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Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
11 May 2010 /  #61
Because they weren't Slavs.

And where do the polish babies fit in? They couldn't have "worthless blood" if they were deemed to "replenish" the aryan stock.

And being blonde was for sure no sign of german blood or half of the ruling baggage would had had to be sent to the camps because they didn't had any!

I just think that the whole slavic angle of the Nazis got mightily skewed during 70 years and doubtful, still missing documents like the "Generalplan Ost" are now presented and seen as "facts".

Hitler would surely had preferred to have the Poles on his side, as he was even invited and took part in the funeral of Pilsudski whom he officially highly respected. A proud Slav to boot!

As I said, something doesn't add up here...


...Hitler repeatedly suggested a German-Polish alliance against the Soviet Union, but Piłsudski declined, instead seeking precious time to prepare for potential war with Germany or with the Soviet Union.[159][161] Hitler, who admired Piłsudski's leadership and his successful coup,[162] also kept hoping to meet personally with Piłsudski, but again was rebuffed.[159]

Anti-Slav racism looks different I would say....


In 1939 when the Germans took Kraków Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht to set at Piłsudski's grave a honor guard.

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
11 May 2010 /  #62
And where do the polish babies fit in?

I guess they could somehow make believe they were German kiddos and simply deny they were Polish. But indeed, this never happened to Jewish babies.


I think he had a cool moustache, though :)


M-G (likes peanut butter, but hates his bank and wants it to die)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
11 May 2010 /  #63
I guess they could somehow make believe they were German kiddos and simply deny they were Polish.

I don't think the whole inane race-ideology of the Nazis was supposed to work that way....

I think he had a cool moustache, though :)

Come to think of...Stalin did sport a moustache too, didn't he?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
11 May 2010 /  #64
I don't think the whole inane race-ideology of the Nazis was supposed to work that way....

Well, the whole apparatus of Nazism and all its ideologies wasn't the monolitic moloch ppl always think it was. There was a little bending of the rules here and there on a local and secondary level, so I guess some slipped through, also Jews, but these were very rarely given a break.

Come to think of...Stalin did sport a moustache too, didn't he?

I think Stalin's moustache was cool too. Stalin himself was not cool, but his moustache was. I thought I'd throw in some sarcasm again.


M-G (hates his bank and wants it to die)

Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles.

if it's off topic, it goes in the bin

1jola  14 | 1875  
13 May 2010 /  #65
I guess they could somehow make believe they were German kiddos and simply deny they were Polish. But indeed, this never happened to Jewish babies.

Never? There were plenty of Jewish babies and kids who were saved by Poles, as you may or may not know. You had to deny they were Jewish or you faced death. Adolf Berman, Jukub Berman's (head of Stalinist terror machine against Polish patriots) brother, went around Poland basically stealing these kids from their new families after the war and placing them in orphanages in kibbutzes in Israel. Irena Sendler, who worked with Adolf Berman in Żegota in saving these kids, was very much against this, and now you know why it is Schindler who gets a shrine in Yad Vashem and not Sendler.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
22 May 2010 /  #66
I want to change it to "The Nazi genocide of approximately 5 million Poles, of whom 3.1 million were Polish Jews, and 2 million were ethnic Poles." or something similar.

Forget editing...You have Jewish watchgroups that will delete your edit within 24-48 hours.

However, you may get away with posting a new entry on 'The Genocide of Poles/Slavs'.
Rogalski  5 | 94  
23 May 2010 /  #67
However, you may get away with posting a new entry on 'The Genocide of Poles/Slavs'.

Wouldn't that have been the obvious thing to have done in the first place?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
14 Mar 2011 /  #68
Ever since my return from Poland It's pissed me off how much the holocaust is equated with the Jews, without even a token mention of Poles, 2 million of whom died at the hands of the Nazis, and whose culture and nationhood was the target for complete annihilation.

Good luck...The rabbinical thought police will delete your entry within 48 hours...Try MetaPedia.
Mateusz P L  - | 1  
14 Mar 2011 /  #69
You really should, most people think that nazis only killed Jews, not Poles, not anyone else, just Jews.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
14 Mar 2011 /  #70
You really should,

There is already an article on that, about the occupation of Poland.

Interesting that people talk about amending the article on the holocaust, and not the one on the Poraimos...
In Warsaw  - | 48  
15 Mar 2011 /  #71
Interesting that people talk about amending the article on the holocaust, and not the one on the Poraimos...

Especially given that the Poraimos was far more deadly than the Shoah.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
15 Mar 2011 /  #72
Poland in WW1 with Polish Legions fought with Austria which was the same side as Germany.

Germany & Austria were even going to give Poland our own state towards the end of the war.

I am not really sure why Germany attacked Poland? I mean Hitler & Goering gave respect to Josef Pilsudski for fighting so well against Soviets.

Of course Nazi Goebbels said Lenin was the 2nd best man only 2nd to Hitler & That Communism was only slightly different than Communism.

Of course Germany was funding & Backing the bolshevik revolution.

Then Germany later Attacks the Soviet Union & Then gets split in half by Communism which was invented in Germany?

I think Germans are severely bi polar I read a science article saying Germans have the highest rate of Bi Polar disorder in the world.

How do German Nazis worship Pilsudski for fighting Lenin & then Worship Lenin at the same time? While backing the Soviets & then attacking the Soviets?

Talk about Rabbid Animals

The two times Germans did the worst things against Poles were when Poland helped Germany the most right before hand.

Which is Polish Legions in WW1

But, Also when Germans & Austrians cried for Polish Jan Sobieski to save them in Vienna. Then just a few decades later Germans & Austrians repaid Poland by stealing our land.

I have come to the conclusion that Germans are like Rabbid Animals who have to be submitted & can not be reasoned with & don't understand things like friendship & hospitality.

I mean just looking at German Pope Ratzinger shows this the guy looks like a Rabbid Raccoon about to bite someone LOL

Germans are losers.

Nazis claimed to be for Whites & Yet Nazis sided with the leasxt white Slavs Bosnians making a Muslim Hanjar division for Muslims.
Even Hitler Loving Turks & Admiring their Genocide on Armenians & Wanting Turks to side with them'

While Germans kidnapping 250,000 Blonde Polish babies in the name of the Blonde haired Blue eyed race while loving Turks, albanians & bosniaNS?

talk about a land of retards.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136  
16 Mar 2011 /  #73
They were to become slaves.

Then get slaughtered. Poles were killed in droves until 1941 when they invaded the Soviet Union. As the Nazi's looked at the Soviet Union as some Judeo-commie conspiracy or something.

A different opinion? This constantly whinging and whining about how bad the Poles had it? I think it's time for the Poles to move on. Nothing more, nothing less.


It was THREE million non-Jewish Poles killed, not 2 million.

Does anyone really know these days?
ZalMer  - | 1  
22 Jan 2018 /  #74
Ye... again and again .... 'cause it's an aching wound for Poland. And this move of Poland was well predictable

But the worst genocide was on part of Nazi Germany surely.
As for Russia, it lost thousands soldiers to liberate Poland of Nazi occupants, far as I remember. Let's stick to real life.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
22 Jan 2018 /  #75
As for Russia, it lost thousands soldiers to liberate

liberation by looting, murdering policemen, teachers doctors, raping children and deporting whats left to be slave labour in Siberia.

Maybe we need ,more statues of soviets depicting their real acts of liberation as above.
SigSauer  4 | 377  
22 Jan 2018 /  #76

You have lost all credibility by giving cover to Russian war criminals. They lost thousands of soldiers in pursuit of their own goals and their own ends, they didn't do it for the sake of anyone except for oppressing half of the European continent.


Brilliant idea mate. I think a statue of two Russian soldiers raping a Pole in the middle of town squares would be absolutely brilliant, historically accurate, and the most important to me, it would anger Russians in Russia who still wish their gas station masquerading as a country was a world power.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
22 Jan 2018 /  #77
There is such a statue.

If that is really Harry, well he claimed his grandpa's brother had suffered from the Red Army so ...
-it's not Harry
-he lied
- he told the truth but doesn't care

Whoever it is, they're trolling in the most awful way especially if it's directed at somebody whose family suffered from the Soviets. Don't let that (cough) upset you.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
22 Jan 2018 /  #78
It won't but what they did is still the hidden holocaust that many leftist Marxists and Russians are trying hard to sweep under the carpet.

This history is not taught in many schools around the world, only a mention of Katyn at the most.

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