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Slovakian misrepresentation of Polish history

hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
16 May 2010 /  #1
It is bad enough that the Nazi loving Slovaks have been very reticent about their historical part in WWII, but now this. They are claiming a group of people, of which half of me belongs to as ostensibly their own; they talk of some supposed Polish persecution of the Gorals which I have never heard of. After all Goralski is essentially a Polish dialect ACROSS BOTH SIDES OF THE TATRY.

I wonder if the Slovaks have ever asked themselves the question, why do these Gorals sound so Polish? It is hardly surprising that the culturally barren Slovaks should seek to hold on to the Gorals against their will, after all if they should lose them that would be the end of any cultural vestiges they possessed.

What are your opinions on the matter, it makes me furious. This is the article below


Here is an example of how these supposedly 'Slovakian Gorals' sound, as you can tell there is virtually no difference between them and their kin across the Tatry.


As further proof of how Polish most gorals felt themselves to be, is the division formed by General Andrzej Galica, himself a goral.


examples of goral culture.





16 May 2010 /  #2
It is bad enough that the Nazi loving Slovaks have been very reticent about their historical part in WWII

One of the first things that "Slovakia" (I prefer to use the proper name - Upper Hungary,
for this "country") did after regaining their independence, was invading Poland alongside

They are desperatly trying to justify their existence as an independent country (the only
example of such existance was a pro-nazi puppet state in WW2) and apparently they
are looking for enemies all around. They already made an enemy of Hungary because
of their discriminative approach to their Hungarian minority and now it looks like they
want to make Poland their enemies too. Very well - so be it.

By the way - check out the recent thread on Hungarian Army during the Warsaw Uprising
in "Rozmowy po polsku"
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
16 May 2010 /  #3
.. and here we go again with Slavs hating Slavs.. Exactly why the Russians can advance on you so easily.
plk123  8 | 4119  
16 May 2010 /  #4
russians are slavs too, pp.
OP hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
16 May 2010 /  #5
One of the first things that "Slovakia" (I prefer to use the proper name - Upper Hungary,
for this "country") did after regaining their independence, was invading Poland alongside

LOL. Upper Hungary sounds correct.

Gorals singing for the late pope.

plk123  8 | 4119  
16 May 2010 /  #6
LOL. Upper Hungary sounds correct.

how could it.. they aren't magyars, they are slavs..
16 May 2010 /  #7

Seriously - they DID (3 Slovakian divisions, over 51 thousand soldiers,
took part in the invasion).


Upper Hungary sounds correct.

Oh, I missed that bit! That's the proper historical name :-)
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
16 May 2010 /  #8
russians are slavs too, pp.

With a lot of Asian and Scandinavian thrown in, lots of factions. Ironic they hate the US so much given they are mutts themselves.. Anyway , I would argue against your assertion. Russians don't consider themselves on a level with Poles, Czechs or Slovakians. Mostly to them.. those nations are their "little brothers". They are seen in the pejorative.

Maybe I'm wrong .. I'm not European.. I can admit when I'm wrong. It doesn't make me want to commit suicide.
asik  2 | 220  
16 May 2010 /  #9
how could it.. they aren't magyars, they are slavs.

Here you have the answers:
OP hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
16 May 2010 /  #10
Gorale showing their Polish patriotism

Pinching Pete  - | 554  
16 May 2010 /  #11
Seriously - they DID (3 Slovakian divisions, over 51 thousand soldiers,
took part in the invasion).

Yeah.. they were pretty ardent Nazi sympathizers.. so were their cousins the Czechs to a degree. Slovaks wanted to get rid of their gypsies, etc.
asik  2 | 220  
16 May 2010 /  #12
I would argue against your assertion. Russians don't consider themselves on a level with Poles, Czechs or Slovakians. Mostly to them.. those nations are their "little brothers". They are seen in the pejorative.

You can argue with your friends in the US because it looks like you know nothing about this part of Europe.
Russians can consider themselves even a kings of the world - who cares about what they consider or feel like?
This is not the topic now and shut your mouth up, if you know nothing about it, all right?

Yeah.. they were pretty ardent Nazi sympathizers.. so were their cousins the Czechs to a degree. Slovaks wanted to get rid of their gypsies, etc.

Learn your facts!!
OP hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
16 May 2010 /  #13
Their latest 3rd of May celebrations, notice the followers making their way gingerly around the little surprises the horses left behind:)


You can argue with your friends in the US because it looks like you know nothing about this part of Europe.
Russians can consider themselves even a kings of the world - who cares about what they consider or feel like?
This is not the topic now and shut your mouth up, if you know nothing about it, all right?

Take it easy he was merely describing the way Russians see things:)
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
16 May 2010 /  #14
Russians can consider themselves even a kings of the world - who cares about what they consider or feel like?
This is not the topic now and shut your mouth up, if you know nothing about it, all right?

This isn't from Americans .. it's from Russians and I didn't say they were right.

Ahh you want me to shut my mouth up.. on a free forum? Such display of emotion is beneath an exalted European. .. I thought you were the smartest in the world ( you tell everyone this)... even the Russian.

Maybe you should learn to argue like an adult. Strange, I thought you were all geniuses.

asik  2 | 220  
16 May 2010 /  #15
Ahh you want me to shut my mouth up.. on a free forum?

because you are trying to change the main topic here.
Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.
plk123  8 | 4119  
16 May 2010 /  #17
Here you have the answers:

still not magyars..
OP hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
16 May 2010 /  #18
No they are not, but they are certainly not Gorale:)
asik  2 | 220  
16 May 2010 /  #19
still not magyars..

how could it.. they aren't magyars, they are slavs.

We are talking here about why it's named Upper Hungary.


Almost all of Hungarians of Slovakia are populating the southern parts of nowadays Slovakia. This region, which borders with nowadays Hungary is approximately 3500 square miles, and inhabited by 61,2 % ethnic Hungarians. In this area Hungarians are in majority in more than 432 places. If we look at Slovakia as whole, we find Hungarians being the biggest minority of the country. The HungarianFelvidék (literally: "Upper Country", "Upland", "Highland"; Slovak: Horná zem; German: Oberungarn;) has had several informal meanings

Felvidék/Upper Hungary (nowdays souther part of Slovakia) had been the integral part of the Kingdom of Hungary since 1000 until 1921.

plk123  8 | 4119  
16 May 2010 /  #20
does PL still have a border dispute with Slovakia or has that been resolved? it's been a number of years since i've seen info about it but nothing solid.. never knew what it was about.. do any of you know and could shed some light on that issue?
OP hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
16 May 2010 /  #21
Look at my Poland gets a little bigger thread, that is about the Czech dispute.
asik  2 | 220  
16 May 2010 /  #22
does PL still have a border dispute with Slovakia or has that been resolved?

I think so, there was an info about it some time ago, here are the details:

....W 2005 roku dokonano korekty granicy, wskutek której Polska przekazała Słowacji, a Słowacja Polsce terytoria o powierzchni 2 969 m² (blisko 0,30 ha)......

plk123  8 | 4119  
16 May 2010 /  #23
super, thanks asik.. now i also see the other thread about the Czech border adjustments... didn't know about that one..
OP hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
16 May 2010 /  #24
You are thanking the wrong person):
king polkakamon  - | 542  
16 May 2010 /  #25
Slovakia is a strange country.I never understood who these people like.Czechs like them,they don't like Czechs.They don't want Poles and they hate Hungarians.But in south they love Hungarians,others like Czechs and in the north they love Poles.And many like Ukrainians.So it is strange.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
16 May 2010 /  #26
They got an identity crisis just like any teenager ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 May 2010 /  #27
No harm done, our Górale might have a good laugh from someone claiming they're opressed or Slovakian and thats that.

One of good things about wee states like Slovakia is you dont have to care if they produce some unpleasant crap like that.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 May 2010 /  #28
it makes me furious

You must be joking. About a few square miles? Who gives a shyte? And about a ppl of whom nobody outside PL and Slovakia has ever heard of?


M-G (you got 'em)
Crow  154 | 9463  
16 May 2010 /  #29
what we need is Slavic Confederation with democratic and transparent instruments that can deal with problems like this one, so that Slavs avoid that hostile strangers profit from their internal misunderstandings
plk123  8 | 4119  
17 May 2010 /  #30
You are thanking the wrong person):

huh? that is the right person. you're confusing czechs with slovaks. :)

No harm done, our Górale might have a good laugh from someone claiming they're opressed or Slovakian and thats that.

some gorale are polish, some are slovakian.. and that is that. ever hear of Janosik? he surely wasn't polish goral.

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