whats the difference between thinking ones country or ones tribe is the greatest ? theyre both disrespectful to other nations and other tribes.
for me, its problem only if somebody wish to invade somebody else property. What does it matter if somebody thinks of itself that is best, better then others. To tell you frankly, every morning i stand in front of mirror and telling to myself that i`m the best. Best when approaching to girl, best when approaching to customers, best on Polishforums. Then, sometimes i found that i`m not the best. and, i learning then, learning more again and again for i want to be best, always best. and all what is best in me i like to share with my people, even to help to the other people when they are in their need
No, the material world we live in today leads to (what you refer as coporartionism) what i like to call the rat race.
let it go without me
You can be patriotic, tribal, and quite corporate.
yes, if corporation serve to tradition, heritage and culture of my people. It is best when Corporation, in its work and mission, using language of my people (Polish, Serbian, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Russian, etc). Bit, its not always the case. Anyway, that is my wish. Corporation based on Slavic heritage, cultural values, with some Slavic language as official. That. that is desirable
I would say the opposite...
you can but, only you know what is `opposite` in this case. Will you share it with rest of us?
And they did ;)
exactly. Just i don`t understand why you need that `;)`
Eastern Ukriane were the ancient sarmatian lands, and who owned them in the 16-17'th century? The Poles!
eastern Ukraine, eastern Ukraine, bla bla. Not only eastern Ukraine. Complete Slavic (Proto Slavic) world was Sarmatia. Just Russian lands were Scythian realm but even then, Scythians were just another branch of Sarmatians.
Serbian (Racowie) lands on Balkan were included in the list of property that belonged to Polish Kings. Did you know this? It happened after Ottoman Turkish assault on Balkan when Serbian Empire finaly collapsed, after decades of resistance (almost 100 years). Thanks to Jadwiga and Zawisha the Black voice of disaster came to the Polish throne and Władysława III of Poland declared that Rascie (land of Racowie, Serbia) does not belong to Ottomans but to the Sarmatia and no matter being under temporary Turkish occupation or being subjugated to Hungary. We Serbians won`t forget this. and we gave our best to Poland. and never betrayed Poland. Who else on this Earth can say that for itself?! Who didn`t betray Poland???
Zasługi polskiego króla Władysława III Warneńczyka (1424-1444) dla BałkanówTytuł królewski
Wladislaus, Dei gracia rex Polonie, Hungarie, Dalmacie, Croacie, Rascie, Bulgarie, Sclavonie, nec non terrarum Cracovie, Sandomirie, Lancicie, Syradie, Cuyavie, Lythuanie princeps suppremus, Pomeranie, Russieque dominus et heres etc.
Patriotism is healthy; fanaticism is a disease.
that was nicely said