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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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24 Apr 2012
Life / Polish history as a school subject in western Europe [24]


Thats a pity, there are parts of Holland where a Canadian still doesnt have to pay for a Beer if you turn up in May. Seriously,like the parts that roll out the red carpet for Poles ,Holland has the same for Canadians for the 1945 liberations.
22 Apr 2012
News / Forbes: Boot Argentina from the G20 and include Poland [44]

Poland should stand by her ally, Great Britain,

Thanks,but,I wouldnt get mixed up in this one if I were you.
I hope this stays a war of words,Im pretty sure it will,but,if it doesnt and Argentina invades again...........ah well, the descendants of a bunch of nazi war criminals wanting to expand and put people who have no wish to be under their "protection"....not really surprising.

A rather famous Argentinian once summed up the feelings of people who face occupation by a foreign regime.... Patria O Muerte.......
22 Apr 2012
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

Well, am I missing something...why the hell change it ? :)
ps,no need to apologise,Im well aware I was a couple of pay grades and a doctorate below Curator level ;)
21 Apr 2012
Life / Teenage Pregnancy in Poland [108]

Never heard of self-control, self-discipline, character building and deferred gratification?

Never heard of a teenage brain?
Guess not from your remarks......
During adolescence, dopamine levels in the limbic system increase and input of dopamine to the prefrontal cortex increases. The balance of excitatory to inhibitory neurotransmitters and increased dopamine activity in adolescence may have implications for adolescent risk-taking and vulnerability to boredom. Development in the limbic system plays an important role in determining rewards and punishments and processing emotional experience and social information. Changes in the levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin in the limbic system make adolescents more emotional and more responsive to rewards and stress. The corresponding increase in emotional variability also can increase adolescents’ vulnerability.

Or in English.....teenagers are fekked up creatures who dont think straight because their brains are still developing and are flooded with some crazy assed hormones.....
20 Apr 2012
Life / Teenage Pregnancy in Poland [108]

How do you know these girls are un married you judgemental twats?
My mum was married (in a Church 'n' everything...)at 17,had me at 18 and she still looked about 18 when she was nearing 30 ...... get a fekking life and stop judging people you dont know you gossipy old women.
19 Apr 2012
News / Forbes: Boot Argentina from the G20 and include Poland [44]

Have you ever seen The Mouse That Roared ?
Foiled invasion of Las Malvinas, tempt the RAF to drop a couple of bombs vaguelly on Argie territory and then swallow up all the reconstruction aid and skip a couple of points up the wealth charts......
19 Apr 2012
Love / help needed to warn off troublesome pole [25]

I wouldn't want her to end up with a criminal record but if needs must.

Better she ends up with a record for harrassment than let it esculate into something worse.
This one sounds like a real Bunny Boiler/spoiled Princess type. She no doubt boasted about how here new English B/F was well under the slipper,since he quite clearly is not anymore the green eyed monster has arrived and her pride has been knocked,household pets end up nailed to doors for less with whack jobs like this one around.
18 Apr 2012
History / What Was Poland like in the year 1988? [50]

Most are in Storage paw', enlighten me. I seem to remember Warsaw for one of them but Im sure the others were a smaller town...

( not russia if that where this is heading , I know Novosti press badge pretty well ;) )
18 Apr 2012
History / What Was Poland like in the year 1988? [50]

You joke,and I mean no disrespect,but,Ive a couple of books published in Poland in the 80s. You know the type, duel language,Polish and English text, showing the glories of Poland off to the Ex Pat community in full colour full plate photographs?

Crikey, Krakow looked grim back then, absolutly filthy and grey,still charming but so different to my experiences from 02 onwards.
Amazing job all round I say,what a turn around. :)
Right,offski out in the grey mists of a yorkshire morning, Ta ta for now :)
17 Apr 2012
Off-Topic / I am Polish and I am offended. [52]

Fair enough, I know i exchanged a few PMs with, her/him and didnt suspect anything like that,but i suppose if id been thinking with my d!k id have been more aware and maybe picked up on stuff....ah well, takes all sorts :)
17 Apr 2012
Off-Topic / I am Polish and I am offended. [52]

At least they're not exchanging romantic PMs with a 22 year old woman called Guess Who who turned out to be an old fat bloke.....

Oh dear, who did that ?
17 Apr 2012
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

If Ireland was run how you'd like it to be run you'd be having the Union Jack flying over Dublin and the Black and Tans running amok.

Erm..........I doubt he would :)
16 Apr 2012
Off-Topic / I am Polish and I am offended. [52]

Nope,just seen it all before.
Two "Serbs" who have no connection have not been on the site for months then they both pop up at the same time......
15 Apr 2012
Off-Topic / I am Polish and I am offended. [52]

HHmmm, certainly better standards than *her* other charactor *sascha* who always seems to re appear at the same time as *her*.......
15 Apr 2012
Off-Topic / I am Polish and I am offended. [52]

Im offended by your obviously rabid anti Polish stance,call yourself Polish? TSK.......
ps, *Puzzler* Blast from the past or what? :)
15 Apr 2012
UK, Ireland / My dream about UK. Please help. [86]

Just to warn you - that single comment, although aimed at friend-recruitment, will put some women off ...

You want the truth? It looks more like the opening Gambit in a scam to me.
Wouldnt be surprised if "she" was actually a 50 year old man who has found a few photos of a woman on line......
11 Apr 2012
UK, Ireland / My dream about UK. Please help. [86]

If you are specifically looking at the Au pair work to start with Id leave off the masters degree in ,well,whatever it is :)
Any prospective family will presume you will leave them the moment you get a "better" job.
Im sure you would honour any contracts but,Im not hiring a nanny :)
Good luck in your search,and,one last thing,expand your search outside of London,you will end up financially trapped there.
10 Apr 2012
Love / Prevention of child abduction by Polish mother. [232]

Do you realise that there is an increase in women who want to be single mothers in Poland and reject the fathers from being in their lives .

Of course,this has nothing to do with the fact that the child will now be supported by the British Tax Payer with full,first child,Child Benefits even if mum does go back to Polska B and shacks up with the stolen BMW driving petty crook she has probably been shagging since high school.....