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Query regarding AK casualty list for the Warsaw Rising

Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
17 Apr 2013 /  #1
Hi all,

Wondering if I could call again on our resident history buffs for some further assistance.

If it exists, is anyone aware of any form of casualty list or similar prepared by the AK in respect of AK "Killed in Action" during the Warsaw Rising, with circumstances of death?

Similarly, if there exists any casualty list of Polish Officers KIA prepared by the Polish Army in respect of the battle of Kutno in September 1939?

My thanks in advance,

Ironside  51 | 13113  
21 Apr 2013 /  #2
Here is the list of those AK soldiers who were killed during the Warsaw Rising:


the AK in respect of AK "Killed in Action" during the Warsaw Rising, with circumstances of death?

That is not by all means a complete list:

List of people killed or died in the days of the Warsaw Uprising , the biographical notes are in the resource Wikipedia. This applies both soldiers , nurses , messengers , scouts , civilians supporting the uprising ( physicians, surgeons , priests ) , as well as victims of Nazi crimes - civilians not connected at the time of any military formation .

The mass exhumations , both soldiers and Rising civilian casualties , among other things, for fear of the outbreak of the epidemic started in early spring 1945 . , And lasted until 1948 . Invaluable in identifying the victims turned out to be a common practice identification data insertion into the bottle , which is then placed under the arm of the deceased. Formally, this issue is dealt with paper Ekshumacyjny the Town Board , and virtually mostly volunteers PCK [ 1] .

Similarly, if there exists any casualty list of Polish Officers KIA prepared by the Polish Army in respect of the battle of Kutno in September 1939?

You would have to look for the regimental list of casualties in this case.
OP Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
22 Apr 2013 /  #3
Thanks again for all your help Iron!

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