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Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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6 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Fish and chips - do Polish people in the UK like this? [108]

Every Pole I've met under the age of 40, who was actually born in Poland, seems obsessed with ketchup. Like many myths, there's a lot of truth in this one ;)

Well I do have friends who are a bit crazy on the side of adding ketchup to everything but I'd say it's more like 1 in 5... I haven't heard any "THEY TOOK OUR JOBS... AND KETCHUP!!!" yet ; )

I hate cheddar cheese, i can send u some if u want :P

I take a cheddar block over anything anytime ; ) How can one hate cheddar cheese.. I mean it is kind of fat and unhealthy but hell are we not living for these creatures comforts from time to time..

I wonder if it is possible to get a packaged fish and chip british style in any polish supermarkets, I remember there was this event of "british days" in Lidl supermarkets network but it was only for a week, half of the food was german made and branded with a "British" sounding company (stationed in Berlin ;) )
6 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Fish and chips - do Polish people in the UK like this? [108]

I hate chips with ketchup.. yuck!!! What's with that strange myth about Poles keen on everything with ketchup?

I love cheddar cheese can't find any here :( and fish and chips is an alright meal for me..
5 Jun 2010

yay, today I've took my laptop outside to the balcony, and I'm coding outdoors.. drinking coffee, getting sleepy, nice blue sky, no clouds, I'd do a lot to be on a yacht sailing somewhere ..
4 Jun 2010
Off-Topic / Brits, Yanks slur their words? [17]

That's pretty strange because after drinking a proper amount I always though I actually understand more, moreover people I spoke with always said my accent is better hehe
4 Jun 2010
Off-Topic / Brits, Yanks slur their words? [17]

Is there more slang? How would you reply to a foreigner asking the above quiestions?

Your average Pole has got more possibilities of hearing english banter than hearing italian banter hence the flawed thinking.
4 Jun 2010
Language / Is czarnoskóry acceptable? [21]

Not necessarily

Well there are already first step visible every now and then, feminists trying to push through certain behaviours. I wasn't talking only about the problem of racism but generally about shovinism, pushing it into the bracket of skin colour and us might indeed be only an american thing stemming from their history, but there are so many other things that are and will be ocurring in Poland and will be changing similarly as they did in us.
4 Jun 2010
Travel / Playing football in Katowice [3]

I skimmed through some link on the internet but it seems only football playing possibilities outside of professional level are in Unis, it'd be best to find the number of players you need first and just book a football field for playing.

Personally I'd go for basketball or volleyball though it's much much easier to find the needed amound of players.
4 Jun 2010
Life / Amazon Kindle in Poland? (updated Kindle 3 3G) [10]

There was thread here earlier and from what I remember the op was living in Poland using kindle and thinking about switching to Ipad or Kindle 3.0 or something ;o
3 Jun 2010
Love / Insultive opinions about Polish girls... [139]

Another troll thread, there are many similar threads already can't you use the search function? I doubt guys from Morocco are such traveler and talk with every local to know that in UK, US and Germany people think this or that about whoever hence this thread is bollocks.
2 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

I m even worse - if i go shopping when hungry then i buy lots of unnecessary things so i m trying to do shopping after eating but then i dont buy almost anything coz the food

I think it's a pretty common trait, when people go to a supermarket hungry they tend to fullfill their little desire with anything that looks delicious..

Yes that's right, works for both.

I'd say it's relative, I've met some people who were rather exasperated by such stories...
1 Jun 2010
Study / preparatory Polish language courses [12]

I'm a student though lolz but i have never done one of the courses in Poland like the OP wishes to find out i study a language course at the Uni of Manchester separate to my degree i am starting in Sept in Manchester.

well you've joined just recently, anyways, that's why I said not many - most students come by and run away promptly after getting the right answer :)
1 Jun 2010
Life / Bringing my best American friend to Poland. [7]

Oh come on food? It's not Egypt you're not gonna puke your guts out after eating something bought at an outside stall. I agree with WB, and it's part of discovering the culture - trying out things that are different from what you usually have.

I'm pretty sure you can see graffiti in US too, as are poorer districts and ruined places where industry died off, nothing new there. Peeing for 2$ where did you take that price from? I'm pretty sure Poland is a very inexpensive country from anyone from US.

As for culture shock - isn't it more like being scared of too much new stuff then being bored? He would be bored if everything was the same. And he might be bored if you gonna take him to some smalltown or a village. I'm pretty sure you'd like to take him to Krakow, Wroclaw, Warsaw or Tricity..
1 Jun 2010
Study / preparatory Polish language courses [12]

not many students attending these forums, and if they do they usually just visit once asking for directions/prices/accomodation..
1 Jun 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

Really? I know Ponglish! LOL. 100 €? Okay. (Somehow I think it won't be that cheap for a foreigner though!)

Well when I was a member of IAETE I remember we were arranging accomodation in the dorms for foreign students, don't remember prices back then but I think I can ask people who will know if you're interested.. ; o
1 Jun 2010
News / Decoded talks inside Poland's president's plane are released in Internet [337]

But I don't that will happen. Instead they will come with yet another delusion like that it's manufactured or sth. Sad ppl. They should grow up and learn to accept that it was only an accident. Nothing more, nothing less.

It will always happen, the thing is EVEN if there was solid evidence, even if they had videos that would show who exactly is to blame there will always be blinded people who are absolutely sure that it was all montaged and forged. It's like that everywhere and during every major catastrophy...
1 Jun 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

Not good enough to be able to study at a University in Poland, but I don't necessarily have to study there so that's okay.

There are IT courses in English (sometimes Ponglish) in most polish universities of technology, 1 person dorm room costs 300-400zł...
1 Jun 2010
News / Decoded talks inside Poland's president's plane are released in Internet [337]

I think that whatever experts amd gov officials will say there's gonna be a load of people being delusional about it, creating some crazy schemes and plots within their heads.

well, I made my mind anyways, I'm pretty sure that plane was knocked down by spiderman.
31 May 2010
Love / Can 'engaged' soon to marry Polish men say I love you to their female friend? [62]

"Polish men say I love you all the time to their female friends."

First of all there's no "Polish men say", some men do say that most don't and Poles are not different. Most Polish people that I know would never say that, they could speak like that to a family member not to a friend. I can imagine there are people whose friendship is so deep they could use the "L" word.

It's strange to me how can somebody be so stupid - give password to the email account that has proofs of adultery on it.
25 May 2010

There an article about it in every newspaper at least once every year. It's nothing new - the whole "galerianki" thing about girls from shopping centres. I doubt anything is getting much worse with this whole problem...
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

I have watched good solid neighborhoods disintegrate with white flight

Isn't it better then it was not so long time ago? You don't see cases similar to Pruitt-Igoe or Cabrini Green panel buildings projects falling into ruin and gang violance. At least I haven't heard about such cases.
25 May 2010
Language / Meaning of 'Podtopione' please [7]

1) podtopienie - local terrain floodings after heavy showers, overfilling of surface retention, flow of water through the ground surface or percolation of embankments.

2) podtopienie - might also mean partial drowning or foced drowning.
24 May 2010
Life / Apple v IBM computers in Poland [37]

Well, it's not that IBM was so enthousiastic to hand them out to everyone :)

Yeah I know, from what I remember IBM people then said they released those prints and plans because they though it's not gonna bring them a lot of money, that computers are just gonna be just very expensive machines used in universities.

It turned out differently and we should be happy about it, I bet they were crying later ;)

Ah I understand now, so if it's an IBM when it's beside an apple, what is it when it's beside a banana?

Sean what are you on about...? I don't get it ; o

IBM is now one of many companies that put computers together. Some people call all desktop PCs IBMs by mistake, because IBM was the first company to create the computer architecture which is still used in PCs. What happened I mentioned above, now there are many companies putting all the parts together, creating motherboards and releasing PCs under their names...