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Walesa says without meeting Mrs Thatcher in Gdansk Solidarnosc wouldn't have won

jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jul 2017 /  #31
Lech Wałęsa hospitalised in Gdańsk heart ward for circulatory problems

Let's hope he gets well soon; he's important still for Poland


The 87th monthly PiS parade, this time one where protesters far outnumbered the Smolensk conspiracy theorists
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Jul 2017 /  #32

The scummy anti-PiS rabble this time were unable to disrupt the memorial assembly. They were kept a good distance away by police so they could not shout down, drown out with bullhorns or heckle praying mourners praying. Since when do you support law-breaking? Everyone is free to demonstrate but not free to prevent someone else demonstrating That's why antagonistic gatherings must be at least 100 metres apart. That makes sense untess someone's goal is to have Hamburg-style street clashes. PiS will triumph, PiS will prevail, whilst PO is already disintegrating from internal decay.
jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jul 2017 /  #33
Everyone is free to demonstrate but not free to prevent someone else demonstrating

I'll remember your words next time far-right nationalists try a counter demonstration against one of the various events they dislike.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Jul 2017 /  #34
he's important still

Too bad he hasn't got he guts and b*lls to fess up to his PRL era snitchery which has been proven beyond a doubt. Olechowski, Boni and others have admitted collaborating and nobody holds it agaisnt them. Everyone knows that was what the system was like. Every Penderecki, Wajda, songaters, symphony musicians, dancer, actor, comedian or other entertainer who performed abroad had to pledge to snitch to get a passport. It wasn't being a paid informer that people hold agaisnt Wałęsa, it is his stonewalling, his constant feuding with the good-change government and the malice he bears against Kaczyński.
mafketis  38 | 11278  
10 Jul 2017 /  #35
The scummy anti-PiS rabble this time were unable to disrupt the

death porn street party!

Jarosławie! Twoja wina! Twoja wina! Twoja wina!

Too bad he hasn't got he guts and b*lls to fess up to his PRL era snitchery

A lot of that going around apparently....
jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jul 2017 /  #36
his PRL era snitchery

Don't be silly. No 'snitchery' and he has discussed the matter fully. People believe him, not the hysteria of the Smolenskist Macierewicz etc.

death porn street party!

A perfect description for it.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
10 Jul 2017 /  #37
No 'snitchery' and he has discussed the matter fully. People believe him

No he didn't. He lied and changed the story few times. Now all the papers are in the open. He is not suing any more people who call him/write about him openly as a snitch. Nah, people call him Bolek and younger generations even more.

Defenders of the WSI ( the Soviet Military Intelligence (a branch in the Soviet occupied Poland) and their post-commie paradise for reject, soviets snitches and all kind of scum took Walsa on their standards. He is their symbol and one of them. They know the best.
jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jul 2017 /  #38
He lied

No, I-S, he has discussed the matter fully, even if you personally prefer conspiracy theories.

the WSI

Polish, I-S, not Soviet.

all kind of scum

Oh dear.
jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jul 2017 /  #39
Anyway, sad that the Nobel laureate couldn't attend today. Let's hope he makes it next time.
OP Harry  
11 Jul 2017 /  #40
The scummy anti-PiS rabble this time were unable to disrupt the memorial assembly. They were kept a good distance away by police

You really should learn to not repeat here as fact everything you hear on Radio Maybach. The PiSlamic State denied us our right to assemble peacefully to demonstrate again the tragedy being used for political purposes. They were terrified of us and had drafted in thousands of police to form four solid lines of police along the entire route of their parade. So before they even left church we all left plac Zamkowy and walked up ul Senatorska to pay our respects to Polish heroes on pl Pilsudskiego. We just left the Pathetic Insane Sect alone with their thousands of police.


There were no mourners. The eliteny of the PiSlamic State were taking part in a political parade and were happy about the fact that they'd had barriers put up to block off Warsaw from her citizens. Just look at the smiles on their faces:

Happy Smolensk Death Cult members
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jul 2017 /  #41
PiSlamic State denied us our right to assemble peacefully to demonstrate

You could do it anywhere in Poland. Just 100m away from them. The fact is you tried to disturb the other demonstration. If it was PiS blocking your KOD madness you'd be all over here complaining how anti-democratic it was. You make me sick, hipocrytes.
jon357  72 | 23670  
11 Jul 2017 /  #42
a political parade and were happy about the fact that they'd had barriers put up to block off Warsaw from her citizens.

They actually love being hated.

Anyway, hopefully Lech Walesa will be there next time.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2017 /  #43
People believe him,

Just goes to show that some people will believe most anything. Adolf, the perfect role model for Soros and his cultural-marxist disciples (including those on PF), had said: a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth. So even after professional graphologists have proved that not only Wałęsa's initial pledge to collaborate but all the individual reports he submitted on his workmates were signed by him and him alone, there are gullible fools that obsessively believe his stonewalling.

Modern graphology is like fingerprints, they are dead give-aways.
Incidentally, Wałęsa hismelf has admitted his snitchery. Do you disbelieve the "great" Wałęsa? Check out:
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2017 /  #44
next time far-right nationalists

Absolutely! If All-Polish Youth or ONR get closer than 100 metres to a "I love Michnik" rally, they will be breakign the law just like the Obywatele RP scum and should be restrained.

A good cultural marxist like yourself is for "the rule of law" only when it serves his own agenda. If you could, you and your ilk would gladly ban the Smlolensk commemoration, but would balk at giving the same treatment to the balloon, feather and techno-blasting homo-lesbo-tranny freak show. Orwell got it right: everybody is equal but some are more equal than others!
OP Harry  
11 Jul 2017 /  #45
hopefully Lech Walesa will be there next time.

I very much hope he will be. It was marvellous to hear thousands of people chanting his name last night, along with the word Solidarnosc.

The most amusing bit of the whole event for me was watching an elderly lady laying into the 'Solidarnosc' members who were on the wrong side of the barriers, waiting to take part in the parade. She was shouting at them for hiding behind the "Milicja" and saying that they weren't Solidarnosc but from the Centralna Rada something. Given their ages I'd say there was zero chance of them having been Solidarnosc members back when the Party was the PZPR rather than PIS and the First Secretary of the Party wasn't named kaczynski.

If All-Polish Youth or ONR get closer than 100 metres to a "I love Michnik" rally, they will be breakign the law just like the Obywatele RP scum and should be restrained.

But they aren't. There are counter protests at each and every one of the Pride parades. We mainly just laugh at them, although there are a few comments along the lines of "Jarek I love you anyway and I'll see you in the dark room at Fantom next Friday as usual." aimed at the knuckle-draggers.

And then there are the ONR scum who attacked a KOD protest in Radom a couple of weeks ago while the police did nothing.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2017 /  #46
But they aren't.

Send your complaints to the police. I truly have nothing to do with it. You'll probably fallaciously claim (your are PF's Mr Fallacious after all!) that when I'm not writing for the Pig Farmers Gazette I am the Polish Police's cheif strategy adviser.

I wouldn't put it past you!

dark room at Fantom next Friday

Is that where they develop photos?

mainly just laugh at them

Decent people also laugh at the balloon, wig and feather freaks!
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jul 2017 /  #47
And then there are the ONR scum who attacked a KOD protest in Radom a couple of weeks ago while the police did nothing.

What about a PiS councilor being attack on the same day and in the very same place?!
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jul 2017 /  #48
A good cultural marxist like yourself is for "the rule of law" only when it serves his own agenda.

Exactly!!! Democracy is the rule of majority. Homos, Neg-ros (no idea why this is censored), Trannies, Church of a Mushroom worshippers are all in minority yet in the West they force the majority to bend over to them. They consider themselves above others. They consider themselves better than the rest. They consider themselves special. It is exactly opposite to what Democracy stands for.
OP Harry  
11 Jul 2017 /  #49
What about

What about it? Were the police told in advance it was going to happen? They were about the KOD event and the ONR counter event.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jul 2017 /  #50
Kod protesters PHYSICALLY ATTACKED a PiS councilor and you are OK with that! LOL. Two faced idiot.
jon357  72 | 23670  
11 Jul 2017 /  #51
they force the majority to bend over to them.

Do tell

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