...and much more, just picked few random ones
Instead of peaking a random could you explain what`s wrong with at least one of them?Well, I heard Polish lang many times including
movies,google translator and in person and would not make some completely wrong statements on this account.
People - Ljude, narod - Ljudi, narod ( ludzie)
Spirit - Dukh - Dukh (duch)
Ear - Ukho - Ukho (ucho)
Neck - Shija - Sheja (szyja)
Day - Den` - Den` (dzień)
Snow - Sneg - Sneg (śnieg)
Sword - Mech - Mech (miecz)
Warmth - Teplo - Teplo (ciepło)
Divide - Delit` - Delit` (dzielić)
Wild - Diki - Dikij (dziki)
See - Videt` - Videt` ( widzieć)
Those are they writen in Polish alphabet.But to make comparison easier I converted them into ``uneversal transcription`` as well as Russian, otherwize I would be enforced to convert Russian words into Polish alphabet and transcription rules what whould be very difficult to me.Of course I was not able to depict some slightest, almost elusive details in pronounciation which cannot be depicted by any trancription.