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Joined: 4 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2011
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5 May 2011
News / Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced. [282]

That would be Poland's problem: Poland was the one that chose to sign the treaties in question. Just as Poland was the one which decided to break the terms of the treaties with Ukraine, Lithuania and Czechoslovakia (twice) in a single 20-year period.

Lithuania and Czech captured ethnically Polish territories when Poland was fighting on multiple fronts with Germans, Russians/Soviets and Ukrainians at the same time. They both got what they deserved, although allying with Germany to capture Zaolzie was extremely stupid.

Would you enlighten me by what means XVIII century Poland could impose so called polonization ? on anybody?

Requiring Polish language on all levels of administration and education could be one of such means (don't know if that was actually the case).
5 May 2011
News / Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced. [282]

No one is saying that Poland used to be the most imperialistic state out there, just that Ukrainians might see past Poland as oppressive towards their folk (but clearly it's not comparable to how Russia was treating Ukrainians, which was far worse to my knowledge).
5 May 2011
News / Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced. [282]

whatever, We lost more on the east than we gain on the West, and how many times does it have to be repeated that Germans started the war??loosing territory is normal if You lose the war

Poland might have had these eastern territories for centuries prior to World War 2. They are now ethnically Lithuanian/Belarussian/Ukrainian and restoring the old borders makes no sense today. It's a shame that Polish people were moved from there, given how deeply rooted Poles were there, but what is done is done and there's no sense going back to it.
5 May 2011
News / Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced. [282]

Ukraine is unpredictable, what-more in their historiography (means they teach people that way) Poland is presented along with Russia as as a occupant of Ukraine, maybe a little milder then Russia but only just. Which is a nonsense.

Not really, since Poland was trying to "polonize" (is there a word for it in English? Firefox is making a red underline) the local Ukrainian folk (it's hard to speak of modern nation in XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries), were fighting back insurrections etc. etc. which is precisely what Russians did in Poland in XIXth century which we definitely consider a harsh occupation.

Poland should got what is hers - and which never was ukraine by the way - and that is that, only logical option., if difficult to implement :)

And Germany should regain ziemie odzyskane?
5 May 2011
News / Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced. [282]

That's bollocks. Ukrainians have been a separate nation as long as a concept of modern nation exists, they surely have their own language, cultures and traditions. And in a grand scheme of things, what achievements does Polish nation have?
5 May 2011
History / Poles in the Napoleonic era [224]

Ideas and values (as awesome as they might be) should be spread by models to follow, not by forcing other countries to submission.
5 May 2011
News / Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced. [282]

koala Yes and if poland as its western neighbour assists then ukraine becomes both a partner and partialy enters polish sphere of influence. There is already high levels of co-operation.

I disagree. Poland has no power or leverage over Ukraine to meddle into their internal affairs. Polish politicians actually tried that a little (after the orange revolution) and failed miserably for a variety of reasons. The big difference between Poland and Ukraine is that after the fall of communism Poland always knew the direction that should be taken - the ambition of every government and almost every opposition party was to join NATO and European Union, which meant that everything that was required to be in these organisations was done as soon as possible (and a lot had to be done - adjusting law to EU standards meant a fast and big leap in modernising the country). There have been different visions how Poland would work within EU, Ukrainians OTOH don't seem to be able to determine where they want to be headed, hence they lose a lot of time and energy bouncing back between different options, not working particularly hard on anything long term.

Actually now Poland has lost a lot of that momentum inthis regardas the current government focuses mostly on current problems, not working on any long term reforms or visions. Kind of disappointing.
5 May 2011
News / Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced. [282]

At this point there's pretty much nothing Poland can do for Ukraine. It's Ukraine that has to get their grip together, modernise their country (I don't mean economy and infrastructure, but the legal system, government etc.), then they'll be treated as a serious partner and eventually a EU member.