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Posts by Antek_Stalich  

Joined: 6 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 997 / In This Archive: 862
From: Poland, Brwinów
Speaks Polish?: Native speaker
Interests: Making music, photography

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12 Jun 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

I don't suffer Warszawa envy.

Hopefully, yet your approach suggests it is true what they say about Cracowers in the second place ;)
12 Jun 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

Yes, I know Warszawa is a village up north of Słomniki ;-))))))))))))))

(Sometimes I wonder why you do not live in Cali, Bzibzioh).
12 Jun 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

Seanus: Scots because we are stereotyped as stingy ;)
Not only you. Germans too ;)

I ask pawian and Alexw68 (and Delphi?) to close their eyes now.

-- Who are Posnaners? Scots exiled from Scotland for being too stingy.
-- Who are Cracowers? Posnaners exiled from Poznań for exactly the same!

Very, very old joke but...

In Warsaw, you give 50 zloties to a bartender and say "reszty nie trzeba" (no change needed)
In Kraków, you give 50 zloties to a bartender, he gives the change back and it is up to you to give a tip.
11 Jun 2011
Food / Expats' Polish food favourites [140]

polish food from time to time is OK but i can't eat it every day, waaay too heavy, everything is either fried, full of butter, loaded with salt or all of the above and it's just waaaay too much.

Yeah, it's the cultural difference. You need to eat fat to survive heavy winters, for instance. The summertime food is decidedly lighter on the stomach. Have you tried the chłodnik soup, the ice-soup?

The Eastern Polish cuisine is the heaviest of all. I'm fond of barszcz ukraiński, the variety including plenty of vegetables, especially beans. Once, I was canoeing and me and an Orthodox friend made a supper. It was virtually dripping with fat! Nobody liked that except us two. Him, because he was from Eastern Poland, and I, because of my Eastern Lesser Poland roots ;)
11 Jun 2011
Life / How Safe Are the Polish Cities? [179]

Where have you been all your life? Or are you blind.

When have you been to Poland last time?
11 Jun 2011
Food / Mayonnaise and ketchup in Poland [47]

The rule is, people who dislike Hellman's or Kielecki choose Winiary :-)
Our local Białuty brand is Kielecki-style, by the way.
11 Jun 2011
Food / Mayonnaise and ketchup in Poland [47]

We rather prefer Hellman's Classic to Babuni. Hellman's mayonnaises are of very balanced taste and, as you said, Kielecki is very distinctive. I especially like green peas with Kielecki. What I could find out on my travels, the Kielecki's taste is present in many local brands, meaning that it could be the defining taste of Polish mayonnaises.

What do you prefer, Pawian, Winiary?

Ah, Pudliszki Ketchup is one of few, if not only, ones with no starch added.
11 Jun 2011
Food / Mayonnaise and ketchup in Poland [47]

PennBoy! You are my man. Listing three the best Polish condiments (Majonez Kielecki, Pudliszki Ketchup and Kamis Musztarda Rosyjska) shows you know what's the best! Seanus, my wife likes Hellman's. :-)

I have no desire to eat pierogi in summer but they are nice in winter.

Maaarysia mentioned the blueberry pierogi, which are perfect for Summer, with cream and some sugar ;)
11 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Tragedia jezykowa, czyli "stay on topic" LOL. [95]

Trudno powiedzieć. Na ostatnim Forum jakie założyłem, forum.rockszanty.pl nie ma w ogóle moderatorów. Wiedziałem, że jak będą, to zaraz będą kwasy. A dasz im prawo do banowania, to przecież muszą bana użyc, nie?
11 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Tragedia jezykowa, czyli "stay on topic" LOL. [95]

Za długo jestem w Internecie, by się przejmować. Jak dostaję bana, znaczy, ustrzeliłem Moda.
Ponieważ nie poradził sobie, nie miał autorytetu i kompetencji by poradzić sobie inaczej.
Guzik BAN każdy głupek wcisnąć potrafi. A jak już się widziało bana, to kolejne niestraszne.
Moderka jest sztuką rozwiązywania konfliktów międzyludzkich, a najlepszy Mod to taki, który prowadzi Forum tak, by interwencje były niepotrzebne. Choćby przykładem osobistym.
11 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

t's actually better for the environment as it discourages people from taking more than they need.

It is the same in Scandinavia and Denmark, and the plastic bags are not cheap. NOK5 means PLN2.50 or almost $1. Moreover, plastic bottles are also charged for, and it encourages people to bring the empty bottles back to the shop and get the credit back.

There are no free plastic bags or bottles in Denmark, Norway or Sweden. The law forbids making them free or that the shops pay for them, all for ecological reasons.
11 Jun 2011
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

A usual day

e jużual dej, ofc. but en anjużual dej.

Exactly, AS! A eunuch, LOL :)

e junek ;))))))))
11 Jun 2011
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

So, resident Poles, why do some natives choose to say 'an historian'? That's a hard case, I'm being a bit brutal here so maybe why don't we say 'an European' or 'an university'?? (given that e and u are vowels).

The case of "an historian" was told to me by some American people, the same who had drawn my attention to PF. The rest is simple, it's phonetically e juropijen and e juniwersiti ;)
11 Jun 2011
Travel / Polish trains often get frozen and are overcrowded? :-) [35]

PKP tends to attract a reasonable class of clientele.

That's right. It is now possible to book a ticket for EC and IC over the Internet, pick up the ticket on the train and pay with a card.

I'm only unhappy because of the smoking ban. This makes me choose the car while I could travel comfortably, cheaper, cut a nap, and be relaxed after the trip.
11 Jun 2011
Travel / Polish trains often get frozen and are overcrowded? :-) [35]

I'm 'or'..... :)

Welsh? Scottish?

Some interesting characters on Polish trains. Many spill out their woes and expect you to listen. I always have the excuse of being a foreigner.

Similar thing happened to me once on a Katowice train. She was a French Arab, speaking vigorously in (bad) French and telling a story on how a Polish fiance stood her up, pede! ;-) She had no argent, you know, in it. I can't speak French but her story was so universal I was able to understand everything ;)
11 Jun 2011
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

I have made a new thread for general English grammar. Seanus, could you help please?
11 Jun 2011
Travel / Polish trains often get frozen and are overcrowded? :-) [35]


I like your sense of humour. Are you English or Irish or...?

as anyone else noticed that the eating carriage tends to be filled with losers but the rest of the train seems to be ok? (on PKP trains)

Well... How to say that. I happen to be one of those losers sometimes. Bored with long trip, I often go there and order "kiełbasa po zbójnicku" and, again, tea :-)
11 Jun 2011
Travel / Polish trains often get frozen and are overcrowded? :-) [35]

The coffee is that bad? I seem to recall that it was quite ok and I like good coffee.

I depends what coffee you prefer, Seanus. IC serve a small bag containing a pinch of "coffee"; once mixed with hot water forming thin coffee-tea, bitter like a... I don't drink coffee that is worse than served at restaurants, hotels, coffee bars (Coffee Haven) or good petrol stations (Statoil), and coffee I drink at home resembles molten asphalt ;)

However, taking into account the British drink "Bovril-tea" and spread Marmite on toasts, nothing can surprise me!
11 Jun 2011
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

Well... Perhaps I've misled you.

There are far more cars in the US than they are in Poland. Correct? Talking on far and countable noun.
I drink far more beer than you do. Correct or wrong?
11 Jun 2011
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

A lot of money but lots of cars? OK. Oll Korrect (Mods). E.g. is exempli gratia (for example).

Do you place a comma before "but"?

Also explain the use of the word "far". Far more? Far much?
11 Jun 2011
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

what's the difference between 'a lot of' and 'lots of'??

Now, you got me on that ;)

By the way, teflcat a lot of thanks for the "however" schematics, very useful!
11 Jun 2011
Travel / Polish trains often get frozen and are overcrowded? :-) [35]

Right, Katowice station is hopeless.

Not so long time ago, I was about to make a decision if I should choose an EuroCity to depart very soon or wait for another InterCity to depart later. I chose the EuroCity. The EuroCity was very late and of course I experienced the adventure with changing lines. The InterCity was first in Warsaw, much earlier than the EuroCity.
11 Jun 2011
Travel / Polish trains often get frozen and are overcrowded? :-) [35]

OK, on topic. I was once stuck going from Gliwice to Katowice by osobowy/local train. I could have gotten there faster by jogging as we were stuck for almost an hour with no updates on the condition of the engine. This is why such Poles are criticised (most often by their own people). They just don't value customer service and allaying fears enough. Frayed nerves galore!

I have to agree with you. The lack of information is killing.

Once, I travelled by train from Szczecin to Warszawa in winter time. The engine broke just 200 m after the station of my town. I had two options: One, to get off the train, crawl through snow onto the platform then take a long walk home; or, wait until the engine is repaired or replaced and go to Warszawa to spend the night at my parents' flat there. The missing factor was the proper information, so I could make the right decision and save time.

Harry, the cable theft used to be common on the WKD commuter line here, too. WKD had to install alarm systems and strengten the cooperation between the railway security and the police. It has worked out.
11 Jun 2011
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

OK, given that we don't say advices, informations, news's, furnitures or knowledges etc, can the resident Poles here add some counters to change them into having a plural meaning?!

For example, a beloved favourite of my students is 'an advice'. This is wrong!! How do we make advice singular without using the indefinite article 'an'?

I got a good advice from you, Seanus. The different pieces of advice I got from you were very useful.
I need some advice from you.
I've bought me some new furniture. I've bought a new piece of furniture.
I need to ask you for some information. The information gathered from different sources was not as good as that from Seanus.
The news about your ban was greatly exaggerated.
My knowledge about your absence is insufficient. Common knowledge is it is easy to get banned from PF.
