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Joined: 3 Jul 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Apr 2012
Threads: Total: 27 / In This Archive: 13
Posts: Total: 1268 / In This Archive: 379

Interests: being a caveman

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20 Dec 2008
Love / Foreign Men and Polish Girls for Citizenship [59]

You are right man. And then they bring back home hiv or all other fcuking diseases. I've got a friend, she's half nigerian. Nice, pretty girl. Father left her mother when she was a little child and went to France or England. The only thing he took from PL was the polish passport. From that day she have never heard of the guy.
18 Dec 2008
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

look at Zdzislaw Beksinskis official site. its a piece of atr itself (the link to purchase his works is ugly tho):


Tomasz Baginski:


video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5203670797690047015&ei=ZLxKSY ziOZP2iAKwnNHKCw&q=katedra+bagi%C5%84ski&hl=pl

Fallen Art:

dailymotion.pl/video/x3ieu1_fallen-art-hq-tomek-baginski_shortfil ms
13 Dec 2008
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

from the Wiki:

The painting was acquired in Italy by Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, the son of Izabela Czartoryska and Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski in 1798 and incorporated into the Czartoryskis' family collections at Puławy in 1800. The inscription on the top-left hand corner of the painting, LA BELE FERIONIERE. LEONARD D'AWINCI., was probably added by a restorer shortly after its arrival in Poland,[4] and before the background was overpainted.[5] Czartoryski was clearly aware that it was a Leonardo, though the painting had not ever been discussed in print; unfortunately, there is no record of any previous owner.

13 Dec 2008
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

Ha, now you're talking :)

Josef Chelmonski - Czworka

3 Dec 2008
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

Have you been to the poster gallery?

few years ago but thanks for reminding me about the gallery. will go there next week

Do you know the one and who is it by?

dont really remember but here is site about horses in polish paintings: artyzm.com/e_theme.php?id=8&
3 Dec 2008
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

I translate it as "god's reward"

it's 'may God repay you' whitch simply means 'thank you'

wieslaw walkuski

agree. his works are great
3 Dec 2008
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

Baltic, not Slavic.

lives and works in Poland for 29 years, he's of Polish descent

Great thread guys.:)

Bóg zapłać
3 Dec 2008
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

starting with...

Stanisław Wyspiański (January 15, 1869-November 28, 1907) was an Polish playwright, painter and poet, as well as interior and furniture designerundefined

Juliusz Fortunat Kossak (December 15, 1824 - February 3, 1899) was a Polish painter. He was the father of painter Wojciech Kossak and the grandfather of painter Jerzy Kossak.

Wojciech Kossak (Paris, France, December 31, 1857 - July 29, 1942, Kraków, Poland) was a Polish painter and member of the celebrated Kossak family of painters and writers. He was the son of painter Juliusz Kossak and father of painter Jerzy Kossak.

Jan Matejko (also known as Jan Mateyko; June 24, 1838, Free City of Kraków; - November 1, 1893, Kraków) was a Polish painter known for paintings of notable historical Polish political and military events. His most famous works include oil on canvas paintings like Battle of Grunwald, paintings of numerous other battles and court scenes, and a gallery of Polish kings. He is counted among the most famous Polish painters

Zdzisław Beksiński (24 February 1929 - 21 February 2005) was a renowned Polish painter, photographer, and sculptor who is best known as a fantasy artist

Nikifor (1895 - October 10, 1968) (also known as Nikifor Krynicki and Epifaniusz Drowniak1) was a Polish folk and naïve painter of Lemko descent

Stasys Eidrigevièius - Born 1949 in Mediniskiai, Lithuania. Graduate of College of Fine Arts and Crafts in Kaunas, 1968. In 1973 obtained diploma of Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts. Active in many artistic fields such as: oil painting; book-plate; book-illustration; studio graphic. In the field of poster worked from 1984.(from 1980 lives in Poland, He's father was of Polish descent)

Alphonse Maria Mucha (24 July 1860 - 14 July 1939) was a Czech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist.

1 Dec 2008
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

I was recently in a church like this in Portugal.

tye're are 3 skull chapels in Europe.
1 Dec 2008
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

The lads from the film "Potop", the noble men that fought against the Sweds?

i would say these are members of bractwo kurkowe
18 Nov 2008
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

A nice guess. :):):)

i'm passing by park miniatur in inwald every time i go home (never been there though). the 'foreign' pictures are vatican, piza and athens.
31 Oct 2008
News / Poland's fight against paedophilia [277]

You still haven’t answered my question though.

Zawodzi również terapia, zwłaszcza że wielu pedofilów nie ma kontroli nad popędem, a napastowanie dzieci ma charakter kompulsywny. Pedofilia to bolesna mieszanina impulsywności, strachu i pożądania, jak twierdzi angielska psycholog Danya Gloser. Tych skłonności nie można wyleczyć, można jednak nad nimi zapanować, tak jak w celibacie można panować nad popędem do kobiet. Co więcej, praktyka udowodniła, że na przykład pedofile psychopatyczni, którzy kończą terapię z bardzo dobrym wynikiem, uprawiają swój proceder tym częściej. Uczą się bowiem technik maskowania przypadłości, poznając dokładnie jej przejawy nie tylko na przykładzie własnym, ale także innych sprawców.

31 Oct 2008
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

Wish I was brave enough to move but ah well thats life !

maybe it will encourage you: david-polanddavid.blogspot.com
. you don't need to be fluent in polish to live here. at the begining your english and basic polish should be enough. when you are in PL it's natural that you learn the language much faster. and it makes life easier when you have family or good friends here to help you. world is really small place, poland is nearby, flights are cheap and england will always be where you left her. come to Poland maz (:
31 Oct 2008
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

not like here, everybody to cut some trees to make some light in their living room

like where? in romania?

Well.. I prefer to learn polish instead of german :D

hehe, right decision

Good luck!

powodzenia florin.
30 Oct 2008
News / Poland's fight against paedophilia [277]

Most pedophiles are great examples of shyness towards the opposite sex and complexes going horribly wrong.

How exactly do you know that?
29 Oct 2008
News / Poland's fight against paedophilia [277]

it's prevention like Bzibzioh wrote. one pedophile can destroy several people's lifes. and you can't stop pedophile from being pedophile. after being inprisoned he will walk free and do what's in his nature again and again.
28 Oct 2008
History / History of European and Poland's anti-semitism [192]

what a times, you cant even say jokingly sieg heil in a tram

Poland:The first Jews arrived in the territory of modern Poland in the tenth century. Travelling along the trade routes leading eastwards to Kiev and Bukhara, the Jewish merchants (known as Radhanites) also crossed the areas of Silesia.

learn polish and read:

Istnieje jednakże prawdopodobieństwo, iż pierwsi Żydzi pojawili się w dorzeczu Wisły i Odry kilka wieków wcześniej. Otóż, wiek III i IV to okres, kiedy panońscy Żydzi przemierzali jako kupcy handlowy szlak bursztynowy łączący prowincje rzymskie z wybrzeżem Morza Bałtyckiego. Szlak ten przebiegał w pobliżu obecnego Wrocławia, Kalisza, Bydgoszczy i kończył się w Zatoce Gdańskiej.