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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
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From: Lodz
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Interests: chatting

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20 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

but Morrocans do not look like Spanish.

Lets not take it another direction when I say this ... very technical thing I will say (on my clear observation):

I've seen kids of mixed races, and when it is through the mix of a Slavic (white as the paper I write on, but we do have a rosiness :) ) with some Eastern (darker, but not black - Egypt, India, Persia ... Darker Greek) complexion, the kid born look quite white (I mean, its a strangely white color, pearl color/smooth, shadowy/cool. I cannot explain maybe you have seen yourself) with dark hair and sometimes blue or black eyes. I think it can be related with the Italian or Spanish look too sometimes. Not exactly but it is nearly around that.

So with this observation, the proximity of places like Greece, Spain, Italy or Malta etc to North Africa or Middle East/Persia ... can it not be concluded that in the past they attacked, conquered, traded and interacted with each other so much that they have now been mixed.

Specially if we remember the proximity of Moroccans to Spain. Just look now close they are, its crazy! They are like touching each others noses. So can it be wise to saw that only since the Arab conquest they mixed?

While also, previously before the Arab conquest whatever happened becomes null when later on the Arabs conquered and started mixing. Clearly Spaniards look very much of a mix, a newer thing.

It is not out of the world to think that these Mediterranean people are actually mixed.
20 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

hey drove most Arabs away from Spain.

But before that they mixed and mixed alot.

Arabs were defeated one by one by a carefully designed war. If you go through history, the Spaniards surely are part Arabs.

blonde spanish football players

A man from Africa can also be blond these days ... chemicals!

Italians look better

You change your perception to your convenience. Anyways, everyone looks good, everyone can make themselves look bad.
20 Mar 2011
Love / 12 years of marriage my Polish wife still doubts me [74]

i bow to it

Good, you are doing fine. Just go ahead make the most of your life. You already do have some good tips, vacation is a great idea.

is your wife a housewife?

hmm yes

In a way I think you are not wrong. If you are capable enough for her basic needs, there is not such great fun to become a wage slave for the sake of "sex appeal" as someone puts it. Nothing better than a functional family ...

Hey you are doing good with your family. Just go have fun, and nice idea to end laboring behind a demanding job when you can actually live without it.

Good luck.
19 Mar 2011
Polonia / My Polish girlfriend and I want to travel in Turkey [9]

but still I would advise to say that you are married and have your girlfriend wear a ring, as it is quite old fashioned.

I would call it something good. Why not marry her if you are drooling together in so much love?

Good things whether old or new, should be embraced. Reckless people end up with reckless lives, I think the girl is not smart, but her life.
19 Mar 2011
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

Poland is different.

Yes it is different, but how come Adam never replied after his first post. Why doesn't he answer the questions put forward to him?

Anyways, all I meant was that a good useful source of energy can never harm. However, if this costs more than what we can bear, then I guess the choice is clear ...
19 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

I'm glad that scenario is very unlikely here in Poland. :)

You don't know nothing yet. There are women who get involved with colored folks, but not necessarily your African fear. I didn't see any myself, thats why I say this. However, there is a possibility maybe in other towns. There can be good men from the blacks too.

always so excited to read sickening stories about ugly nonwhite guys getting lucky with a Polish girl

Nothing exciting or freaking about it. Its nice to read about people crossing miles of barriers just for love. Its a scene of this new millennium. In the past it never was like this, so sometimes its interesting to read and see.

Non-Whites can be quite gentle, sincere and attractive ... while there are some very ordinary looking Polish women aswell. But then love doesnt see the face, only at the first sight the face is seen, rest happens when you know the person more. Do you really ever understand this?

So lets not bring looks here, because both the races have beautiful people.

white from the outside but black

I really think every person with a good mind really despise you in here. You should know that by now. Only because of your attitude and hate.

I am white from outside, and the color of my heart is similar to the color of any human's heart. My color is not something I stare at to be proud, it is my attitude towards people and life, my behavior and my hard work which can get me somewhere.

Try that for a change.
19 Mar 2011
Travel / Is Poland worth visiting? [35]


I will be proud for anyone trying to do something good for Poland. I don't mind what you did, but you did.
19 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

it was hugely amusing!

But it was tragic for him. I don't wish to make it look I enjoy someone's heartbreak. But looking at him now I feel that the girl made a remarkably good choice, and jarnowa proves her right every time.
19 Mar 2011
Love / 12 years of marriage my Polish wife still doubts me [74]

Starting new project wth the start sweet gave me today now =).

Wish you good luck.

But don't only exist to please your wife. Be kind and understanding (which it seems you are), love her and do what asik said. Still when you talk to her, make her know your concerns. Tell her how you love her, but also how you feel. Tell her about the wasted time in pleading (not straight "wasted" but in a better, more indirect but intelligent manner), a time which could be better spend perhaps in light romance :).

After 12 years your relationship is not doing bad, even with the pressure you poor man is going through. Maybe your sister in law's issues are working on your wife's mind, making her restless. As you say she really loves her sister.

Polish women are sometimes very attached to their mothers, fathers or sisters/brothers. However, being too shaken on sibling issues is going to make life difficult, as everyone at the end of the day needs to handle their own issues.

Go on a vacation, it is a perfect idea given by one of our best members :), Patty!

Good luck and enjoy raising your children. You seem to be a flexible man, and they are going to grow up as proud Poles. Good family :).
19 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

Mix of white and black

Its not always only that mix (and this mix produce some very beautiful children), yes you also mentioned the others, and the children which come out from that look very attractive regardless of your foolish efforts.

You only degrade yourself consistently. No wonder your girlfriend left you for some dark skinned man. She probably is an intelligent woman.

By the way, you still have time. You can get a nice girl by NOT BEING A HATER of others. Imagine your girlfriend introducing you to her friend who got a dark boyfriend, and if you go on expressing your hatred the way you do, it will be very embarrassing for her. She would rethink you as a partner.

Its not always about how you look at first sight, but about how you are as a human being.

Try and find a life before its too late.


There are many wonderful Belgians. I think they are very respectable people and one of the best communities in Europe. I've met a few and felt very good about it. None, and I repeat NONE were like Jarnowa.

What's so good about choosing a nonwhite partner?

Depends on individual taste. Ranging from a different color,exotic look, mystery, adventure, excitement for life ... to ... being color blind in love, choosing someone not on the basis of race but on the basis of love and longing. Nothing to do with being non-white of white seem to be the way of life for many in the New Europe ... and if you cannot adjust to the changing environment, it will push you away from it.

Its not at all a question for most of those who get involved in such a relationship. Maybe a first curiosity, but getting involved seriously with someone always requires more than just the color or race. Specially for the educated of today ... try and realize this fact.

Your description of children are not only disgusting but very lame. You can scream at your top pitch and no one will really pay attention, other than dogs or perhaps the kids who will think you are a mad man.

who can't get laid and blames it on the one or two coloured guys he sees once in a blue moon in Wroclaw. It's absolutely laughable.

True. But interestingly he once shared his tragic tale if I remember. The girl he loved went to some eastern bloke and she refused to be interested in Jarnowa. Since then he seems to have moved to Poland, and is shocked to see girls not being as racist as he would've liked them to be.

I praise girls who chose a man on the basis of his ability to handle a family and his honesty/credibility, his love for her. Not his skin complexion. Infact the good complexion is an even toned and healthy skin. Nothing better than that ... it doesnt depend on the color, but the health of the skin.
19 Mar 2011
Love / 12 years of marriage my Polish wife still doubts me [74]

Just talk with an open mind, share your concerns.

you have to remember that this is not the only thing that makes a marriage happy

Yeah, it is a very good information Patty :D ... I think its good for any man to know :).

See zahi, you got good tips from here.

By the way, the fact that you are trying after all these years, definitely shows that you genuinely love her :). You will have your problems cured soon, just don't give up ;).

-help her with the housework
-help with parenting
- hug her often,
- kiss her everyday
-don't talk back! :) just listen
-say she's beautiful without being asked;
-try to surprise her from time to time (bring flowers, invite her to dinner/or cinema/or to dance/choose something nice)
-show that you really care , be attentive
-tell her you love her and mean it!

What about the man? He should not have any need?
19 Mar 2011
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

There is no other world, but one world. Such names are not appropriate.

Yes our economy needs more strengthening, specially when it comes to jobs and infrastructure. We need more FDIs, and that is possible if our government pays more attention.
18 Mar 2011
Love / 12 years of marriage my Polish wife still doubts me [74]

12 years of marriage is a nice time covered I think. The couple should love forward in a much more healthy manner.


My wife doesn't have any such intentions, but she is not Polish :). Polish women often seem to fight for control on their man. I mean, I would know as I'm a Pole. However, I would say that sometimes it is just out of love, a very strange way of loving indeed.

i can leave the job find new if she need more time.

Talk with her about it.

Plus, make it a long discussion, and not just to please her as you might just do instead.

you can`t imagine what is she capable to do after 12 years of marriage

What's that? Trying to give the guy a heart attack or what?
18 Mar 2011
Genealogy / Family name Kustosz [13]


You are always welcome to my place when you come :) ... you know my email and PM is there ... name and all ... I think you can visit anytime you wish.

I really think you should visit Poland with the kind of appreciation you have for it. Plan ... atleast once in life you must visit :)
17 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

You're not Polish ... :) ... maybe in greece? The brown greek with black africans?

I don't have a problem with it if a girl chooses a responsible male ... but I just didn't see any around me. However maybe in other cities ... who knows, otherwise there would not be such statistics. I wonder ...
17 Mar 2011
Genealogy / Family name Kustosz [13]

Genealogy is BIG in the USA now.

Nice to know something new...

other side of the pond

such a big pond! :D

Y-DNA samples

:D ...

Well, I can say that USA is very interesting country. Land of many people!
17 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

but i don't recall doing such business...

Thats good ... you didn't do such business. It is ugly I tell you ... demeaning such a beautiful concept as marriage. Those who don't know how to value it, shouldn't atleast play with its sanctity.

nothing justifies their actions... it's business, fraud... all are guilty...

Who knows why that man went to such desperate measures ... and who knows what compelled the girl to do such a thing just for some money.
17 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

it is a business transaction...
shame on them (as people, not as a nation)...

What I meant was that ... it is not a business transaction (such as the one you mentioned) that we are talking in here, it is about true marriage.

Such transactions are not unknown for any people ... what about men and women who CHEAT their way into a marriage and not inform the other party of their intentions. Atleast your example made it clear and handed over a payment. This means that both the people in such a dirty job were equally fraud.

As for the good people, you cannot just tag "shame on the people". You should scream "shame on the couple".

I have not seen any black going with a Polish girl atleast in my city ... surprising? Well, I don't mind if I do see one with a good black man who is responsible, but I just have seen Egyptian Indian and Bangladesh ... I've seen Turks and Persians but I were not that close with them to know what happened next. The ones I were friends with all now live happily with their children and wife (Polish) doing good in their lives. Enough for me to view things in the right light.

I do not deny foul play happening, but those happen among the desperate (probably mostly uneducated) people would like to get a good life in a more developed country. Do you know that the greatest frequency is still with Russian scammers? Go check statistics and dating site warnings.

Polish men (my own friend) was involved in such kind of business as to get men into USA with such marriages. I've had some American friends I met in such sites who had been victims. So does that mean I am supposed to be categorized in the same level?

Its easy to throw stones at others ... but before that look into yourself. If we point one finger at another person, the remaining four point at us.
17 Mar 2011
Genealogy / Family name Kustosz [13]

Lets see if any of these ancestor's kid searches for me :P ...

You in America search so much for your ancestors. Is it restricted to Poles or do the Germans or other European, Asian or Middle eastern do the same?
17 Mar 2011
Genealogy / Family name Kustosz [13]

Never say never ;)

Well then I'll tell him about Polish forums next time I interract ... a nice guy but not the internet lover. Still maybe he can check and if interested get connected with Mr. John! :)

I'll be happy if this coincidence turns out to be a meaningful one.

But how can they really guarantee that its a long lost kin? ... Anyways, I do have some family in USA I think .. I mean ancestor links etc. Never searched ... if they ever search for me and come across you (you know my name) go tell them about me :D ...

I am personally not so curious on this ... I feel we are all same things with different colored coats. But eventually if it matters for someone I'd welcome it!
17 Mar 2011
News / Does Poland live up to its freedom rights? [23]

You wanna be as free as an animal?

I think humans like to have a fence surrounding their homes ... and thats not limiting freedom, but a perimeter signifying safety.
17 Mar 2011
Australia / Places to live in Melbourne... [36]

I'm pretty much sorted

So you found the best place? Congrats! Which is it?

Haven't been to Australia, was just looking at some sport news and there it said that Australians have one sport all over them and that is "cricket" :D ... it said there is the world cup on, and Australia is favorite to win it.

Are you following it? ... we don't play cricket in Poland.