Oh no!!
Slavic vs Germanic thinking.... and the philosophical differences
George8600 10 | 630
6 Mar 2011 / #92
Well if it makes you feel better he was in his 40s-50s
I was about to make a very bad joke about myself, "No wonder I am always in such conflict when it comes to decisions." But, I like your analysis much better! :-)
The way they all love you on PF, I won't be surprised if you start getting marriage offers soon, lol
Don't you guys dare attacking me now, softsong and I are friends.
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2136
6 Mar 2011 / #94
Usually slavic is more convenient.
This is when I smack the reality in yer face! POLISH SOUL! No Slavic soul No German soul! POLISH SOUL! ;D
Well...at least Germanics have brains! :)
We talking about brains now?! :S
(I haven't philosophized about my brain yet... oh no headache inbound! :( )
As its said in Germany, the only bothering sounds are crying kids and barking dogs. ;)
Are dogs allowed to bark?! :O
*adds Germany to his list of possible countries he will "export" himself to*
but not tooooo quiet, you know what I mean?
D O N ' T C O M E T O N O R W A Y! ! ! I A S A F R I E N D L Y S T R A N G E R D O N ' T M O V E T H E R E!!!
George8600 10 | 630
6 Mar 2011 / #95
As its said in Germany, the only bothering sounds are crying kids and barking dogs. ;)
Maybe I should move there, I like it quiet.....but not tooooo quiet, you know what I mean?
PlasticPole 7 | 2641
6 Mar 2011 / #96
Is slavic soul related to slavic temperment? The slavic temperment is world renown for producing moody, passionate, and profound minds. It is thought of as being able to grapple with the unsavory aspects of life, like Dostoevsky tackled in Crime and Punishment. It makes one a deep thinker, also emotional.
Well if it makes you feel better he was in his 40s-50s
Sooner or later it happens.
Well, I am a little chubby, but I have hair like Stevie Nicks so I guess I am in no danger of being bald anytime soon. :-)
softsong and I are friends.
Yes...we are. There are only a few people I dislike. lololol
Just kidding guesswho. I must be in a silly mood today.
I must be in a silly mood today.
and so am I :-)
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2136
6 Mar 2011 / #99
Don't you guys dare attacking me now, softsong and I are friends.
As A J made this thread to be an anti-hate thread ill leave my... (I gotta buy a sabre) ... softgun without ammunition... Doesn't sound scary at all! Hmmm...
I won't sing! I am a really bad singer mwuhahaha!
German "soul"...
George8600 10 | 630
6 Mar 2011 / #101
Wow that video was....well....gay...
It was more about the "emotions" he tries to transport and btw what videos are not gay?
George8600 10 | 630
7 Mar 2011 / #103
Here's a nice video about emotions as you say:
Wow that video was....well....gay...
I agree with you George, that guy, video everything is gay completely :)))
German with emotions has to be gay ;)
George8600 10 | 630
7 Mar 2011 / #105
haha well I didn't mean gay literally. I'm just not used to that German music at all, and I've listened to a lot of German music. From pop in Wir Sind Helden to rock like Rammstein. I didn't want to say gay cause now she'll say Thom Yorke is gay for having a high pitched voice :-( but radiohead is amazing.
I'm just not used to that German music all, and I've listened to a lot of German music.
? That does not go well together.
Maybe this particular guy is unknown for you. He was/is quite famous in Germany, more for music and lyrics than his singing. ;)
German with emotions has to be gay ;)
You mean Bratwurst Boy?
TheHessian - | 17
8 Mar 2011 / #107
German with emotions has to be gay ;)
Hate, anger, rage and fury are emotions as well. :p
I had that in mind, but I wanted to keep it secret :)))
I wanted to be nice....offering picture of German strength, but you ruined it. :p
Now everybody will know that Germans can be angry, furious and outraged! ;)
I wanted to be nice....offering picture of German strength, but you ruined it. :p
Now everybody will know that Germans can be angry, furious and outraged! ;)
Moonlighting 32 | 234
8 Mar 2011 / #109
With all due respect to Slavs, I much prefer Germanic soul. It is more logical, practical, rational. The Slavic soul can easily drive me up the wall, either with women in relationships or with people in general at work, due to their work ethics and "corporate culture" inherited from communist administrations. Not to mention the constant victimization.
I will not comment any further on the "soul at work". But on the "soul in love", I will say this...
Back then when I was still in Belgium, my teacher of Polish used to tell us that Poles were often described as "the Latins of the North" (or was it from the East?). Actually it was tough for me to cope with the temperament of my Polish girlfriend. As a Belgian, I'm a cartesian cold-blooded animal and my culture is a mix of French, Dutch and German cultures. I'm used to be with women like the ones you see on TV in "Derrick". With my previous Polish girlfriend, I was spending most of the time trying to cope with an emotional hurricane which made me think of Penelope Cruz in the film "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona". :-) I'm a bit exaggerating the caricature, of course. But she was complaining that I had "no sensibility" (!) and was not expressive enough. As a result, she didn't feel secure with me. And I was exhausted by her sudden changes of mood and her frequent exaggeration, and ended up telling her to go to a psychologist. I must however mention than even her mother and her best friend kept telling her to cool down, but it was useless. This misunderstanding on both sides eventually destroyed the relationship.
Since January this year, I'm with a new Polish tornado, though a much smaller one this time. So far it's OK. Of course I received my dose of energetical complaint already, but after socializing with Polish girls over the past 2 years, I now understand how to deal with it. The question is: "will I have the patience to deal with it in the long term?". Slavic soul can be touching with its romanticism at the beginning, but its unpredictability and extreme intensities could still easily shut me down. I envy those Polish men who can somehow manage it with the appropriate way and "coolness". ;-)
I will not comment any further on the "soul at work". But on the "soul in love", I will say this...
Back then when I was still in Belgium, my teacher of Polish used to tell us that Poles were often described as "the Latins of the North" (or was it from the East?). Actually it was tough for me to cope with the temperament of my Polish girlfriend. As a Belgian, I'm a cartesian cold-blooded animal and my culture is a mix of French, Dutch and German cultures. I'm used to be with women like the ones you see on TV in "Derrick". With my previous Polish girlfriend, I was spending most of the time trying to cope with an emotional hurricane which made me think of Penelope Cruz in the film "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona". :-) I'm a bit exaggerating the caricature, of course. But she was complaining that I had "no sensibility" (!) and was not expressive enough. As a result, she didn't feel secure with me. And I was exhausted by her sudden changes of mood and her frequent exaggeration, and ended up telling her to go to a psychologist. I must however mention than even her mother and her best friend kept telling her to cool down, but it was useless. This misunderstanding on both sides eventually destroyed the relationship.
Since January this year, I'm with a new Polish tornado, though a much smaller one this time. So far it's OK. Of course I received my dose of energetical complaint already, but after socializing with Polish girls over the past 2 years, I now understand how to deal with it. The question is: "will I have the patience to deal with it in the long term?". Slavic soul can be touching with its romanticism at the beginning, but its unpredictability and extreme intensities could still easily shut me down. I envy those Polish men who can somehow manage it with the appropriate way and "coolness". ;-)
The appropriate way is called Zubrowka.The emotional swings of slavic girls are extreme.Basically for us Balkan men it is difficult to understand how they have sex with one and love sb else while getting sponsored by a third and keeping several men in line of past and for future use.Anyway contact with slavic soul is always refreshing maybe it is our destiny.
Germanic soul. It is more logical, practical, rational
=boring, as for female, maybe?
Anyway contact with slavic soul is always refreshing maybe it is our destiny.
Some sort of spice of life maybe?;)
@moonlighting: Let the slavisation get complete, then you feel better and the difference ;)
It is more logical, practical, rational
you're right about that but unfortunitely it won't help you to make "friends" on PF, :-)
With all due respect to Slavs, I much prefer Germanic soul.
I'm a cartesian cold-blooded animal and my culture is a mix of French, Dutch and German cultures.
I was exhausted by her sudden changes of mood
Since January this year, I'm with a new Polish tornado
Are you sure about your preferences ? :))
The emotional swings of slavic girls are extreme
Today I was in hell, then in heaven, then hell again and I am now hoping to finally land or reach the surface of the Earth.
I hate that.
I'm starting to prefer Germanic soul (this statement is a Blasphemy and I will punish myself, forbidding myself to talk to BB)
Moonlighting 32 | 234
8 Mar 2011 / #114
Are you sure about your preferences ? :))
Well, as I now live in Poland and do not want to remain single, the "Slavic offer" is obviously broader than the non-Slavic one ;-)
I hope you don't feel "forced" to take this "offer" :-)
You should always try to point the Germanics among the local population.
What's better than Slavs in space?
What's better than Slavs in space?
I have some ideas...;) Beach, pool, sea,...;)
What's better than Slavs in space?
Only Slavs.
Slavinskaya biologia.
Slavinskaya biologia.
If we take away the silicon parts...not too bad ;)
Anantomy I could generally agree with :)