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Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
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6 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

There no actual evidence that CO2 ever significantly influenced temperature.

I thought we could expect ipso facto that if CO2 increased there was bound to be at least "some small temperature increase?"

It, on the other hand, have never varied in ten years.

CO2 has nothing at all to do with changes in average world temperatures.

Nothing. At. All. It's a straw man.

The reason we end up talking about personalities and credentials in these threads is because GLOBOWARMTHINKISM NEVER MADE ANY SCIENTIFIC SENSE ON ANY LEVEL AT ANY TIME.


6 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Funny how these discussions usually devolve into arguments from authority. On the other hand, this is what makes things like these emails' "climategate" and this Himalayan fiasco significant: it absolutely demolishes arguments from the authority of the IPCC. Sure, it does not prove that the IPCC and the "experts" are wrong, not at all, but it does show that we can't blindly trust them (and possibly that we can't trust them at all).

Scientifically speaking, the situation is pretty simple really:

Yes, there is hypotesis that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, so, we would expect some small (up to 2C) temperature increase if it goes up.

(On the other hand, this small increase might cause either negative feedback - canceling the warming or maybe even making it colder, or positive feedback, making it even warmer. We have no idea which, really, although there are some indications that the feedback is negative.)

And yes, there has been a small increase in temperature in 1970-1998 - though the temperature has dropped since then.

So sure, it's possible that this increase in temperature is due to CO2, since the temperature increase (though not the recent temperature drop) correlates somewhat well with the rise in CO2.

That's a fine hypothesis. On the other hand, the warming might be due to natural factors (and CO2 does not correlate well with temperature in the past). So far so good. We have also a pretty plausible hypothesis here.

And at this point, it's up to the "warmists" to provide evidence that CO2, not other factors, is the cause of this recent warming. However, this is where their substantive arguments end, and they start arguing from authority, and providing various arguments that show that the Earth is warming, but not arguments that CO2 is the cause

They simply never take the next step of testing their hypothesis with evidence (and no, computer models and estimates are not evidence).

So no evidence for this hypothesis has been given.
In fact, there is evidence against it! Check out "missing hotspot" and "Vostok ice-cores", among other things.

That's the current state of the "science", with regard to arguments of substance. Politics, propaganda and credentials are irrelevant. It's evidence that counts.
6 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

The scientific consensus towards Global warming, while being larger than the sceptic science against GW today, is still insignificant.

Before this, there was a global food shortage scare as well, along with energy scares around the same time

I haven't seen a scare campaign that has garnered this much scientific consensus, but this in no way should stop science from testing every angle of it at every opportunity. I know the whole thing is another load of rubbish like previous scares.
6 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

So its the whole scientific community? They frecked up and now they are trying to cover their tracks?

Were you not aware that scientists often fluff up their research to gain more funding? What's more, a lot of them don't do it for funding but because they wish to prove themselves right. Everyone wants to be right, but if you manipulate facts to prove something then you're not a scientist.

Scientific community is a group just like any other. This means it is prone to many flaws. The problem is that allowing such flaws to grow in science makes the whole purpose of science null and void. Leave it that way and you'll be able to switch the word 'popular theory' to 'dogma'.

This emails should be extensively investigated with the possible punishment given to those involved. Yes, because of the lack of ethics. Striking a deal with someone to censor differing opinions out from his popular blog - to make your work look more appealing - is something that science should be ideally free of.
6 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

@jon357 If there is no doubt, why the need to cook the evidence?

@Berni23 Uh, realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2009/11/the-cru-hack/

I post this one again. If anyone should be announcing that the emails have been tampered with, it's the source of them. They aren't claiming such a thing. Also


So, will you finally relate to the material itself instead of calling it crap? It seems that you're the guy with a tinfoil hat. I didn't bother to consider these emails relevant until I've done some research - yet you consider yourself authorised to dismiss them altogether based on stuff that you pull out of your arse.

PS1: Arse is not a good source of anything else than sh!t.

PS2: To make things clear, in the RC link I mean the official statement that's posted there.
6 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Did you guys even bother to read these e-mails? The whole story - coupled with the rather poor RC rebuttal: realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2009/11/the-cru-hack/

smells bad, to say at least. Quite a few of emails I've read makes these scientists' 'authority figure' status most questionable.
They mention tampering data and other stuff that raises serious doubts.

Get the file off the torrents: mininova.org/tor/3168330
6 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Except the entire thing is a straw man.

Anybody who was paying attention during their first hour of Earth Sciences 101 would know that nobody has ever claimed that CO2 is what controls heat dissipation from the earth's surface. NOBODY. EVER.

It's always been water vapor in the atmosphere accorded this role going back to the weather science that was current in the late 1800's.

The entire thing is a decoy argument built around a fundamental misconception.

Asking what the role is of CO2 in controlling the earth's heat is like asking somebody when they stopped beating their wife. Who said that person beats their wife? Where did you get that wild assumption from to begin with?

You guys fake it real good. You would never fool anybody who was not a poseur, however. Never. But you do sound reel intelejent and whatnot and what have you.
6 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Anyone remember this?

CO2 creating a "climate change" is proven to be fraud.

The IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) predicted an almost total melting of the Himalayan glaciers for the year 2035. Well, turns out they got the date wrong by roughly 300 years



The IPCC findings were based on Hasnain's interview to "New Scientist" magazine in 1999 which were used by Murari Lal who had edited the chapter on glaciers for the IPCC report.

Lal claimed Hasnain had "misled" the entire scientific community by making the claims and IPCC had relied on his remarks made in the interview "in good faith"

"I do not understand why they picked only the interview I had given to New Scientist. I have not mentioned the year 2035 in any of the research papers written by me" Hasnain said.

Lol. "New Scientist" 'popular science magazine' (sold in newsagents, kiosks) is now a peer-review level source? IPCC 'researchers' would have failed 1st year at any college with standards.

You know, just for once I'd like those warmthinker types provide a scientific provable fact to base their theory on.

Just when I think those Himalayan melting glaciers can serve as, not quite, visible proof for global warming, they had to go and post the facts wrong.

It make me think quite seriously that there's a conspiracy on this warming nonsense. Not yet, but it's a start.
5 Dec 2012
Language / Mushroom: pieczarka vs grzyb [24]

Only mashroom that is eaten by English people is cultivated pieczarka. They don't know real mashrooms, poor fellows.
30 Nov 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Leftists start with an "ought to", and then spend the rest of their lives adjusting their perception of reality to fit the "ought to". They keep doing it even though the real world is stubborn and always refuses to follow their moral imperatives, as the last fifty years have shown. The irony is that their behaviour, since predicated on falsehood, never actually ends up helping anyone, except themselves in the same way that mind-altering drugs help you relieve stress before they pull your pants down and give you a death shag.

Blacks are worse off now than they were in the colonial period in Africa. When the Europeans left, the level of civilization quickly fell to reflect the genetic potential remaining on the continent. Of course, leftists are more interested in feelings than results. As with other collectivist bees in sheep's clothing, their kindness is ultimately about themselves: it's to make themselves feel good, damn the blacks (just throw encouraging words and other people's money at them).

I predict that when the blacks have conquered the States and turned it into another Zimbabwe, leftists will still be reciting joo media slogans from Stephen Jay Gould (a jew under every rock) while pulling a diversity train of ass-banger bros and waiting for it to reach the final destination (doom). If you just understood that it's whitey's fault you wouldn't feel bad about such poetic justice either, you'd gladly pull a diversity train of ass-banger bros like a good remorseful whitey.
30 Nov 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Socialists think they can explain racial differences using social standing and economics though there's obvious evidence to the contrary: asians coming from poor countries like China do MUCH better in fields like science and computer programming than blacks who were born in the USA. Damn I don't think I ever met a single computer programmer in my life who had a single drop of african blood while I've seen plenty of people coming from eastern asian countries as poor if not poorer than black-dominated places of the USA like Louisiana.
30 Nov 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

It doesn't matter what nationalities. First of all, more Poles should be interested in different culture.

Obaka, if multikult is the shortest path to the terrestial paradise, how come wherever it begins to get a foothold, your nose is the first organ to be notified? After which every single available surface that will hold paint suddenly becomes covered by a horrific graffiti scrawl?

If it's so wonderful an affirmation of democracy:

1. Why does it have to be imposed at gunpoint?

2. Why does it make everything so ugly in it's wake?

3. Why does everything smell so horrible? It's hard to appreciate the beauty of diversification when your eyes are smarting and little hairs on your upper lip are curling back as if from an intense heat.

See if you can answer these brain teasers. I need to be edumacated.
24 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Guy Fawkes [88]

This has all been blown up...sorry, blown out of proportions. The agency which undercovered this "terrorist plot" was under government's scrunity and very likely to loose funds and competences so they had to do something to show how good job they were doing and how much they were needed. Probably it was right to stop this man from playing with explosives, but acting as if they found and destroyed an Al-Quaida cell in Poland is just ridiculous. This "terrorist" atack is just now a laughing point in Poland, apart from politicians, who pretend it was all serious.

The real danger are of course that politicians who would want to use this situation to curb freedom - "terrists", give me a break.
22 Nov 2012
Life / Age chauvinism in Poland regarding young people [17]

It does not concern only the contemporary generation but also the previous ones: our parents and grandparents were also told by theirs that they are worse.

Nie rozumieją ludzie ani się w tym czują,
Jaki to wrzód szkodliwy w rzeczypospolitej
Młódź wszeteczna: ci cnocie i wstydowi cenę
Ustawili; przed tymi trudno człowiekiem być
Dobrym; ci domy niszczą. ci państwa ubożą,
A rzekę, że i gubią

21 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

Example Harry, example. Give me one example how Catholic Church is trying to eradicate family? LOL

All in all, it happens because the left was hijacked by plutocrats decades ago, via soft power. It was determined that a left which focused on economic issues and class warfare was too annoying to keep around. Consequently, a plausible but ultimately divisive and capitalism friendly version of leftism was propagated in place of the old economic leftism; identity politics. Non-profit foundations were used to promote certain strains of leftism and get rid of others. Needless to say, the media (owned by elites) was complicit. By this point, leftism is a hollow shell of it's former self, like crab infected by the parasitic barnacle Sacculina; castrated, made to mimick female behaviour/appearance and pathetically nurturing the parasite's eggs as if they were its own.

So now you know why the left has been "winning" for decades, but at the same time, this happened:

Don't worry though, we're not entirely worse off, at least we get free birth control now that Romney lost the election due to his war on women. (Cost of Birth control pill: 9$ a month)

Don't blame conservatives, conservatives are stupid, we can only vainly struggle against whatever ridiculous ******** the left comes up with next. We can't actually stop it.
21 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

This man isn't a Christian or a patriot - he's homophobic and most probably he's a closet gay. And he'll lose his job because of it. What an idiot!

Homosexual activism must be opposed, if there is to be any hope for humanity. No other group tries to marginalize and ultimately eradicate freedom, family and faith as much, and as aggressively, actively and oppressively so.

I just started reading "A Queer Thing Happened to America" by Dr. Michael Brown, who details the history and workings of the homosexual agenda through 700 pages with extensive references. After 30 pages I'm already stunned. Like the infamous Stonewall, it was depicted as a day of liberation, standing up against harassment... but the reality is that the cops were not targeting homosexuals and transgenders, but rather mafia members who used the Stonewall club to conduct illicit activities and extort well-connected homosexuals through blackmail of outing them. And the police didn't start repressing homosexuals in these times, mostly they just arrested transgenders and suspected homosexuals and released them after a few hours.

The truth is that on that evening the homosexuals and trangenders started violently attacking the police, and the police did everything they humanly could not to hurt anyone, and certainly not use their guns. Meanwhile, the homosexuals and transgenders were extremely violently, and nearly burned many police officers to death. And fourty years later, president Obama commemorated the 40th anniversary of the events by rewarding some of these people, in spite of what atrocities they had done.

This radical, vandal homosexual activism in France is just another footnote in the long, storied, violent and abusive history of the homosexual agenda. I can't wait until I'm done reading this book.

One of the titles of the chapters is Big brother is watching you, and he really is gay.
20 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

How do you know I am an "nihilist"

From your postings?
Anyway, are you able to see past your political agenda? Would you let these kind of people to adopt children?






You can basically see the difference between the two sides just by looking at them.
20 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

Hardly a "FACT"

I meant research he is quoting. See if children are not given proper boundaries and nurture, they're going to turn into nihilists like you.
20 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

Personally I think there is no correlation whatsoever

Can you back up your opinion with any facts?

"When we look at Nordland and Nord-Troendelag- the Vermont and Massachusetts of Norway - we are peering as far as we can into the future of marriage in a world where gay marriage is almost totally accepted. What we see is a place where marriage itself has almost totally disappeared.- He asserts that -Scandinavian gay marriage has driven home the message that marriage itself is outdated, and that virtually any family form, including out-of-wedlock parenthood, is acceptable."

But it's not just Norway. Blankenhorn reports this same trend in other countries. International surveys show that same-sex marriage and the erosion of traditional marriage tend to go together. Traditional marriage is weakest and illegitimacy strongest wherever same-sex marriage is legal.

20 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]


The law is a great teacher, and same sex marriage will teach future generations that marriage is not about children but about coupling. When marriage becomes nothing more than coupling, fewer people will get married to have children.

Surprise, surprise, homosexual marriage compounds the illegitimacy problem and hurts children and families.

I really have to get his How same-sex marriage hurts everyone book, shame it seems a bit hard to get in Poland.

What's outrageous is that he was fired from contracting gigs at Cisco just for writing a book saying that same-sex marriage harmed all of society, in spite of everyone liking him, and from a college teaching job as well, in spite of everyone loving him as a teacher too. This is really disgusting, firing a man for his opinion.
20 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

It would not produce any more children. In fact, same sex marriage is linked with higher illegitimacy rates, meaning everyone suffers.
20 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

...and what on earth has patriotism got to do with gay rights?!

1)Less gays -> more normal couples -> more children -> more Brits -> bigger and healthier Nation
2)More gays -> less normal couples -> less children -> more muslims and blacks to fill the population gap -> more savage children -> less Brits -> no Brits at all at some point
20 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

As I have said, it used to mean something. Let's put is that way, in order to survive UK needs more patriots like him.