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Posts by catsoldier  

Joined: 27 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 574 / In This Archive: 478

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10 Jan 2012
Study / Opinions about '2 weeks intensive Polish course' [26]

Was this better than just getting Polish lessons regularly? Because of the other students did you find that you didn't speak as much Polish as you would have liked? Did they speak a lot of English?
10 Jan 2012
Study / Opinions about '2 weeks intensive Polish course' [26]

What ideas did you get for studying on your own?

Did they have any exercises that you found particularly useful?

Has anyone else been to one of these 2 week intensive courses? How did you find it?

Are they worth the money?
10 Jan 2012
Language / Give me some reasons to learn Polish [126]

You'll get more out of learning a language you're genuinely interested in than a 'practical' language that doesn't interest you (for whatever reason).

You like it.

I think that mafketis is right, obviously you like it and have an interest in it so you should keep doing it.

In my opinion there are many things that people do that aren't a means to an end(they are an end in themselves) but people do them anyway, sometimes it is socially acceptable and sometimes not, depending on who your parents are, what country you live in etc. For some people learning langauages is a pastime like going to the pub or hillclimbing etc. You could be doing a lot worse, taking drugs, drinking, playing video games, watching too much televison etc.

I am sure that your mother spends her free time doing stuff that she likes also but that isn't necessarily productive.
6 Jan 2012
Po polsku / Jaki seriale polecacie dla dorosłych? [30]

Jaki seriale polecacie dla dorosłych?

Zobaczyłem zwiastun Usta Usta sezon 1, bardzo podoba mi się ten zwiastun.

3 Jan 2012
Language / Biernik czy narzędnik (Accusative or Instrumental) [65]

.........pod choinką


.........pod choinkę

which is correct and why?

Co dostałeś/łaś pod choinkę? Looks like accusative

pod stołem is nardzędnik

after pod we use nardzędnik usually?
28 Dec 2011
Language / "który" - relative pronoun question [12]

Merged: The pronoun game, can you use it in the Polish language? Examples?

I was wondering is it possible to use the the pronoun game in the Polish language?

Would you be able to give examples?

27 Dec 2011
Language / GCSE Polish experience. [51]

Hi Chrzaszcz!

Did you have any Christmas test and how did it go? Would you post the test questions?

Wesołych świąt
27 Dec 2011
Food / Why carp for Polish Christmas? [157]

Merged:Where did you keep your live carp and did you kill it or free it?

Where did you keep your live carp and did you kill it or free it?

I am more surprised that people keep their carp in the bath. Did your children ask you not to kill it? Any funny stories?

The people in this video as far as I can tell deny killing their own carp.

10 Dec 2011
Po polsku / Szczęśliwy piątek [6]

This is a perfect grammar but a Polish person would most likely say: Jutro pracuję, a w niedzielę jadę do miasta, gdzie spotykam się z bratem na obiedzie.

Dziękuję bardzo za pomoc.
10 Dec 2011
Po polsku / Szczęśliwy piątek [6]

Co planujesz robić w weekend?

Jutro pracuję i w niedzielę jadę do miasta. Tam spotykam się z bratem na obiad.
5 Dec 2011
Language / Speaking with wrong Polish case endings? [94]

well he's got a beard so not less than 16 :)

Only curious, I always thought that it would be younger students that went to these classes.
4 Dec 2011
Language / How do I address a letter to a woman in Poland, [8]

I am on first name terms but it is for an envelope on a chrismas card (which will be posted from Ireland). Which should I use for that?Thank you.

Is this because other people will be reading the envelope like the postman? You can write Droga Anna on the card in the envelope but Szanowna Pani on the envelope?

1 Dec 2011
Language / How to learn Polish by understanding its culture ? [5]

By proper marriage, I guess.

Short of that, suppose only complete immersion (....outside the boudoir possibly) will work, though perhaps not as well or completelyLOL

What happens if you decide that you would like to learn a little Spanish after you know a little Polish?!
1 Dec 2011
Language / Is this proper Polish grammar? If it is, can you explain how it is? [32]

It is a real shame that one of the students didn't ask her what she said and to explain the grammar of it!!!! Maybe they had learnt their lesson in another class, that it is better not to ask questions about grammar while trying to have fun! :-)

I really appreciate all your comments and help, thanks. Please continue to debate the topic and I will come back to it. I have a lot of grammar to learn before I can understand a fraction of what you are talking about.

1 Dec 2011
Work / Chemistry degree - what are my chances of finding work in Poland? [29]

twice to krakow ( beautiful city, but too expensive ) and once to koszary, malopolska.

Hi Pam, what did you do in Krakow and Koszary. How long did you spend there?

I would love to go and live in Poland also but I would be afraid that life is very hard there, so many people have left to make a better life for themselves elsewhere, this is only my own fear and not 100% good advise as I have never lived in Poland(I have only been there as a tourist). I would do a 2 or 3 week Polish course during the summer or winter though, have the best of both worlds, enjoy Poland, the language and the people etc. but not have the problems of living there(although there are problems in any country that you choose to live in).

Why would you like to go to Poland? You may have answered this already but I didn't read it. What would you like to do in Poland that you cannot do here?

Sorry if I am stating the obvious and being patronising, it is a bad habit of mine.
30 Nov 2011
Language / Is this proper Polish grammar? If it is, can you explain how it is? [32]

it's simply the past tense form of the verb być (to be):

And what has "to be" got to do with eating some of the cucumbers?

And what has "to be" got to do with eating some of the cucumbers?

I shouldn't get annoyed because this is Polish grammar and everyone is only trying to help. I just don't see how you can use była in a sentance that makes any sense when talking about eating cucumbers.
30 Nov 2011
Language / Negation in Polish sentences [12]

What book do you have? Sometimes there is a teachers book with the answers
There is double negation in Polish which is still a negative.

Never did I not help her means I always helped her in the english langauge while in Polish it means I never helped her. I am not an expert but I hope you get the idea.
30 Nov 2011
Language / Is this proper Polish grammar? If it is, can you explain how it is? [32]

as far as i understand byla means she was (ona byla). she shouldnt have eaten this cucumber? dont quote me on this one!

Quoted!! :-), I don't understand it either. We will probably come across it again later and hopefully understand it better.

There is a reason for using była we just don't know it yet.