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Whoever is a Pole, of Polish blood and Polish origin... MUST listen this song of Racowie

Magdalena  3 | 1827  
2 Apr 2011 /  #31
Poles wouldn`t like it, if its oriental

Why not? I like it and I'm Polish.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
2 Apr 2011 /  #32
Youve got your values all mixed up, corporations dont exist for us, they exist for themselves to make more money for the people at the top.

WB, you are in denial if you think corporations have not helped. How do you think you are able to fly or drive to other countries, miles away from where you were born? You can thank a corporation for that. They make it possible for planes to fly, for cars to be manufactured, for trains to go on rails. It's impossible to have a high quality of life without them, even though there can be some bad ones, the good ones have done a lot of great things.

The car was invented by Ferdinand Verbiest, not a corporation. The Wrights brothers invented the first flying machine, again not a corporation.

Did you know patents are issued to people with corporate sponsors? People invent things but the corporations help support the process and refine the product.

Corporation based on Slavic heritage, cultural values, with some Slavic language as official. That. that is desirable

So you want everyone to speak Serbian instead of English.
OP Crow  154 | 9261  
2 Apr 2011 /  #33
Why not? I like it and I'm Polish.

be honest to yourself. You like Serbians. That`s what you like. Serbian music is hit all over the Slavija. Serbian music coming from the Serbian stubborn soul. Poles sense that

i have gift for you >>>

Kayah & Bregovic - To nie ptak

So you want everyone to speak Serbian instead of English.

i am realistic. Polish is acceptable
Wroclaw Boy  
2 Apr 2011 /  #34
WB, you are in denial if you think corporations have not helped.

Some corporations have helped the human race advance to where it is today. I questioned your "corporations exists for us" comment, they do not exist for us, they exist for themselves, in order to profit.

How do you think you are able to fly or drive to other countries, miles away from where you were born?

because humans progress as an intellectual species, a series of ideas passed from one generation to the next. The discoverer of antibiotics was not a member of any corporation, he was a lone scientist.

You can thank a corporation for that. They make it possible for planes to fly, for cars to be manufactured, for trains to go on rails.

What are you saying without corporations we wouldnt travel? how do you know, you only know what youre taught, you are a result of your circumstance.

It's impossible to have a high quality of life without them,

Not impossible, just different, theres nothing to be afraid of. Talk high quality of life to those 40% of the worlds population that live on less than $2 a day. It would be much more possible to have a high quality of life without them. Corporations are killing this planet.

the good ones have done a lot of great things.

Back in 60's America perhaps, not any more though. Please provide me with a good corporation, what does that even mean?

Did you know patents are issued to people with corporate sponsors? People invent things but the corporations help support the process and refine the product.

anybody can get a patent, im against patents, they hold back the human race.

As for corporations sponsoring people with good ideas, theyre not doing it from the goodness of their hearts, they have one goal in mind and thats to make money.

In fact i would definitely say corporations hold back technological advancement in the name of profit, the last thing those corporations want is free energy, that would really fcuk up the economy.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
2 Apr 2011 /  #35
Please provide me with a good corporation,

The best one of all, SONY. They make the best LED televisions, DVD players, Blu Ray disk players. This computer I'm on was made by them and I love it.

I understand why you dislike corporations, WB, some of them do have a dark side and seem to be money vacuums. I want to acknowledge the good things they do as well. They aren't totally evil, just a little.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
2 Apr 2011 /  #36
I thought it a great song...This song would make the bureaucrats at the EU sh*t.

It is very Slavic sounding...As for 'Eastern influences' much music of Eastern Europe has the influence of various Eastern/Turkic musics...For example, Yiddish music, since the Jewish people are themselves Turks...But this is fine, as musical influences lend themselves to adaptation.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
3 Apr 2011 /  #37
Seems you know absolutely nothing about South Slavic folk and traditional music. Of course it sounds "oriental" - does that surprise you in any way?

I do, i knew how it sounded before i heard it, i just wanted to pull Crow's chain, undoubtedly the south "Slavs" got a lot of their inspiration from oriental music, that is why it sounds more oriental than European.

Kayah & Bregovic - To nie ptak

i love Turic rhythms, almost Spanish sounding in this clip(:
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Apr 2011 /  #38
here, Crow, land in Kosovo. Can anyone buy it? And you don't have to fight till death for it.

OP Crow  154 | 9261  
3 Apr 2011 /  #39
i love Turic rhythms,

turic? you mean tur? Tur is kind of goat. Eh? So you Albanian-Shiftar
Babinich  1 | 453  
3 Apr 2011 /  #40
Patriotism is a relationship with ones country not their loved ones.

The two are not mutually exclusive.
3 Apr 2011 /  #41
I'm finding it quite difficult to think of the benefits Patriotism brings to society? perhaps you could help me out.

Well, I'm not a member of this forum but I feel like I can respond to this. People want to associate with a group. People are natural rivals. If we're all the same, there would be no rivalry, there would be no motive, there would be no innovation. When you're competing with one another, you want to be driven to succeed and that's what national pride does. It serves as a motive for people who want to bring something for their people to be proud of. If we all decided that we are all equal, some of that motivation would be gone and progress would be slowed. One may say that if we all all working on a common goal, we will achieve it faster but that's not true. There will always be radical people who are more motivated and dedicated that others will work night and day until they have accomplished what they wanted. They are driven by this pride, this competition on the world stage. Why do you think Hitler was so popular? He was a brilliant man, a radical one, but a brilliant one and no matter how much you resent him you can't deny that. Just look at soccer, if national teams wouldn't have fans then they wouldn't be no where near as good as they are now because they wouldn't have support.

Patriotism derives from the fact that we are all different. We may not think that or want to but on a subconscious level, we are. We like to associate ourselves with similar people who have similar interests. To say that patriotism hasn't brought any benefits to society is absurd. Sure, some people benefit while others are put down as shown by 18th century patterns on imperialism but we're playing on a world stage now and as Herbert Spencer said, "Survival of the fittest".
Ice cold  - | 43  
3 Apr 2011 /  #42
. People are natural rivals.

All animals are.
Lions will fight and kill other Lions for territory, females, and food.

Humans are part of the ape family, we're caught up in the same crap.
It's just masked under illusions.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
3 Apr 2011 /  #43
Humans are part of the ape family,

We are nothing like apes.
Ice cold  - | 43  
3 Apr 2011 /  #44
Chimps and humans have 99% of the same DNA
Daisy  3 | 1211  
3 Apr 2011 /  #45
We are nothing like apes.

We have quite a lot in common with our primate cousins (ignore the silly advert at the start for historical fiction)

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
3 Apr 2011 /  #46
As soon as I see a chimpanzee build a city, I'll say it is a form of human. Until then, no.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Apr 2011 /  #47
People are natural rivals.

You dont know that 100%, you only know what you were taught from a child, you are a product of your environment.

Did you ever have to pay your mother when you were a child for taking a packet of crisps form the cupboard? of course not, so why is it the most natural thing on this planet to pay for a meal? We are products of our society..... so you dont really know if people are natural rivals or not.

you want to be driven to succeed and that's what national pride does.

Money would come before national pride in most cases.

One may say that if we all all working on a common goal, we will achieve it faster but that's not true.

I disagree, imagine the possibilities of major corporations working together instead of the opposite. The worlds best scientists sharing their ideas instead of patenting them.

Why do you think Hitler was so popular? He was a brilliant man, a radical one, but a brilliant one and no matter how much you resent him you can't deny that

Hitler had the the appropriate attributes to become what he became.


Heres the US dictionary definition:

devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.

The best one of all, SONY. They make the best LED televisions, DVD players, Blu Ray disk players. This computer I'm on was made by them and I love it.

As far as large companies go SONY has some decent, competitive products, i dont think

industry that concentrated power in too few hands, to the disadvantage of the recording artists

would agree.

You can put them in the same bracket as other leading brands, brands which essentially dont give a flying fcuk about you or I, only money.
Ice cold  - | 43  
3 Apr 2011 /  #48
Until then,

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
3 Apr 2011 /  #49
George Michael

I don;t give a flying f about him, lol.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Apr 2011 /  #50
The corporation i have the most respect for is Google, two dedicated guys with a vision in a basement - true brilliance, not a corporation at all.

What impresses me most about Google is the web site ranking system, they could make billions if they allowed web ranking position to be bought. The system is fair and web site positioning reflects the content of your site not a companies purchasing power.

Google can not be bought - yet....
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
3 Apr 2011 /  #51
The corporation i have the most respect for is Google, two dedicated guys with a vision in a basement - true brilliance, not a corporation at all.

What about Wikileaks?
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Apr 2011 /  #52
I havent researched anything on wikileaks, only what ive seen in the media. If it helps bring down the establishment its all good IMO.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
3 Apr 2011 /  #53
be honest to yourself. You like Serbians. That`s what you like.

This is off-topic, but:
I used to like all Yugoslavs (way before the war). I would read Yugoslavian authors, listen to the music, watch the movies, I even started to learn the language when it was still called sprsko-hrvatski. I had a pen pal in Beograd (there was no internet then, we actually wrote letters on paper and put them in the mail!)

But then the war came - was it 1990? 1991? Can't remember. And I realised that your own authors and your own artists were right and that the South Slavic soul is full of cruelty and pent-up rage... Yugoslavia disintegrated and destroyed itself. After all the atrocities (never mind who committed them and why) I have never felt the same about the former Yugoslavia. I can't really blame the people, as I wasn't there and wouldn't understand anyway. But it is so sad and so stupid for a wonderful country like Yugoslavia, a sort of mini-EU with such vibrant cultures and beautiful languages, to end in this terrible and bloody way. :-(
Daisy  3 | 1211  
3 Apr 2011 /  #54
As soon as I see a chimpanzee build a city, I'll say it is a form of human. Until then, no.

Maybe they've got more sense
Ice cold  - | 43  
3 Apr 2011 /  #55
a wonderful country like Yugoslavia

I took the train from Zagreb to Ljubljana a couple of summers ago. That area is jaw dropping beautiful ( better than anything Disney could makeup). If these guys stopped squabbling, investment money would flood the place.
mephias  10 | 296  
3 Apr 2011 /  #56
Yugoslavia disintegrated and destroyed itself.

Dissolution was inevitable but they could have managed to make it in peaceful way.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Apr 2011 /  #57
Generally many insiders and outsiders were highly uncomfortable with Yugoslavia and wanted it to finish since it did not serve any viable purpose after Soviet Union collapse.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Whoever is a Pole, of Polish blood and Polish origin... MUST listen this song of RacowieArchived