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WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda

polishcanuck  7 | 461  
24 Nov 2009 /  #31
perhaps. but pretty common, been experiencing it all my life.

This is not because you are of polish decent. It is because you are a fcuking loser and people around you see that.
sjam  2 | 541  
24 Nov 2009 /  #32
I can assure you, as much as you try to deny it.. to a true Brit descended from Normans you are, and will always be, a pollack.

Thank God you are not Polish as there are enough dumb Pollack jokes as it is!!

The Normans were not English, just invaders from where was it? Oh yes, Normandy. Maybe that is why in British history it is called the Norman Conquest of 1066 !!! Where is Normandy? Oh, yes Normandy is a region in northern France!!! Wouldn't that make me French and not British. LOL.

I really am done arguing this point with you sjam.

Promises! Promises!
wakiku edward  - | 2  
20 Jun 2010 /  #33
I am wakiku Edward, the Caretaker of koja cemetery and have done research on Polish refugees in uganda for the last 10 years. I have quite a lot to share and the space and time may not allow me.

The Polish refugees arrived in Uganda in september 1942. They were described as destitutes on arrival as they had totally nothing, Having moved from through Siberia, all over the middle east, India and by ship to Mombasa port. Advertisements were run in Uganda dailies then to get help for these refugees. In uganda, they were settled at camp koja and Nyabyeya in Masindi. A lot of areas have to be discussed here, e.g settlements at the camps(why koja or masindi). Camp administration, Life in the camps, The camp description,(the houses, furniture, beddings,etc. Education in the camps, Challenges eg there were 20% men and about 80% young women, We have several letters written by administrators and alot of other materials. We shall have a conference and a memorial mass on the Polish Refugees in Uganda on 1/11/2010 at koja cemetery and all these will be discussed and exhibited. For more information contact Wakiku Edward at +256782766614 or ugandapolishfoundation@gmail or Fr. Ryszard Jowziak at ryszard_joz@yahoo for English or Polska(polish).
Matowy  - | 293  
20 Jun 2010 /  #34
Maybe you should head to that section and tell everyone who posts there that they are not Polish either.

I will attest to genealogy and ancestry being pointless nonsense, and I'm repeatedly amazed at the lengths people go to on this forum for a silly pursuit like this. I'll respect other peoples hobbies though, even if I think they're ridiculous. I'm pretty confident in saying this because I know there is not one valid, logical reason why this stuff is worth anyones time.

Hint: Sentimentality is not valid nor logical.
Kowalski  7 | 621  
17 Jul 2013 /  #35
some pictures from Nyabyeya village I took 2 years ago

Uganda tv reporting on Poles Nyabyeya

Tim Bucknall  7 | 98  
17 Jul 2013 /  #36
please vote for The Kresy Siberia Foundation to receive a grant so that we can continue to document these kinds of survivor testimonies:


Archives - 2010-2019 / History / WWII Polish Exiles in UgandaArchived