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Joined: 27 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 14
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20 Nov 2011
Work / Can a Poland work permit holder can work in Denmark/EU? [44]

Zeeshan - very funny, if people new what was the easiest way to make money they would be doing it themselves. No one in Poland will tell you how to make the easy money, but if you want to sit down and discuss opportunities in Poland, I can put you in contact with someone the cost is 350 Euro per hour + Vat.
19 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

Advisors.......you obviously do know the difference between Advisors and combat troops dont you.

Absolutely, when a country sends troops to a war zone they have not declared full involvement in, they are advisors: Vietnam, Nicaragua, Somalia, Cuba and sierra leone. You do realize the type of troops they send don't you. They are not your everyday conscript...
18 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

elaborate or,you know...

In the fall of 1967, a report from an ARVN Military Intelligence coded source (L-003), told of two VC regiments in Phouc Tuy Province, accompanied by foreign advisors. The source reported that the advisors were from China, Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and North Korea. The source also claimed that the VC in Binh Ba village secretary had openly boasted of the foreign advisors and had attended a celebration with them on September 27, 1967. The secretary also told the source that the foreigners had volunteered to work with the VC.

Just to start.

. Involvement of Poles in Vietnam-USA war is shrouded in mystery but everyone and his niece knows that Polish intelligence officers were the consultants to the Vietcong army and gathered information about US equipment. Possible, but I have not seen any reliable data yet.

Spot on Boletus - I have.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

social standing or nationality.

This is the exact reason you will never understand, when you don't have it you can't comprehend it.

Just for your information: You may be a pauper or a prince, yet you can still operate with dignity and trust. Magdalena on the other hand if someone crosses you or disrespects you there is no corner on earth for them to hide.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

Dishonest people are everywhere !

Especially in Poland, Poles believe it is a national sport to disinform.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

Quite simply rich or poor, you either operate with class or without,personally for me being British if I deal with Brits I can establish very early on if someone is worthy of my business or not. In Poland it has taken a little time to establish and select people I can do business with, I have a strict criteria, I know after the first meeting and exchange of information, if they are worthy partners or not. This is a Polish forum and we are discussing all things Polish, as far as what goes on in the UK, I really am not interested, I discuss issues on Poland.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

This is how things work anywhere in the world if you're too trusting, sadly

This is the point I disagree, I have experience of negotiating and concluding deals in many countries in the world and Poles are at the top of the league as liars and cheats in the professional arena, even more so than the Spanish. Although the people outside the work circle are wonderful and so eager and resourceful. Poles are so obsessed with short tern gain and the desparate need to prove themselves as equals to their western partners it is cringeworthy.

Magdalena- it is not how the world works, it is how people operate at the lower levels of society.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

So, why staying in Poland?!

I agree with you 100%, when your done your done. There is always greener pastures.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

After 5 years of good relationship with some people there, you cannot trust them!!! It's all about the money in Poland!

It is the socialist mentality. I recently had a situation of having a rental flat partially repainted, my father in law decided he wanted to give some work to a local builder/jack of all trades from the countryside that oversees his countryside house. I agreed and allowed him to arrange details, the chap turns up and gives a quote and they agree PLN 8 per m2 exclusive of paint, but inclusive of two coats preparing ,filling and moving furniture.

Two weeks later they turned up to do the job, he had quoted my F.I.L, PLN 1,700 as a finished price, at the end of the job they asked my F.I.L for PLN 2,100, because the job had taken longer than expected. I met them for the first time on the last day, when I turned up to inspect there was a heated argument going on between the three of them, I actually thought my F.I.L was going to have a heart attack, he is 72 years old, after listening to both sides of the argument, I informed them all that I understood the situation and now we should pay, but before doing so I need your invoice for PLN 2,100 inclusive of VAT. Both men looked at with with shock in their eyes and informed me they did not have the invoice with them, at this point I informed them I would be in the countryside closing down the house for the winter with my F.I.L at the weekend and I would pay them when I had a VAT invoice, which is standard practice in Poland. On the saturday we arrived in the countryside and went about our normal routine at the house, after 30 mins the wife of one of the men came over and asked my F.I.L to come over for a cup of tea, after about an hour he returned with a smile on his face with a slight smell of vodka to his breath and told me all had been settled. I did not get involved they are all happy and life goes on, the Polish way.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

Well... That is one of the terminating conditions. If I don't pay the rent, I'll get kicked out. But I don't know if I have the heart to do so.... Oh man decisions!

Don't do anything rash, that you may regret later. If you are norwegian you are most likely a student I guess?

At the Warsaw faculty of Law every Tues or Thurs, Law grads meet with people that can't afford legal representation, in your case as a student you would qualify, they will assist you with your contract and help you draft up a letter to your landlord in Polish at NO cost to you, all cases are shadowed by the lecturers, its a way of allowing the Law Grads to get real life experience.

Good luck and be smart.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

And you are some kind of expert on Polish law?Go to library and ask for Kodeks Cywilny,it clearly states that an oral contract is a valid contract!now,if OP feels that he can prove his claims in front of the judge he should go to court,however the burden of proving is on him and this is when a written contract comes handy.

grubas, there is a lawyer that has taken on two cases in Warsaw based on verbal agreements and both, on the two occasions the claimant had recorded evidence. This is something I would suggest to all foreigners entering into negotiations in Poland record the negotiations, it will cost about 20 Euro for a mini recorder that fits in your pocket.

It will be the best 20 Euro you spend in Poland.
18 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

I also personally think it's an insult and an affront to the memory of those that perished fighting for a free Poland to not delineate between the actions of those under Communist Poland and those living in free Poland.

At this point you are re-writing history, it would be better to refer to RP 1-2-3 and the Peoples Republic era, as an example I will use my father in law, who was shipped off to Russia to sit in a trench waiting for the American invasion in 1962/3, he was not a communist, he was doing his national duty to Poland and following orders. The main confusion is when you have people with good intentions, re-writing history in order not to offend. At this point we start to loose sight of the facts.

I am sure that 95% of Polish soldiers in who died in conflict during the People's republic era, died with the hope of a free Poland in their hearts, while following orders. It is very much a similar situation in conflicts around the world today, many soldiers do not believe the cause, being patriotic and professional they follow orders, sometimes doing things against their own morals.
17 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

What do you mean partly?Ignorance is not an excuse

If he was Polish he would have been ignorant in this situation, the fact he is a foreigner he was too trusting.

.He should have asked for a WRITTEN confirmation and he did not.

Well he knows that now, as I previously mentioned he was too trusting.

I highly doubt he is saying the truth because as hard as I am trying to

Thats because you are Polish and Polish people never believe anyone is telling the truth.

I can not imagine a landlord or building administration giving up czynsz because he lives there only a week or whatever a year

I would agree here.

Must have been misunderstanding and this why one should always ask for something "on paper".

Whenever a Pole tells me its a miss understanding I know he/she is trying to shaft me. THere is no such thing as miss understanding in Poland, it is either fcuk someone or be fcuked, thats the mental of Poles unfortunately.

grubas, the one point you did not raise is that the poor landlord is only Polish and Marko should pay him the money because he is from a rich western country. Give me a break, you know the rules in Poland 'grubas' just like I do. Who is kidding who.

Here is my spin, the old man made an agreement with Marko, as soon as the son becomes the administrator he notices that there is a bit of red ink in the books, now he wants to flex his polish muscles at the foreigner so he calculates the outstanding to the grosze and smiles all the way to the Post office. This is a Father and son issue not Marko's.
17 Nov 2011
Work / I'm from Canada, and the latest victim of a Polish woman - one bites the dust [13]

Other than that, I'm in the market for a shared studio space to work on my own projects.

In the UK they almost buy anything that is vintage/retro, it would need some research to establish what could be acquired in Poland at good prices and sold to the uk. As long as it is recycled, ethical, communist era stuff it would go down well in the UK. Have a look at these two companies for ideas

17 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

We had a gentleman agreement and I asked him at least twice about the CZYNSZ payment!!

This is the point Poles laugh at us Irish and Brits, the place we come from there is such thing as a handshake and agreement. Polish society is without honor in this respect, if it is not in a contract and signed by both parties, it never happened. NEVER do anything in Poland without a signed contract preferably notarised otherwise you will get fcuked sooner or later. Don't waste you money on lawyers in this case Marko1968 you are the guilty party by law(Polish). The only thing you can do is send them a letter and inform them you will address the issue in a meeting with the old man and son during your next visit which will be on....

Obviously when you get in the meeting try and nail the old man down in front of his son in a non aggressive and respectful manner.
17 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

iShares MSCI Poland Investable Market Index Fund (EPOL): Let's be clear: I'm not saying Poland is going to fall. The emerging Europe nation isn't even part of the eurozone. However, my prognosis of Poland ETFs being guilt by association plays has proven accurate. Earlier this week, Moody's downgraded Polish banks because of Poland's economic ties to Western Europe. Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands are four of Poland's five largest trading partners. That might be enough to stay away from EPOL for now.

Bull case: In the near-term, there might not be a bull case for EWP and EWK, but France could emerge from the crisis relatively unscathed using its economic heft to do so. Poland is still worth a look as a viable Europe rebound play or for the investor looking for emerging markets exposure.

17 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

grubas, we are talking about an Irish guy here, that does not speak Polish nor does he live in Poland.
17 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

It seems that the only solution is: to sell my Kazimierz apartment and buy somewhere else in Europe... and leave your man with his 2.5 year bill!

Marko you are caught between a rock and a hard stone.When they do a search on your property before they pay you, they will realise there is money owed. Deal falls down. You have no option but to pay or negotiate it into the price of the sale.

CZYNSZ is not poll tax, its owners contribution, the only way not to pay it s to rent out and pass on the cost to the tenant.
17 Nov 2011
Real Estate / CZYNSZ - payment issue - help [43]

However, today I received a mail with the info that I own the CZYNSZ for the last 2.5 years!

Normally you would pay CZYNSZ monthly as a part of the money is also for the upkeep of the building. It is not taken into consideration you live there or not otherwise 90% of Poland would not pay CZYNSZ.

109 PZL per month seems very cheap - where is your apartment which city. Normally in Warsaw it would be 8- 14 PLN per m2. each month
17 Nov 2011
Love / Does your Polish partner suffer from disposophobia [46]

are simply ridiculous, as they go against statistics I quoted.

You have provided no facts on Poland, only facts about the UK and USA. Your stand is, no qualified researched facts on hoarding exist regarding Poles, therefore it does not exist on that basis in the Polish psyche.I consider this a weak argument at best.

Boletus,there are no qualified researched facts on ' victimhood mentality' in Poland would you then go on to defend, it does not exist in Polish psyche?

We can conclusively state without argument ' victimhood mentality' is rooted in Polish psyche although no research papers exist supporting this argument, this is not disputing ' victimhood mentality' can also be found in many other countries in the world.It is therefore my opinion disposophobia is rooted in the Polish psyche, unless someone can provide me with three independent qualified research papers qualifying it does not exist in the Polish psyche.

On one extreme there are hoarders, on another is a completely disposable society.

Everything has an opposite, I also have a friend that I ski with most years in Poland, the first stop they want to make once they get off the plane is decathlan to but snow boot and all. Once they get back to the UK it is all disposed off, the argument they use to support this is, it is cheap in Poland. I am a firm believer in quality over quantity, you get what you pay for.
16 Nov 2011
Love / Does your Polish partner suffer from disposophobia [46]

What do you mean "hiding behind your USA"?

Hiding behind your green card and only arriving at being Polish behind closed doors. lol

I am responding out of courtesy, I am leaving my office in 10, so I will try to respond later. Nice to see you in the light.

You ask the question then refuse to lisen to any answer but the one you want to hear.

I am guessing by your response you are a teacher, I have my opinion and therefore I voice it, I am not speaking over anyone or trying to change their opinion.

Hoarding is not a national trait, I've only lived here for three years but I've seen dozens of peoples homes

So you are still in the pink goggle stage, it is 100% a Polish national trait without question, in fact it is up their on the shelf with victimhood.

Its a trait your wife suffers and you are trying to cover up for its oddness by claiming its normal for Poland.

I am not covering up for my wife's behaviour, I am broadcasting it over a public forum, hardly claiming its normal am I, come on- Peterweg
16 Nov 2011
Love / Does your Polish partner suffer from disposophobia [46]

You forgot to mention the "Communist mentality"!

They do?How many did you ask and what exactly do they mean by "traditional" ?

This psyche thing,what is it?

What's "modern day Polishness"?

Grubas1, I am prepared to answer your question factually and honestly,but it would be more real it you signed yourself up as a PF member so you will be treated seriously.

Grubas1, you are not hiding behind your Usa are you?
16 Nov 2011
Love / Does your Polish partner suffer from disposophobia [46]

She is fantastic I would not wish to change her for the world, there are just one or two issues that I have a beef with. I am just trying to establish if there are many other victims of Polish hoarding, out there in the real world.

I am one of the birds (as opposed to bushes), changing homes every so often, and reducing amount of electronic equipment, computers, papers, books, and furniture during every move.

I think transient hoarder is for another thread, I have seen a few of those pushing their trolleys with all their worldly goods in.

Although Boletus, who mentioned hoarding is only physical goods.
16 Nov 2011
Love / Does your Polish partner suffer from disposophobia [46]

You have been told quite specifically this is nothing unique to Polish people. You wife is a nut case, what ever nationality she is. Just accept it, but its not normal in Poland or anywhere else..

Peterweg, two points here:

1. My wife is far from being a nutcase, she is merely an 'obsessive hoarder' that does not qualify her to seek mental health treatment.
2. From my experience, I consider Poles to be obsessive hoarders of, information, goods, emotions and idealisms that are sometimes lacking reality. Poles in general have a weakness to share freely/openly, anyone that has any experience of Poles will agree with me here. Now don't get me wrong I am not being derogatory to my host nation.

The points raised in point number 2 are most definitely in the Polish national psych. Although Poles consider themselves traditional the last decade has allowed Poles abandoning the national psyche of victimhood and turning liabilities into assets.

It would be more interesting for me to debate this issue with Poles that are living in Poland rather than those who have not been living in Poland for a decade or so, as those Poles have lost their modern day Polishness.