get over the idea that a public company is somewhat better than a private one. It's not about some historical truths. It's just common knowledge to anyone who doesn't have a thinking proccess straight from social-commie-nanny state past. The country won't do everything for you, you'll have to work for your wage with your skills that's the way it works.
23 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

You just described the banks and some large corporations.

Not exactly, lets imagine you're a head of a big company you've got inefficient workers clearly slacking off - you're gonna fire them straight away. Because you're the one paying them, and you're the one loosing money when your workers are inefficient. It doesn't work that was in some public sector areas. People get same amount of public money whether they are nice to their clients or not, or when they are drinking tea instead of working - it doesn't really make any difference to the head of such office because he gets same amound of money anyways. When you see 2 people are doing the job that could be done by one person you know how to improve the situation. And in post commie public companies kicking out some "Pani Jola z okienka" is unthinkinable. It's the same in Hospitals and Universities. In universities there are old workers who teach old dated stuff kept for no reasons there are even courses created just to keep them in staff.

I'm not talking privatization is the only good way, certain changes would really be helpful though.
23 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

This negroe criminal learned the hard way that he can't "f#k da police" in Poland. :)

Well, from the news it is hard to tell if he really commited something serious enough to get "shot". Knowning Polish police it might have been an accidental gun shot and they are just trying to cover the whole thing.

They did say he had been charged of being a tax fraud earlier on the other hand it's probably a pretty common type of crime among people who are illegal vendors at those kinds of markets.
23 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

Workers get booted when they fail, when their bosses fail, when banks fail.

It's not true at least in the public sector, I know people who work for the public sector fi in hospitals or in city councils. Great example is hiring 10 cleaning ladies where 2 would be sufficient - that means 8 people getting paid for nothing. In a private company this situation is unthinkinable and any normally thinking boss would have booted these people. And this was just an example it's like that everywhere in the public sector. Wherever people are working and not getting paid of for what they do and how they do it.
23 May 2010
Language / Is czarnoskóry acceptable? [21]

Ehh we are all on the way to be shushing when somebody is talking about gender, age, idiocrasies, cars he has got, because oh it could hurt his feelings.. I will use whatever I need to describe a person. And I will never use it to insult him.
23 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

And what does he articulate, frd?

I'm talking about the politics, both of these man represent interest and beliefs of their parties. Kaczynski won't be different from his brother on that matter - and if I may recall - Lech said that he will block every bill created by PO's gov. In my opinion they are not to be though of as nations representatives per se, but rather as arms and elbows of their parties.

Besides both of these man are similar in appearance, the way they talk. It's really hard to judge Komorowski nowadays because he has 3 roles to play - Marshal, President, and the candidate. I'm not very fond of him but at the same time I wholeheartedly hate JK. So as I said in earlier posts it's a matter of lesser evil. Beside I would really like to see Komorowski without the pressure he's under.
23 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

well I though you gonna say something along these lines. It's just the recent thing I remember about him, I'd have to google the other stuff, I'm not gonna bother - this thread doesn't deserve to include this charlatan in the conversation.
23 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

Oh, right

Torq I remember him talking on the radio ( I think it was rmf.fm ) it was after the Smolensk plane crash, he was talking that "finally hopefully now politics will understand / or choose the way of a peaceful negotiations and peaceful politics and that he is lobbing for gentleman's dialogue. And I'd like to recall to Mr Marek Jurek how he called people who had a different point of view they he had "murderers" (I'm talking about him calling people who were attanding pro abortion match).

And no I don't want to talk about abortion there. He said that so he has no right to suddenly preach people how to talk with others when he is showing off such boorish behaviour.
23 May 2010
Language / Is czarnoskóry acceptable? [21]

Why the need to mention their skin in the first place?

I'd say in Poland where the percentage of people other than Poles not even mentioning those of other skin colour is really small it's a way to limit the number of guessing when telling somebody about someone. In other countries where people of colour come in bigger quantities it might be a problem. I would make a problem of it here. When there's one black person living in a city and you don't know his name you won't be beating around the bush getting your political correctness worked up you're just gonna say the first word that comes to your mind.
23 May 2010
Language / Is czarnoskóry acceptable? [21]

Poland hasn't got to that phase yet, the one were people are quarelling over words - stuff like firewoman - strażaczka? naah we don't have enough time on our hands. It will come with time and wealth...
23 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]


haha that's a very good description, they are conservative catholic-socialists the worst amalgam..

Yeah, we've had that lesson in economics in the last couple of years.

But you can't deny that workers working in private sector are doing it to keep their job and for their company to succeed, if they fail they get booted. Contrary to public sector where bureaucratization runs rapant and people can just slack off spending their lifes doing nothing. There are pros and cons.

Jurek is a Catholic facist

I agree and an effing hypocrite on that matter.
23 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

A young aggressive afroamerican man has been shot dead by a polish policeman in Warsaw's Prague.

Nigerian , who died with a shot from police weapons could be saved . The police , however, were constantly attacked by the crowd . It was great excitement - said on TVN 24 Mariusz Sokolowski, a police spokesman . Contact platform TVN24 got a video that says a spokesman , shows the situation after the incident . After Sunday's challenge police with a group of foreigners died in Warsaw's Praga 36 -year-old Nigerian , was hit with police weapons.

It happaned near the "Stadion" marketplace. Criminal police members were checking on the vendors and got attacked by them. Officials said that Police has met with unbelievable aggression. Vendors were throwing chairs and tried to take away the pistol of one of the inspectors.

One of the policeman is wounded and in the hospital.
22 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

I see Komorowski as lesser evil hence I'll be voting for him. I generally like PO but something about him just makes me cringe, maybe it's his village bumpkin looks, certain plainness.. I don't like the way he's talking either, he already commited several faux pas and it's only the beginning. On the other hand one should take into consideration that he's acts as a marshal and president and is participating in the election as a candidate. I suspect he doesn't have much time to be everywhere..

Oh.. Kaczyński is giving a speech on tvn24, it makes me cringe even more, all those lambs cheering for him..
22 May 2010
Law / British married to a Polish woman and they have a son. Son's British Passport? [65]

I kind of agree with hague although Harry has got interesting views on certain things from time to time and seems to have a bit of knowledge about history or a lot of time to google, his posts are often biased.

Show us the lie.

I'd say he isn't lieing but he tends to obscure his mistakes with edubabble and ignore points which he can't counter. I can bring up the Polish Paratroopers over Netherlands thread I asked certain questions he answered where in the article I'm supposed to find whatever he was talking about - I read pages he mentioned twice didn't find it. I don't even bother answering him when he goes into that "foam on mouth" mode because I know I won't change a thing.

Thing is we have no idea why they separated in the first place or her motivations,

Yeah, I have to agree.. we can't tell from what she posted if the father was beating his kid and his wife or was the break her fault.

Anyways, I still think Poland is no different from other countries around the world and would protect its nationals.

Does she really need the passport to take her kid out of UK.. I mean european union members can move freely across Europe whenever they want to..
22 May 2010
Law / British married to a Polish woman and they have a son. Son's British Passport? [65]

That is very bad attitude, a child needs both parents to grow up in a stable family environment.

Of course it does. But in some cases it's a just wishful thinking. Something is clearly dodgy if someone is asking for a passport. She lies and therefore I doubt he's gonna grow up in a mentally stable environment if it starts like that.

Spot on

Nope, it's like that in every country, every country tries to protect its nationals... that's simple stuff really and Poland is no different.
20 May 2010
USA, Canada / Why do Americans (and Canadians) hate Polish people? [226]

It's that kind of attitude that will win you friends in many respectable places :)

Seanus it works two ways, some will say what've just said and some will say and post threads here about how polish people can't fight back, don't talk back are quite and submissive heh where ever you go there's a minefield and.. haters gonna hate.

These forums are a very good example - lots of threads with exactly contrary ideas about what poles are like and so on..

And on the more on the topic note I don't think they do. As I said haters gonna hate, and you'll find the worse kind of haters on the internet. Where ever you look there's language bastardization and insults fly rapant. People you meet on the internet should never, under any circumstances, be a generalization of others, and your base to judge them or stick labels to them.
19 May 2010
News / Flood situation worsens in southern Poland [119]

Silesian Uni of Technology got closed for 2 days, they had to turn off all the power along with server rooms ( they switched to computer center in Katowice ), from what I know 2 faculties got slightly flooded. The road through Sośnica was partially blocked yesterday.

(I had to change my route because a car died on somebody in the middle of the road pretty close to the dorms, I was afraid I'm gonna kill the engine trying to pass through there), 2 districts of Zabrze got flooded too.