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Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians?

boletus  30 | 1356  
7 Nov 2012 /  #241
allow Poles to eat borsch when stupid Russians do all the job and after to remove
all the troops from Poland and allow them to live their decadent capitalist lifes.

Dedicated to Comrade VLAD, Polish Forums, November 7, 2012
Notes of a Red Army officer by Sergiusz Piasecki

Zapiski oficera Armii Czerwonej - czyta Henryk Bista, cz. 1, 34:40

Zapiski oficera Armii Czerwonej - czyta Henryk Bista, cz. 2, 29:30
Zibi  - | 335  
8 Nov 2012 /  #242
Boletus, you made my day. I read that book just a while ago! :-). Hillarious!
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
8 Nov 2012 /  #243
Is here on this forum some pepole who were witnesses of life in former pre 1990 Yugoslavia?
As I know officially all entreprises of this country were co-ops based on workers self-management.
Peolpe were free to go abroad and had access to any Western goods.Yugoslavian goods were
popular in USSR. Wel,l if Yugoslavian government didn`t have to prevent immigration out of
country perhapse they lived not to bad?..
boletus  30 | 1356  
8 Nov 2012 /  #244
Boletus, you made my day. I read that book just a while ago! :-). Hillarious!

Vlad's style seemed vaguely familiar to me but it was not until I saw this excerpt about

Poles eating borsch and living their capitalist decadent lifes

when I realized that Mishka Zubov could be his older brother.

Wel,l if Yugoslavian government didn`t have to prevent immigration out of
country perhapse they lived not to bad?..

But then he sounds now more like a soul wandering the swamps. What was the topic of this thread?
"Kocham pana, panie Sułku" - Eliza
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
8 Nov 2012 /  #245
But then he sounds now more like a soul wandering the swamps. What was the topic of this thread?

But somebody tried to switch conversation to communism and some bolshevik hicks?
boletus  30 | 1356  
8 Nov 2012 /  #246
Yes, that somebody was Vlad123, 6 posts ago, post 262, November 7, 2012, 19:36, with a little tirade about Stalin and Poles eating borsch and living decadent capitalistic life(s). With strange convoluted logic. Man, save yourself further embarrassment ...
sofijufka  2 | 187  
9 Nov 2012 /  #247
back to the topic - I like russian songs!
for example
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
9 Nov 2012 /  #248
Thank you, Sofijuvka! You have good taste.But Michail Shafutinskiy is rather pop singer or even ``criminal chanson`` singer, not a classical singer.I would not advise you to spend time on it.There is lot of much better Russian singers.What about Ukrainian songs?:

david885  4 | 22  
9 Nov 2012 /  #249
Merged: Polish-Russian friendship

What do you think of the Polish-Russian friendship?

In Russian and Poles have much in common. Russian - the people closest genetically to the Poles.
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
11 Nov 2012 /  #250
What is relation of Poles toward Belorussians?Could you remember or invent any grievance toward them too?!
What is relation of majority of Poles toward Ukrainian writer Nikolai Gogol? For example some his remarks about Poles:

``On the frontier road the Poles had gathered at a tavern and feasted there for two days.There were not a few of the rabble.They had doubtless met for some raid: some had musketes; there was jingling of spurs and clanking of swords. The nobles made merry and boasted; they talked of their marvellous deeds; they mocked at the Orthodox Christians, calling the Ukrainian people their serfs, and insolently twirled their moustaches and sprawled on the benches.!``

``The boat reached the bank; out of it stepped the witcher. He was in no happy mood: bitter to him was the funeral feast which the Cossacks had kept over their slain master. Heavily had the Poles paid for it: forty-four of them in all their harness and thirty-three servants were hacked to pieces, while the others were captured with their horses to be sold to the Tartars.``

``In a deep underground cellar at Danilo`s the sorcerer lay bound in iron chains ... while his devilish castle above the Dnieper was on fire... It was not for sorcery, it was not for ungodly deeds that the sorcerer lay in the underground cellar - for his wickedness God was his judge; it was for secret treachery that he was imprisoned, for plotting with the foes of Orthodox Russia to sell to Catholics the Ukrainian people and burn Christian churches....``

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
11 Nov 2012 /  #251
What is relation of majority of Poles toward Ukrainian writer Nikolai Gogol?

Historian Bohdan Osadchuk was a true friend of Poland. He worked his entire life to bringing Poles and Ukrainians closer together. I remember his comments on Lech Walesa's visit to Kiev during the Orange Revolution. " Walesa went on the podium lifted his arms and the crowd of Ukrainians shouted Polsha!!!Polsha!!! A group of Russians nearby looked angrily at the Ukrainians and ever more angrily at the Poles."
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
11 Nov 2012 /  #252
To Penn boy: Thank you for the comment, though it doesn`t have any relation to Gogol.

And I do not understand why Ukrainians should be so much concerned about some stupid Polish-Russian rivalry?
Maybe we will try to bring as many ethnicities as close as possible?Instead of provoking some meaningless rivalry?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
11 Nov 2012 /  #253
Because Ukraine is right in between them. It's not a rivalry Poland just doesn't want history repeating itself. Russia partitioned Poland, suppressed two uprisings in the 19th century, then Polish Bolshevik War, then WWII invaded with Hitler, then forced Communism in Poland when there were supposed to be free elections. It's not paranoia or some new phenomenon Russian involvement in Polish politics too often came to no good. Younger Poles (30 and under) in general don't have anything against the Russian people we're Slavs from the same cradle. People just don't trust their government.
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
12 Nov 2012 /  #254
People just don't trust their government

A group of Russians nearby looked angrily at the Ukrainians and ever more angrily at the Poles

Were those people from Russian government?And doesn`t it seem to you that there exist principal difference between
hypothetical and real threat from Russia to Poland?Do you seriously believe that modern Russia somehow threat to Poland at the moment or will threat in any foreseeable future?For example demographically or military?And why do you think that Russian government (Russian oligarchs) will somehow affraid of Lech Walesa?They just have property on all the Western countries and Poland included.What do you think Poles suppose to do to prevent ``evil intentions`` of Russian government?
12 Nov 2012 /  #255
In Russian and Poles have much in common. Russian - the people closest genetically to the Poles.

Hi haven't been on the forum for a while, I beg to strongly disagree! Poles are not the closest genetically to russians, the closest we are is Byelarus, Lithuania, and Slovakia
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
12 Nov 2012 /  #256
Quite possibly, but those ethnicities were not mentioned in the genetical evaluation that I provided link to.
Probably due to insignificant size of those nations.But still not a fact.Lithuanian language is not even a Slavic language
while Polish and Russian do.Why genetics should be more similar between Poles and Lithuanians than between Poles
and Russians?Baltic and Slavic tribes separated from each other much earlier than Western Slavic and Eastern Slavic.

Well, if we take very basic vocabulary (this is still far from complete)...
English - Polish - Russian
I - Ja - Ja
You - Ty - Ty
You (plural) - Vy - Vy
We - My - My
He - On - On
She - Ona - Ona
They - One - Oni
It - Ono - Ono
Them - Im, Ich - Im, Ich
Me - Mnje - Mnje
Who - Kto - Kto
What - Co - Chto
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Nov 2012 /  #257
Well, if we take very basic vocabulary (this is still far from complete)...English - Polish - Russian

I don't know where did you get the Polish words from, I didn't check all of them but looks like most of them are wrong so please do not continue with that cause you just make a fool of yourself.
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
12 Nov 2012 /  #258
I used google translator and checked how some Polish words sound.I didn`t use Polish alphabet to write Polish words but rather ``universal transcription`` to depict Slavic sounds in Latin letters.I guess it`s not very difficult to understand how to read it.

If you believe that I made mistake in how some words sound could you give few examples? My hearing is OK and I`m sure I could understand how some word sounds.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Nov 2012 /  #259
People - Ljude, narod - Ljudi, narod
Spirit - Dukh - Dukh
Ear - Ukho - Ukho
Neck - Shija - Sheja
Day - Den` - Den`
Snow - Sneg - Sneg
Sword - Mech - Mech
Warmth - Teplo - Teplo
Divide - Delit` - Delit`
Wild - Diki - DikijSee - Videt` - Videt`

...and much more, just picked few random ones

Polish is at least the 7th closest language to Russian, you can't prove it wrong so just get over it.
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
12 Nov 2012 /  #260
...and much more, just picked few random ones

Instead of peaking a random could you explain what`s wrong with at least one of them?Well, I heard Polish lang many times including

movies,google translator and in person and would not make some completely wrong statements on this account.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Nov 2012 /  #261
First of all what kind of way did you try to write it cause it is worng if you want to read it in: Polish, English, and international phonetic alphabet. Don't tell me that google translate doesn't give you proper Polish spelling.
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
12 Nov 2012 /  #262
...and much more, just picked few random ones

Instead of peaking a random could you explain what`s wrong with at least one of them?Well, I heard Polish lang many times including

movies,google translator and in person and would not make some completely wrong statements on this account.

People - Ljude, narod - Ljudi, narod ( ludzie)
Spirit - Dukh - Dukh (duch)
Ear - Ukho - Ukho (ucho)
Neck - Shija - Sheja (szyja)
Day - Den` - Den` (dzień)
Snow - Sneg - Sneg (śnieg)
Sword - Mech - Mech (miecz)
Warmth - Teplo - Teplo (ciepło)
Divide - Delit` - Delit` (dzielić)
Wild - Diki - Dikij (dziki)
See - Videt` - Videt` ( widzieć)

Those are they writen in Polish alphabet.But to make comparison easier I converted them into ``uneversal transcription`` as well as Russian, otherwize I would be enforced to convert Russian words into Polish alphabet and transcription rules what whould be very difficult to me.Of course I was not able to depict some slightest, almost elusive details in pronounciation which cannot be depicted by any trancription.
TommyG  1 | 359  
12 Nov 2012 /  #263
Instead of peaking a random could you explain what`s wrong with at least one of them?

With pleasure:)
you (plural) is Wy, not Vy
sky/heaven has a i in it niebo

Your spelling looks more Czech than Polish. Polish spelling is sooo different to much of what you have written. You're not using the proper alphabet, which seems a little silly as they have all the Polish characters here on PF... Seriously, if you write things like "Den'" instead of "Dzień" you are going to look a little silly. Just use a dictionary, it's not difficult.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Nov 2012 /  #264
ok, for example "d" sounds nothing like "dzi"
"kh" sounds nothing like "ch"
"s" sounds nothing like "ś"
"t" sounds nothing like "ci"
"l" sounds nothing like "ł" and so on...

so tell me how should I read this "Teplo" to make it sound like Polish "ciepło" couse I have no clue
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
12 Nov 2012 /  #265
To Tommy G.:
Because Polish is not your native language, I advise you to listen how it sounds, not only how it`s writen.
Polish ``niebo`` sounds rather like ``n`ebo`` (similar to Russian) not ``niebo``.
Polish Wy sounds exactly the same as in Russian and Polish ``Dzien`` like ``d`en`` (like in Russian).
What you are taking about is probably some elusive difference in pronounciation that I not even capable to
TommyG  1 | 359  
12 Nov 2012 /  #266
Plus the differences between 'ę' and 'e'.... 'ą' and 'a'.... ó and o.....
Spelling, pronunciation and grammar can be very different between those two languages... Polish has a very unique sound amongst the family of slavic languages.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Nov 2012 /  #267
Polish Wy sounds exactly the same as in Russian

no it doesn't, Just checked it and writing in English Polish "you" (plural) sounds "vi" while Russian something like "vwi"

same applies to Polish "dzień", there is a difference in Russian "day"
TommyG  1 | 359  
12 Nov 2012 /  #268
What you are taking about is probably some elusive difference in pronounciation that I not even capable to

So, how does "you (plural) are" sound like in Russian? Because I don't know...
Is it anything like (wy) jesteście ?
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
12 Nov 2012 /  #269
Polish has a very unique sound amongst the family of slavic languages.

I do not deny that Polish pronounciation is quite different from Russian but there is limited
amount of characters in Latin alphabet to transmit all those differences.Nenethless most of those words
that I provided as examples sound quite similar to Russian as for me.

Just checked it and writing in English Polish "you" (plural) sounds "vi" while Russian something like "vwi"

While I find that Polish voice in google translator is quite good, the Russian is awful and I do not advise to use it as

a refference.Russian ``wy`` doesn`t suppose sound like ``vwi``, the only difference that in Polish sond ``w`` is a bit harder,
while in Russian it is much softer.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Nov 2012 /  #270
So, how does "you (plural) are" sound like in Russian? Because I don't know...Is it anything like (wy) jesteście ?

I second that question, all I get in google translate is "вы" for "wy jesteście"

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