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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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13 Feb 2012
Food / Anybody in Poland actually eats soup-mix soups? [27]

I eat only fresh, home-made food

I do my best to, but often eat out. Which leads to the next point:

am surprised that the fake-food epidemic has spread to Poland.

Why? Poland is the frozen fries capital of the world. Even restaurants use them. When I asked why a few years ago, I was told "Oh, we used to have to chop potatoes in the communist times but now we have good modern food". Poland has resolutely turned to processed food and hasn't yet had the slow food revolution or the rise in farmers' markets that the UK has. I doubt that many people get their 5 portions of fruit/veg per day. If you think about is, much of the traditional food of Poland (kielbasa, ogorki, kapusta kiszona etc) is preserved and processed.

One should think Poles would know better.

13 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

Kukliński a traitor

If the cap fits. Perhaps you think Kim Philby and the Julius Rosenberg weren't traitors either.

I doubt if Michnik was actually involved physically

At least you've got one part of your diatribe right.

Apparently Michnik has never heard of Konrad Wallenrod.

I doubt that.
13 Feb 2012
Life / Indian Stores In Warsaw [139]

Smakindii.pl or indiaonline.pl

Sounds OK, but if you want to go to an actual shop, there's one in Raszyn sort of behind the old church on the main road.
13 Feb 2012
Life / Supermarket culture rules in Poland? [18]

Furthermore are there any ' real ' fishmongers outside the supermarkets.

Only a handful in Warsaw. Plenty in the UK (especially Northern England and Scotland) in markets. Talking of which, Pol3 should have a look at Hala Mirowska (particularly the newer part on the right as you face the entrance). Some good shops in there. Also the little market at the junction of Pulawska and al. Lotnikow (the smaller bit opposite MaccyD's, not the big empty part across the road) - some nice shops including a good fishmonger.
13 Feb 2012
Life / Supermarket culture rules in Poland? [18]

They're still around if you know where to look, usually in the middle of older housing estates. But the relentless march of the supermarket is continuing here.
12 Feb 2012
News / Anti-Szymborska hate content on Polish websites [38]

Clue: see above. Poland was very lucky to have four Nobel literature laureates in the 20th Century. The last of them has just died. I don't see any candidates on the horizon.
12 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]

it is also to say that some people may sometimes be right when masses around them are wrong

Aside from that statement being very close to the classical definition of fascism it begs the following question - perhaps the masses that were seduced to vote for the PiSuarzy and Kaczynski as president were very, very wrong? In the case of the PiS administration, it's refreshing to see that people quickly came to their senses.

why can't I be sometimes right when contradicting the majority John, can you explain that to me?

Easily. You can indeed 'be sometimes right' however evidently not very often and certainly not today. In this case you are very wrong. The Kaczynski Twins' regime was a disgrace. It produced no lasting benefit, brought international ridicule on Poland (see posts by various people above), left a bitter taste in people's mouths and several years on, despite constant media whoring by the PiSuarzy shows no sign of being allowed back.

It seems I have a more positive view of Poles than you do - at least as far as believing they've made the right choice of government in the last two elections.
12 Feb 2012
News / Anti-Szymborska hate content on Polish websites [38]

Now you're trying to divert the thread from the main issue - the virulent comments (mostly on-line) about a great poet.

BTW, Dario Fo and Kenzaburo Oe were both acknowledges as giants in their field.

from what I can gather the committee have long been left leaning

Perhaps most of the worlds great writers are 'left-leaning'? ;-)
12 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]


Odd and paranoid.

let me know if you can't understand it

No problem - I'm fully proficient. Evidently you think Polish voters are being somehow manipulated when they vote for the party you don't like, but miraculously cast off their blinkers when they vote for the one you do like. Now that is funny!

.I bet he would have fit right in
with a Communist regime.

He fitted in very well indeed - the twins (to expand on what Lech Wałęsa said) have led a life in the shadows; of fitting in and working the system
12 Feb 2012
News / Anti-Szymborska hate content on Polish websites [38]

Where is Herbert's place in that equation?

Outside it. The thread is about Szymborska.

but he was nominated in 1939

An irrelevance. Any government can nominate anyone they so choose.The laureates however, especially for the Peace Prize, are not necessarily nominated by anyone.

Interesting you think the Nobel prize is somehow compromised, and therefore that the few which have gone to Polish recipients are somehow unimportant. A view we can expect to hear more and more from the trolls here, now that Poland has only one living recipient.
12 Feb 2012
News / Anti-Szymborska hate content on Polish websites [38]

the Nobel committee have given the Nobel peace prize

A different committee as it happens, but Szymborska still received the highest international accolade a poet can get, whether you appreciate her great achievements or not.

btw wasn't Hitler once given a Nobel prize???

12 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]

if you didn't know not so long ago most people believed earth was flat?

Fortunately today's Polish voters are better informed. I suspect if the PiSuarzy were still in office you wouldn't have made that comment.


I don't think anyone sane would seriously suggest Polish voters are somehow manipulated.
12 Feb 2012
News / Anti-Szymborska hate content on Polish websites [38]

Yes. Either Szymborska or Milosz. Much was made of both their passing, however Szymborska's work was so wonderfully accessible and so many people had a genuine fondness for her poems.
12 Feb 2012
News / Anti-Szymborska hate content on Polish websites [38]

the media promoted her as some kind of saint person and treated her natural death as a national tragedy

It isn't unusual to make a song and dance when somebody important dies here - look at Dr Religa's televised funeral. Szymborska's death was significant: she was arguably Poland's greatest late 20th Century poet; and Poland's only living Nobel laureate.
12 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]

I only heard Poles, average or not, speak negatively of the twins. Being caught on camera insulting a homeless man ("spieprzaj dziadu") didn't endear him to anyone.
12 Feb 2012
Life / Russian Language - is it offensive if I speak it to Polish people? [69]

This reminds me of a time when Jimmy Carter visited Poland

One problem with the Carter visit was that the interpreter they got in the end was supplied by the Polish government. He deliberately mistranslated certain politically controversial phrases.
12 Feb 2012
Food / Anybody in Poland actually eats soup-mix soups? [27]

a packet soup when you're too busy to leave work for lunch

It's not so much about having one for a quick office lunch which is not unreasonable - the issue is more about serving pot noodles, pop tarts etc at home instead of cooking.
12 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]

When a party have anti-corruption policies as one of (if not the) main points in their election manifesto, spotless is the one thing they should be. PiS were far from spotless. LK's words on assuming the mayorality in Warsaw (''now it's our ******* turn'') told people what they were really about. At least the Kaczynski gang were thrown out of government at the earliest opportunity.
12 Feb 2012
Food / Anybody in Poland actually eats soup-mix soups? [27]

I wouldn't touch them either. Home-made is much better. But judging by the rate that they fly off the shelves here, plenty in Poland do.

Interestingly most of Europe's packet soups and pot noodles are produced in Poland by Unilever.
12 Feb 2012
Love / More loveless sex of Poles living in the regained lands [73]

I doubt there was much of a study. Just Izdebski and a journalist cooking up column inches. If he's lucky there may even be a daytime chat show and a couple of radio interviews in it for him. Much better than paid advertising.
11 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]

One of the many fallacies the above post is that he had some sort of role in the fight against corruption. He didn't. He did however have a history of, sometimes illegally ,intervening when anyone other than he and his brother's cronies we're getting their snouts in a trough that they had their eyes on.

LK was a national disgrace and an international joke. Poland lucky he is no longer around.
11 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]

His twin seems to have been politically marginalised, not least by his increasingly paranoid comments and behaviour. One question is, which was the worst of the two twins?
11 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]

He was never the leader. The leader of Poland is the Premier, as in Germany. And how many people can name the President of Germany without checking.

LK choose to ignore that, flouting the constitution whenever he felt like it, not least with his treasonous 'fourth republic' project. Allowing a situation to arise where the president and premier are identical twins, His behaviour after the PiSuarzy were thrown out of office (refusing to sign off presidential appointments, turning up unannounced and uninvited at international conferences, unconstitutionally threatening to block legislation on party political grounds etc) coupled with.his 'now it's our f#cking turn' attitude to corruption all point to him having been the worst politician in Poland since Bierut if not Dmowski.

The only good thing he did for Poland was to die in office before he could do any real damage. To use his own words, spieprzaj dziadu.
11 Feb 2012
News / Anti-Szymborska hate content on Polish websites [38]

There are plenty of those on here. The phenomenon is called Internet Deindividuation. Writing particularly vile and aggressive things online that they'd never say in real life.
10 Feb 2012
Off-Topic / Book: Gogol's Taras Bulba [37]

Though oddly enough the Sudanese government use it whereas the Ukrainian government go bezerk when newspapers use 'they'd.
9 Feb 2012
Love / Living with a Polish man, but he has a drinking problem? [60]

Well I have done my best, he says alcoholics can never stop drinking and that I have the problem not him.

Mine said that too.

There is no better way of dealing with streses, then geting dead drunk.

Most ways of dealing with stress are better than deliberately making yourself ill.

I'm not Einstien but the intellect amongst the people
he has now gone to live with would hardly tax the average amoeba!!!

Alcoholics do tend to head on a downward path.

Transfer in 2 months so won't have to feel an idiot for too long!

Good luck and God bless! When one door closes another opens and you really will feel better once you have moved on!